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Raiden Network Token  


RDN Price:
$73.7 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$409.4 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #RDN is $0.00613 USD.

Please note that the price of #RDN was last updated over 60 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #RDN statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest RDN price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00613, and the exact last price of RDN was $0.00612966.

The all-time high RDN coin price was $8.46.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of RDN with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Raiden Network Token crypto currency is #RDN.

Raiden Network Token is 7.1 years old.


The current market capitalization for Raiden Network Token is $409,424.

Raiden Network Token is ranking downwards to #2927 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is modest today for #RDN.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Raiden Network Token is $73,714.


The circulating supply of RDN is 66,793,935 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.


RDN is a token on the Ethereum blockchain.


RDN has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 4 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.

View #RDN trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #RDN purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #RDN, and you can view them on our RDN disambiguation page.



Relaunching Raiden Trust Grants

Supporting a community-led Raiden Network. — — Raiden Is Feature-Complete - The Raiden Network is built to provide a fast, secure, scalable and decentralized payment solution for nano and small payments. With the completion of the Coruscant & Krittika Releases in late 2021, the Raiden Network project scope was fully implemented and became the fastest and most inexpensive ERC20 transfer solution available. And now, the Raiden Network is proud to announce the relaunch of Raiden Trust Grants, which support individuals and projects building on Raiden, discovering new use cases, and increasing adoption. — Raiden Trust - The Raiden Trust is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to fostering and strengthening the Raiden ecosystem. It provides support, guidance, and network connections to projects and individuals working on Raiden applications or infrastructure. The main focus of the Raiden Trust is to support projects that demonstrate use cases for the Raiden protocol and help grow the Raiden Network. The Raiden Trust is governed by a trust deed outlining its scope of operation and the regulations it must abide by. — Raiden Trust Grants - The Raiden Trust currently holds RDN 16 million, which may be spent in the form of Raiden Trust Grants. The Raiden community can discuss and vote on grant proposals. If a grant proposal is approved by the community and meets the Raiden Trust governing docum...

Raiden Pulse #23: Updates From Q4 2022

We are back with our last quarterly update for 2022. — As we look back on the year 2022, it’s clear that the Raiden Network has continued to evolve and grow. The Raiden team has worked hard to ensure that the community is the driving force of the project. We hope the community will take up this call and lead in identifying new use cases and opportunities for adoption. In this post, we’ll take a closer look at some of the key developments that took place in Q4 2022, including the Raiden Community Manifesto, the implementation of a proposal process on the Raiden Network Forum, the integration of Shutter Shielded Voting on Snapshot, and the growth of the Raiden community on Discord. — Community Manifesto. — In October of 2022, the Raiden community released a Community Manifesto that outlines our shared vision for moving forward in community governance. The manifesto lays out a clear set of principles for the community to follow: transparency, inclusiveness, and a focus on long-term success. It also establishes decision-making guidelines and outlines various community members' roles and responsibilities. The manifesto sets the stage for a new era of community governance in Raiden, where all members can actively participate and contribute to the project’s success. With this manifesto in place, the Raiden community is poised to continue growing and thriving for years to come. — Forum Participatio...

Announcing Raiden Community Voting on Snapshot

Community Voting is now live. Become the first Raiden community member to initiate a vote!. — Just over a month ago, we launched Raiden’s Community Governance. Since then, we have seen the growth of community-led discussions on the Raiden Forum. Today, we are thrilled to announce the next step forward — the launch of Raiden Community Voting on Snapshot! We are ready for the first proposal and round of voting. — Community Governance Recap - If you missed out on the detailed process on how proposals are created and moved onto Snapshot for community voting, we encourage you to have a read on the Raiden Community Governance post. Our approach includes three key principles: Everyone may create informal proposals and discuss., RDN token holders may create formal proposals and vote., Raiden Trust will execute votes regarding the external development fund to the extent possible according to its trust deed and applicable regulations. Other stakeholders will use votes as guidance, but will not be bound by them., — Proposal - To implement the second key principle, we drafted a proposal and collected feedback via the Raiden Community Voting on Snapshot discussion on the Raiden Forum. — Feedback - The Raiden Community was very supportive of the proposal. We discussed a number of important topics, especially the Vote Initiation Threshold Amount. Based on feedback, we decided to lower the threshold. Ove...

Raiden Pulse #22: Updates From Q3 2022

Get a good look at what Raiden has achieved between July and September this year.. — — TL;DR — Zooming Pass Q3 2022. — EthCC 5 in Paris (July 19–21) Sponsorship: This was our 5th consecutive year sponsoring the Ethereum ecosystem’s most premier event in Europe (and possibly the world)., Raiden Announced Community Governance: On September 15th we announced a new path in support of community governance., Raiden Forum Launched: The Raiden Forum on Discourse was later announced on September 29th. This has recently created lively discussions on topics like Raiden Manifesto, Community Voting Rules and Token Listing Strategy., A Growing Discord Community: There was an influx of new community members coming into the Discord server to join the community as Raideneers., — Strategic Updates - — A Strengthened Partnership. — This year at EthCC 2022 in Paris, Brainbot (the company behind Raiden Network) has once again had the pleasure to become a sponsor for the most anticipated event in Europe for the Ethereum ecosystem. This year’s sponsorship was the 5th consecutive time since EthCC’s inception 5 years ago. — Product Updates. — If you missed Raiden Network Pulse #21 check that out here. You’ll be able to find some useful resources for Raiden as a feature-complete product, and much more. — Governed by The Community. — After the announcement of Raiden’s f...

Raiden Community Manifesto

A statement of our vision and values, which will guide us as we move to community governance. — — We envision a future in which everyday and high-volume micropayments can be made using ERC20 tokens via decentralized networks. - We build technological infrastructure and a robust community that empowers others to build micropayment applications for any ERC20 token. — We believe Raiden’s brightest days are ahead. - We know Raiden possesses unique properties regarding latency, transfer cost, privacy, and decentralization. And that Raiden still offers one of the very best trustless foundations for payment products with massive scale. We are dedicated to discovering the use cases in which these characteristics are crucial, thus creating new opportunities for the Raiden Network to thrive. — We value individual empowerment and decentralized power structures. - We build Raiden to help people to self-organize effectively. We seek to free people from reliance on top-down power structures and their negative side effects. — We strive to avoid single points of failure and centralized control. - If a centralized component is necessary, we use smart contracts controlled by community governance. — We build together. - We know that our vision and values cannot be manifested by one person, one team or one organization. Raiden is a community, a collective effort. We each strive to employ our unique talent...

Announcing the Raiden Forum

The Raiden Forum is now live! Everyone in the Raiden community is welcome to make proposals and engage in thoughtful discussions.. — — Raiden Forum - Two weeks ago, we introduced a path to robust Raiden Community Governance, including new processes and tools to help the community discuss and vote on important topics. This path to Raiden Community Governance focuses on three key principles: 1. Everyone may create informal proposals and discuss. 2. RDN token holders may create formal proposals and vote. 3. Raiden Trust will execute votes regarding the external development fund to the extent possible according to its trust deed and applicable regulations. Other stakeholders will use votes as guidance, but will not be bound by them. As our first concrete step along this path, we are excited to announce the Raiden Forum is now live! The Raiden forum builds on the existing Raiden Discord server, creating a new place where everyone can share proposals and engage in positive and thoughtful long-form discussions. If a proposal receives significant support in the Raiden Forum, the proposal will then be sent to a RDN token holder vote on Snapshot. — Categories - The Raiden Forum currently has five categories of topics: Protocol & Applications: Discussions about the Raiden technical infrastructure and specific use cases which are (or can be) built on top of it., Grants: Discussions about Raiden Trust Grants pro...

Raiden Community Governance

Raiden is feature complete and fully functional. Now we’re introducing a path to robust community governance. Learn more about the road ahead.. — Raiden’s goal is to provide a scalable payment solution. We have successfully built it — and more. In late 2021, we announced the Coruscant & Krittika Releases, marking the complete implementation of the original Raiden Network project scope. And in May 2022, we announced Raiden on Arbitrum, lowering setup costs and making Raiden the fastest and most inexpensive decentralized ERC20 transfer solution. As Raiden continues to seek use cases for implementation and product-market fit, we want to empower the Raiden community to join and lead this journey, and to make decisions on important topics — from Raiden Trust Grants, to code governance, to deployments on additional blockchains. In order to create a solid foundation for decentralized Raiden community governance, we will propose and make available new processes and tools for community proposals, discussion, voting, and execution. The future of Raiden is in the hands of its community. Learn how you can shape its future. — Community Governance - We have and will be working with the Raiden community to brainstorm and create ways for the community to govern the protocol and its implementations, and to make decisions on important topics. We endeavor to take into consideration the interests and obligations ...

Raiden Pulse #21: Updates From Q2 2022

We are back with another quarterly update covering all sorts of news and progress across strategy, product, and community.. — — TL;DR — Q2 in a nutshell - Following our recent release on Arbitrum, we continue improving the accessibility of Raiden. Using Raiden on Arbitrum has clear advantages, which we will cover in this Pulse edition. We’re providing direct assistance on Discord for anyone who wants to test Raiden on Arbitrum or Mainnet. We have also released educational content that guides you through the process of setting up nodes on Arbitrum., Product updates. The WebUI is now available for the Light Client CLI. This update makes Raiden CLI nodes easier to use by providing an optional web interface for managing nodes running in the terminal., Our community is flourishing. The transition to Discord is going well! We already see improvements in several areas! 👍🏻, — Strategic Updates - — Raiden on Arbitum: What Do I Need to Remember?. — The most significant update already announced in Q1 was the deployment of the Raiden protocol on another L2. The purpose? Improving access to Raiden and safeguarding its existence in a rollup-centric Ethereum. The Rohini version of the Light Client marks the successful release of Raiden on Arbitrum in May 2022. L3 or L222, we leave it up to you! If you haven’t read about Raiden on Arbitrum yet, take a look at the announcement article or refe...

Raiden Pulse #20: Updates from Q1 2022

We are back, Raideneers! This time around, we are introducing a new format: Quarterly updates covering all sorts of news and progress across strategy, product, community and team.. — First, we hope you are all alright in the face of the recent Luna meltdown. We hope that you all overcome this difficult setback safely. It’s a painful but valuable lesson to learn. That being said, with this new quarterly Raiden Pulse edition, we officially resume the regular updates on the state and progress of Raiden.TL;DR — Raiden Network — Snapshot of Q1 Updates. — Focusing on Protocol access and viability by decreasing setup costs and increasing convenience for users in a rollup-centric future. Aiming at better and faster support for developers and projects.Raiden on top of an L2. After releasing a stable and feature-complete version, Q1 2022 was fully dedicated to the deployment on an L2 solution. The result is better and viable access to the protocol, as well as new unique properties for the IoT and M2M industries.Preparing for a migration to Discord: making it a Raiden-owned one-stop community space resulting in faster and better community support.The team is growing. Welcoming Stacy as a full-time Community Manager and Bilel as a part-time Business Development Manager.Strategic Updates — Focusing on Protocol Access and Viability. — The protocol is now feature-complete as of the end of 2021. Movin...

The Raiden Network: Now Live on Arbitrum

The value of deploying Raiden on another Layer 2 solution. — The transition to a rollup-centric future opens possibilities to leverage the full potential of the Raiden Network for future M2M and IoT use cases. This encouraged the Raiden team to take a closer look at how Raiden can be used on the Arbitrum rollup to lower the setup costs and make Raiden both the fastest and most inexpensive decentralized ERC20 transfer solution. Having a rollup-native version of Raiden does not only get rid of the high initial costs incurred when running Raiden on the Ethereum mainchain, but it also positions the Raiden Network as a complementary solution that coexists with rollups. Layering our L2 solution on top of another L2 provides a promising opportunity to advance Raiden’s future and to make the network more viable. That’s why we decided to go with rollups to make this happen!Lowering Setup Costs The Raiden protocol is known for its cheap and blazing fast token transfers. However, the initial setup and opening of channels have become increasingly expensive due to the high gas prices. Up until now, Raiden has only been available on the Ethereum mainnet where users would have to pay unreasonable onboarding costs. With the new deployment on Arbiturm One these costs are significantly lowered, making Raiden more accessible than ever before and a suitable alternative for any project looking to implement and build payment networks...

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