| Rentible 
| #RNB
RNB Price: | $0.000427 | | Volume: | $1 | All Time High: | $5.44 | | Market Cap: | $1.0 K |
Circulating Supply: | 2,364,432 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 3,500,000 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 3
The last known price of #RNB is $0.000427 USD.
Please note that the price of #RNB was last updated over 290 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #RNB statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest RNB price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000427, and the exact last price of RNB was $0.00042676.
The all-time high RNB coin price was $5.44.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of RNB with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Rentible crypto currency is #RNB.
Rentible is 3 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Rentible is $1,009.
Rentible is ranking downwards to #2287 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is unknown during the past 24 hours for #RNB.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Rentible is $1.00. |
The circulating supply of RNB is 2,364,432 coins, which is 68% of the total coin supply.
Note the limited supply of Rentible coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
RNB has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #RNB trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #RNB purchase. |
 How to add RNB-BNB Liquidity to PancakeSwap staking program If you have RNB tokens on Ethereum that you want to bridge to Binance Smart Chain and need guidance, view the guide here. Important links and data: PancakeSwap pool: https://pancakeswap.finance/info/pool/0x0d444a2c293cac7fba8fccb74dfa7f7f67f2c9e7 RNB on BSC contact address: 0xaDEC335A2e3881303a9b0203eb99DE12202280dF PancakeSwap Exchange: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c&outputCurrency=0xadec335a2e3881303a9b0203eb99de12202280df ❗ To join the staking program, make sure your browser is supported by MetaMask. How to add liquidity to PancakeSwap (as an RNB-BNB liquidity provider)Go to the RNB-BNB pool on PancakeSwap here and Connect your MetaMask walletOn the popup (if it shows), mark the “I understand” checkbox and click “Import” 3. On the liquidity tab click the Add Liquidity button. ❗ — you might need first to Enable RNB, in this case, you will see the process below: Select the currency pair to add to the pool(RNB and BNB) and how many tokens you wish to add to one half of the pair (the other half will auto-fill in an equivalent value), click “Enable RNB” and then “Confirm” on the popup that will open on your MetaMask wallet ❗ — it may take several minutes for this transaction to complete After enabling for the first time RNB on PancakeSwap, you’ll see on the above screen that the “Enable RNB” button has now changed to “S... 
|  How to bridge RNB from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain Important links and data: PancakeSwap pool: https://pancakeswap.finance/info/pool/0x0d444a2c293cac7fba8fccb74dfa7f7f67f2c9e7 RNB on BSC contact address: 0xaDEC335A2e3881303a9b0203eb99DE12202280dF PancakeSwap Exchange: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c&outputCurrency=0xadec335a2e3881303a9b0203eb99de12202280df Providing liquidity on PancakeSwap is straightforward and enables liquidity providers to earn from trading fees from each trade that passes through the pool as well as to participate in a rewarding staking program. The fees and rewards are proportional to the share of assets in the pool. Trading on PancakeSwap is decentralized, which benefits stakers and the community since trading fees go directly to fellow RNB token holders who are staking in the pool rather than to third parties/professional market makers. Learn more about PancakeSwap Liquidity pools here: https://docs.pancakeswap.finance/products/pancakeswap-exchange/pancakeswap-poolsRoute 1: If you wish to transfer RNB from UniSwap to PancakeSwapStart at the dedicated bridge on AnySwap, here: https://anyswap.exchange/#/bridgeConnect your MetaMask wallet to AnySwap: 3. After connecting your wallet, on the “From” field, select “RNB” and the number of tokens to transfer from the Ethereum mainnet to BSC. ❗Notice — it may several seconds for the number to appear, during which time the frame wil... 
|  RNB is now also available on BSC! RNB is now also available on BSC! We’re excited to announce Rentible’s recent integration with AnySwap — one of the most secure bridge solutions in the industry and one of only two officially recommended bridges by Binance.The added valueRNB token holders interested to migrate from Ethereum mainnet can now do so via this integrationRNB-BNB pool on PancakeSwap is now openA new fixed APY staking program for liquidity providers on PancakeSwap is comingTokenomics are not changed (fixed total supply of 3.500.000 tokens)The bridge helps lower platform transactions and make RNB more accessibleConsiderations behind the solution In the analysis of a bridge vs layer2 solution and which type of bridge to use, 3 conditions had to be met:Reasonable transaction fees when interacting with the Ethereum mainnet (when depositing RNB into the bridge)Security of fundsEase of use and accessibility to DEXOption 1: Layer2 solutions While many Layer2 solutions have been popping out recently, the required deposit fees to access a Layer2 solution are still very expensive. In addition, withdrawal from Layer2 can take days, and most Layer2 solutions are still in testing stages which pose considerable risk of financial loss due to bugs. With regards to Uniswap-supported Layer2 solutions, there are 2 recognizable options: Optimistic Ethereum and Arbitrum. Both suffer from high deposit fees and prolonged withdrawal schedules. [Illustrat... 
|  AMA 5/11/2021 Máté x Delta Community Para aquellos que se perdieron el AMA de hoy con Máté, director de operaciones de Rentible, hemos juntado todas las preguntas y se las vamos a compartir a continuación: P: Sobre Rentible: R: Rentible es una plataforma disponible en la web y en el móvil para la gestión de alquileres inmobiliarios. La plataforma agiliza todo el proceso de alquiler de la A a la Z en la cadena de bloques y funciona como un centro intuitivo para realizar pagos de alquiler entre propietarios e inquilinos en diferentes criptodivisas a escala global. Rentible pretende ser el líder del mercado y la primera plataforma en el sector de la gestión de alquileres de propiedades a medio y largo plazo, que es un mercado masivo de varios billones de dólares y un mercado sin explotar en lo que respecta a la innovación de blockchain. Nos estamos moviendo muy rápido con nuestro desarrollo y ya hemos lanzado un MVP a nuestra comunidad a los pocos meses de lanzar nuestro token — RNB. También tenemos el objetivo de lanzar una versión comercial inicial de la plataforma a finales de año, lo que, al menos según mi conocimiento, será uno de los logros más rápidos, si no el más rápido, de cualquier proyecto de utilidad real en criptografía en 2021. Además del caso de uso más directo de permitir a los inquilinos y propietarios enviar/recibir pagos de alquiler en diferentes criptodivisas de forma intuitiva y más privada, Rentible también util... 
|  AMA summary — 11.5.2021 on Delta Community AMA summary — 11.5.2021 on Delta CommunityRentible announces it will expand to include metaverse properties For those who missed the AMA today with Máté, Rentible’s COO, we gathered the questions and expanded answers below: Q: About Rentible: A: Rentible is a platform available on web and mobile for managing real-estate rentals. The platform streamlines the entire rental process from A-to-Z into the blockchain and functions as an intuitive hub for making rent payments between landlords and tenants in different cryptocurrencies on a global scale. Rentible aims to be the market leader and first-mover platform in the mid-to-long term property rentals management sector, which is both a massive multi-trillion USD market and an untapped one when it comes to blockchain innovation. We are moving very fast with our development and already released an MVP to our community within a few months after launching our token — RNB. We are also aiming to release an initial commercial version of the platform by the end of the year, which at least to my knowledge will be one of the fastest, if not the fastest, go-to-market achievements of any real utility project in crypto in 2021. Besides the most straight-forward use case of enabling tenants and landlords to send/receive rent payments in different cryptocurrencies intuitively and more privately, Rentible also uses blockchain principles to streamline the mid-to-long-term proper... 
|  Rentible.io x Delta Community AMA Muy buenas a todos! Para los que se perdieron el AMA de Mate, nuestro COO, aquí podrán encontrarlo y traducido al español para toda nuestra comunidad hispanohablante. Espero que lo disfruten. — Intro Mate. — Hola a todos, soy Máté Farkas, COO de Rentible. Algunos detalles sobre mí — He estado activo en el espacio de criptomonedas desde 2017, en mi posición anterior como COO en Smartologic Technologies, estuve como consultor en varias empresas exitosas de blockchain a través de diversas industrias — desde las finanzas hasta NFT, autenticación y comercio electrónico. Antes de eso, he sido uno de los primeros empleados de las empresas de éxito, y también un speaker en eventos de blockchain y fintech, programas de radio y podcasts, un escritor de artículos educativos sobre blockchain y crypto en los medios de comunicación nacionales, y organizador de eventos de reuniones locales de blockchain. Estoy deseando ver el AMA de hoy :) — Que busca Rentible.io?. — Rentible pretende ser el líder del mercado y la primera plataforma en el sector de la gestión de alquileres de propiedades a medio y largo plazo, que es un mercado masivo de varios billones de dólares y uno sin explotar en lo que respecta a la innovación de blockchain. En pocas palabras, Rentible es una dApp disponible en la web y en el móvil para la gestión de alquileres inmobiliarios. La plataforma agiliza todo el proces... 
|  Rentible.io comienza su expansión en LATAM Comenzamos nuestro período de expansión, con LATAM como primer objetivo comenzamos con todas nuestras energías. Este articulo va a tratar, a modo de introducción, el explicar sobre qué es Rentible.io, las soluciones que ofrecemos ante una faltante en el mercado inmobiliario y la utilidad real que va a tener nuestro token $RNB cuando la plataforma esté disponible .¿Que es Rentible.io? Es una solución innovadora que permite a los propietarios y a los inquilinos enviar y recibir pagos de alquiler en criptomoneda de forma cómoda, segura y privada. En la última década “Airbnb “ y “Uber” remecieron totalmente el mercado, con su modelo de negocios basados en el concepto de “plataforma compartida”. De la misma forma, Rentible, viene a remecer el mercado inmobiliario introduciendo una novedosa plataforma donde todas las transacciones e información son respaldadas y protegidas con la tecnología Blockchain, y mediante esto, introducir a la gente en el mundo de las criptomonedas. — ¿Que soluciones ofrece?. — Problemas actualesFraudes y estafas: Un problema presente y que afecta a millones de inquilinos a nivel mundial. El más común es el fraude de “depósito anticipado” donde los inquilinos para poder reservar una propiedad envían un pago anticipado para una propiedad que no existe o que ha sido prometida a varias personas al mismo tiempo. Este problema es muy habitual para estudiantes de int... 
|  499Block Global Video AMA summary and Roadshow Review Rentible is back from its first roadshow! After a busy week in Token2049 London and Gulf Blockchain Week Summit Dubai, our team is back and pushing the development forward. We want to take this opportunity to welcome the new friends and contacts we made at the events and to thank the community for its support. Events updates: The exhibitions went very well, Rentible received a lot of positive responses and interest for collaboration by other projects, VC’s and technology service providers, which we will explore in the coming period. We’ve been also interviewed by Blockster, the interview will be broadcasted within 2 weeks and we’ll seek to do more extended promotion on their growing social network. We met with several CEX and listing agents, and are considering a path to add another small CEX possibly this year, followed by gate.io and later KuCoin during 2022 as we move forward with the development and volume increase. For those who couldn’t join the live video AMA, and for newcomers to Rentible, below is an edited summary of the broadcasted AMA from Dubai Blockchain Summit with our COO Máté Farkas, where we discuss among other things the concept of Digitized Real-estate (Proptech/Property technology), which is moving towards decentralization — mainly in regions which have less stable economies and lower trust level in centralized bodies. One aspect of it is Tokenization (property sales and investments usin... 
|  A guide on Initiating a Deposit Smart Contract within the MVP environment Notice: using the Deposit Smart Contract requires MetaMask installed on your browser. The process itself is quite straightforward as described in the steps below:Tenant initiates contract requestLandlord approves requestIn the MVP, the tenant pays the deposit in DAI stable coin (on the actual live platform, the tenant and landlord specify and mutually agree on the type of cryptocurrency and deposit terms beforehand). The gas fee in ETH and the platform fee in RNB are wrapped together with the deposit in one transactionAfter confirmed moving-in into the property, the deposit transaction will be released (this is to protect tenants from online“let-and-run” scams). In case of dispute, an arbitration protocol will be called. Below is a detailed explanation of the steps required to test the Deposit Smart Contract on the testnet (and how to get test ETH on Ropsten). ⚠️ Before using the MVP, change your MetaMask network to Ropsten:Change Networks from Etherium Mainnet to Ropsten Test Network Now, Import RNB and DAI as custom tokens, as described below: The Token Contract Adresses and Token Symbols are the following: RNB: 0x25d322f172cb430fe8bbd0bb9de3b7e3719ed968 DAI: 0xad6d458402f60fd3bd25163575031acdce07538d Our team will send 100 Ropsten RNB to your test wallet (this process is manual and might take up to 24 hours during working days) To claim Ropsten ETH, go to the following faucets and place your wallet address: ... 
|  Introducing the Rentible Deposit Smart Contract The Rentible Deposit Smart Contract is the first in a series of innovative smart contracts that will transform the rental industry and solve existing market problems through blockchain integration. As detailed in our whitepaper, we believe that blockchain technology can be effectively used to remedy existing market problems and bring about a safer, more efficient, streamlined, and cost-effective platform for all participants in the market. The Deposit Smart Contract tackles the issue of fraudulent ‘let and run’ deposit schemes that occur when tenants pay an upfront deposit to rent a property that doesn’t exist or that has already been rented out. The contract was designed with the team’s extensive expertise in mind to enable users to secure their deposits and prevent both tenants and landlords from falling prey to fraudsters.How it Works A tenant sends a deposit payment to their prospective landlord prior to moving into the apartment subject to the terms outlined in their lease. The deposit payment is sent from the tenant to the landlord’s wallet in a cryptocurrency of their choice from a predefined list. The current contract offers stable coin payment and will be expanded to include other token payment options. A time lock is set in place for the deposit payment to ensure that the landlord cannot run away with the deposit. Every deposit transaction will be subject to a fixed $RNB fee. Once the tenant moves into t... 