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RAVEN Price   

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Raven Protocol  


RAVEN Price:
$2.4 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$989.3 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #RAVEN today is $0.000220 USD.

The lowest RAVEN price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000220, and the current live price for one RAVEN coin is $0.00022020.

The all-time high RAVEN coin price was $0.00523.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of RAVEN with market cap of SOL or other crypto coins.


The code for Raven Protocol crypto currency is #RAVEN.

Raven Protocol is 5.7 years old.


The current market capitalization for Raven Protocol is $989,290.

Raven Protocol is ranked #829 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is small during the past 24 hours for #RAVEN.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Raven Protocol is $2,407.


The circulating supply of RAVEN is 4,492,746,096 coins, which is 45% of the maximum coin supply.


RAVEN is a token on the Binancecoin blockchain, and has digital contracts with 1 other blockchain.

See list of the RAVEN Blockchain contracts with 2 different blockchains.


RAVEN has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.

View #RAVEN trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #RAVEN purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #RAVEN, and you can view them on our RAVEN disambiguation page.



New Release Announcement: Selective Participation

We are excited to announce a new iteration of Ravenverse!! In this release, our primary focus has been on Selective Participation. The previous releases of Ravenverse and its supporting libraries relied on the fact that providers can connect to the network any time they wish and if any ongoing requester graphs are being executed at the moment, they will instantly participate and start receiving computations. However, this approach has some caveats. For instance, we observed that if there are no available pending requester graphs in our network, there is practically no point for providers to keep their systems up and running since they won’t be receiving any computations. Also, it was not guaranteed that all providers in our network will definitely receive computations if one requester were to execute their graph. In order to fix these shortcomings of our network, we are introducing a new paradigm in this release — Selective Participation. — Release Notes - — Provider side changes (Ravpy v0.16): — 1. Providers must now manually participate in a specific graph. This means that providers no longer need to keep their systems running and wait indefinitely to receive computations. The list of available graphs for computation can be checked by a provider by running the Provider/ in the Ravenverse repository. 2. A graph starts execution when its required number of participant...

New Release Announcement: Introducing the revamped versions of Ravpy, RavDL, Ravop libraries

🚀🚀 Announcement! 🚀🚀 We are excited to announce a new release of Ravenverse! Introducing the revamped versions of Ravpy, RavDL, Ravop libraries. 1. Ravpy (v0.15): 2. RavDL (v0.10): 3. Ravop (v0.11): We have included helper codes in our Ravenverse GitHub Repository for Requesters and Providers. Ravenverse GitHub: You can find the documentation for each library in the respective repo Readme files. Please try them out and let us know if you run into any problems. — Release Notes: - — Ravdl (v0.10). — Massive performance improvement in Graph computations and model training, thanks to a revamped approach to the backpropagation algorithm., Added a collection of new layers to the library along with provision for defining Custom layers., Apart from Sequential Models, Requesters can now create Functional Custom Models. This will allow them to deploy state of the art complex models (like GPT variants) with ease., Many new Activation functions added to the library., Deprecated the use of the old ravdl.v1 API. The new ravdl.v2 API is much more intuitive and powerful to use., Refactoring changes to the ravdl codebase., Updated RavDL readme with a detailed tutorial on how to use the new ravdl.v2 API., — Ravpy (v0.15). — Added support for new deep learning, machine learning and math ops., Optimized model training computations., The mathematical backend fo...

Launching Ravenverse!

Hi everyone, Finally🥁 We are thrilled to announce the public release of Ravenverse. Raven Protocol is decentralizing computing power and creating a requester-provider economy. And Ravenverse is a significant step forward for Raven Protocol. As a team, we are constantly evolving and improving. Our team has worked hard on this release and will keep improving Ravenverse. Requesters can now develop operations and models, and providers can join in to offer their idle computing resources in exchange for Raven tokens. — Instructions to use Ravenverse: - Create your Ravenverse account and generate an access token: (Need Metamask), Clone Ravenverse repository:, Put your access token and server credentials in the .env file: Ravenverse Server Url: Ravenverse FTP Host/Url:, Create operations and models, or join in to offer your idle computing resources, Enjoy Ravenverse! Please let us know if you run into any problems. Note: We are working on a no-code UI for requesters and providers. Launching Ravenverse! was originally published in RavenProtocol on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Proof of Steak: Latest Rewards Distributed and Beacon Chain Pause

Dear Raven Protocol Community, The June 2022 Staking Period was completed and it was a success! We would like to give a shout out to Samüs from He is one of the few developers in the world still ensuring that all projects building on BNB Chain still have the tools they need to automate tasks on-chain. Thank you! Total Stakers: 259 Total Staked: 1,234,488,590 RAVEN Total Rewarded: 12,344,883 RAVEN Circulating Supply: ~3B RAVEN Starting from August 1, 2022, we will pause BEP-2 (Beacon Chain) staking and start to explore BEP-20 (Binance Smart Chain). This is due to the latest BEP-151 proposal to decomission Binance DEX. While Beacon Chain will be the staking and governance layer for BSC, the upcoming Ravenverse will focus on EVM compatibility and thus our decision is to pause BEP-2 staking.Motivation from the ProposalBNB Beacon Chain(BC) is a blockchain developed by the BNB Chain community that implements a vision of a decentralized exchange (DEX) for digital assets. The heart of Beacon Chain is a highly performant matching engine built on distributed consensus that aims to replicate the < 1 second trading efficiency of current centralized exchanges.Since BNB Smart Chain’s(BSC) launch to mainnet in 2020, the AMM based decentralized exchanges gain great success on BSC which even steal the thunder of order-book based DEX on BC. BC and BSC is a dual chain structure, with the evolution of this structure...

Proof of Steak: September 2021 Rewards Distributed

Dear Raven Protocol Community, The September 2021 Staking Period was completed and it was a success! Total Stakers: 250 Total Staked: 1,205,740,998 RAVEN Total Rewarded: 12,057,406 RAVEN Circulating Supply: ~3B RAVEN Starting from the July 2021 Staking Period, the staking reward will be 1% monthly. We announced a partnership with Ocean Protocol in May. Raven will become a Compute Provider on Ocean Market, publishing a range of algorithms from Machine Learning to Federated Analytics and Federated Learning. We’re excited to explore what staking could look like in this environment. Please share with us any ideas you have! — The Raven Protocol Team Raven Protocol: Q2 2019 Tech and Community Update: Raven Protocol: Q3 2019 Tech project development Update: Raven Protocol: Q4 2019 Tech project development Update: Raven Protocol: Q1 2020 Tech project development Update: Raven Protocol: Q2 2020 Development and Community Update: Raven Protocol: ...

Raven Protocol Listed on Spartan Protocol V2 Mainnet Pools

Earn over 47% APY by joining the RAVEN:SPARTA pool!. — Dear Raven Protocol Community, We have some super exciting news to share. If you remember, we joined hands with Spartan Protocol during the first DeFi Summer in 2020. They were the first major liquidity project built on BSC who built their AMM from scratch instead of forking PancakeSwap like what 99% of new DeFi projects do. Raven was one of the first projects to migrate to Binance Smart Chain and utilized Spartan Protocol’s AMM (V1 Mainnet). Because of their popularity, they were a target for an exploit resulting in a loss of $30M. Due to the strength of their team and putting all hands on deck, we were notified almost instantly and thus we were able to notify the entire Raven community so that nobody loss their funds. The community pulled over half a million of liquidity out of the pools safely. Today, we are excited to announce that Raven Protocol is now officially listed on Spartan Protocol’s V2 Mainnet pools with 47.6% APY.Spartan Protocol Pools: Liquidity/Join the RAVEN Pool: for RAVEN: We have a ton of confidence in V2 because of the extensive sma...

Machine Learning Series: Using Logistic Regression for Classification in Ocean’s Compute-to-Data

This blog post is co-authored between Ocean Protocol and Raven Protocol. We previously announced that both organizations will collaborate on adding Federated Learning to Ocean Market via Compute-to-Data. Both teams have been iterating well and driving towards Raven becoming a Compute Provider on Ocean Market. We mentioned publishing a range of algorithms from Machine Learning to Federated Analytics and Federated Learning. Logistic Regression is the first we’re giving in-depth walk-throughs on. The rest of this post is organized as follows:Section 1 gives an overview of what Logistic Regression is.Section 2 covers different applications and use cases of Logistic Regression.Section 3 is an intro to using Logistic Regression for Classification in Ocean’s Compute-to-Data.Section 4 walks you through on how to publish the Iris Flower Dataset so we can run Logistic Regression on it.Section 5 walks you through on how to publish the Logistic Regression Algorithm on Ocean Market.Section 6 brings everything we learned in Sections 1 through 5 together to run Logistic Regression on Iris via Ocean’s Compute-to-Data.Section 7 is for the devs! It walks you through everything done in Sections 4, 5, and 6 via console / command line / Python code.Section 8 concludes.1. Raven published Logistic Regression, a supervised machine learning algorithm for classification, on Ocean Market The Supervised Learning methodology of Logistic Regress...

Proof of Steak: August 2021 Rewards Distributed

Dear Raven Protocol Community, The August 2021 Staking Period was completed and it was a success! Total Stakers: 249 Total Staked: 1,196,981,261 RAVEN Total Rewarded: 11,969,813 RAVEN Circulating Supply: ~3B RAVEN Starting from the July 2021 Staking Period, the staking reward will be 1% monthly. We announced a partnership with Ocean Protocol in May. Raven will become a Compute Provider on Ocean Market, publishing a range of algorithms from Machine Learning to Federated Analytics and Federated Learning. We’re excited to explore what staking could look like in this environment. Please share with us any ideas you have! — The Raven Protocol Team Raven Protocol: Q2 2019 Tech and Community Update: Raven Protocol: Q3 2019 Tech project development Update: Raven Protocol: Q4 2019 Tech project development Update: Raven Protocol: Q1 2020 Tech project development Update: Raven Protocol: Q2 2020 Development and Community Update: Raven Protocol: Q3 ...

Proof of Steak: July 2021 Rewards Distributed

Dear Raven Protocol Community, The July 2021 Staking Period was completed and it was a success! Total Stakers: 250 Total Staked: 1,188,077,249 RAVEN Total Rewarded: 11,880,769 RAVEN Circulating Supply: ~3B RAVEN Starting from the July 2021 Staking Period, the staking reward will be 1% monthly. We announced a partnership with Ocean Protocol in May. Raven will become a Compute Provider on Ocean Market, publishing a range of algorithms from Machine Learning to Federated Analytics and Federated Learning. We’re excited to explore what staking could look like in this environment. Please share with us any ideas you have! — The Raven Protocol Team Raven Protocol: Q2 2019 Tech and Community Update: Raven Protocol: Q3 2019 Tech project development Update: Raven Protocol: Q4 2019 Tech project development Update: Raven Protocol: Q1 2020 Tech project development Update: Raven Protocol: Q2 2020 Development and Community Update: Raven Protocol: Q3 20...

Q2 2021: Heads Down Building

Dear Raven Community,. — This quarter we’ve focused heavily on the development and future growth of Raven Protocol. As our sharp-eyed GitHub subscribers saw, we restructured the framework to allow contributors to easily implement different algorithms. The Raven Distribution Framework (RDF) is our suite of libraries to train machine learning/deep learning models in a decentralized and distributed manner. It can be used to perform statistical operations also. Most importantly, it facilitates the faster and cheaper training of ML/DL models on browser nodes. With RDF, we aim to build an ecosystem and accelerate the development of the fundamentals. Let’s explore the different libraries/repositories as our codebase is growing: RavCom: RavCom is a common library that contains various methods to interact with the databases like MySQL, Redis, PostgreSQL, and others. It is a common library used in most of our libraries., RavOp: Op is the fundamental unit of RDF. RavOp is our library to work with ops. You can create ops, interact with ops, and create scalars and tensors. RavOp is a crucial building block of the framework. It can be used to write various algorithms, formulas, and mathematical calculations., RavSock (Socket Server): RavSock is the second most crucial building block of the framework. It sits between the developer(who create ops and write algorithms) and the contributor who contribute the idle computing power. It ...

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