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PREMIA Price   

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All Time High:
Market Cap:
$9.1 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #PREMIA today is $0.12 USD.

The lowest PREMIA price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.118, and the current live price for one PREMIA coin is $0.11814.

The all-time high PREMIA coin price was $5.79.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of PREMIA with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Premia crypto currency is also #PREMIA.

Premia is 4 years old.


The current market capitalization for Premia is $9,117,119.

Premia is ranking upwards to #585 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a weak daily trading volume on #PREMIA.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Premia is $199.


The circulating supply of PREMIA is 77,174,795 coins, which is 77% of the maximum coin supply.


PREMIA is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 3 other blockchains.

See list of the PREMIA Blockchain contracts with 4 different blockchains.


PREMIA is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #PREMIA trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #PREMIA purchase.



The Premian Take #6

When the smoke clears, a winner appears.Welcome to the sixth edition of The Premian Take newsletter — a biweekly one-stop shop for all your Premia-related news and needs! The past few weeks have been spent getting dialed in. Launch day for The Premia Academy and our very first options introduction course is fast approaching. Additionally, we are aiming at launching the Premia v3 exchange layer testnet along with a trading competition around the end of this month. No exact dates, though — we all know how that goes… Stay tuned for more updates on our Twitter and Discord! In other news, Arbitrum’s decentralized governance took off to a rocky start, with the AIP-1 proposal receiving very harsh backlash from the community — keep reading for details! Without further ado, let’s kick things off. The Ethereum Shanghai upgrade is due for the 12th, the Fed is causing uncertainties, all while Premia has been under the radar with new integrations and partnerships. Time to dive in!Here’s a TL:DR of everything you might’ve missed regarding Premia over the past two weeks: Premia x Silo Finance, Premia Community AMA, Market Data by Premia x Marty #2, Governance Series: The Path to Decentralization, Arrakis Premia Pool, Premia v3: What Changes For Traders?, Premia Integrated in DedeLend, Options Talk w/Marty: The Deribit/CME Trade, Premia Bug Bounty w/ Hats Finance, — Shanghai Upgrade, LSDs, Arbitr...

Market Data by Premia x Marty: #2

In our recap last month, we mentioned that volatility seemed cheap and larger players were buying longer-dated volatility, specifically the risk reversal plays mentioned. They sell 1x near the money and buy 2,3x wings. This turned out to be the right move. Now, let’s dive deeper into the events surrounding the March quarterly expiry and analyze the available data. We’ll also provide a more detailed breakdown of the charts to help our community better understand the information.Please note, Premia does not provide any investment advice and nothing herein should be construed as such. Anyone considering trading or holding derivatives or crypto assets should be aware that the risk of loss can be very high, and it is upon each individual to seek advice from an appropriate professional advisor. — TLDR. — BTC $28,576–73.04% YTDETH $1,828–52.81 YTDNQ $13,308–19.59% YTDCPI YoY: 6.0 Est. 6.0%CPI Core YoY: 5.5% Est. 5.5% Premia: All time volume: $305.97m BTC ATM IV1W: 55.56%1M: 57.92%3M: 59.69%6M: 60.08%Deribit Volatility Index: 61.34 ETH ATM IV1W: 56.61%1M: 60.71%3M: 62.13%6M: 62.57%Deribit Volatility Index: 64.88BTC, ETH, NQ and Gold PricesBTC and ETH Prices Above is a snapshot of current market pricing between various assets. BTC, ETH, NQ, GOLDLet’s start with some Macro. Over the past year or so, the Federal Reserve (Fed) has been raising interest rates, which means there’s less “cheap” money...

Governance Series: The Path to Decentralization

Achieving a truly decentralized nature is essential for the ethos of DAOs. However, the path towards it is often more complicated than it seems. With over 11,970 organizations listed by DeepDAO, the proliferation of DAOs is undeniable. However, the actual level of decentralization within these DAOs is often questionable. While Snapshot voting is considered a decentralized process, the actual execution of proposals through multi-sigs relies on the core team. This poses a significant risk in the event of a team member going rogue and taking off with the funds, as exemplified by Velodrome’s case, where around $350k was stolen. Although it is essential for DAOs to prioritize decentralization at both the protocol and community levels, there are also risks associated with completely decentralized platforms. Decentralized organizations have their advantages, but they also come with a price, such as bureaucracy, coordination costs, and weaker decision-making expertise. Thus, it is crucial to model a decentralization structure that effectively navigates the trade-offs between the benefits and costs to achieve a robust and sustainable model.credits The concepts discussed in Progressive Decentralization — published three years ago — still hold relevance today, providing guidance on how protocols or organizations can decentralize in the most optimum way. Having a decentralized structure from the very inception makes DAOs ...

Premia v3: What Changes For Traders?

If you haven’t already, check out our broader Premia v3 overview here! If you were looking for an overview of Premia v3 specifically directed at users of the platform, look no further! By unleashing a unique hybrid of an AMM and an orderbook, multiple price quote sources, an advanced trading UI, and European options, Premia v3 is set to transform DeFi options. It’s time to go in-depth with the changes and features we’ve implemented in Premia v3 that are most relevant to active traders on our platform. Without further ado, let’s dive in — here’s everything that you, an avid options trader, absolutely need to know about Premia v3, starting with the AMM & Orderbook hybrid design!Look forward to an article covering the changes of Premia v3 from an LP’s perspective — concentrated liquidity, range orders, pro-rata liquidity utilization, strategy vaults, and more! — Automated Market Maker and Orderbook Hybrid - We’ve built Premia v3 with a unique hybrid design, combining the advantages of an Automated Market Maker (AMM) and an orderbook. This approach addresses the limitations of traditional AMMs by incorporating the dynamic flexibility and precise pricing of orderbooks. By doing so, we’ve optimized liquidity management and enhanced the overall trading experience for Premia’s users. Additionally, combining the pool-to-peer architecture of Premia v2 with a highly efficient orderbook allows...

The Premian Take #5

It’s been a hectic couple of weeks…Welcome to the fifth edition of The Premian Take newsletter — a biweekly one-stop shop for all your Premia-related news and needs! Premia’s schedule has been chock-full of action, while the entire cryptosphere has been buzzing with excitement. Not only have we been active with partnerships, community calls, and content, but we’ve got heaps more in the pipeline that we can’t wait to share it with you all! As if things weren’t already thrilling enough, the ARB airdrop has happened, and we already launched an options pool for it! Check out our newly launched ARB options here, and an article going in-depth here. Meanwhile, the Premia Academy is on the verge of completion and the Premia Parliament is finalizing formation. We’re currently adding some final touches to the Academy front-end to make it absolutely perfect. Additionally, the Academy will feature dynamic badges and a nifty learn-to-earn program, with even more cool stuff planned for the future! Alright, time to dive into the deep end! Banks are crumbling left and right, BTC is on a wild rally, and there’s so much more to explore! Let’s jump into the heart of the action and cover everything that went down over the past few weeks…Here’s a TL;DR: of the key points you might’ve missed regarding Premia and DeFi over the past few weeks: Premia v3 Overview, Arbitrum airdrop announced and dropped, Premia r...

Introducing ARB/DAI Options

Premia is proud to have been pioneers on Arbitrum and now we’re happy to bring you ARB/DAI options. Our devs have been head down getting these options ready for you since ARB launched a couple days ago and now ARB options are live. Let’s dive in! — ARB/DAI Option Info - A couple days can feel like an eternity in crypto but we’re happy to announce the world’s first ARB options are now live. ARB/DAI options are available exclusively on Arbitrum network. A friendly reminder, if you need to bridge over to Arbitrum you can do so by easily accessing the Swap & Bridge feature on Premia.The world’s first ARB options are now live! We understand the need for traders to have access to ARB options to hedge against spot holdings, hedge against their airdrop, or to increase/decrease exposure, that’s why we worked as fast as we could to get this together for you. — ARB/DAI Uni V3 Price Oracle - With a Chainlink Oracle unavailable currently for ARB, Premia’s ARB/DAI options are utilizing Uniswap v3 pricing oracle. This is a preview of things to come with Premia v3 where oracle pricing can come from Uniswap or Chainlink. The ARB side of the option pair queries the ARB/ETH Uni v3 TWAP (time weighted average price) and cross checks against the ETH/USD Chainlink price feed to get ARB quotes in USD. The DAI side of the option pair uses the DAI/USD price feed from Chainlink to get the DAI quote in USD. The Unis...

Premia Tokenomics Recap

TL;DR: Premia’s market cap recently spiked due to Coingecko mislabeling tokens owned by the team. Read on for a meta-economic recap and our plans for the future of Premia’s governance. It’s about time for a quick refresher of Premia’s meta-economics, and more specifically, our tokenomics model! A short while ago, you might’ve noticed Premia’s market cap spike by a whole lot. This caused some misunderstandings, which then grew to fear, uncertainty and doubt spreading far and wide… In reality, the reason for the spike was quite anti-climactic — Coingecko just happened to be mislabeling the team’s allocations. Although this sudden spike wasn’t due to any change made by us to the Premia tokenomics, we felt it appropriate to address some of the aforementioned FUD. Let’s dive in — here’s everything you need to know about how the Premia token, how it works in tandem with governance, and what we’re planning going forward. We’ll also answer some F.A.Q at the end! — Meta-Economic Summary of the Premia Token - To learn more about staking $PREMIA and the $vxPREMIA token model, read here. Premia’s meta-economics are designed to strike the perfect balance between incentivizing platform usage and ensuring long-term sustainability. By locking Premia tokens, users receive vxPremia in return. The dual-token model serves three main purposes: — Governance. — vxPremia holders gain the r...

Governance Series: Reputation Systems in Governance

Composable reputation systems are key to retaining contributors and solving the problems of decentralized governance. A low barrier of entry along with a native token compensation model is a driving factor for attaining and retaining contributors in DAOs. Holding the tokens of a DAO is an easy way to allow contributors to participate in governance while ensuring they have some skin in the game. The values that align us with those of a DAO’s are a major incentive to keep us within the DAO. However, a pragmatic problem arises for committed contributors. How can contributors liquidate their tokens in order to pay for their bills while still holding on to the governance rights of the DAO they truly care about? Most DAOs use coin-voting mechanisms for governance. The problems of coin-voting have been widely discussed, but iterating upon it through quadratic voting, token-vested mechanism, or liquid democracy enables DAOs to thwart plutocratic capture and resist Sybil attacks. These iterations are good for the short-term, while capturing and distributing reputation will enable protocols to build upon sustainable and robust governance systems. Reputation is an important aspect of web3 governance, as it helps to ensure that decisions are made fairly and democratically, while also incentivizing participants to contribute to the growth and development of the network or ecosystem. Capturing reputation from off-chain and on-chain act...

Premia x Arbitrary Execution

Say hello to our new friends - Arbitrary Execution! We believe that with great code comes great responsibility. Thus, we’re thrilled to announce that we’re working alongside Arbitrary Execution to pioneer an innovative approach to security in DeFi. In the process of ensuring the safety of the upcoming Premia v3 upgrade, we’ve conspired a two-point plan. First up, we’re kicking off a multi-tiered Trilateral Security Audit, and once we’ve wrapped up development, we’ll additionally be conducting a super comprehensive full-scale audit. So, why is this partnership such a big deal? Well, it’s simple. This is the first step towards creating a novel approach to security that will help us keep our users safe while unlocking further intricacies for DeFi development. But hey, we’re just getting started. This is the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship with the goal of bringing our users the most secure DeFi experience possible. Let’s bootstrap our journey with Arbitrary Execution by introducing our new friends, why we’re partnering up, and how this will benefit us both! — Introducing Arbitrary Execution. — Arbitrary Execution is a best-in-class blockchain security company. With a seasoned and extremely skilled team of researchers and developers, Arbitrary Execution boasts a wide spectrum of expertise. A match made in heaven for us at Premia, as the specific skillsets are an excellent fit with o...

Premia V3: A Futureproof DeFi Options Exchange

Are you ready for the ultimate DeFi options experience, anon? Our devs have pulled all-nighters while our researchers have worked tirelessly to bring you an upgrade that will blow your mind. Say hello to permissionless pool creation, concentrated liquidity, an orderbook, and margin — a true lovechild between Uniswap v3 and Deribit. Welcome to Premia v3 — a comprehensive, user-friendly and modular options DEX created to reach critical scale in DeFi! With these changes, we’re catering to the needs of options noobs, pros and even institutional capital. Buckle up, as it’s gonna be a long one. Starting with a broad overview, join us on the journey of introducing the changes from Premia v2 to Premia v3. Let’s go! Starting with the inception of Premia v1, our goal has been to create publicly accessible DeFi options markets. That’s exactly what we achieved with Premia v2 — a truly decentralized and publicly accessible options exchange. Plenty of room for innovation has appeared over time, however — LPs have had to assume risk across a range of strikes and expiries, while traders have at times had to deal with illiquid markets. With Premia v3, our goal is to bridge the gaps of v2 while creating a rock-solid foundation for a future-proof DeFi options platform.Disregarding all the other cool stuff for the time being, Premia v3 can be boiled down into five main features: — Market Orders & Lim...

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