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RAY Price   

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RAY Price:
$77.0 M
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$1.4 B

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #RAY today is $4.92 USD.

The lowest RAY price for this period was $0, the highest was $4.92, and the current live price for one RAY coin is $4.92483.

The all-time high RAY coin price was $16.84.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of RAY with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Raydium is #RAY.

Raydium is 4 years old.


The current market capitalization for Raydium is $1,432,470,607.

Raydium is ranked #57 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is large today for #RAY.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Raydium is $76,966,069.


The circulating supply of RAY is 290,866,823 coins, which is 52% of the maximum coin supply.


RAY is a token on the Solana blockchain.


RAY is integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 27 crypto exchanges.

View #RAY trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #RAY purchase.



Raydium Support for Token-2022

Advancing Token Functionality on Solana. — Raydium is excited to introduce support for Token-2022 — a new standard that brings even more possibilities to the Solana ecosystem. — A New Token Standard. — Solana’s existing Token Program has served as a reliable solution for assets on the network. However, as Solana continues to grow, demand for additional token functionality has increased. Token-2022 is the next step for enabling the future growth and evolution of assets on Solana. Token-22 is an exciting frontier for new tokens in the Solana ecosystem, enabling additional token functionality through an extension model. However, as with any innovation in the space, caution and due diligence are essential. With the inclusion of token extensions, like transfer fees, users should ensure that they research and fully understand the extensions and features of any Token-2022 asset they choose to interact with. It is important to note that Token-2022 is an unaudited program and is still in beta. While Raydium strives to ensure the utmost security and reliability, it’s crucial to acknowledge the inherent risks associated when interacting with a cutting-edge protocol that is still under development. — Support for CLMM Pools with Token-2022 Assets. — Raydium now supports the permissionless creation of concentrated liquidity pools (CLMM) and farms for Token-2022 assets. CLMM pools offer unique advan...

Compensation Plan and Next Steps

Update on process, details and logistics for remediation of funds. — First, the past couple of weeks have been challenging to say the least for all users and partners of the Raydium community. However, the support and understanding from everyone during this time has been greatly appreciated as a plan forward was formulated. — Next steps for compensation. — Following the initial proposal for the remediation of funds, assets in the treasury have been used to obtain the vast majority of assets that were affected during the exploit. The next step is to use the obtained assets to restore losses to users that had liquidity positions in affected pools at the time of the incident. The plan to move forward and compensate users is below. — Process for distribution of assets. — A Claim Portal will be available on the Raydium UI where users will be able to view information about liquidity positions that were affected and withdraw assets for compensation accordingly. Claims will be processed in two phases and split between specific pools. Distributing funds in phases is an added security measure that effectively caps the amount of assets held by the Claim Portal at a given time. — Distributions will happen over two phases. — Phase 1 claims are open to users with individual liquidity positions on Raydium. Specifically, this means individual liquidity providers (LP) that have LP-ed or staked in...

Detailed Post-Mortem and Next Steps

Follow up on recent Raydium Liquidity Pool exploit. — On Dec 16, 2022, at 10:12 UTC, a malicious actor began an exploit on the Raydium Liquidity Pool V4’s authority account by gaining access to the Pool Owner (Admin) account. OtterSec posted an initial overview of the attack. This update also expands on the initial post-mortem posted on Twitter by Raydium’s official account. This detailed post-mortem attempts to provide an in-depth description of how the exploit was carried out, how the issue was mitigated, and the next steps. — Background:. — The Pool Owner account mentioned above was initially deployed on a virtual machine with a dedicated internal server. After additional review, there is currently no evidence that the private key for the Pool Owner account was ever passed, shared, transferred, or stored locally outside of the virtual machine where it was originally deployed. An internal security review is ongoing in order to determine the nature and root cause of the account compromise. Initial suspicions are that the attacker may have gained remote access to the virtual machine or internal server where the account was deployed. The exact intrusion vector has yet to be identified, but a trojan attack may be one possibility. An initial review indicates that the Raydium exploiter account is involved in other nefarious activity on Solana. One indication of this is a tweet from cloudzy.sol on Nov. 7 ...

Introducing Permissionless Concentrated Pools & Farms

Launch concentrated pools and add farming rewards for any token pair on Raydium. — Permissionless concentrated pools and farms on Raydium allow any project team or user to create a market, bootstrap liquidity with farming emissions, and select a custom fee tier for any token pair on Solana! — The Path to Permissionless. — Raydium pioneered permissionless pools on Solana in May 2021 as the first AMM to allow users to create a constant product AMM pool for any token pair. Permissionless Ecosystem Farms for constant product pools then launched in July 2022 as the next step in decentralized liquidity, enabling permissionless farming rewards. On October 1, 2022, Raydium launched Concentrated Liquidity (CLMM) pools, which improve liquidity depth around the current price and translate to better prices for traders. Liquidity providers (LPs) in CLMM pools provide liquidity within a specific price range, increasing the proportion of fees earned on actively traded liquidity. Permissionless CLMM pools and farms on Raydium now allow any user, project, or community to create a pool for any pair, as well as have control over farming rewards to further bootstrap liquidity in the pool. — Driving Ecosystem-wide Liquidity through Capital Efficiency. — Liquidity providers in CLMM pools are incentivized by earning yield in the form of trading fees and token farm emissions. For sophisticated users and market makers...

Raydium Launches Beta Testing for Concentrated Liquidity

Advancing capital efficiency and ecosystem-wide liquidity - Raydium is excited to announce its next step towards ecosystem-wide liquidity on Solana: Concentrated Liquidity Pools! The Open Beta will last for approximately one week on Rewards will begin after the Open beta concludes. Official Link: Five Concentrated Liquidity Market Maker (CLMM) pools are currently open to beta testers: RAY-USDC, SOL-USDC, mSOL-USDC, mSOL-SOL, and USDC-USDT. During the beta testing period, users can add and remove liquidity in a CLMM pool to earn trading fees. Swap routing on the beta site will include CLMM pools, always calculating the best route for your trades. What to know about Concentrated Liquidity on Raydium: Raydium initially launched its AMM as an innovation in capital efficiency among standard constant product (k = x*y) AMM pools, with idle liquidity used to market make on the Serum Central Limit Order Book. Raydium is now launching Concentrated Liquidity pools! The CLMM allows LPs to provide liquidity within a specific price range, increasing the proportion of fees earned on actively traded liquidity. For traders, CLMMs improve liquidity depth around the current price which translates to better prices and lower price impact on swaps. Concentrated pools allow providers to choose a custom range, which offers granularity for LPs to provide liquidity within any desired price range. Deposits in CLMM po...

Raydium Ecosystem Farms

The next step towards decentralized ecosystem-wide liquidity. — Raydium is super excited to announce its next step towards decentralized, ecosystem-wide liquidity on Solana: Ecosystem Farms! Ecosystem Farms advance the frontiers of decentralized liquidity on Solana by enabling any project team or user to create a farm and bootstrap liquidity by offering reward emissions on any pool! Raydium has set out to drive ecosystem-wide liquidity from its Day One integration with Serum’s central limit order book. On the next leg of this quest, Raydium became the first Solana-based AMM that allowed any DeFi user to create a liquidity pool for any token pair, permissionlessly. Ecosystem Farms are now the next big step on the journey and help to further drive liquidity on Solana! Teams across the Solana ecosystem now have the ability to bootstrap liquidity in a decentralized manner while having control and flexibility over when to launch a farm, the amount of rewards emitted for incentives, and the length of the farming period. Raydium is excited for teams to have the ability to drive liquidity for their communities through Ecosystem Farms. By doing so, liquidity providers will be rewarded for creating deeper liquidity on Raydium while users will see better prices when swapping and a fuller order book when trading on any Serum GUI. To learn more about creating a farm, check out this step-by-step guide! Join the Raydium Discord se...

Hawksight is Launching on AcceleRaytor

One-click investing in automated DeFi and yield strategies. — We’re excited to announce that on April 20, Hawksight will be launching on AcceleRaytor! Hawksight is a DeFi super-app for everyone. Allowing users to deposit USDC to automate DeFi strategies and earn profit-optimized yield on Solana & Terra. Make smarter investment decisions using Hawksight’s AI-driven trading signals, social signals, DeFi-NFTs, and GameFi utilities. This article will cover the two parts of an AcceleRaytor launch: 1) the Public Raise and 2) the IDO on Raydium.1. HAWK AcceleRaytor Public Raise details: Total tokens for the raise: 30,000,000 HAWK, unlocked (increased from 20m) Token fixed price: 0.012 USDC for 1 HAWK Total raise: 360,000 USDC (increased from 240k USDC) Model: Randomized Draw Allocation for selected ticket: 60 USDC (5,000 HAWK) Total number of winning tickets: 6,000 (increased from 4,000) Pool opens: April 20, 10:00 UTC Pool closes: April 20, 22:00 UTC Open period of the pools: 12 hours — Eligibility and pool details:. — There will be one RAY pool available for the HAWK raise.Allocation will be determined by random ticket draw.Allocation for one selected ticket: 60 USDCThere will be four snapshot deadlines to determine ticket allotment. 7-day deadline:Eligibility: At least 100 RAY staked in RAY single-sided staking prior to the staking deadline below and successful USDC deposit once the pool ope...

Nirvana is Launching on AcceleRaytor

A protocol powered by the twin forces of volatility and stability. — We’re excited to announce that on April 5th, Nirvana will be launching on AcceleRaytor! The Nirvana protocol is a twin system that produces $ANA, a volatile token with an algorithmically rising floor price, as well as $NIRV, a decentralized superstable coin with a delegated peg. Yield for staking $ANA and taking $NIRV loans is distributed in $prANA (pre-$ANA), which are tokens that act as non-expiring options to mint ANA at its floor price. The AcceleRaytor launch will be for the $prANA token, giving users the option to mint $ANA at the floor price. This article will cover the two parts of an AcceleRaytor launch: 1) the Public Raise and 2) the IDO on Raydium. — IMPORTANT: $prANA is not a standard governance token!. — The AcceleRaytor Raise is for $prANA, one of three tokens in the Nirvana protocol, along with $NIRV and $ANA. $prANA tokens act as non-expiring options to mint $ANA at its floor price. The option utility for $prANA will be live on Nirvana’s site on April 11, 00:01 UTC, after which $prANA can be used to mint $ANA. Read more on $prANA here: Read more about $ANA and the Nirvana protocol here: prANA AcceleRaytor Public Raise details: Total tokens for the raise: 125,000 prANA, unlocked Token fixed price: 2.00 USDC ...

Zebec is Launching on AcceleRaytor

Multisig Treasury Management and Streaming Payments. — We’re excited to announce that on March 15th, Zebec will be launching on AcceleRaytor! Zebec is a continuous Settlement Protocol that aims to transform payroll, cash flows, and token vesting by allowing users to send payments and distributions every second. Zebec is launching the world’s first on-chain payroll product with full tax withholding built-in and the first debit card for Solana wallets. The Zebec ecosystem is currently providing the infrastructure for more than 250 projects. This article will cover the two parts of an AcceleRaytor launch: 1) the Public Raise and 2) the IDO on Raydium.1. ZBC AcceleRaytor Public Raise details: Total tokens for the raise: 50,000,000 ZBC (0.5% of total ZBC supply), unlocked Token fixed price: 0.021 USDC for 1 ZBC Total raise: 1,050,000 USDC Model: Lottery for allocation Allocation for winning ticket: 105 USDC (5,000 ZBC) Total number of winning tickets: 10,000 Pool opens: March 15, 04:00 UTC Pool closes: March 15, 16:00 UTC Open period of the pools: 12 hours — Eligibility and pool details:. — There will be one RAY pool available for the ZBC raise.Allocation will be determined by a lottery system.Allocation for one winning lottery ticket: 105 USDCThere will be four snapshot deadlines to determine ticket allotment. 7-day deadline:Eligibility: At least 100 RAY staked in RAY single-sided staking prior t...

Yawww is Launching on AcceleRaytor

Unlocking the power of peer-to-peer trading. — We’re excited to announce that on March 9th, Yawww will be launching on AcceleRaytor! Yawww allows NFT aficionados to negotiate, create deals, and trade with peers through Solana’s first fully automated on-chain escrow service. Yawww combines a P2P trading service with P2P collateralized lending, a negotiable listings marketplace, NFT staking, and a platform rewards system. The native token, YAW, will be used to cover transaction fees, unlock premium features, and facilitate the platform economy. The token is backed by platform revenue and secured by the Yawww Treasury and Reserve. This article will cover the two parts of an AcceleRaytor launch: 1) the Public Raise and 2) the IDO on Raydium.1. YAW AcceleRaytor Public Raise details: Total tokens for the raise: 7,500,000 YAW (2.5% of total YAW supply), unlocked Token fixed price: 0.20 USDC for 1 YAW Total raise: 1,500,000 USDC Model: Lottery for allocation Allocation for winning ticket: 125 USDC (625 YAW) Total number of winning tickets: 12,000 Pool opens: March 9, 14:00 UTC Pool closes: March 10, 02:00 UTC Open period of the pools: 12 hours — Eligibility and pool details:. — There will be one RAY pool available for the YAW raise.Allocation will be determined by a lottery system.Allocation for one winning lottery ticket: 125 USDCThere will be four snapshot deadlines to determine ticket allotment. ...

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