| JetSwap Polygon Token 
PWINGS Price: | $0.00000779 | | Volume: | $1 | All Time High: | $0.93 | | Market Cap: | $23 |
Circulating Supply: | 3,009,264 |
| Exchanges: | 1
| Total Supply: | 3,009,264 |
| Markets: | 4
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 4
The price of #PWINGS today is $0.00000779 USD.
The lowest PWINGS price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00000779, and the exact current price of one PWINGS crypto coin is $0.00000778848.
The all-time high PWINGS coin price was $0.93.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of PWINGS with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for JetSwap Polygon Token crypto currency is #PWINGS.
JetSwap Polygon Token is 3.5 years old. |
The current market capitalization for JetSwap Polygon Token is $23.00.
JetSwap Polygon Token is ranking upwards to #1094 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is unknown today for #PWINGS.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for JetSwap Polygon Token is $1.00. |
The circulating supply of PWINGS is 3,009,264 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.
Note the limited supply of JetSwap Polygon Token coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
PWINGS has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 4 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
 Jetswap Mega Farm Update and GFORCE Migration Jetswappers and Jetfuelers, It’s been quite some time since we’ve updated our farms and today is the day we reallocate our WINGS, PWINGS, and FWINGS emissions! By retiring low TVL and volume pairs, we’ll be allocating the bulk of the rewards back to the most active and important LPs and most importantly, our native WINGS tokens! You may find your staked LPs on the “Finished” tab on the respective Farms page if you have an LP in a retired farm and would like to withdraw it.What’s next for Jetswap? Our team is going to work hard to bring more juicy and high-yielding farms and Pools to Jetswap! Our business development team is in contact with a number of high-quality projects. Are you a project looking to partner with Jetswap? Apply here! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScc464MfDqkkPBg3iCYUXlUaSxXvzo65C2zP_6zCfL8IRxb4Q/viewformGFORCE Migration Comes to an End The GFORCE v1 to v2 migration ends on June 29th so be sure to convert your GFCE v1 to v2! Any nonconverted GFORCE v1 will be forever v1. You can convert at https://jetswap.finance/gforce. There are only ~50,000 GFCE left to convert! Keep your eyes on our socials for some fun upcoming GFORCE events and prize pools! GFORCE V1 Contract: 0x94BaBBE728D9411612Ee41b20241a6FA251b26Ce GFORCE V2 Contract: 0x5f136383E230F972739FaE2E81E7E774AfE64c66Jetswap Farm Updates Jetswap on BNB Chain, Fantom, and Polygon just went through a major update in the farms. WI... 
|  Buy, Play & Win! BUY TO PARTICIPATE ON OUR WEEKLY GAMES AND HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN BIG PRIZES! Hello #JetSwapers! This time we’re here to bring some fun & awesome prizes to our community HODLERS. We heard you love games and we love our community! From next week, we will be playing different games once a week, the only requirement to participate is to buy the equivalent of $5 (dollars) in any of our ecosystem tokens and send it to the Games Wallet! — Games. — Here’s the list of games we’ll be playing:BingoQuizzQ & A ( Questions will be mostly about Jetfuel Ecosystem/Crypto )Fill the blankGuess the chart& more! — Requisites. — Buy at least $5 of $WINGS or any of our #BNBChain ecosystem tokens ($GFORCE, $FUEL, $FTS), & send the to the Games Wallet ( 0xB14d5C99E582Ef5aC48a9fCA2508c65623aE61c2 ) and show a proof to our representative in charge of the event.Like, RT, tag 3 friends & use our hashtag #jetswap in our Twitter announce about the event and show a proof to our representative in charge of the event. — Prizes. — The prizes will be according to the amount collected in the Games Wallet multiplied by 1.5 (The team will add half of the amount collected in the game wallet to the jackpot) For example: - Games wallet collects $100, the team will add another $50 and the jackpot will be $150 - Games wallet collects $200, the team will add another $100 and the jackpot will be $300 -... 
|  Fortress Attack Update and Compensation We want to update everyone on the recent exploit that occurred on Fortress on May 8th. As you can imagine, it has been a hectic past couple of days for our team, so we appreciate your continued support and want you to know we are working on a positive resolution. Fortress.loans was compromised by an oracle manipulation attack that drained all the funds in the protocol, valued at $2.3m during the attack. You can read our initial Twitter thread on the matter here: https://twitter.com/Fortressloans/status/1523495202115051520. 3rd party outlets have also covered the attackRekt News https://rekt.news/fortress-rekt/Crypto Potato https://cryptopotato.com/fortress-protocol-hacked-for-3-million-drained-of-all-funds/ In short, the exploiter purchased a large amount of FTS, the governing token for Fortress. The amount of FTS now held by the exploiter was higher than the governance threshold to execute a governance proposal with 400,000 FTS. This enabled the exploiter to propose and pass protocol changes. This individual passed proposal FIP 11, which changed the collateral factor of FTS tokens from 0 to 70%. This means a user that supplies $1,000 of FTS and enables FTS as collateral can borrow up to $700 of assets from Fortress. The exploiter then manipulates the Umbrella FTS price oracle used by the loan contract to update the token’s price. With these changes made, the exploiter’s FTS oracle value increased to nearly $1 trillion an... 
|  ReCap: DxLaunch AMA with Jetfuel April 29th at 12 PM UTC @jetfuelmiro: @DxLauncher How are you today?? Ready to talk about DxLaunch? @DxLauncher: Hi Miro! Thanks for the invitation. I’m fine, thank you very much for asking. @jetfuelmiro: It’s our pleasure to be your AMA host and partner of Dx Launch! Lets get this AMA started. Could you just give a brief intro of your background/role within the Dx Launchproject? @DxLauncher: Of course! I work for the social media of dxaunch.fi My position is for the telegram and discord channels. I got the job 3 months ago when the community began to be generated and I am very excited about the proposal. I hope you like it too I have a degree in communication and I speak 3 languages. I hope to be able to communicate well the message of the protocol @jetfuelmiro: Great to hear. One of the most important features of a project is the communication and the social medias to generate hype and engagement. Question 1: DxLaunch is the The First-Ever Fully Decentralized IDO Launchpad With Consensus protocol, can you explain that? @DxLauncher: That basically means that the DxLaunch protocol is built in a way that reduces centralization risks to the minimun. $DXL holders are going to be the ones to decide through their vote, that’s what Consensus protocol means. Presale investors benefit from a fully decentralized protocol, driven by the community, with the latest and most efficient DAO features. Project owners get exclusive access to the largest and m... 
|  DefiYield joins the BSC Jetswap IJO Launchpad with the $DEFI token! DefiYield joins the BSC Jetswap IJO Launchpad with the $DEFI token! Sale starts March 31st at 5 PM UTC INTRO Jetswapers and Jetfuelers, we are proud to announce our next Initial Jetswap Offering (IJO) with Defi Yield!. DeFiYield is the first cross-chain decentralized security network fulfilling the goal of making the DeFi space safer for everyone by developing the fully automated smart contract security scanner and the unique crypto asset management dashboard that brings together high effectiveness and safety of DeFi investment The DefiYield Ecosystem: The DeFiYield ecosystem unites a large community of defiers involving newbies, experienced users, whales, degens and anyone who is willing to join DeFi & enjoys the following major elements of the ecosystem:The only security dashboard on the market combining features for effective crypto asset management and a built in safety infrastructure allowing users to be aware of risks and handle them;Community governance that is built with OpenZeppelin’s Governor system including the GovernorCompatibilityBravo module, which originally was designed by Compound.An open access safety toolkit and databases including DeFiYield’s smart contract scanner, the SCW registry, the security audit database, the rekt database and the advanced impermanent loss calculatorThe system of decentralized security verification that is based on a peer-to-peer network of security validators running node... 
|  Transcript: DeFiYield AMA with Jetswap March 18th at 3 PM UTC @jetfuelmiro (Jetswap): Welcome @SonaliGiovino. How are you today? 😁 @SonaliGiovino (DeFiYield): I’m doing well thank, thanks for having me @jetfuelmiro (Jetswap): It’s an absolute pleasure to be hosting. Defi Yield is one of the strongest names in the Defi Space and we’ve been following you since day 1 🚀 @SonaliGiovino (DeFiYield): haha thanks so much, that’s very kind. Yes we’ve been working very hard behind the scenes. @jetfuelmiro (Jetswap): This AMA will discuss new and exciting features of Defi Yield and the upcoming $DEFI token and chain! The first part of the AMA will be a Q&A between @SonaliGiovino and I. The second part is a community question section and the best 5 questions will be picked. Are you ready to start? @SonaliGiovino (DeFiYield): Ready @jetfuelmiro (Jetswap): Can you please explain to us what Defi Yield is? @SonaliGiovino (DeFiYield): Sure DeFiYield is the safest cross chain multi asset management dashboard in the space right now . We support 18 Chains, over 60 Yield Farming protocols and offers start of the art tools such a scanner that will allow users to scan through protocols contracts and view potential vulnerabilities that could be risk to rug pulls or scams BEFORE they invest. Raising the bar for safety as well. What is DeFiYield https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlXPU6m7djE&ab_channel=DEFIYIELD @jetfuelmiro (Jetswap): Its always great to see ethical leaders in the sp... 
|  BNB Chain Backyard Brawl Get ready for a March Madness tournament that the people will determine! JetFuel is hosting the BNB Chain Backyard Brawl, a single-elimination tournament for all the projects that partnered with JetSwap over the past year. It includes some of your favorite projects on the BNB Chain, and you will determine the winner! The random draw of projects was completed on Wednesday, and the bracket is now complete. Take a look: Who will you have going all the way? Be sure to save this image and fill out your bracket. Will all the biggest projects make it to the Sensational Six, or will there be some Cinderella Stories? Those fans who have a perfect bracket will receive a free ticket to the 2022 Harvest Moon Festival!The Format Each matchup will consist of a total of 24 hours of voting. Voting will be done via a daily Twitter poll on the JetSwap Twitter account. The winner will be the project that gets the most votes on the state Twitter poll. In addition, community members may share the poll with their communities to try to get more votes for their favorite project. Once the Sensation Six has been determined, we will create a new bracket for the remaining final rounds. Once the Terrific Three projects are established, a random draw will decide which project gets a one-round bye.Prizes As mentioned above, people who submit a perfect bracket to us on Twitter before the first round will receive a free ticket to the 2022 Harvest Moon Fest... 
|  Cosmosium Finance IJO! How to buy the $BUZZ token on the Jetswap IJO Launchpad Starting February 10th at 10 AM UTC We are thrilled to welcome Cosmosium Finance to Binance Smart Chain via the BSC JetSwap IJO Launchpad! This IJO will raise using $BUSD. Just so you know, “IJO” means Initial JetSwap Offering. There will be a 2x $WINGS farming pool for $BUZZ — $BNB and a high APR $WINGS for $BUZZ pilot pool enabled soon after the IJO. Get ready for the sale only at: https://jetswap.finance/ijoWhat is Cosmosium? Cosmosium Finance is filling the gaps in DeFi world by approaching earning systems on a different way. The main idea behind Cosmosium Finance is not just a simple DeFi & stake to earn project. The Cosmosium aims to develop a great Decentralized Alliance for all types of projects that can be capable of interactions with financial instruments that we offer. All of Cosmosium’s products are mainly focused on achieving a great partnership for any type of project. For example, of these products our simple Index system which named Galaxies on the Cosmosium ecosystem. $BUZZ is the token of the Cosmosium EcosystemCosmosium Community Information Website: https://cosmosium.finance/ Telegram: https://t.me/cosmosiumfinance Twitter: https://twitter.com/cosmosium Buzz Token Address: https://bscscan.com/address/0xa73C15620bfA79646E9A11d0D638d66588456462 $BUZZ Audit: https://docs.cosmosium.finance/security/audits-and-kycIJO Information:Date: February 10th 10 AM UTCEnd Time: February 10th, 10 PM UTCT... 
|  Transcript: Cosmosium AMA with Jetfuel February 9th at 5 PM UTC @jetfuelmiro: Hey @Cosmokong how are you today? @Cosmokong: Hello, Everyone. I am fine, What about you? @jetfuelmiro: Im doing great on this beautiful day. Very excited to help the community learn more about $BUZZ & your Cosmosium project! Okay lets get the AMA started! 1. Cosmosium Finance is brand new on BSC, can you please introduce your team and what the $BUZZ token does? @Cosmokong: First of all I am very excited to be here as myself and my team. I am CosmoKong, Chief of Strategy & Co-founder of the project Cosmosium. I am at crypto world for more than 6 years actually. We started this market with developing CEXes at late 2016s. Then after the evm growth we started to run a local blockchain country on our own country with Jett. We were worked on several DeFi and NFT projects for more than 2 years. We are also have an advisors that worked on Goldman Sach and global banks for advicing our token model and improving the whole system. Cosmosium Finance is filling the gaps in DeFi world by approaching earning systems on a different way. The main idea behind the Cosmosium Finance is not just a simple DeFi & stake to earn project. The Cosmosium aims to develop a great Decentralized Alliance for all type of projects that can be capable for interactions with financial instruments that we offer. All of our products are mainly focus on achieving a great partnerships for any type of projects. For example of these prod... 
|  Transcript: Treasure Blox AMA with Jetfuel January 26th at 5 PM UTC @jetfuelmiro: @Captain_Troy_Mighty_Armstrong it is an absolute pleasure having you today! We’re so excited to partner with the you guys on Treasure Box! @Captain_Troy_Mighty_Armstrong: Thanks and same here it’s been a while now since we agreed everything but i hope we can provide everyone something really exciting and cool @jetfuelmiro: I’m sure you will!. So to start off can you introduce your self and the team? @Captain_Troy_Mighty_Armstrong: Absolutely, So i’m a full stack dev who is seemingly obsessed with treasure hunts! The rest of the team help in various ways everything from partnerships to security and designing our hunts. We have created the worlds first crypto treasure hunt and aim to bridge this to the real world and the Metaverse. So what better way to start than with building a Treasure Hunt for Jetswaps users @jetfuelmiro: Absolutely! We’re thrilled to be one of your first partners! @Captain_Troy_Mighty_Armstrong: The first for BSC to launch a treasure hunt 🙂 @jetfuelmiro: Very exciting! So what is Treasure Box? Can you tell us about the gameplay? @Captain_Troy_Mighty_Armstrong: Absolutely. So… each of our games are custom built and aim to take users on an adventure across the internet and in the future into the real world. We have a story line but the Plot has a hero Captain Troy ‘Mighty’ Armstrong and i am on a mission to bring crypto to the real world. However like with all hero’s y... 