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OTO Price   

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OTO Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$1.1 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #OTO is $0.035 USD.

Please note that the price of #OTO was last updated over 290 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #OTO statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest OTO price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.035, and the exact last price of OTO was $0.03503.

The all-time high OTO coin price was $0.60.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of OTO with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for OTOCASH crypto currency is #OTO.

OTOCASH is 5 years old.


The current market capitalization for OTOCASH is $1,079,025.

OTOCASH is ranking downwards to #1514, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a very weak daily trading volume on #OTO.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for OTOCASH is $30.00.


The circulating supply of OTO is 30,804,876 coins, which is 80% of the total coin supply.


OTO has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 4 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.

View #OTO trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #OTO purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #OTO, and you can view them on our OTO disambiguation page.



OTOCASH Core V1.1.3 has been released

Hi everyone We announce that we have release OTOCASH Core Version v1.1.3. This release is a critical updates. This update includes QT Malay Language locale, increasing a reward to 0.25 OTO/Block and reducing fee to 0.000001 OTO. If you have used the previous version of the wallet, you need to re-download/re-sync to use this wallet version. This process will only take one hour to 2 hours. This release is not need to swap/rollback/new address or transfer to new chain also not a “vout” parameter changing. That meaning you can use old wallet.dat without any issue. All OTOCASH official explorers will use v1.1.3 You can download the OTOCASH wallet here or directly from GitHub Regards OTOCASH Ceo

Development Announcement

Hi all OTO holders and traders, On behalf of OTOCASH Team, I apologized that recently we have been less active on social media, Twitter and Telegram. We did not forget or abandoned all of you. We are working for the next step of OTOCASH development. On August 10 2020 we will release OTOCASH wallet version V.1.1.2. The new QT wallet will have the function of Malay Language and most importantly we increase the reward to 0.25 OTO per block. In addition, we are still in the process of developing a payment system platform but there is a delay in launching because we still need to make some development on the source code as included in our whitepaper. Be reminded, that your interest is our priority. Please contact us by email if you have any concerns. Thank you.

Wallet update notice

Notify regarding wallet update Hi All, Thank You for all of your support. I’m wrote here to notify that we will release OTOCASH wallet Version 1.0.1 on 10 Sep, 2019, which we call cosmetic updates. This update includes logo updates and descriptions in README, without touching the critical parts of the code. For Exchange, you can keep the current version (v1.0.0) on your platform as this update is not critical and only cosmetic. Regards Khairul Anuar OTOCASH Founder


Hi all OTO holders and crypto lovers, On behalf of OTOCASH Team, we apologized that recently we have been less active on social media, Twitter and Telegram. We did not forget and ignore you all. We are working for the next step of OTOCASH development. In the near future, we will be updating and upgrading the official website, whitepaper and wallet. This will be done to make it more attractive and professional. In addition, we are still in the process of developing a payment system platform with an appointed contractor and it is likely to be launched in December 2019 as embedded in our whitepaper. We are also developing a secure and easy-to-use android wallet application for anyone. For further development, we are evaluating several stablecoin additives to facilitate OTO conversion to stablecoin or local currencies in certain countries, especially in Southeast Asia, Latin America and China. Related to the SWAP process which is not resolved quickly and has taken over 2 months. We state here that we are serious and committed to this process. You will need to perform Omniwallet verification and Id verification in some cases. Whereas for investors at the ICO level who did not move the OTO token (omni version) we have made swaps easier and have completed over 95% of applications. Be reminded, that your interest is our priority. Please contact us by email if you have any concerns. Thank you. Regards Khairul Anua...

Delisting OTOCASH From InstantBitex And Raisex Exchange

We announce that we have made a request to InstantBitex Exchange and Raisex Exchange for delisting OTOCASH from the platform. This action is for the following reasons:1. Still listing the OTO Token which we have announced switched to OTO Coin (Scrypt-PoS Crypto Coin).Non active market. We are certain that no user has purchased tokens from both of these Platform.There is only a Token from scammer address on the InstantBitex platform.There are complaints about the difficult and non-transparent KYC process on Raisex. Reminds you not to trade OTOCASH on both Platforms. If you still have a valid Token there, you can contact us with proof by email to OTOCASH COIN (OTO) is available and traded in the following Exchanges:Crex24 More exchanges and piars will be announced in the near future. Your interest is our priority. Thank You Regards OTOCASH CEO

OTOCASH Listed ON Crex24

We are glad to inform that $OTO has been listed on @Crex_24 with OTO/BTC pair. You can trade $ OTO with this link … Regards OTOCASH CEO

Otocash Coin

OTOCASH (OTO) is Scrypt-PoS Cryptocurrency. Further Development Overview Development of web wallet. Development of mobile wallet with ZERO Fee facility between user. Development of crypto payment website. Development of OTOCASH payment system website. Coin Details Coin Name : OTOCASH Coin Symbol : OTO Decimal : 8 Genesis Date : March 01,2018 Algorithm : Scrypt-PoS Wallet Version : v1.0.0 Supply Type : Mineable By Staking Block Reward : 0.0001 OTO Average Blocktime : 140 Seconds Spend Confirmation : 1/10 Premine : 38254582 OTO Coin Sold : 30754582 OTO Company Reserve : 5000000 OTO Company Members : 2500000 OTO Circulation Supply : 33254582 OTO 12 Months Reserve Address : TNmGKYfh2k3UodqSYD8Cg7cTJmLHNuFNaE ICO Date : March 30,2018 — November 30, 2018 ICO Price : USD 0.20 — USD 0.50 With Bonus 10% — 60% Coins Will Froze : Company reserve amount include 300K OTO at 3 staking wallets, but only 4.7 million will be released 470000 OTO/ month starting 0n Dec 30 2019

Token Swap

Please be informed that we have received Swap OTO Coin application from 87% Investor at ICO and 96% OTO holders with OTO in the market. All swap transactions will be settled on or before May 30, 2019. All Tokens are guaranteed SWAPPED 1:1 to OTOCASH COIN except tokens in or derived from this wallet addresses 1.1DFrm9QS7Cbo15FaDwyTojBsYT8jX1TKep 2.1Px3zorjicUMVkv9jDde4VCMCgYdKbkJnu as it has been reported as a scammer. To the coin listing organization or exchange who wish to obtain full report regarding the above addresses may contact us by email at However, anyone who has purchased OTO Token from the above wallet addresses on any exchange on or before May 15, 2019 will be fully swapped to OTO coin with the KYC required. Regar

OTOCASH Market is now OPENED

Announced that the OTOCASH Market reopened with OTOCASH Coin. You can get OTO coin at Escodex Exchange safely. With this announcement we notify the OTOCASH-Omnilayer Protocol Token not active in all exchange and are not recognized. Regar

OTOCASH Coin (OTO) Scrypt-PoS Cryptocurrency

After a long talk on weekend break with the all the OTOCASH Team Members, we decided that OTOCASH Token will bec onverted to OTOCASH Coin from Chain Protocol — Hashing Algorithm Scrypt-PoS Folked from Blackcoin. And we announce OTOCASH Coin as the Official Coin of OTOCASH Enterprise which is in force at the time and date of this announcement being made. It is also announced that all development processes have been completed and all test processes have been completed. OTOCASH Market will be activated within 72 hours. The OTOCASH Token swap process to OTOCASH Coin started several hours ago. With priority given to Investors during ICO. For those who earn OTOCASH Token on the market, the token process will start within 48 hours and KYC is required for the process. We assure you that all swap processes will be made as soon as possible and we provide 24/7 support team to serve. Regards OTOCASH Te

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