| Reserve Rights 
| #RSR
RSR Price: | $0.00839 | | Volume: | $13.1 M | All Time High: | $0.12 | | Market Cap: | $0.8 B |
Circulating Supply: | 99,999,999,985 |
| Exchanges: | 48
| Total Supply: | 99,999,999,999 |
| Markets: | 56
| Max Supply: | 100,000,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 51
The price of #RSR today is $0.00839 USD.
The lowest RSR price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00839, and the current live price for one RSR coin is $0.00838557.
The all-time high RSR coin price was $0.12.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of RSR with market cap of ETH and how the supply affects the price of RSR at different market capitalizations. |
The code for Reserve Rights is #RSR.
Reserve Rights is 5.7 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Reserve Rights is $838,557,213.
Reserve Rights is ranked #81, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is large during the past 24 hours for #RSR.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Reserve Rights is $13,107,104. |
The circulating supply of RSR is 99,999,999,985 coins, which is 100% of the maximum coin supply.
Reserve Rights has a relatively large supply of coins, 823 times larger than Ethereum's supply, as an example. |
RSR is well integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 48 crypto exchanges.
View #RSR trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #RSR purchase. |
 Reserve’s Analysis of the MakerDAO Protocol Thanks to the MakerDAO team for their feedback on this post, and for their openness to constructive criticism! MakerDAO’s Dai has received the lion’s share of stablecoin coverage in recent months, with only Basis as a close runner-up. (Read our analysis of the Basis protocol here.) There are many reasons to be positive on Dai: the stabilization algorithm is well-thought-out, and they have a large and well-capitalized team behind it. In addition, it minimizes the risks to everyday users. However, we believe Dai will ultimately not work. Even if its stabilization algorithm could maintain the peg — which we are skeptical of — there’s a serious risk that it won’t be able to scale. Dai is tough to analyze. It confuses people. This is partly because it is complicated, containing several interacting mechanisms; partly because there are different versions of the Dai protocol, which are sometimes confused, and partly because there is no canonical documentation. Because Dai’s stabilization algorithm is in fact complicated, to explain why we’re concerned it won’t succeed we must examine the protocol in detail. This makes this post especially dense — definitely not light reading! If you feel you have a good enough understanding of how Dai works, you can skip ahead to part 2, which goes into detail on Dai’s stabilization mechanisms, or part 3, where we lay out our full assessment of Dai.SummaryDai lacks... 
|  TL;DR: State of Blockchain Q2 2018 Public BlockchainsThe total cryptocurrency market cap was $254 B by June 30th, with BTC ($106 B), ETH ($44 B) and XRP ($18 B) as major currencies.Bitcoin price was down 11%.Search interest on Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and ICO varied on small time scales but kept relatively stable averages.EOS had the greatest price change of +44%.ETH had a 653% increase in the average fee ($0.41), while Bitcoin’s average fee dropped 15% ($1.33).BTC hashrate grew 26%. This was relatively slower than the 47% growth in Q1.Bitcoin miner revenue dropped 22%, while ETH miner revenue increased 22%.Bitcoin’s dominance dropped from 47% to 45% relative to altcoins.The Lightning Network grew 77% on the number of nodes, 108% on the number of channels, 74% on the number of nodes with active channels and 200% in network capacity measured in BTC.Bitfinex dominates 54% of the Bitcoin trading volume, followed by Bitstamp (19%), Coinbase (18%) and Kraken (9%).Around 60% of the global daily Bitcoin exchange trading volume is in JPY. Taking into consideration the following definitions about interests:Network and exchange interests decreased for Bitcoin, while social interest increased. Developer interest had a minor decrease.Developer and network interest were practically the same for Ethereum, while social and exchange interests decreased. HacksHacks and attacks in Q2 resulted in a summed loss of $89 M.The historical industry-wide... 
|  The End of a Stablecoin — The Case of NuBits NuBits, a stablecoin first introduced in 2014, provides an illuminating case study for how stablecoins work in practice. It has been functional for over 3 years, ever since the beginning of the stablecoin concept, and is currently the only live example of a stablecoin in the Seigniorage Shares category. Well, mostly functional. NuBits has suffered two big crashes, with extended peg breaking. Fortunately for us, there are valuable takeaways to be garnered from those crashes. In this post we’ll see how NuBits’ first crash shows how Bitcoin volatility (and more generally, crypto volatility) affects stablecoin demand. Then, we’ll see how NuBits’ second crash was a consequence of its improper reserve diversification. The NuBits’ crash and peg breaking In 2016, NuBits’ peg infamously broke, and it remained broken for 3 months. The initial price drop happened between May 26th and June 20th, 2016. This was about the same time that Bitcoin’s price suddenly spiked, after 6 months of relative stability. It’s plausible that the drop happened because of the following: People who had capital in NuBits saw how Bitcoin was spiking. They wanted to get in on the spike, so they sold their NuBits in large quantities to buy Bitcoin. The NuBits peg was unable to handle the large sell-offs and broke. The price tanked and the peg stayed broken for an extended period. It seems that when the Bitcoin and volatile cryptoassets’ price... 