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Polygon BUNNY Token  


All Time High:
Market Cap:
$42.0 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #POLYBUNNY today is $0.00474 USD.

The lowest POLYBUNNY price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00474, and the exact current price of one POLYBUNNY crypto coin is $0.00473802.

The all-time high POLYBUNNY coin price was $23.10.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of POLYBUNNY with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Polygon BUNNY Token crypto currency is #POLYBUNNY.

Polygon BUNNY Token is 3.6 years old.


The current market capitalization for Polygon BUNNY Token is $41,978.

Polygon BUNNY Token is ranking downwards to #1002, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a very weak volume of trading today on #POLYBUNNY.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Polygon BUNNY Token is $2.00.


The circulating supply of POLYBUNNY is 8,859,930 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.

Note the limited supply of Polygon BUNNY Token coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


POLYBUNNY has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.

View #POLYBUNNY trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #POLYBUNNY purchase.



Compensation Plan: Phase 2

Mound Fam, The team has been hard at work in the immediate aftermath of the exploit to secure a substantial loan to construct a viable compensation mechanism. In order to acquit our commitment to compensate the community, the team has secured a loan of approximately $8.5M (KRW 100B). The team has taken on this direct liability to be able to generate returns with which to compensate the community. The team has allocated these funds to generate compensation through trading and farming activities managed by the team and by expert partners. The borrow interest rate has been negotiated at 10%. Our current APR is around 30% — rates can fluctuate, but we are targeting an annualized return of 20+% toward the compensation fund. We will be able to distribute compensation amounts at regular intervals throughout the year, but will need to run our models for a few more weeks to be able to optimize the claim intervals and other parameters of the models. We additionally are seeking further financing and investment along with the current plan. Thanks again for your patience. The team has taken on significant liability to meet its commitment to the community. Please stay tuned for further details as we refine our models.

The Next Chapter: DAO

Bunny Fam, As you are all aware, there was an economic exploit on the platform Qubit, resulting in approx. $80M loss of assets. In $80M, assets from both thousands of private users and Mound were included. Team Mound had been supplying about $10M in Qubit, which was the full operating capital. Due to this terrible incident, it became impossible to sustain the scaled development team. As a result, Bunny and Qubit protocols, which were primarily led by the development team, will be governed by DAO. Once the protocol is changed to DAO, the community will possess all relevant authority such as upgrading contracts, altering fee structure, and so on. We regret to inform you that we are unable to carry on the proposed roadmap. Below are the details that the team will perform when changing the protocol to DAO. Ceasing BUNNY Emissions The vaults on Bunny no longer mint BUNNY tokens. Ceasing Qubit Utilizing Vaults Leveraged Farming Vaults and Single Asset Vaults operated by borrowing assets from Qubit are no longer available.Qubit Leveraged Farming Vaults: No user assets were lost. The Exit is the only possible option since making an additional deposit is not available. Users who have never used these vaults will not see them on the interface.Qubit Single Asset Vaults: All assets users have deposited are lost. These lost assets are documented as assets to be compensated by the team, and thus the total compensation amount can be clai...

PancakeBunny 2022 Roadmap

Mound Fam, Team Bunny would like to thank each and every one of you for your patience and understanding with regard to the release of the 2022 roadmap. — TL;DR. — Q1-Q2 Venus Single Asset Vaults, stBNB, Bunny Fee Structure Revision, Governance Revision, Forum, Busy Bunnies NFT Staking VaultQ3-Q4 Zap, Cross-chain, Investment Goods Suggestions, Asset ManagementQuarter 1 — Quarter 2Venus Single Asset Vaults Introducing new Single Asset Vaults (SAVs) on Bunny protocol! These SAVs are based on Venus and automatically compound the rewards:BNBETHBTCBUSDTBUSDNew! — Our stBNB Validator Vault Stake your BNB in our stBNB Validator Vaults to earn Validator returns of over 10% APY without the lockup! Those of you who have used the Lido service may be familiar with the stBNB token. Similar to stETH on Lido, Bunny will offer stBNB. In exchange for staking BNB, the user will receive stBNB. The staked BNB goes over to the Binance Chain and is delegated to validators. As a reward for delegating, the user can acquire BNB (APY over 10%). Using the Validator Vault has important advantages versus delegating BNB to validators directly!You can withdraw your BNB right away! stBNB can be swapped for BNB on Pancakebunny right away. When you delegate directly to Validators, there is a 7 day lock up for withdrawals! Bunny gives BNB and its profits that have been accumulated, in return for using stBNB to unstake (charging a s...

Important Voting Proposals

Mound Fam, There are a couple of important voting agendas regarding Bunny and Mound Vault prior to disclosing the 2022 roadmap. The voting will be held simultaneously, and the holders of certain tokens are all entitled to vote. — TL;DR. — Proposal to Adjust BUNNY Emissions (BUNNY holders)Proposal to Adjust BUNNY Fee Structure (BUNNY holders)Proposal to Adjust Mound Vault for MND-BNB LP (MND holders)Proposal to Adjust BUNNY Emissions BUNNY’s Tokenomics have been designed to distribute the highest profits to the users, and more than 100,000 users have used our platform. However, the complexity involved with continuing to deliver competitively high APYs in the current DeFi 1.0 era has given the team an impetus to consider new options this year. Given the mission to provide a sustainable source of profit for BUNNY holders, we do believe that it is the right time for the team and community to consider adjusting the BUNNY emissions model. Our proposal to adjust the inflation rate of BUNNY is presented below.Decrease the BUNNY Emissions:Leveraged Farming Vault, Single Asset Vaults (Lending): Vaults that allow leveraging mint more BUNNY, thus we will propose to remove the BUNNY minting parts which will result in a 6% decrease in the profits.Auto-compounding Cake Vault, LP Vault: Currently 70% LP profits + 36% BUNNY profits are given to the user. This will be adjusted to 100% LP profits + 0~6% BUNNY profits. This mea...

Community Engagement Event

Bunny X 1000Blocks at — Bunny X 1000Blocks Community Engagement Event at Bunny Fam, Happy New Year 2022! As a thank-you for being with us from the beginning, we are pleased to hold a special event for the community. We have created a Bunny Exclusive Space at powered by 1000Blocks. The entire community is invited to participate! — TL;DR. — The Bunny Exclusive Space is for community members who want to take part in a new and exclusive opportunity to collaboratively create a unique piece of digital art! The top five most liked masterpieces will be minted by Team Bunny and will be airdropped to the associated creator with the Busy Bunnies NFT as winning prizes. Ten random winners will also receive Busy Bunnies NFT.An Example Bunny Pixel ArtDetails — Prerequisites. — Community members must follow PancakeBunny and 1000Blocks on Twitter to be eligible for participation in the Bunny Exclusive Space event. — Theme. — Anything related to Bunny (Busy Bunnies, Crypto Heroes Cab, etc)Your New Year’s ResolutionAny other Mound-related creative artwork — Period. — Bunny Exclusive Space can be found at which will be active from December 31, at 12:00 UTC to January 14, at 12:00 UTC. — Prizes. — The Five most liked masterpieces and Five Busy Bunnies NFTs will be given to t...

Bunny 2021 Recap

Hello Bunny Fam, Thank you for sticking with us throughout this long Defi journey this past year. We’d like to take a look back at 2021 and highlight the work that our team has done toward being one of the most innovative projects in the DeFi space. — TL;DR. — Bunny Maximizer, SAVSecurityPolyBunny, Qubit, MNDPlay Tab: Pot, Arcade, NFT, Prediction MarketMultiplexerBunny 2021 Review — Bunny Maximizer. — Earlier in the year, we changed the reward distribution for BUNNY holders from WBNB to BUNNY in order to provide an auto-compounding vault that distributes BUNNY as a reward. As we innovate and develop new products, the future staking rewards and the form of fee distribution on Bunny are anticipated to be given in BNB as per the community’s request. Link: — SAV. — SAV, an acronym of Single Asset Vault, utilizes Qubit to multiply a user’s staked assets by approximately 2.5x. BUNNY’s use of Qubit to power the SAVs proves its ability to provide synergy and value within the ecosystem. In addition, SAVs utilizing Venus will also be added as we are aware that the request has been made by the community. Link: — pBUNNY & MND. — The pBUNNY token was created to compensate and revitalize the users who were at a loss due to the exploit. The Mound Vault and the MND token were designed to capture and distribute...

Mound Bulletin 12/18

Hey Mound Fam, Welcome to our weekly dev blog where we keep the Community up to date about what to expect in the coming week, and provide a quick recap of the previous week.Coming up: Qubit — X-Collateral X-Collateral will launch 20 Dec 2021 05:00 UTC+0 X-Collateral enables users to collateralize their assets from other blockchains. Starting with Ethereum, holders can use their approved assets to invest on the BSC and utilize its speed, efficiency, and low gas fees to maximize returns. For investors who have ETH on the Ethereum chain, this is the perfect feature to easily participate in BSC projects. Read the full article here.Last week recap: Leveraged Farming We just launched Leveraged Farming. Leveraged yield farming allows farmers to maximize farming profits by borrowing additional liquidity to increase an asset position that has been provided as collateral. Bunny harnesses the new xLP of Qubit to open leverage position and consequently, it will promote utilization of Qubit liquidity pool too. Read the full article and a guide here. polyBUNNY Claiming at the Mound Vault polyBUNNY farming rewards are now available for Claim at the Mound Vault. Visit the Mound Vault page to make your first claim. Binance MVBIII Team Qubit participated in a presentation day for Binance’s MVBIII Program. Highlights were the new xLP and X-Collateral features.About MOUND MOUND is the innovative team behind Pancake Bunny, one of...

Leveraged Farming Opens on Bunny

Bunny Fam, We are excited to announce that leveraged yield farming is now available on Bunny. Leveraged yield farming allows farmers to maximize farming profits by borrowing additional liquidity to increase an asset position that has been provided as collateral. Bunny harnesses xLP of Qubit to open leverage position and consequently, it will promote utilization of Qubit liquidity pool too. As a yield farmer, this process is summarized by the following key steps: 1. Supply a supported single asset or LP token. 2. Set your level of leverage. 3. Choose the type of assets you would like to borrow. Please refer to the guide below to learn how to multiply your yield farming position as well as adjust your position on our user interface.Step-by-Step Guides How to engage in leveraged farmingGo to and connect your wallet. 2. Select your desired vault for leveraged farming. 3. Enter the amount of assets you would like to supply and click “Next”. 4. Set the leverage level you would like to enter at. 5. Choose the type of assets and ratio you would like to borrow and click “Next”. 6. Click the Details tab to see your position breakdown and click “Confirm” to complete the transaction. 7. Go to the Dashboard to review the details of your position. Note that your position will be liquidated when your Debt Ratio exceeds the liquidation threshold.Frequently Asked Questions — Q. Are the vaults auto-...

Mound Weekly Bulletin 12/10

Hey Mound Fam, Welcome to our weekly dev blog where we keep the Community up to date about what to expect in the coming week, and provide a quick recap of the previous week.Coming up: Leveraged Farming We’re nearing our launch for leveraged yield farming on PancakeBunny. Leveraged yield farming is a mechanism that allows farmers to increase their farming position by first supplying a supported token, and then borrowing external liquidity to stake an increased amount. We’ll have a breakdown of the UI and parameters as well as documentation prior to our target launch of December 15th. Apologies for the delays. Qubit — X-Collateral Qubit’s X-Collateral is coming! This is a new feature that allows investors to borrow from one chain with assets from another chain as collateral. The key use case is for Ethereum holders to supply their ETH and then borrow on the tokens BSC in order to invest without dealing with the typically high gas fees on the Ethereum network. This is one of our team’s most anticipated features and a landmark step for the ecosystem. We’ll be ready to launch by the end of next week.Last week recap: Bunny x Trefethen NFT Collaboration You only have a few days to bid on the Crypto Heroes Cab collection on Cantata. Winners will receive the bottle with the corresponding NFT printed on the label (ETA early 2022 for custom printing). Our team is also working on entitlements such as whitelisting for...

Mound Weekly Bulletin

Hey Mound Fam, Welcome to our weekly dev blog where we keep the Community up to date about what to expect in the coming week, and provide a quick recap of the previous week.Coming up: Bunny x Trefethen NFT Collaboration Next week we’re launching our collaboration with the award-winning Trefethen Family Vineyards. The Crypro Heroes Cab collection features nine one-of-one NFTs which are linked to unique bottles with the corresponding NFT art as their labels. Read the official post here. BUNNY Leveraged Farming Leveraged farming (also known as the Multiplexer) will be available on PancakeBunny next week. This feature allows you to borrow liquidity and increase your yield farming position. The schedule was pushed back slightly. Look forward to a detailed article and documents early in the week.Last week recap: BUNNY on Qubit BUNNY token is now available on both the supply and borrow markets of Qubit. You can read more details here.About MOUND MOUND is the innovative team behind Pancake Bunny, one of the leading DeFi platforms on BSC. Team MOUND is composed of developers and entrepreneurs with extensive experience across games, social platforms, quantitative financial services, and blockchain projects.Official Bunny Finance Channels Finance One of the most popular auto-compounding yield aggregators on the Binance Smart Chain.

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