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Oasis Network  


ROSE Price:
$8.4 M
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$0.2 B

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #ROSE today is $0.044 USD.

The lowest ROSE price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.044, and the exact current price of one ROSE crypto coin is $0.04359.

The all-time high ROSE coin price was $0.60.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of ROSE with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Oasis Network is #ROSE.

Oasis Network is 4.2 years old.


The current market capitalization for Oasis Network is $245,716,853.

Oasis Network is ranked #163 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is big today for #ROSE.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Oasis Network is $8,350,787.


The circulating supply of ROSE is 5,637,000,000 coins, which is 56% of the maximum coin supply.


ROSE is the native coin for the Oasis blockchain.

View the full list of Oasis blockchain tokens.


ROSE is integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 16 crypto exchanges.

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Oasis Labs Partners with Meta to Assess Fairness for its AI Models using Cutting-edge Privacy…

Oasis Labs Partners with Meta to Assess Fairness for its AI Models using Cutting-edge Privacy Technologies — A first-of-its kind initiative enabling inclusiveness and fairness. — We are excited to announce our partnership with Meta, and the launch of a platform to assess fairness in Meta’s products, while protecting people’s privacy. As Meta’s technology partner, Oasis Labs built the platform that uses Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) to safeguard information as Meta asks users on Instagram to take a survey in which they can voluntarily share their race or ethnicity. The project will advance fairness measurement in AI models, which will positively impact the lives of individuals across the globe and benefit society as a whole. This first-of-its-kind platform will play a major role in an initiative that is an important step towards identifying whether an AI model is fair and allowing for appropriate mitigation.How the platform will assess fairness in AI models Meta’s Responsible AI, Instagram Equity, and Civil Rights teams are introducing an off-platform survey to people who use Instagram. Users will be asked to share their race and/or ethnicity on a voluntary basis. The data, collected by a third-party survey provider, will be secret-shared with third-party facilitators in a way such that the user’s survey responses cannot be learned by either the facilitators or Meta. The measurement is then compu...

Oasis Labs Partners with Meta to Assess Fairness for its AI Models using Cutting-edge Privacy…

Oasis Labs Partners with Meta to Assess Fairness for its AI Models using Cutting-edge Privacy Technologies — A first-of-its kind initiative enabling inclusiveness and fairness. — We are excited to announce our partnership with Meta, and the launch of a platform to assess fairness in Meta’s products, while protecting people’s privacy. As Meta’s technology partner, Oasis Labs built the platform that uses Secure Multi-Party Computation (SMPC) to safeguard information as Meta asks users on Instagram to take a survey in which they can voluntarily share their race or ethnicity. The project will advance fairness measurement in AI models, which will positively impact the lives of individuals across the globe and benefit society as a whole. This first-of-its-kind platform will play a major role in an initiative that is an important step towards identifying whether an AI model is fair and allowing for appropriate mitigation.How the platform will assess fairness in AI models Meta’s Responsible AI, Instagram Equity, and Civil Rights teams are introducing an off-platform survey to people who use Instagram. Users will be asked to share their race and/or ethnicity on a voluntary basis. The data, collected by a third-party survey provider, will be secret-shared with third-party facilitators in a way such that the user’s survey responses cannot be learned by either the facilitators or Meta. The measurement is then compu...

Vietnamese Prime Minister and Government Support Genetica and Oasis Labs Partnership to Enhance…

Vietnamese Prime Minister and Government Support Genetica and Oasis Labs Partnership to Enhance Precision Medicine Using Oasis Platform — Genetica will use Oasis Network to protect 100K genomic data profiles for privacy-preserving genomic analysis for precision medicine.. — Community Translations: Kazakh|Greek|Portugese|Italian|Hindi|Bengali|Ukrainian|Russian | Serbian | Turkish | Filipino | Spanish Genetica, the leading genomics company in the Asia Pacific region, and Oasis Labs, a leader in developing cutting-edge technology for decentralized data management in Web3 and confidential computing, have established a partnership to enable the first genomic analysis platform in Web3 for precision medicine at scale. ​​This collaboration will provide a first-of-its-kind solution in Web3 to enable a privacy-preserving, incentive-compatible platform for genomic data collection and analysis at scale. With this solution, users can maintain control of their genomic data while gaining rewards when their data contributes to medical research to help improve personalized care. On Tuesday, May 17, 2022, Genetica and Oasis Labs announced the partnership during an exclusive ceremony in San Francisco with the Vietnamese Prime Minister and other Ministers and government officials, who are excited to grow Vietnam as a global leader in Web3. Genetica and Oasis Labs are proud to have their dedicated support in this endeavor. Partic...

Discover what your genes are saying about you with the Genetica-Oasis Partnership

We recently announced our partnership with Genetica to bring Parcel and the Oasis Network to their customers. Genetica helps individuals gain valuable insights into their genetic makeup. These insights include a person’s chances of contracting genetic diseases, which diet or health plan is best suited to their physiology, and even how to best support their child’s development. By partnering with Oasis Labs, Genetica is able to leverage the Parcel API to give their customers complete control over how their sequenced genetic data is used and analyzed, all while providing stronger privacy guarantees for their most sensitive health data. To launch this partnership, we have a promotion code for you to get 20% off Genetica’s G-Care reportWhat is G-Care? How would you like to learn everything about your body so that you can design the most effective lifestyle, diet, exercise, and health care plan for yourself? G-Care is a lifestyle report that analyses over 65 genes from a saliva sample to provide you with more than 100 results & personalized recommendations on:Nutrition: Discover how your body reacts to specific nutrients to help fine-tune your eating habits and improve your health.Fitness: You know that it’s all about exercising smarter and not harder. Knowing your genetic makeup will help you design the ideal workout plan that works for you.Health: Genetic mutations can be problematic, but if you know how your gen...

Private Genome Sequencing with Genetica and the Oasis Network

Asia’s fastest growing genome sequencing company will integrate Parcel and the Oasis Network to offer better privacy to their customers.. — Community Translations: Portuguese | Romanian |Russian | Serbian | French | Indonesian |Turkish | Spanish | Kazakh |Filipino We’re excited to announce that Oasis Labs will be partnering with Genetica to bring Parcel and the Oasis Network to their customers — improving the privacy and security of their product. Genetica is the fastest growing personal gene sequencing company in Asia. Through this partnership, Genetica will leverage the Parcel API to give their users complete control over how their sequenced genetica data is used and analyzed — improving the security of some of our most sensitive health data. — Meet Parcel. — Parcel is a set of privacy-first, data governance APIs designed to make it easy to build apps on the Oasis network and give individuals better control and oversight into how their data is used. Parcel’s suite of tools enables developers to:Securely store sensitive user dataDefine and enforce usage policies over that sensitive dataBuild apps connected to the Oasis NetworkEasily deploy an isolated compute environment — called a Secure Enclave — for privacy preserving analysis. The Parcel solution allows businesses to tackle one of the most challenging issues of our time — providing strong privacy guarantees to their...

Parcel Spotlight: Auth3 Network

An in depth look at some of the projects building on Parcel.. — Here at Oasis Labs, we believe in building technology that protects our privacy while still allowing us to get the full value from our data. Auth3 is a privacy-preserving computational network that uses Parcel to maintain full control over the life cycle of data. Users on the Auth3 network are able to access features such as secure storage, data management, tokenization of data and more… Read on to learn more about their vision for the future of data! — Who are you! Tell us about yourself and your role at Auth3.. — I’m Tracy — Head of Operations of Auth3 Network. I have been involved in the blockchain space since 2018 and fully focused on building Auth3 Network now. — Tell us a little bit about Auth3. — Auth3 is a decentralized and trusted network built upon a privacy-preserved infrastructure to unlock and exchange data values. Auth3 aims to connect people and data around the world for Web 3.0. It helps people to discover, aggregate and exchange authenticated data. Also, Auth3 encapsulates data usage rights into data tokens by leveraging blockchain and DeFi tools, which notably helps to release the value of data. — Why is privacy and data sovereignty important for your product?. — The ultimate goal of Auth3 is to unleash the value of data, help people discover, aggregate and equitably exchange their authe...

Parcel Spotlight: Ruyi Health

An in depth look at some of the projects building on Parcel.. — We’re excited to spotlight Ruyi Health, a team focusing on bridging the gap between technology and autonomy over individual health care. Their application solution offers a definitive and streamlined approach to health management, while preserving and protecting patient data. This secure exchange of health information creates a more informed and educated patient, strengthens the network of healthcare professionals and systems, and brings about a new future of value-based care. — Who are you! Tell us about yourself and Oasis Labs’ partnership with Ruyi Health. — Our names are Zhenxuan “James” Zhang and Shaashwat Sharma, and we are the co-founders of Ruyi Health LLC. We both noticed there was a lack of accessible patient-focused preventative healthcare solutions. We decided to utilize our background in tech to solve this problem, which led us to founding Ruyi Health in February 2020. We joined Oasis Labs’ DevAccelerator in June 2020, and since then have been working on creating a secure, intuitive, and intelligent health management solution that empowers our users to live healthy lives. We are excited to share that we have hired our first employee, Mia Ladolcetta, and are on track to releasing our solution. — Tell us a little bit about Ruyi Health. — While developing robotic technology for stroke rehabilitation and interact...

Blockchain, Data, and Tokens: The Building Blocks of the Ownership Economy

DeFi and NFTs are showing the World what it means to own your assets. At Oasis Labs, we’re expanding Parcel to enable data tokenization and the next ownership economy.. — OverviewNFTs have shown us what it means to own our assets.To truly enable an ownership economy on blockchain we must increase the diversity of assets that NFTs can represent.At Oasis Labs we’ve released a primer detailing our plans to expand the scope of our Parcel API product to include data tokenization.With the Parcel API, individuals, creators, and businesses will be able mint NFTs called Data Tokens that are backed by valuable digital assets with intrinsic value.These improvements to Parcel expand the capabilities of the Oasis Network and ROSE to support a powerful new Ownership Economy.Building an Ownership Economy Creators and individuals produce most of the value on platforms today — whether its via the data they create or the content they produce. What seems to be an unstoppable trend is still held back by one critical flaw: at some point, the underlying platform can pivot from cooperative behavior and turn to exploiting individuals and creators alike for the sake of higher profits. Thanks to blockchain, it’s now possible to program incentives and distribute merit-based ownership to both creators and users who believe in each other. In recent months we’ve seen digital art, and their NFTs conferring ownership, sold for hundreds ...


An in depth look at some of the projects building on Parcel.. — The concept of privacy within the healthcare space has historically been passive about protecting the user — think of HIPAA. Oasis Labs is excited to partner with who wants to recenter this conversation to learn as much as possible from every patient journey while protecting patient privacy. By creating a privacy-preserving network of healthcare systems, uses Parcel to provide researchers with more higher-quality data and empower data controllers to restrict how their patients’ data is used. Read more below to learn about’s efforts: Hey Simon! Tell us about yourself and your role at I’m Simon Overell, the CTO and co-founder of I have been lucky to work with some amazing teams over the past 13 years, at Yahoo!, at TrueKnowledge (now Amazon Alexa), (now anti-malware at Google) and Google, working on AI, applied machine learning, and the many facets of big data. I committed full-time to at the beginning of 2020 to try to make a dent in hard-to-treat cancers. Tell us a little bit about Human.aiThe best minds of our generation are still ultimately working in service of advertising. That sucks.* We want to change this. Our goal at is to build an AI marketplace for healthcare and biopharma. We want to make it possible for the world’s best AI experts to turn our most privat...

Spotlight: Castalise

An in depth look at some of the projects building on Parcel.. — We’re excited to spotlight the team at Castalise who has been building with Oasis Labs since nearly the very beginning. Easily integrable into your user’s mobile app, web app, stand-alone application, or backend infrastructure, Castalise is a privacy-preserving platform that connects the dots between a user’s multiple data sources and enables multi-use collaboration between researchers. With Parcel’s API keys, Castalise brings simple and effective confidentiality to their users. Read on to get to know the team at Castalise:I’m Mahmoud Deghaim — co-founder and CEO at Castalise. I have been involved in the blockchain space since 2018 and have been fully focused on building Castalise since 2020. I shift between multiple hats daily, but I would say my main role at Castalise is as a product owner ensuring that we provide an easy, scalable, and secure way to extract value from data. — Tell us a little bit about Castalise. — We are on a mission to help transition from a world of Big Data riddled with risks to a world of Open Data enabled by secure collaboration. This is why we have built a privacy-first data platform that helps businesses and institutions scale their data-driven businesses models by setting up their own data marketplaces. With Castalise, users can build, publish, and monetize services to securely maximize the value be...

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