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QTUM Price   

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QTUM Price:
$30.5 M
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$0.3 B

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #QTUM today is $2.95 USD.

The lowest QTUM price for this period was $0, the highest was $2.95, and the current live price for one QTUM coin is $2.95315.

The all-time high QTUM coin price was $107.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of QTUM with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Qtum is also #QTUM.

Qtum is 7.7 years old.


The current market capitalization for Qtum is $311,609,824.

Qtum is ranking upwards to #144 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a large volume of trading today on #QTUM.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Qtum is $30,482,295.


The circulating supply of QTUM is 105,517,754 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.


QTUM is well integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 38 crypto exchanges.

View #QTUM trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #QTUM purchase.



February Development and Community Updates

During February, the Qtum blockchain team was busy with various updates, initiatives, and partnerships. The month kicked off with the announcement that Qtum was invited to the prestigious Satoshi Roundtable 2023, where the team had the opportunity to connect with other industry leaders and discuss the latest trends and developments in the blockchain space. (18) Qtum on Twitter: “Some cool artwork from Satoshi Roundtable IX in Dubai, great times!; / Twitter Development Qtum released a new wallet update, v23, which includes enhanced functionalities, increased security, and new features to keep users up-to-date with the latest developments in the blockchain industry. The update allows the codebase to stay up-to-date with both Bitcoin and Ethereum. This is the 45th Qtum release since our main network release. If you haven’t updated your Qtum wallet yet, please download the latest release from our GitHub: An upcoming release of a user-friendly, Web3 browser-based wallet called Qtum Qnekt is also in the works. The Web3 wallet is designed to simplify the process of interacting with DeFi and NFT ecosystems while enabling users to control their assets while maintaining custody. Based on the Qtum blockchain, Qnekt provides users with a seamless experience and is expected to launch soon. Anything wallet related has to be thoroughly tested before even a beta can be released, so we have an alpha test network campaign...

Qnode — Access Qtum’s Infrastructure

Qnode — Access Qtum’s Infrastructure - One of the most appealing things about blockchain is decentralization. Anybody, anywhere, can host their dApp on the blockchain. The appealing thing here is that decentralized systems can never “go down.” However, the issue here is that the barriers to entry for developers are a bit high. To host your application, you will need to run a node, which can be costly, time-consuming, and difficult to maintain. — Running a node in Qtum - Running a node in Qtum is cheaper than running a node in any other layer-1 platform. Since Qtum has always been a proof-of-stake system, it doesn’t require any specialized software. Qtum nodes can easily run on Raspberry Pi. So, you are essentially just paying for the hardware and the electricity needed to power it. While the costs are nominal, you need to make a major investment in time and effort. In addition, you need to continually ensure that you are maintaining and monitoring the node infrastructure. Node liveness is extremely important when it comes to earning rewards. — Qnode’s Infrastructure-as-a-Service - Using Qnode’s IaaS, you can delegate your node hosting. Qnode uses AWS to provide an always-on and reliable system. This is especially helpful if you are a developer and want to delegate the tiring nuances of running a node. Here are some things that you can do with Qnode: • Qnode manages Janus instances and Qtum b...

January Community & Development Updates

One month down, and 2023 has already been an action-packed month. Activity on top of Qtum is heating up as both Moonland and Opside have had a super busy few weeks. — January 2023 Staking Results - Total staking addresses: 1,491, Delegated addresses: 227, QTUM in block rewards: 41,848.5, Unique super stakers: 24, — Community Pulse - We did our monthly Topic and Content contests with our community members. Qtum has the privilege of having a brilliant and highly active community. Here is what they came up with this month. — Topic Contest - The “Topic Contest” was exclusive to our Discord members. The idea was to provide our members with different questions and reward those who gave the best answers. Let’s go through the top five best answers for this contest. Septimus#9433, 2. erlikwindsteel#2839 3. Legendaryy#4221 20.01.2023 4. addusegg#1561 27.01.2023 5. errbetnip#7005 — Content Contest - Here are the top 5 memes from our content contest: 1. roster#7644 2. selim1453#0287 3. erlikwindsteel#2839 4. qtum#7122 5. zef#7599 — Qtum Question Of The Month - “Nausicaa” asked this question on Discord: “Hey frens. I’m looking to get clarification on my various addresses and how to consolidate. Basically my goal is to stake my total Qtum balance, but for some reason my available balance and stake balance are different. In ord...

Build on Qtum

Energy Efficient and High-Performing Layer-1 - Build on Qtum and see what blockchain technology is all about. Bringing your code to Qtum has many advantages: Low gas cost, Speed — average 32-second block intervals, Based on Bitcoin’s UTXO model, EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) smart contract compatibility, Energy efficient Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm, Qtum combines the security features of the Bitcoins UTXO model with Ethereum’s smart contract capabilities. Qtum’s energy-efficient proof of stake consensus has been running seamlessly since 2017 at an average of 32-second block intervals. Since Qtum uses the Bitcoin UTXO model as well as Ethereum Virtual Machine, the development process can be familiar to developers. Developer tools like Janus and Qtum Remix make building Ethereum-based DApps as simple as adding your source code to Qtum Remix and will translate your code to work on the Qtum blockchain. Qtum has also integrated Bitcoin’s taproot for developers who are interested in building on the UTXO model. — Porting your project to Qtum - Let’s discuss the key components which make the process of porting your project or source code to Qtum. Janus Janus is a wrapper that allows developers to access an Ethereum-compatible environment on Qtum. Janus implements transaction signing as an ethers-js module and is compatible with GO. This can save time when developing smart contracts based on Qtum all...

What is Qtum Qnekt

Qnekt Web3 wallet is a browser wallet based on the Qtum blockchain and enables users to control their assets while maintaining custody. Users can send, store, and trade QTUM and QRC tokens via Qnekt through various browser extensions or mobile apps (mobile apps currently not available) with Web3-based websites and decentralized applications (DApps). The need for browser wallets Browser wallets are extremely easy to use. Their primary feature is allowing you to interact with DeFi and NFT ecosystems with ease. Being able to plug into Web3 directly is one of the most prominent use cases for crypto wallets, especially web wallets. Now, why is this use case so crucial? The very ethos of Web3 is that it gives content creators direct access to their audience. Nowadays, creators earn revenue from the platforms they are using. The problem here is that these platforms eat up a large chunk of the revenue, leaving very little for the creators. The wallets play an essential role in creating the creator economy that will be at the heart and soul of Web3. How does Qnekt work? Qnekt allows users to store and manage private keys, broadcast transactions, send, receive, and securely connect to DApps or Web3-compatible websites. DApps and websites can connect, authenticate, and integrate other smart-contract capabilities with Qnekt wallet allowing websites to send action prompts, signature requests, or transaction requests to the user. In ad...

December Community & Development Updates

Welcome to 2023, everyone! Qtum wishes you and your family a very happy new year. Let’s go through what all Qtum did in December 2022, as we saw the year off in high spirits. — December 2022 Staking Results - Total staking addresses: 1,121, Delegated addresses: 287, QTUM in block rewards: 41,847.5, Unique super stakers: 24, — Community Pulse - We did our monthly Topic and Content contests with our community members. Qtum has the privilege of having a brilliant and highly active community. Here is what they came up with this month. — Topic Contest - The “Topic Contest” was exclusive to our Discord members. The idea was to provide our members with different questions and reward those who gave the best answers. Let’s go through the top five best answers for this contest. #1 infinity#4840 (02.12.2022) #2 space_traveler7#6157 (13.12.2022) #3 Ram..Lakhan#7811 (16.12.2022) #4 msr#0459 (23.12.2022) #5 T a r g e t $100K 🇯🇵 | SL PLYR#2036 (30.12.2022) — Content Contest - Here are the top 5 memes from our content contest: #1 zef#7599 #2 EmrePöh#7182 #3 emir arslan#1502 #4 erlikwindsteel#2839 #5 dPikachu#4077 — Qtum continues to dominate CMC - Qtum consistently ranks as one of the most trending coins in coinmarketcap, thanks to our wonderful community. Between December 9–15, Qtum was the #1 project by user engag...

Qtum Technical Breakdown

Qtum is one of the oldest crypto protocols out there and combines the functionalities of Bitcoin and Ethereum in one platform. To create this mix, Qtum uses: Bitcoin’s UTXO system, Ethereum’s EVM, Also, the custom Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism has been made to target critical security issues. — Qtum and UTXO - For example, let’s say you have UTXOs in your wallet worth 0.4 BTC, 0.3 BTC, and 0.15 BTC. Now, if you send 0.6 BTC to your friend, your wallet will pick up the 0.4 BTC and 0.3 BTC UTXOs and send 0.6 BTC to your friend while returning 0.1 BTC as change. Your wallet will use 0.1 BTC and 0.15 BTC as its UTXO set for future transactions. The UTXO model is a great way to combat double spending since you can see if an output has already been spent. — Qtum and EVM - The Ethereum Virtual Machine (or EVM) is the operating system of the Ethereum network. It is a piece of software that executes smart contract code. Basically, all the cool stuff on Ethereum, like DeFi and NFTs, is deployed via the EVM. It is a piece of software that computes the state of Ethereum. Integrating the EVM allows Qtum to host a developer-friendly platform. Plus, Qtum has also implemented Janus, a Web3 interpretation layer. Solidity developers can work on Qtum in “Ethereum sandbox” mode, meaning the platform acts almost identically to Ethereum. — Qtum Consensus Algorithm - Qtum was one of the first UTXO-based ...

Qtum is sponsoring the quarter finals with Binance Football Fever 2022 Challenge

The World Cup 2022 in Qatar is already underway and we are here for it! Qtum joined Binance in the quarter finals to hold this crossover event bringing crypto and football together with Binance Football Fever. With this event, we hope to educate the users and drive the future of Web3. For those who are participating Binance came up with a number of activities: 62 single Match Games, Champion Prediction, where you can win exclusive NFT rewards and tokens, Leaderboard to reward contestants with one-of-a-kind gifts, To join the competition, you get to claim an NFT passport. The passport has three tiers — Trial, Standard, and Super. To unlock the Standard NFT Passport’s functionality you have to do one of the following: Complete Identity Verification;, If you are an exciting verified user -hold at least one Binance Fan Token;, or you have at least one successful referral bringing in a user who registers via your Binance Football Fever 2022 campaign referral link and completes Identity Verification during the promotion period., You can also participate in the daily challenges by submitting your entries before the upcoming games. For more details on participation please refer to this detailed post by Binance. Qtum has united with @BinanceFanToken and rolled out a giveaway with $100 gift cards for #BFF2022. On top of that, Qtum as a Platinum Sponsor, is going to present the quarter finals starting December 10 in the Bi...

November Community & Development Update

In November, Qtum increased its presence in the CoinMarketCap community. Plus, further details on our working relationship with Moonland Meta as Qtum takes its first step into the metaverse. However, before we do all this, let’s start with our staking results. — November 2022 Staking Results - Total staking addresses: 1,175, Delegated addresses: 280, QTUM in block rewards: 40,501, Unique super stakers: 23, — Community Pulse - We did our monthly Topic and Content contests with our community members. Qtum has the privilege of having a brilliant and highly active community. Here is what they came up with this month. — Topic Contest - The “Topic Contest” was exclusive to our Discord members. The idea was to provide our members with different questions and reward those who gave the best answers. Let’s go through the top five best answers for this contest. #1 efritek#7125 “I liked guessing the password using the clues for the wallet containing the prize. In that sense, I would have liked a slightly larger game with a higher reward and player interaction. My thought: The QTUM foundation will set up a wallet into which they will put 10 QTUM and also set up a wallet into which players can voluntarily donate, for example, 0.1 QTUM. The QTUM foundation will create 10 puzzles that together will lead to the key to access the wallet with 10 QTUM. These puzzles will be posted gradually, for example, once ...

October Community & Development Update

Qtum’s October was highlighted by metaverse and layer-2 projects. Plus, we also increased our presence with the CoinMarketCap Community! However, before we get into all this, let’s start with our staking results. — October 2022 Staking Results - ● Total Unique Staking Addresses: 1,397 ● Total Unique Delegated Addresses: 289 ● Total Unique Super Stakers: 24 ● QTUM Awarded to Stakers: 41,849 — Community Pulse - We did our monthly Topic and Content contests with our community members. Qtum has the privilege of having a brilliant and highly active community. Here is what they came up with this month. — Topic Contest - The “Topic Contest” was exclusive to our Discord members. The idea was to provide our members with different questions and reward those who gave the best answers. Let’s go through the top five best answers for this contest. #1 Eigs#8867 on Qtum community “I’m sure the Qtum community really makes itself felt everywhere and is very supportive. I think Qtum is in a great organization in terms of development updates, constant notification of members, and getting people introduced to this project in a variety of ways. I can observe that Qtum is improving day by day. As members of this community, information is transferred from all kinds of places so that we can be informed of the necessary information and updates, this is a good situation thank you qtum team.” #2 julian888#...

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