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PKF Price   

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PKF Price:
$23.5 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$2.3 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #PKF today is $0.016 USD.

The lowest PKF price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.016, and the exact current price of one PKF crypto coin is $0.01582.

The all-time high PKF coin price was $2.90.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of PKF with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for PolkaFoundry crypto currency is #PKF.

PolkaFoundry is 3.9 years old.


The current market capitalization for PolkaFoundry is $2,253,493.

PolkaFoundry is ranked #753 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a modest daily trading volume on #PKF.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for PolkaFoundry is $23,530.


The circulating supply of PKF is 142,412,138 coins, which is 71% of the maximum coin supply.


PKF is a token on the Ethereum blockchain.


PKF is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #PKF trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #PKF purchase.



A Virtual Monsters NFT game, Monsters Clan, to Hold Its $MONS Token IDO on Red Kite

We are glad to announce Red Kite partnered with Monsters Clan to conduct the IDO for $MONS this mid-September.Project Overview Monsters Clan is the first third-person and user-controlled NFT blockchain game based on the lifestyle of the game’s main characters, Monsters. All players in Monsters Clan must own a monster to take part in the thrilling adventure. Players can use their powerful monsters to compete on the battlefield for glory and rewards. Monsters Clan’s native token is $MONS, a BEP 20 token that will be used to trade or rent all game NFTs and for other game-related activities.$MONS Utility With $MONS tokens, players can implement a plethora of activities to make the in-game experience more interesting. Buying dominant monsters in the marketplace or gaining rare ones in the auction with $MONS is worth multiplying chances of winning and getting rewards. Besides, players can buy, sell, or rent all game NFTs using $MONS. Especially for the first time, users are permitted to rent NFTs on Monsters Clan. If players cannot afford to buy game NFTs, they could take them on rent from Monsters Clan NFT Marketplace to start and proceed with their game career.Highlight Features of Monster Clan Coming to the game, players gain various experiences: Create, Train, Battle, and Earn.Players can purchase or generate a baby monster using monster potions until they can compete on the battlefield. Different monsters with unique ab...

Don’t have a tier? Let’s join the $DRACE Community pool!

📖 ScheduleCompetition time: 02:00 p.m UTC, September 1–02:00 p.m UTC, September 3, 2021Winner announcement: Saturday, September 4, 2021Start sale: Sunday, September 5, 2021Buying time (FCFS): 02:15 p.m UTC — 02:45 p.m UTCClaiming time: 04:15 p.m UTC📖 Pool DetailToken type: BEP20Price per token: $0.006 per $DRACEVesting schedule: 20% at TGE, cliff 1 month, the remaining 80% is vested linearly over next 4 monthsAccepted currency: BUSDRestricted countries: United States of America, China, Hong Kong, and all sanctioned OFAC countries (DR Congo, Iran, Myanmar, Sudan, Iraq, Ivory Coast, North Korea, Syria, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Belarus, Liberia)Token allocation: $3,000Number of lottery winners: 500Number of available slots: 100Slot value: $30📌 NoteNo tier or whitelist application is required to join the pool.We will randomly pick 500 lucky people who completed all required tasks. Only 100 slots to buy $DRACE are sold in the form of FCFS. Each slot is worth $30.To be eligible to buy, winners will need to sign up for a Red Kite account and get their KYC profile “Verified” before the IDO time at 02:00 p.m UTC, Sep 5, 2021.📖 How to join the Community Pool for $DRACE on Red Kite? 1️⃣ Visit the community competition on Gleam HERE. 2️⃣ Fill out the required details (Full name, Email, Wallet Address ERC-20, Telegram username, Twitter username). You MUST enter the same wallet address ERC-20 you int...

Let’s register for $DRACE IDO Whitelist on the Red Kite launchpad!

📖 ScheduleWhitelist Opening: 02:00 p.m UTC, Wednesday, September 1, 2021Whitelist Closing: 02:00 p.m UTC, Saturday, September 4, 2021Winner announcement: Saturday, September 4, 2021IDO date: Sunday, September 5, 2021Buying time Phase 1 (Guaranteed allocation): 02:15 p.m UTC — 03:15 p.m UTCBuying time Phase 2 (FCFS for whitelisters, max $50): 03:15 p.m UTC — 03:30 p.m UTCListing time: 04:00 p.m UTCClaiming time: 04:15 p.m UTC📖 Pool DetailToken type: BEP20Price per token: $0.006 per $DRACEVesting schedule: 20% at TGE, cliff 1 month, the remaining 80% is vested linearly over next 4 monthsAccepted currency: BUSDRestricted countries: United States of America, China, Hong Kong, and all sanctioned OFAC countries (DR Congo, Iran, Myanmar, Sudan, Iraq, Ivory Coast, North Korea, Syria, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Belarus, Liberia)Token allocation:📖 How to join the DeathRoad IDO pool on Red Kite? To be eligible for DeathRoad public offerings on Red Kite, please complete the following steps: — 1️⃣ Step 1: Follow DeathRoad’s and PolkaFoundry’s social channels below:. — Follow Twitter accounts: @DeathRoad_io and @PolkaFoundry,Join community groups: @DeathRoad and @PolkaFoundry,Subscribe to announcement channels: @Deathroaddotio @PolkaFoundryANN.Like and retweet the IDO announcement tweet with hashtags #RedKite #DeathRoad $PKF $DRACE 📌 NOTE: Users who belong to Eagle and Phoenix tiers will not ...

Let’s Race to Earn with DeathRoad — A New IDO Project on Red Kite Launchpad

Let’s Race to Earn with DeathRoad — A New IDO Project on Red Kite Launchpad Red Kite is delighted to announce the partnership with DeathRoad to conduct the $DRACE IDO on our launchpad. DeathRoad, a play-to-earn NFT game, is BSC’s first Metaverse racing game. The DeathRoad’s vision is to use racing technology to develop into a complete gaming ecosystem that enables next-generation racers to engage in real-world racing while accumulating transferable valued digital assets. DeathRoad brings in a New Era of Racing Games by leveraging the advancement of NFT. You can build your status and earn rewards commensurate with your accomplishments through dramatic competitions. To “race to earn” in DeathRoad, you must equip NFT vehicles and weapons, which may be obtained in various ways, including purchasing them on the open market or minting new secret NFT crates using $DRACE tokens. Then, you can begin a race by selecting a map, joining the game, and battling bosses to earn prizes. Additionally, players may increase their earnings by upgrading their vehicles and weaponry to compete on more challenging maps, giving more significant rewards. Apart from being an entertaining game, DeathRoad Metaverse has several unique features:Racers may visit the city showroom to purchase NFT boxes to get cars and acquire or sell used vehicles from/to others.Racers may create a garage in their city and provide vehicle rental services to o...

Whitelist for $PERRY IDO Pool on Red Kite is Now Open!

📖 ScheduleWhitelist Opening: 02:00 p.m UTC, Thursday, August 19, 2021Whitelist Closing: 02:00 p.m UTC, Wednesday, August 25, 2021Winner announcement: Thursday, August 26, 2021IDO date: Friday, August 27, 2021Buying time Phase 1 (Guaranteed allocation): 12:00 p.m UTC — 01:00 p.m UTCBuying time Phase 2 (FCFS — Max $50/whitelister): 01:00 p.m UTC — 01:30 p.m UTCListing time: 2:00 p.m UTCClaiming time: 2:15 p.m UTC📖 Pool DetailToken type: BEP20Price per token: $0.05 per $PERRYTotal allocation: $100,000Vesting schedule: 50% at TGE, 50% after one monthAccepted currency: BUSDRestricted countries: United States of America, China, Hong Kong, and all sanctioned OFAC countries (DR Congo, Iran, Myanmar, Sudan, Iraq, Ivory Coast, North Korea, Syria, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Belarus, Liberia)Token allocation: Example: There is 1 Hawk who owns 5,000 Red Kite points, 1 Eagle who owns 20,000 Red Kite points, and 1 Phoenix who owns 60,000 Red Kite points. The total number of Red Kite points = 5,000*1 + 20,000*1.05 + 60,000*1.1 = 92,000 PKFHawk’s allocation = (5,000/92,000)*95,000 = $5,163.04Eagle’s allocation = ((20,000*1.05)/92,000)*95,000 = $21,684.78Phoenix’s allocation = ((60,000*1.1)/92,000)*95,000 = $68,152.17 The more Red Kite points you have, the more $PERRY you can buy.📖 How to join the Swaperry IDO pool on Red Kite? To be eligible for Swaperry public offerings on Red Kite, please complete the f...

Red Kite to Support Conducting IDO for Swaperry — Where the DEX’s security and CEX’s conveniences…

Red Kite to Support Conducting IDO for Swaperry — Where the DEX’s security and CEX’s conveniences come together Red Kite is thrilled to announce that Swaperry has become our partner. This collaboration plays an integral role in providing post-IDO support for projects on the Red Kite Launchpad. Swaperry is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that provides traders with a high-performing, transparent, and feature-rich asset. The company offers decentralized exchanges that enable users to conduct transactions anonymously, securely, and without supervision. In recent years, although the use of DEX has increased significantly, CEX still generates most of the transaction volume. The reason is that DEX has some limitations: transactions are often delayed and slow; most DEXs do not provide cross-chain operations; the user interface is more confusing, and there are no advanced features such as options, limits, and margins. Swaperry was created for commercial freedom of everything related to DeFi: cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and tokenized stocks by addressing all these limitations. Swaperry uses more advanced trading features to keep users anonymous, maintain assets, and ensure their encrypted assets are safe and reliable. With no KYC hassle seen on a centralized exchange, Swaperry can offer advanced features never seen on other DEXes.Swaperry is launching the IDO of its $PERRY on the Red Kite launchpad on the 27th of August 2021. Ple...

Let’s Register for $KMON IDO Whitelist on Red Kite!

📆 ScheduleWhitelist Opening: 02:15 p.m UTC, Monday, August 16, 2021Whitelist Closing: 02:00 p.m UTC, Saturday, August 21, 2021Winner announcement: Sunday, August 22, 2021IDO date: Monday, August 23, 2021Buying time Phase 1 (Guaranteed allocation): 09:00 a.m UTC — 10:00 a.m UTCBuying time Phase 2 (FCFS, max $50/whitelister): 10:00 a.m UTC — 10:30 a.m UTCListing time: 11:00 a.m UTCClaiming time: 11:30 a.m UTC📎 Pool DetailsToken type: BEP20Price per token: $0.0066 per $KMONTotal allocation: $110,000Vesting schedule: 40% available at TGE, 30% available after 1 month, 30% left available after 2 monthsAccepted currency: BUSDRestricted countries: United States of America, China, Hong Kong, and all sanctioned OFAC countries (DR Congo, Iran, Myanmar, Sudan, Iraq, Ivory Coast, North Korea, Syria, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Belarus, Liberia)Token allocation: Example: There is 1 Hawk who owns 5,000 Red Kite points, 1 Eagle who owns 20,000 Red Kite points, and 1 Phoenix who owns 60,000 Red Kite points. The total number of Red Kite points = 5,000*1 + 20,000*1.05 + 60,000*1.1 = 92,000 PKFHawk’s allocation = (5,000/92,000)*104,500 = $5,679.35Eagle’s allocation = ((20,000*1.05)/92,000)*104,500 = $23,853.26Phoenix’s allocation = ((60,000*1.1)/92,000)*104,500 = $74,967.39 The more Red Kite points you have, the more $KMON you can buy.📖 How to join the Kryptomon IDO pool on Red Kite? To be eligible for Kryptomon pu...

Rikkei Finance to Conduct Its IDO on Red Kite Launchpad

Red Kite is pleased to announce the partnership with Rikkei Finance to conduct the $RIFI IDO on our launchpad this August. Rikkei Finance (RiFi), a game-changing DeFi platform, has developed a proprietary Open Lending System that includes cross-chain support, NFT collateralization, and peer-to-peer insurance. RiFi has been adopted due to its sustainability, community focus, interoperability, and diversity. In recent years, the cryptocurrency lending market has exploded, but existing platforms are underprepared to meet market demand. That is why RiFi was created: to address existing deficiencies. RiFi is reimagining decentralized financial services through its proprietary lending systems and innovative solutions. RiFi’s mission is to alter the narrative and establish a structure that ensures high efficiency and transparency in the crypto lending space. RiFi provides complete support for crypto assets across multiple blockchains. A vast and comprehensive network is being built to assist investors, borrowers, traders, and spectators in seamlessly exchanging crypto assets, whether stable coins or not. Additionally, the rate models have been well-designed to accommodate periods of low utilization. This makes lending and borrowing more feasible for lenders and borrowers alike and makes borrowing less burdensome. RiFi partnered with Red Kite, a cutting-edge launchpad powered by PolkaFoundry, to offer its native token, $RIFI, to t...

An Introduction to Kryptomon — When Cryptokitties meets Tamagotchi and Pokémon

An Introduction to Kryptomon — When Cryptokitties meets Tamagotchi and Pokémon “Imagine for a moment that you are the only one out there in the entire world with a Charizard, which is the strongest one, because you train it, and it’s yours, and there is proof of that.”Project overview Pokémon and Tamagotchi shaped entire generations. They are not just games about cute digital animals but opportunities for a child to completely absorb a world of arcane concepts. This world is still so magical, even today. People from the Kryptomon team also grew up with Tamagotchi and Pokémon, and some are still playing Pokémon games today even though they are over 30 years old. That is the main reason why they created Kryptomons, a reimagining of Pokémon with an NFT twist. It is a chance for everyone to have their distinct Charizards to show off to the world with proof of ownership.Whitepaper: group: what’s different about Kryptomon? Kryptomons are digital collectible monsters built on the BSC blockchain. Gamers can buy them using the $KMON, Kryptomon’s native token, and breed them with other players to cre...

$HERO IDO Pool on Red Kite — Whitelist Registration Starts Now!

$HERO IDO Pool on Red Kite — Whitelist Registration Starts Now!🔎 Project overview Step Hero is an NFT project including a high-liquidity cross-chained marketplace and the lucrative NFT fantasy-themed RPG (role-playing game) on BSC and Polygon with a world-class design of collectible items, making it the perfect combination of NFT gaming and DeFi that enables users to have fun and earn profit simultaneously. The Step Hero game narrative is a take on the post-apocalyptic battle between Heaven and Hell, with Lucifer leading the Shadow army and Gabriel leading the Heros. When playing the hero roles, players will be fighting villains while earning money (STEP coins), upgrading their characters, and hoarding items. The Hero NFTs Marketplace is a cross-chain platform where users can easily create and exchange NFTs products, which prioritizes checking for the originality of NFT assets in order to detect plagiarized NFTs and ensure the platform’s credibility.Whitepaper: group: announcement channel:📆 ScheduleWhitelist Opening: ...

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