| Ruff 
RUFF Price: | $0.000196 | | Volume: | $567 | All Time High: | $0.63 | | Market Cap: | $368.8 K |
Circulating Supply: | 1,879,971,950 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 1,880,000,000 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | 2,000,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 9
The last known price of #RUFF is $0.000196 USD.
Please note that the price of #RUFF was last updated over 50 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #RUFF statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest RUFF price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000196, and the exact last price of RUFF was $0.00019620.
The all-time high RUFF coin price was $0.63.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of RUFF with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Ruff crypto currency is also #RUFF.
Ruff is 6.9 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Ruff is $368,845.
Ruff is ranking downwards to #6478 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is weak during the past 24 hours for #RUFF.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Ruff is $567. |
The circulating supply of RUFF is 1,879,971,950 coins, which is 94% of the maximum coin supply. |
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #RUFF, and you can view them on our RUFF disambiguation page. |
 Learn How to Do Ruff Mining in One Minute (applicable to both PC and mobile phone versions) Preparatory Work 1: Fox Wallet Use the Google Chrome browser to install the MetaMask wallet. The installation tutorial can be found at: https://www.yuque.com/hyperbc/kb/swe4ox Remember: Make sure to save the mnemonic code (take a screen shoot or copy it down) Preparatory Work 2: Because BXH is the DEX platform on the Huobi ecochain, we need to configure the Huobi ecochain in the fox wallet. Click the Fox icon in the top right corner of the browser to create or import an Ethereum wallet and adjust it to the Heco wallet format. Preparatory Work 3: (If you don’t have Ruff tokens, you can directly exchange for and purchase them on www.bxh.com. If you have RuffChain tokens, please refer to this step.) Because RuffChain tokens are the mainnet tokens and cross-chain security audit with Heco is ongoing, you cannot directly transfer them from Huobi to the Heco address. You need to withdraw RuffChain tokens from Huobi into the Ruff wallet on the PC side first, and then put the tokens into the Heco wallet. The specific operations are as follows: 1. find the trading pair of Ruff on Huobi, and buy Ruff tokens; 2. log into the official RuffChain website (www.ruffchain.com) and select Explorer. 3. Click Log in at the top right and select to create an account 4. Enter password, click Download KeyStore and keep your private key properly 5. After entering the wallet, copy the wallet address and withdraw Ruff tokens from Huobi Pro into th... 
|  Blockchain — World Chronicle|A Dialogue with RuffChain: How to build a new generation of IoT? Blockchain — World Chronicle|A Dialogue with RuffChain: How to build a new generation of IoT? How to build the next generation of IoT? What innovations does the blockchain-based RuffChain+Defi+NFT mode bring? At 14:00 on April 20, www.jinse.com held a new session of Blockchain·World Chronicle, and invited Roy Li, Founder of RuffChain & Initiator of the NFT Catcher Program, as a special guest in the live studio to discuss how to build a new generation of blockchain-based IoT. In the live broadcast, Roy introduced the economic model and development advantages of RuffChain. He said that RuffChain’ economic model is based on the fuel of transactions and contracts in the main network, which is charged very low. But in the future, it will be used on the links of value on chain, value storage and digitization. In other words, Ruff tokens must be used to make assets manageable and traded on the chain, especially in combination with NFT. Below is a detailed transcript of the live broadcast: Wang Yukun: RuffChain is a project launched at the start of 2018. After a round of bull and bear markets, RuffChain remains in the industry and keeps developing forward. What has RuffChain done in recent years? After the round of bull and bear markets, what are the changes? Roy Li: The past three years have been very bumpy for Ruff. The main reason is that after the whole bear market, its business model is not sustainable and its co... 
|  RuffChain AMA | IoT+DeFi+NFT Connects with New Finance to Build New Blockchain Industrial IoT RuffChain, a project star in China, has officially unveiled its industrial IoT platform “Ruff IoT”. With it, RuffChain Founder & CEO Roy Li made his first high-profile appearance in two years. Ruff, who has been dormant for four years, is now back with really something to reckon with! With its latest effort to combine IoT+DeFi+NFT to build a new ecosystem for IoT finance, Ruff will accelerate the development of China’s blockchain IoT industry and provide faster, safer and more efficient financial and technological products for enterprise-level users. At 14:00pm on April 15, RuffChain CEO Roy Li was present at a live streaming session to answer questions about the building of a new industrial internet through IoT+DeFi+NFT. Below is a recap of this AMA: Q1: Ruff is now ready to explore the new model of IoT+DeFi+NFT. Could you please firstly introduce to our viewers what DeFi and NFT are? A: OK. Let me start with DeFi. DeFi is decentralized finance, which can be understood as a bank collecting customer deposits, and a central institution such as PtoP or bank is then needed when loans are issued. To avoid any malicious behavior by the central institution or to prevent human accidents, DeFi’s solution is to connect the depositor and the lender together through smart contract to remove the constraints and shortcomings brought by the centralized institution. Similarly, DeFi is also applicable to trading scenarios involv... 
|  Ruff Chain Biweekly Report| March 26-April 11 In the past two weeks, RuffChain focused its work on mobile mining fund bridge development, NFT project tracking and daily community node maintenance. The following is a complete biweekly report on the period from March 26 to April 11. I. Weekly Technical Report 1. Daily Maintenance of RuffChain Nodes 2. RuffChain and Huobi Ecochain Fund Bridge Development, Security Audit and Other Work 3. RuffChain Starts Mobile Mining 4. RuffChain Repo Data Updates 5. RuffChain Foundation to Buy Back Ruff Using Mining Income 6. RuffChain Explores the NFT field II. Community Activities 1. RuffChain WeChat Moment Participates in Mobile Mining-Related Airdrops 2. RuffChain Phase I Lock Mining User Information Collection and Tokens Already Issued to Some Early Unlocking User 3. RuffChain Completes Token Refund Information Collection for Early Bird Users 4. Heyee Alliance to Join the Ruff Eco-Community, buy Back Ruff and Air Drop to Community Users III. Mobile Mining ·Community Access Address Website http://ruffchain.com/ https://ruff.io/ Official Blog https://ruffchain.com/blog/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Ruff_Chain Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RuffChainProject/ Telegram https://t.me/ruffchain https://t.me/ruffchainchinese
|  Ruff Chain Biweekly Report| March 5–March 22 In the past two weeks, RuffChain focused its work on mobile mining development and test and daily node maintenance. The following is a complete biweekly report on the period from March 5 to March 22. I. Weekly Technical Report 1. Daily Maintenance of RuffChain Nodes 2. Technical Connectivity Between RuffChain and Huobi Ecochain Decentralized Exchange BXH 3. Start and Test of RuffChain Mining Project 4. RuffChain Repo Data Updates 5. RuffChain Foundation to Release Information on RuffChain Repo Soon II. Community Activities 1. RuffChain Makes Airdrops to Users Participating in Lock Mining and Private Domain Mining Users 2. RuffChain Comes Online on BXH Exchange and Begins Mobile Mining Community Publicity at 14:00 PM March 24 3. RuffChain Completes Token Refund Information Collection for Early Bird Users ·Community Access Address Website http://ruffchain.com/ https://ruff.io/ Official Blog https://ruffchain.com/blog/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Ruff_Chain Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RuffChainProject/ Telegram https://t.me/ruffchain https://t.me/ruffchainchinese
|  RUFF Community Questionnaire Survey Publicity In the past two weeks, Ruff conducted a satisfaction questionnaire survey of its users. A total of 316 Ruff users took part in the survey. Six major question categories, as shown below, were included in the questionnaire. RUFF Survey Questionnaire Few technical benefits Exchange of old tokens for new ones Monolithic wallet functions Disclosure of financial information and circulating, repurchased & destroyed quantities Lack of We Media operation Participation of old tokens in staking Too low Ruff value Regarding the various questions raised by Ruff users, the Ruff team has adopted the principle of “giving priority to outstanding issues” to formulate specific solutions based on its specific situation. Special personnel have also been designated to follow up with implementation work. Will to implement them to the end. As a matter of fact, Ruff has experienced some setbacks in its IoT infrastructure construction and innovation. In terms of project development needs, it is imperative for Ruff to make improvement in respect of technology development, enterprise service, token price and investor relations. At the same time, Ruff also needs to constantly overcome multiple difficulties and contradictions. As an old saying puts it, “devotion is more important than method for solving problems.”. The Ruff team will shoulder its entity responsibility, absorb the views of all parties, and implement solutions in an earnest ... 
|  RuffChain Biweekly Report | Feb. 18-Mar. 4,2021 In the past fortnight, work at RuffChain mainly focused on the stacking function development and daily node maintenance of the RuffChain browser. Here is a full report on the two weeks from February 18 to March 4, 2021. I. Weekly Technical Report 1. RuffChain Routine Node Maintenance 2. Stacking Function Development Completed for RuffChain Browser 3. Technical Connectivity Between RuffChain and Heco 4. R&D Progress in the RuffChain Mining Project 5. Multi-faceted Data Update on Ruff Repo II. Staking Progress 1. Phase 2 reaps of the RUFF pool: As of March 1, 2021, a total of 58,842,000 RUFF were staked, and stacking equity doubled to 588,420usdt on March 1, with a usdt return of 1,957.5 and a ruff return of 141,342.5. 2. Private pool: The pool now has funds totaling 275000usdt, with a staking share of 273791.28 and an ARR of 63%. III. Community Activities 1. RuffChain Airdrops ruff Tokens to Community Users with >10,000 Coins on Lantern Festival Day 2. RuffChain Completes First Community Survey Questionnaire of 2021, Announcing 4 Lucky Participants. Second Survey to Start Soon and Results Will Be Duly Released to ruff Users 3. RuffChain Mining Pool Is Airdropping ruff Tokens 4. RuffChain Has 7 More Users with 1 Million Coins Community access address Website http://ruffchain.com/ https://ruff.io/ Official Blog https://ruffchain.com/blog/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Ruff_Chain Facebook https://www.facebook.com/R... 
|  Ruff Chain Biweekly | October 29 — November 13 Ruff Chain Biweekly | October 29 — November 13 In the past two weeks, RuffChain’s work has focused on routine maintenance of RuffChain, assisting customers in locating routine technical issues and evaluating operation and maintenance tool optimization solutions. The following is a complete bi-weekly report: 1. Technology Weekly 1. Solve the problem of block production by the court; 2. RuffChain daily maintenance 3. Assist customers in locating routine technical issues 4. Evaluation of optimization plan for operation and maintenance tools Recently, a customer’s routine has a problem that does not continue to produce blocks. The log shows that the block xxxxx hash does not match. The follow-up solution to this problem is currently progressing as follows: •Miner reporter upgrade, that is, optimize the synchronization strategy of miner block; • The client uses the routine operation and maintenance tool to trim the incorrect block; • Resynchronize the client to avoid this problem; At present, the client uses the upstream operation and maintenance tool to trim incorrect blocks and resynchronization, both of which have certain requirements for the immediacy of operation and maintenance. After the user finds that the block is not generated, it can be manually repaired to solve it, from the problem to the user When a problem is discovered, there may be a certain time delay. In the follow-up, we will automatically d... 
|  Ruff Chain Biweekly | October 13 — October 28 Ruff Chain Biweekly | October 13 — October 28 In the past two weeks, RuffChain’s work has focused on the new release, fixing the data mismatch problem during node synchronization and so on. Here is the full bi-weekly: I. Technical Weekly report 1. ChainNode releases 1.16.41 2. Fix the data mismatch problem in the node synchronization process and optimize the performance 3. Daily maintenance of RuffChain node • Community access address Website http://ruffchain.com/ https://ruff.io/ Official Blog https://ruffchain.com/blog/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Ruff_Chain Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RuffChainProject/ Telegram https://t.me/ruffchain https://t.me/ruffchainchinese Ruff Chain Biweekly | October 13 — October 28 was originally published in RuffChain on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  Ruff Chain Biweekly | July 9 — July 27 Ruff Chain Biweekly | July 9 — July 27 In the past two weeks, RuffChain’s work mainly focuses on node fault maintenance, technical support for customer to set up peer node and locate peer node inner Error, etc. The following is the complete double weekly report of this issue: I. Technical Weekly report 1. Fault maintenance of Ruffchain node 2. Technical support for clients to build peer nodes 3. Locate the peer node inner Error Community access address Website http://ruffchain.com/ https://ruff.io/ Official Blog https://ruffchain.com/blog/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Ruff_Chain Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RuffChainProject/ Telegram https://t.me/ruffchain https://t.me/ruffchainchinese Ruff Chain Biweekly | July 9 — July 27 was originally published in RuffChain on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.