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RPD Price   

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RPD Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$51.1 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #RPD is $0.00273 USD.

Please note that the price of #RPD was last updated over 280 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #RPD statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest RPD price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00273, and the exact last price of RPD was $0.00273419.

The all-time high RPD coin price was $0.23.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of RPD with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Rapids crypto currency is #RPD.

Rapids is 5.5 years old.


The current market capitalization for Rapids is $51,062.

Rapids is ranked #2003 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is very weak today for #RPD.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Rapids is $53.00.


The circulating supply of RPD is 18,675,371 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.

Note the limited supply of Rapids coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


RPD has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 4 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.

View #RPD trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #RPD purchase.



Are you up to date with Rapids?

Hello everyone, and welcome to this review of Rapids news for the first half of the year. Before we begin, we invite you to take a look at this 2021 summary, for a quick refresher, or simply for those new to the Rapids Network family, to see what was accomplished in the previous year. Among the most significant events, we can mention the following Development of Explorer v2.1New designRPDx TestnetNFT Want to know more? We invite you to read this article. At the beginning of this year, two new members joined the Rapids Network team:Simon Howlett - Business DevelopmentPete Humphreys - Business Development The BSC Bridge integrated with Raptic (Bot) on Telegram, followed by a few updates to give you even quicker support, as well as a faster Block confirmation time for transactions (from 50 Blocks to 11 Blocks for RPD - bRPD & bRPD - RPD transaction confirmation) While we are on the subject of Raptic, at the beginning of this year we recorded these figures:Total registered users of Raptic on Telegram: 12,906Raptic used by 190 groupsTotal registered users on Raptic on Discord: 288Raptic used by 11 groups At the end of March, here is where we were:Total registered users on Raptic on Telegram: 26,854Raptic used by 280 groupsTotal registered users on Raptic on Discord: 578Raptic used by 16 groups Monthly Burns of RPD, the Rapids (RPD) concerned are from Rapids.Host, our Hybrid Staking and Hosting Masternode platform, ...

Event Carmarthen Bay Film Festival 2022

Event Carmarthen Bay Film Festival 2022 (Monday 16 May — Thursday 19 May) Last Month, Rapids attended Wales premier film festival and BAFTA Short film qualifying Carmarthen Bay Film Festival (CBFF), and were the proud sponsors for the second consecutive year of the “Best Short Film” category. Rapids Team Members Matt, Martijn, Pete and Simon attended the event which was held over 4 days Rapids Network offers huge potential for Film creators, such as utilizing NFTs. We are exploring the possibilities of Decentralized Ticketing and Crowdfunding on the Rapids Blockchain. During the four days of CBFF, over 120 films were screened and showcased, as well as a number of networking events between professionals (in various fields) took place in several locations around Llanelli, Wales, UK. Filmmakers from around the world watched and shared their impressions of the films presented. An awards ceremony was then held to announce the category winners on Thursday evening in the beautiful Theatre of “The Ffwrnes” in Llanelli. On Tuesday evening, an interactive film was hosted by one of the world’s leading interactive game and video companies (from Wales), who have won several awards for their work and creations. The event was a live audience vote to determine the plot of the film. It was exciting and a lot of fun, and we see a huge potential in the introduction of Blockchain in the Interactive Film Industry in the near fut...

Digital Leader Pete Join Rapids

Welcome to our newest team member, Welsh digital leader with a background in blockchain, tokenomics, and a love for the third sector. Pete founded and runs the Yellow and Blue non profit project with a large North Wales hub located in Wrexham where they are leading the way with social impact and a real passion for tech for good. With various community awards, lived experience and a drive for real use case within the digital sector, Pete is excited to bring together a forward thinking society with social impact at its core within smart towns and beyond. Rapids Network is about to enter a new era, but far from everything you may know, with Pete on the team it can be said with confidence Rapids is going to create a real upheaval in the blockchain space. As Pete explains: “With the emergence and popularity of cryptocurrencies and NFTs in the last few years, people are intrigued to say the least, many of whom have profited and lost money, but the exploration into real world use case has begun by many projects. Bringing together people of the real world and everything blockchain has to offer was never going to be an easy task…”How Will Rapids Grow? Pete is tasked with building strategic partnerships for future business growth, bridging the gap between Rapids customer and product. Pete who founded Yellow and Blue (YAB Group Ltd) a social enterprise comes with a wealth of experience in the real world and in terms of social i...

The Rapids Launchpad

In the blockchain world, you often hear the word ‘token’ or ‘coin’ talked about… But what is a token and how are they different from coin? A coin is used on their own blockchain, so like Bitcoin is used on the Bitcoin blockchain, Rapids coin is used on the Rapids Network. Tokens, on the other hand are much different, as they are created and used on an existing blockchain. Tokens are generally assets that can represent proof of ownership or even membership. So, if you are thinking about blockchain technology and its possibilities it holds for you please read on. Whether this is to facilitate utility or maybe proof of ownership commonly used for some unique digital art known as an NFT (non-fungible token), but coding or the complicated culture in the space is proving to be a barrier Rapids is bringing a solution. Bringing a unique accessible user experience to the market, Rapids will be more approachable for everyone to using blockchain, why? Because we know how it felt when faced with the daunting prospect of tokenizing your assets. Creating a token will never be so easy…. Since 2017 Launchpads were created to promote new projects, create new tokens but above all to allow a larger number of people to be able to discover promising, ambitious and support new exciting start ups. The Rapids Launchpad will offer you the solution to create new tokens and deploy within minutes onto the Rapids blockchain or you can choo...

The Year So Far!

2022 is in full swing and for Rapids’ new developments we are edging closer for release. The Quote, “Rome wasn’t built in a day” comes to mind, it takes time to create great work, and that while you cannot expect success to come right away, it will be achieved with continued persistence. Many things have been initiated since the first of January, including the development of Rapids Explorer, Launchpad, integration of features and further stress testing of RPDx on the Rapids Blockchain and who can forget Raptic, introducing him to many established communities… Raptic Hits ATH! As a reminder, in the first quarter of 2022 we saw a massive growth in the uses of Raptic in different Telegram and Discord servers. In January we could count Raptic used in 201 groups with nearly 30,000 users. At the end of March Raptic was used by more than 37,000 people in 228 groups (Telegram and Discord combined) What about bRPD?! Since the beginning of this year we have improved the Rapids Bridge which allows you to convert your Rapids (RPD) to Wrapped RPD (bRPD) and use them on Binance Chain dApps. We have also integrated it with Raptic (our Tipbot) on Telegram and Discord. To stimulate community interest in bRPD and to allow us to develop new opportunities for the use of Wrapped Rapids (bRPD), we are continuing until further notice to reward the largest Liquidity Providers (LP) in the bRPD/BNB and bRPD/BUSD pools whilst actively reach...

Simon Howlett Joins Rapids!

Welcome to our newest team member, “a social entrepreneur, marketing specialist, graphic designer and award winning film maker with a passion for innovation for the greater good, I am very excited to be part of the Rapids team and to help realized its vision and potential in both the digital sphere and the real world.” Rapids Network is about to enter a new era, but far from everything you may know, with Simon on the team it can be said with confidence Rapids is going to create a real upheaval in the blockchain space.How Will Rapids Grow? Simon is tasked with building strategic partnerships for future business growth, bridging the gap between Rapids customer and product. Simon comes with a wealth of experience in the filming Industry, and has spent the last four years directing Carmarthen Bay Film Festival BAFTA Short Film, BAFTA Cymru and IMDb qualifying festival in the heart of Wales UK. In May, Rapids is heading to Wales and will be attending the Festival. CBFF has gone from strength to strength over the years. From their first festival in 2012, they have gone from 35 submissions to well over 1000 from 70 plus countries for our 2020 festival. Not only have the submissions increased over the years, but the number of filmmakers and festival patrons attending has as well and at this time Rapids will be demonstrating one of our newest developments in and around the event. Rapids Network offers huge potential for film c...

Rapids Royalties…

The NFT Market is becoming an increasingly important part of the Cryptocurrency Universe. To date, the total market capitalization of NFTs is about $31.4 billion, making up 1.53% of the current $2.05 trillion total market cap for cryptocurrency. Now Rapids Network is about to enter the NFT market, but far from everything you may know, Rapids is going to create a real upheaval in this business. Today, as our developers are currently introducing the Royalty System within RPDx, we are going to explore royalties and how they work with NFTs.Firstly what is an NFT?! An NFT, otherwise known as a Non-Fungible Token, is a financial asset defined by its own characteristics and which is not interchangeable. An NFT can take various forms:Collector CardImageArtworkSMSTweetVideo game item … The fact that it is ‘Non-Fungible’ means that it is unique, and therefore cannot be replaced by another, nor can it be fragmented into several parts. Some examples:A 1$ Note is Fungible because it can be replaced by 100 coins of 1 ctsA Ton of Wheat is Fungible, because it can be sold in retail, and in different weights.A Work of Art, is Non-Fungible because it is unique, and can never be replaced with an identical oneA Ticket is Non-Fungible, because it contains unique information (ticket number and identifier, your name, your seat, your reservation reference…) As soon as a creator sells their NFT, they get the exchanged asset from the sale...

Rapids Explorer v2 Explained!

Today, we bring to you an update on development of the all new Rapids blockchain explorer. The Rapids blockchain explorer is built in house to easily maintain and expand in the future. Explorer v2 does come with a whole new design fitting our global branding and supports our current Rapids blockchain. Rapids Explorer v2.1 comes with the implementation of Rapids RPDx testnet. RPDx testnet enables token and nft in-depth details and support for 3rd parties to start developing on our chain. Lets briefly take a look at what makes up the Rapids Blockchain. A decentralized Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain consisting of two layers. Layer-1, the main blockchain architecture;A Proof-of-Stake (PoS) protocol for the creation of new blocks and the security.Masternodes to enhance its stability. Layer-2, an overlaying protocol that lies on top of the underlying blockchain.RPDx protocol, a fully decentralized asset platform.A Glimpse of the Rapids Explorer Marketplace (a lite version of main marketplace) On to the explorer and why is it so important… The explorer is key to the Rapids blockchain because it enables a core feature that being transparency! The recording of blocks and the transactions they contain in the explorer creates clear and unchangeable documentation accessible to everyone.Ongoing Testing of RPDx — RPDx is software layer built on top of the Rapids blockchain enabling users to create tokens to represent custom asset...

Blockchain At Your FingerTips! #BAYF

That one person in your friend group can’t stop talking about it. It’s all over social media, but you don’t understand what the hype is all about. Our digital world, changed by blockchain. It’s true, blockchain has been around for decades. But, today blockchain is being used in new novel ways and can be complicated, but it’s also accessible. It can be understood and used by anyone, regardless of your background. What is blockchain? Blockchain technology is most simply defined as a decentralized, distributed ledger that records the provenance of a digital asset. Why is there such excitement surrounding blockchain technology? Simply because the blockchain allows the creation of smart contracts that auto execute when certain conditions are met, eliminating the need for all intermediaries that would normally be necessary to validate and execute transactions.Blockchain At Your Fingertips… Our philosophy is that blockchain should be at your fingertips - Ready at hand, immediately available for everyone… In this article we’ll give you an insight of what makes up the Rapids blockchain and how we aim to bring the power of blockchain to everyone.What makes up the Rapids Blockchain? A decentralized Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Blockchain consisting of two layers. Layer-1, the main blockchain architecture;A Proof-of-Stake (PoS) protocol for the creation of new blocks and the security.Masternodes to enhance its stability. Layer-...

Rapids BNB Chain Bridge v2

Ten months ago, on 31 May 2021, Rapids Network introduced a Bridge allowing you to convert your Rapids (RPD) to Wrapped Rapids (bRPD) and vice versa at a ratio of 1:1. Back then to use it you needed to have at least 1000 RPD in your Wallet. Since the beginning, many of you have used this Bridge, which offers you the opportunity to use your Rapids (RPD) on dApps supporting the BNB Chain. In addition to using your bRPDs within the BNB Chain, you can become a Liquidity Provider, by depositing bRPD in the bRPD/BNB or bRPD/BUSD Pool on PancakeSwap (for this you will need to have equal BNB as bRPD in USD. For example if you have $10 equivalent bRPD, you will need to have at least $10 equivalent BNB in your Wallet) where you can then add liquidity and start to earn passive income for providing it. January 5th 2022 Rapids steps up the game!We’re delighted to announce that the Rapids Bridge is now LIVE! v2 is faster, has greater support and makes it possible to expand our functionalities for the future, including integration into Raptic. v2 is fully owned and operated by Rapids Network removing any third party input we had on v1… It has allowed for greater ease and speed, of which here are some:The integration of the Bridge into Raptic Bot, as well as its future integration into Rapids Mobile Wallet.Quicker support.The development and future integration of the Bridge including RPD - RPDx Token.Waiting times reduced significa...

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