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PEAR Price   

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PEAR Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$10.1 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #PEAR is $0.000359 USD.

Please note that the price of #PEAR was last updated over 300 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #PEAR statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest PEAR price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000359, and the exact last price of PEAR was $0.00035855.

The all-time high PEAR coin price was $3.14.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of PEAR with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Pear crypto currency is also #PEAR.

Pear is 2.8 years old.


The current market capitalization for Pear is $10,069.

Pear is ranking upwards to #2166 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a very weak daily trading volume on #PEAR.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Pear is $9.00.


The circulating supply of PEAR is 28,083,876 coins, which is 47% of the maximum coin supply.


PEAR is a token on the Polygon PoS blockchain.


PEAR has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.

View #PEAR trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #PEAR purchase.



⚡️ The Final Medium Blog ⚡️

🍐⚡️😞 The Final Medium Blog 😞🍐⚡️ In this Medium we will explain everything on why the PearZap team will stop developments on PearZap.What has happened over the last few weeks? The PearZap core team has tried to get as much exposure as possible in the last few weeks. The marketing team spent around 40–50k on marketing to get as much traction as we possibly could. The dev team released our new BETA JUIX DEX and developed a completely new token called $JUIX. $JUIX token was needed to backup $PEAR as a DEX token since $PEAR is capped to a maximum supply of 60M. The community wasn’t as hyped about $JUIX as we thought they would be. The launch of $JUIX was a big fail since we only raised about 15% of our hard cap. After the launch we proposed to remove the cap from $PEAR so that we could use $PEAR as a DEX token and keep full focus on $PEAR. The community voted against the proposal. The only thing the team can do now is upping the $PEAR maximum supply cap and decrease the emissions of $PEAR per block. This however would only delay the issue and the $PEAR supply will just keep going up. — What happened to $PEAR price?. — $PEAR prices on both BSC and Fantom went down more than Polygon simply for the fact that there is very low liquidity on these 2 chains. Lately there seems to be a lot of selling going on because investors are losing trust and lost a lot of money. Each of these sells had a big...

What’s next for PearZap?

In this medium we will tell you about what’s been happening behind the scenes at PearZap. — $JUIX launch cancelation. — As you all know we decided to cancel the $JUIX launch and listing last minute. Unfortunately not enough money was raised to properly launch our $JUIX DEX. A DEX needs liquidity on all listed pairs and since we didn’t raise enough we weren’t able to launch the $JUIX DEX. The money that was supposed to be raised wasn’t just for $JUIX liquidity. — What happened behind the scenes at PearZap after the launch cancelation?. — The team circled back to think of solutions on how to get the $JUIX DEX up. We came out with a proposal to the community and the community votes against the proposal. So now the team is thinking of other ways to get the DEX up and running with the community its approval. The team will come with a new proposal soon, after which we will make another community poll on the proposal. — $PEAR. — The PearZap team always promised to keep major focus on $PEAR and that is what we will keep doing. On the 7th of December we will kill all non native farms and pools on all chains. This will drastically reduce sell pressure on $PEAR. The emission rate of $PEAR per block will be adjusted to 2.5 $PEAR per block. We promised we would take these measures to make $PEAR more valuable when we announced our $JUIX token launch. Well $JUIX isn’t launched but we will still ...

⚡️ JUIX IPO cancelation ⚡️

In this blog post we will tell you all about the $JUIX IPOs. — Why cancel the IPOs now?. — As everybody can see we didn’t quite raise the amounts we had in mind to launch our $JUIX token. Unfortunately this means we are not able to list $JUIX with a stable liquidity but this also means we can’t launch our JUIX DEX because a big part of the raise was going to be used for first liquidities on our DEX trading pairs. The amounts that are raised in the IPOs aren’t cutting it and we need to make this very difficult decision to cancel the IPOs. The interest from the community for $JUIX just doesn’t seem to be present. — What does this mean for you as IPO participant?. — We will airdrop your full contribution back to your wallet a few hours after the official launch ended, this way you haven’t lost anything but gas and time. We will airdrop a $PEAR compensation later on to cover the gas fees and lost time as well. Cancelling the IPOs also means that the team will regroup and think of other ways to launch the $JUIX DEX. Until that time we ask you to bare with us, until we find a perfect solution. This is also the best time to let your voice be heard, we need community feedback on all our upcoming solutions. 🍐 Thank you all for understanding this very very difficult decision and keep zapping those $PEAR tokens 🍐 Update 2nd December 2021 : 11 AM UTC : Participants refund We refunded any par...

$JUIX launch Postponed

In this medium we will tell you all about the $JUIX launch postponement.Why postpone the launch? After digging into the numbers we noticed that it’s currently not possible to raise the hardcaps on both POLYDeFi and PearZap. PearZap: 50% of the pear liquidity on Polygon is still farming in Wault/apeswap farms without getting rewards and is thus sitting still. Without us knowing if that liquidity will be able to join the IPO we can’t proceed with the launch. Even with the 50% being able to participate we will have a hard time raising the full hard cap on PearZap, because the amount of polygon $PEAR LP tokens out their are simply not enough. POLYDeFi: We noticed that the POLYDeFi community isn’t ready for a launch with LP tokens yet since there was only a small amount locked inside their native farms so far. At this point they will not be able to raise more than 50k. We talked with the POLYDeFi team and they will make some changes in their IFO process to make sure their launches will succeed. Because of the slim chance of the hardcaps getting reached we decided to postpone the launch by a week until the 2nd of December to adjust the IPO process and get community feedback on how they want to see $JUIX launched. With this extra week we have the possibility to run extra marketing so even more people will know about our juicy $JUIX IPO launch + more partnerships can be arranged and set to kick in soon after launch. Thank y...

PearZap $JUIX launch

Read all about the $JUIX launch in this Medium blog. — 🧃 What is $JUIX? 🧃. — PearZap DEX comes with a new token: $JUIX. The DEX will also be named; Juix. It’s Juix by PearZap ;-) The JUIcy deX! $JUIX is a new token linked to the PearZap Juix DEX. JUIX stands for JUIcy deX. You already know that PearZap loves its juicy features and especially our juicy APRs. The primary function/utility of $JUIX token is to incentivize providing liquidity into the DEX. Without $JUIX token distribution into the DEX farms, there would be much less incentive to provide liquidity. Liquidity Providers are mainly rewarded through the following ways in the DEX program:Their LPs will gain value over time with the distribution of all trading fees (60% of 0.25% of any trade) added automatically into the LPsExtra rewards by staking their LPs into farms to earn $JUIX tokens with great APRs. $JUIX minting is uncapped and dedicated to the DEX biggest feature: reward the Zappers! Additionally $JUIX will take a place into coming vaults, games and NFTs to add more and more utility as we develop — 🧃 $JUIX tokenomics 🧃. — $JUIX will be uncapped with emissions initially set to 10 new $JUIX minted per block on Polygon, BSC and Fantom (same tokenomics on each chain) A total of 2.242.500 tokens will be minted pre launch on each chain (Polygon, BSC and Fantom. Which will be distributed as followed:1.562.500 tokens for th...

⚡️ Liquidity migration to JUIX DEX

In this Medium Blog we explain you all how to migrate your liquidity to the PearZap DEX. This guide is the same for all our 3 covered chains: Polygon, BSC and Fantom. — 🚀 Migration planning and details 🚀. — This 18th of November, Pearzap will start the $PEAR liquidity migration from WaultFinance and ApeSwap DEX to our own Pearzap DEX; JUIX. You can read more about our plan in our previous Medium blogpost here : Update: on the 29th of November at 10 AM UTC we start the launch of the JUIX BETA DEX on BSC and Fantom. This also means the liquidity migration on both BSC and Fantom will start at 10 AM UTC. This migration will be executed in 2 phases. — Migration Phase 1. — This 18th November at 1:30 PM UTC, we will make the following changes into farms and pools configuration: Update: The 29th of November we, will make the following changes into farms and pools configuration:Reduce the PEAR emission on the native farms: PEAR-WMATIC (Wault LP and Apeswap LP), PEAR-USDC (Wault LP), PEAR-WEXPoly (Wault LP) Update: Reduce the PEAR emission on the native farms on BSC and Fantom.Reduce the PEAR emission on the non native pools: WMATIC,WETH,WBTC,USDT,USDC. Emission of these pools will be cut by 50%. This is part of our plan to reduce sell pressure on $PEAR from the non natives pools. Important not...

Introducing the PearZap DEX and our new backup token for $PEAR; $JUIX

In this Medium blog we will tell you all about: our DEX, $PEAR scarcity and our new $JUIX token.🚀 Let’s first talk about our DEX specificities 🚀 Launching our own DEX is a major milestone that was planned on our roadmap since the beginning of our project. We want our DEX to bring some innovations into the standard AMM/DEX model, which was originally developed by Uniswap. Our DEX code is based on the really strong Uniswap V2 code (we will come later into the article on the security) with some improvement into the this model to bring innovations. Our DEX code is undergoing a security audit by Obelisk Auditing company. Developed on Polygon first as promised, our DEX will be Secure, Fast, Decentralized and Inexpensive (due to low tx fee on Polygon and our very competitive trading fees). PearZap aims to bring our existing multi chain development into our dex development as well. After DEX deployment on polygon our DEX will be extended to BSC and Fantom in the near future. The PearZap DEX will bring some amazing new features and possibilities to our project, for example:The possibility (automatically) to add and remove liquidity to our own native LPs without paying the 2% burn transfer tax of PEAR. This feature will be available at launch of our DEX.The possibility to create liquidity in one click from a token. This zap feature will be developed soon.An easy way to migrate liquidity from another DEX to PearZap DEX.Add...

Recap; week 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44.

Welcome to yet another recap. We missed a few bi-weekly recaps but we will pick up again on these medium blogs. We had some pretty busy weeks, in which we released a lot of news; - 🦜 We extended our partnership with the parrots from YieldParrot. A boosted vault was deployed on YieldParrot a YUGE APY. 🦜 - ☸️ Pools and gardens were deployed with out longterm partner; POLYDeFi. ☸️ - ❌ The staking pool to stake $LINK -> earn $PEAR was removed from the Polygon Dapp. ❌ - 🌉 PearZap decided to close the bridge until further notice. It will remain closed until we find a good solution on how to open it without hurting price action. 🌉 - 🖼 We hosted 2 profile picture contests; 1 on Twitter and 1 on Telegram. These contests did way better than we could have ever dreamed it would do. 🖼 - 🦙 PearZap partnered up with the grass eating Alpacas from Alpaca Finance A grazing range was deployed on the Alpaca Finance platform. 🦙 - 💈 We helped out our Barbershop DeFi partners with their gleam campaign by providing some $PEAR prizes for their campaign. 💈 - 🍐 $PEAR got integrated within Pacoca, which is one of the best portfolio managers out there. 🍐 - 🎡 We released the Pear Spinner on Polygon first and recently we also deployed the Pear Spinner on the Fantom network and BSC network. 🎡 - 🥮 PearZap deployed a delicious garden on the BSC Dapp to stake $PEAR and earn $CAKE. 🥮 - ❌ T...

The Super Garden

In this Medium article we will tell you all about our new Super Garden feature.🍐⚡️ What is the Super Garden? 🍐⚡️ The super garden is a new feature from PearZap. In the supergarden, PearZappers will be able to stake $PEAR to earn multiple partner tokens at the same time. This means the Super Garden will have an insane APR and will give huge exposure to PearZap. The Super Garden will be deployed on Polygon first like every major feature. After Polygon we will release the feature on BSC and Fantom as well. The very first Super Garden will be deployed on the 21st of October at 8 AM UTC and the rewards distribution will start on the 21st of October at 6 PM UTC. The Super Garden will be deployed on Https://🤝 The participants 🤝 PearZap will provide the Super Garden with $USDC, so that a stable coin will be earned as stable income. The following partner projects sponsored the Super Garden feature from PearZap: — - Cafeswap Finance ☕️. — CafeSwap is a yield farming and staking platform on the BSC Chain and Polygon Network. They have built this project to provide the best experience with farming while regulating the supply, They believe in partnerships hence they aim to bring all DeFi ecosystems in one place to have a friendly ecosystem for all. So far we already did multiple cross staking pools with Cafeswap Finance on both the Polygon network and BSC chain, we also d...

Token lock Dev address on Fantom

In this short medium article we will inform you on the fantom tokens lock from the dev address. — ❓Why did we lock the tokens in the dev wallet?. — We decided to lock 1.5M $PEAR tokens on Fantom to give our community more ease at heart. We minted a substantial amount of tokens pre Fantom launch because of the upcoming locked garden airdrops. Minting the amount of tokens that we did means that we don’t have to up the emission rate to make the airdrops happen. We understand that seeing an unlocked wallet with so many tokens can be scary so we locked them. — 🔒 The lock 🔒. — The PearZap team locked a total amount of 1.5M tokens that will unlock gradually in 10 batches. Each week, 150.000 tokens will be unlocked for 10 weeks. These tokens will be used for the Fantom airdrops to those who managed to stake into the locked BSC and locked Polygon garden. In our docs you will be able to read about the lock and there you will also find the lock TX hashes 🙏 Thank you all for your loyalty and trust PearZappers. We will continue our work to keep the project great 🙏 — PearZap socials. — WebsiteTelegramTwitter

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