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Ribbon Finance  


RBN Price:
$74.0 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$10.8 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #RBN today is $0.30 USD.

The lowest RBN price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.295, and the exact current price of one RBN crypto coin is $0.29521.

The all-time high RBN coin price was $5.79.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of RBN with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Ribbon Finance crypto currency is #RBN.

Ribbon Finance is 3.3 years old.


The current market capitalization for Ribbon Finance is $10,823,679.

Ribbon Finance is ranking downwards to #600 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is modest during the past 24 hours for #RBN.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Ribbon Finance is $74,010.


The circulating supply of RBN is 36,664,594 coins, which is 4% of the total coin supply.


RBN is a token on the Ethereum blockchain.


RBN is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #RBN trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #RBN purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #RBN, and you can view them on our RBN disambiguation page.



RBN Bond OTC Methodology

We recently passed a proposal to allow the treasury to perform OTC transactions with Ribbon bondholders to call the bonds early. The treasury will exchange the USDC raised for the bonds issued. In exchange for early liquidity for the bondholder, the treasury will only have to pay interest accrued to date instead of until maturity. The methodology for calculating the RBN CONVERT 04DEC2022 0.9C USDC / USDC rate is as follows: USDC Borrowed: 3,000,000 Bond Supply: 3,103,224 Old Bond Price: 0.9667365295 Issue Date: Jun-07–2022 Maturity Date: Dec-04–2022 OTC Date: August-15–2022 Buffer: 2 days (interest accrued will include 2 days past OTC date)New Bond Price Formula Old Bond Price + ((1 — Old Bond Price) * (OTC Date + Buffer — Issue Date) / (Maturity Date — Issue Date))New Bond Price: 0.9798571206Interest Earned Formula Amount of Bonds Bought * (New Bond Price — Old Bond Price)Total USDC Earned Formula Amount of Bonds Bought * Old Bond Price + Interest EarnedTotal USDC Earned by bondholder The RBN CONVERT 04DEC2022 0.9C USDC / USDC exchange rate on airswap is identical to the new bond price: 0.9798571206. To stay updated on the latest updates from Ribbon, please follow us on Twitter or join our Discord.

Ribbon X Porter

In November, we announced our Ribbon Treasury product. Since then, we have offered custom covered call and put selling vaults to protocols looking to earn yield on their native token, ETH, BTC, and stablecoins. However, options selling is one of several treasury management strategies. Our goal is for Ribbon Treasury to be the one-stop shop for treasury strategies for all protocols, which at time of writing is a $9.5B market. To that end, we are excited to announce that we are expanding our suite of treasury products. We are partnering with Porter Finance to offer fixed rate, non-liquidatable, flexible collateral type bonds to protocols! After undergoing underwriting, protocols can mint bonds and auction them off to whitelisted lenders to raise cash immediately. Protocols will now be able to earn high yields on treasury funds and issue bonds all from Ribbon Treasury. In traditional finance, there are $10 trillion worth of corporate bonds outstanding (as of 4Q21) in the United States alone. There is a strong demand for companies to borrow cash now and pay it back in the future either through bond issuance or flat out loans. As protocol treasuries mature, they will be no different. Eventually, we will offer an evolved bond issuance strategy that cannot be found in traditional finance. Further down the road we may allow a protocol to issue a collateralized bond against their native token and use the same collateral to sell covere...

Protocol Revenue Split is LIVE

Today, as per RGP-13, the fee switch that distributes 50% of protocol revenue to RBN lockers is now turned on! This further aligns RBN lockers with protocol success and kickstarts a positive feedback loop at the heart of Ribbonomics. As protocol revenue grows, users become more incentivized to lock RBN, which creates a supply sink for RBN that could boost the value of RBN, which makes vault staking APY more attractive, which in turn attracts more TVL and grows protocol revenue. Since the protocol revenue split proposal was passed months ago, protocol revenue earned starting from the week of Feb 27 2022 up until today¹ will be retroactively rewarded. Furthermore, RBN lockers starting from the week of Feb 27 2022 will be retroactively rewarded. In other words, those who locked RBN end of February will have earned more² rewards than those that locked in April, all else being equal. RBN locking APY is currently 65.8%³. This does NOT include APY derived from gauge emissions boosts, gauge voting, and/or bribing income⁴. Protocol revenue fees are distributed on a weekly basis every Friday. Claim your rewards and lock $RBN today at With this fee switch being turned on, $RBN lockers now receive:50% of protocol revenueGauge emissions boostsGovernance votingGauge emissions allocation votingGauge emissions bribes will go live next week and gauge boosting bribes will go live in 1–2 months. [1] Tra...

Ribbon V3

In the last few months, Ribbon vaults have shown significant growth. Currently, the vaults are sitting at over $300m+ of TVL, which is an all-time-high in both USD terms and ETH terms. While keeping up with the vault growth, our team has also been quietly executing and shipping a fresh new set of features that will cement our place as the #1 DOV protocol in the industry. Most of these features are centered around 4 main pieces: leverage, composability, improved vault execution, and wider asset support.Leverage Our current vault offerings are fully collateralized — meaning to sell 1 call option, users need to deposit 1 whole unit of collateral (e.g 1 ETH or 1 WBTC). We have seen a lot of demand from users to reduce that collateralization requirement, for example being able to sell 1 call option with only 0.5 units of collateral — effectively being 2x leveraged. While this is a way to juice yield by 2x, this also carries twice the amount of risk. Ribbon will be rolling this out to users, but it should be used with great caution. Secondly, Ribbon will be the first DOV project to build and use Spread Vaults. Instead of the vault selling calls and puts, it will also be buying further out of the money calls and puts. In essence, this caps the downside risk to mitigate huge potential losses in the vaults, in exchange for lower yield. However, if we combine Levered Vaults and Spread Vaults, we can create a high-yield pro...

Borrowing Against Ribbon Vault Deposits

Capital inefficiency has been the perennial bear argument against DeFi options since early 2020 — and for good reason. Today, we are super excited to introduce the Ribbon Covered Call Fuse Pool — a way for users to borrow stablecoins against their yield-generating covered call position! — What this unlocks. — Borrowing against your Ribbon Vault positions creates a whole range of new use-cases. Here are some that we are most excited about:Leveraged covered call position. Borrow stables, convert to ETH, and deposit into the same covered call vault to lever up.Construct a vertical spread. Borrow stables, convert to ETH, and buy call options on other options platforms.Construct a short strangle. Borrow stables and deposit into the Ribbon put-selling vault, effectively selling both a call (through the Ribbon Covered Call vault) and a put.Construct a delta neutral position. Borrow stables, long ETH perp or (hint hint) bid on the very same options auction you are selling into and then pocket the $RBN staking rewards from your covered call position! — How this benefits Ribbon. — Being able to borrow against your vault positions currently unlocks +$100M from an entirely new DeFi demographic that has been sitting on the sidelines, reluctant to use Ribbon because it is not capital efficient. Users can now deposit into Ribbon, borrow stables, and lend in Maple or lever up on the same covered call v...

Ribbon x

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve partnered with Paradigm as their first DOV integration. With the goal of improving our auction process, we will revamp our flow as we leverage Paradigm’s liquidity network for crypto options. “Ribbon Finance has been at the forefront of innovation in the DOV space since its inception and has cemented its bluechip status in the DOV market as evidenced by its industry leading market share.” — Anand Gomes, CEO of Paradigm What to look forward to in this partnership? Paradigm and Ribbon Finance share a common goal of efficient auction settlement to better cater to our growing vaults. By improving the overall auction flow, our vault execution results in more competitive pricing — ultimately obtaining better yield for our users. “We are delighted to bring Paradigm’s experience, expertise and network to deliver CeFi grade options liquidity to Ribbon’s vaults while maintaining the DeFi values the ecosystem has come to love” — Anand Gomes, CEO of Paradigm With an anticipated launch on May 13 2022, we’ll introduce the new auction flow to our T-WBTC-C vault and gradually roll it out to our other vaults in a phased approach. We will outline our new auction flow and vault rollout timeline in an upcoming blog post. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog post for more details to come! About Paradigm Paradigm is a zero-fee, institutional liquidity network for crypto derivati...

Ribbon Partners With Paradigm

ttps:// Today, we are thrilled to announce our $8.75M Series A+ led by Paradigm. We’re excited to leverage their technical expertise in mechanism design & engineering to build the #1 crypto structured products platform in DeFi. Together we will:Build new and innovative DeFi-native risk productsDouble down on the multi-chain scaling approachScale the current platform to deliver best execution and yield for our usersLooking Forward Over the last few months, Ribbon has worked hard to launch on multiple chains and scale the current vault offering; including our launch on Solana, Ribbon Treasury, and integrating liquid staking assets from BENQI and Lido. This is just the beginning for Ribbon — our team has been working extremely hard behind the scenes. Stay tuned for more updates on our work with Paradigm.We Are Hiring! We’re growing very quickly and are looking for exceptional people to join our team. If you are interested in DeFi, derivatives, or building the future of finance, check out our Careers page to see if there are any roles that may fit your skillset. To stay updated on the latest updates from Ribbon, please follow us on Twitter or join our Discord.

Ribbon x BENQI: Staked AVAX

Ribbon is delighted to announce that we have partnered with BENQI, a liquidity market protocol on Avalanche, on their latest Liquid Staking product. sAVAX allows users to earn staking yield on their AVAX, while still using it across Avalanche DeFi. Today, Ribbon launches a sAVAX vault, letting users earn native AVAX Staking yield and Ribbon yield at the same time. To get started, start depositing your AVAX here today: Vault When users deposit regular AVAX, the Ribbon vault stakes it on BENQI and gets back sAVAX. Then the vault uses the sAVAX as collateral to write covered calls, generating boosted yields. Alternatively, users who already have sAVAX can deposit their sAVAX directly. When users withdraw, they get back sAVAX into their wallet. They can then go to BENQI’s staking page to convert that back into regular AVAX. To start, Ribbon is capping this vault to 10k AVAX and will expand the capacity if it gets filled.

veRBN is Live

Today, we are super excited that veRBN is finally live as a result of RGP-9: Ribbonomics passing. As part of this launch, the veRBN contracts and gauges have been deployed, as well as a fresh new governance portal. Lock your RBN here today: Portal To start locking your RBN tokens, you can now visit our new governance portal. RBN holders can lock their tokens for up to 2 years to maximize their veRBN voting power.Early Unlock As part of RGP-9, the veRBN contracts also allow users to “early unlock” their tokens, but have to pay a penalty for doing so. The penalty is calculated by taking the minimum between 0.75 and (time left until unlock) / 2 years. For example, if you have 1 year left on your lock, the penalty is min(.75, 1/2) = 0.5. So the penalty is 50%. All penalties will be redistributed to the remaining lockers pro-rata.Gauge Voting An integral part of veRBN is the ability to perform gauge voting, a.k.a choosing which vaults the RBN emissions flow to. Although the governance portal is live, the emissions will only start next week, at 3am UTC on 7th of March 2022 — users will be able to vote on gauges then. To stay updated on the latest updates from Ribbon, please follow us on Twitter or join our Discord.

Ribbon comes to Solana

Today, we are super excited to announce that Ribbon is finally launching on Solana, partnering with Zeta Markets — the leading options project on Solana. To start, we are launching a covered call vault for SOL — a way for users to generate high-yield on their SOL. This is now open to deposits at Ribbon’s’ website. Truly Multi-chain This marks the first time an Ethereum-first project has moved onto Solana, with an app and interface that supports both EVM contracts as well as native Solana programs. Ribbon users can now switch between EVM and non-EVM networks with ease, through a brand new network switcher interface. Ribbon’s new interface also now supports both EVM-based wallets like Metamask or Wallet Connect, as well as Solana-based wallets like Phantom and Solflare.SOL Vault To start, we have set a vault cap of 50k SOL and will be gradually expanding that over time if it gets hit. Try out the app here today: To stay updated on the latest updates from Ribbon, please follow us on Twitter or join our Discord.

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