| Osmosis
OSMO Price: | $0.74 | | Volume: | $19.2 M | All Time High: | $11.18 | | Market Cap: | $0.5 B |
Circulating Supply: | 633,386,517 |
| Exchanges: | 25
| Total Supply: | 633,386,517 |
| Markets: | 109
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 88
The price of #OSMO today is $0.74 USD.
The lowest OSMO price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.741, and the exact current price of one OSMO crypto coin is $0.74068.
The all-time high OSMO coin price was $11.18.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of OSMO with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Osmosis is #OSMO.
Osmosis is 3.4 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Osmosis is $469,136,257.
Osmosis is ranked #174 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is large today for #OSMO.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Osmosis is $19,162,839. |
The circulating supply of OSMO is 633,386,517 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply. |
OSMO is the native coin for the Osmosis blockchain.
View the full list of Osmosis blockchain tokens, and has digital contracts with 2 other blockchains.
See list of the OSMO Blockchain contracts with 3 different blockchains. |
OSMO is well integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 25 crypto exchanges.
View #OSMO trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #OSMO purchase. |
Thoughts on Osmosis and Bridges Recent community discussion surrounding Cosmos-Ethereum bridges and Osmosis’s credible neutrality has highlighted some important concerns. We wanted to contribute to the active and at times passionate governance participation in the ecosystem by providing commentary as to how we think about the role of bridges in the Cosmos ecosystem and Osmosis specifically. Bridged assets are not fungible: ETH arriving across Gravity Bridge vs. ETH arriving from Axelar are two different tokens within Cosmos. This challenge is replicated with all ERC20 assets. Were Osmosis to support both versions of ETH on the front end, ETH1 and ETH2 would both appear when swapping. Rather than one liquidity pool for OSMO/ETH, there would be two: OSMO/ETH1 and OSMO/ETH2. This comes with significant detriment to user experience and dex liquidity. — User Experience. — Osmosis seeks to one day overtake centralized exchanges. Therefore, the interchain user experience is one of the main pillars of Osmosis. If decentralized exchanges are going to appeal to centralized exchange users, the decentralized user experience must meet or exceed the centralized exchange user experience. The app.osmosis.zone frontend has already taken inspiration from the UX flows of centralized exchanges, such as in the Deposits/Withdrawal flows on the assets page. On a centralized exchange, there is one version of each asset. Users have come to take this for granted, and d...
| Osmosis Liquidity Mining 101 Osmosis is an automated market maker (AMM) protocol built for liquidity providers. Therefore, it should be governed and owned by liquidity providers. Over time, the largest allocation of OSMO tokens is set aside for liquidity incentives to reward liquidity providers for their contributions and give them an ownership stake in the future of the protocol. The process for earning these liquidity incentives is known as liquidity mining. While many within the Cosmos ecosystem are familiar with concepts like staking rewards and community pools, Osmosis is the first Cosmos project to introduce liquidity incentives. Osmosis aims to be the most innovative AMM across all ecosystems. Osmosis has many planned features in development to improve LP incentives beyond what current AMMs have been able to accomplish. In this post, we will cover the process of how liquidity incentives are chosen, earned, and distributed on Osmosis. Liquidity Providing Providing liquidity (called “LPing”) is the process of depositing assets into an AMM pool. AMMs are decentralized finance protocols that allow for the swapping of assets without a centralized intermediary. Just as trading firms make traditional markets, AMMs establish prices and facilitate trades using permissionless liquidity pools into which users can deposit assets. For example, if Pool #1 is the OSMO<>ATOM pool, users can deposit OSMO and ATOM tokens into the pool and receive back Po...
| OSMO Token Distribution The launch of Osmosis will begin the next epoch in AMM platforms through providing a platform for modular, customizable AMMs. To make such a progressive, adaptable protocol work, governance will be a key factor to Osmosis’ success. Almost every element of the protocol is intended to be upgraded as necessary to keep Osmosis on track to becoming the most innovative AMM platform operating today. Stakeholders will vote and help plan to implement new features for the protocol, like front-running protection, validator-backed oracles, and more. Governance also allows for rapid fine-tuning of existing parameters such as liquidity mining incentives which can be adapted as often as a weekly basis. Along with everything else, governance will also have the opportunity to shape the direction of the protocol’s core tokenomics. The community can decide after launch to revise the token model. In fact, this is encouraged! As new innovations come to the platform, some of which are already in works, the core tokenomics of the system will need to adapt as well. However, to make this work, the community needs to be seeded with an initial distribution and token model which can then be iterated upon. In the post, we will present the initial token model to distribute the native token of Osmosis, OSMO, to stakeholders most aligned with the strategic direction of the protocol.Token Release Schedule Osmosis will have an initial released supply of...
| Osmosis: A Hub AMM In recent months, there has been much discussion within the Cosmos community about the potential for a Cosmos Hub-based AMM platform. The potential for such an AMM is what inspired us to begin work on Osmosis in the first place, and we remain committed to making Osmosis the best AMM secured by the Cosmos Hub. We originally considered building Osmosis as a module on the Cosmos Hub directly, but after long analysis, determined that this was not the optimal path for the success of both Osmosis and the Cosmos Hub. In the post, we’ll lay out some of the reasons we came to this conclusion, and explain our vision for the future of the Cosmos Hub and Osmosis’s synergistic relationship with it.Iterate Fast Before we move forward, it’s important to understand the design philosophy of Osmosis to understand the full context. Osmosis is an AMM laboratory: an active testing ground where experimentation on optimizing AMMs for a wide variety of financial assets takes place using the same scientific method which drove human progress forward:Asking a questionHypothesizing a solutionExperimentingCollecting and analyzing the dataDrawing a conclusionIterating based on findings Osmosis isn’t the answer to, but rather the process of, bringing discoveries, innovation, and refinement in the DeFi space. The liquidity providers are the DeFi scientists. Each may have identified problems and inefficiencies that exist in the DeFi market, a...
| Vision for Osmosis The AMM Laboratory. — Note: This introductory blog post outlines a proposal and a vision of what Osmosis could be and evolve into. It should not be seen as a promise or a guarantee of feature, roadmap, or timeline. Please feel free to follow the development progress here and stay tuned for more updates. The advent of automated market makers (AMMs) brought forth a new wave of crypto-economic utility and applications of bonding curves. Today, AMMs have become such an integral part of blockchain’s use-case that it’d be hard to imagine what the crypto space would look like without it. What began with Bancor then popularized by Uniswap, decentralized exchanges via automated market makers (AMM) have gone through several iterations of evolution, having now been expanded by Curve, Balancer, and other innovative protocols. Yet the customizability offered by those protocols still falls short of their potential of breaking open the market to a wider range of decentralized assets.Enter Osmosis Osmosis is an advanced AMM protocol built using the Cosmos SDK that will allow developers to design, build, and deploy their own customized AMMs. Heterogeneity and sovereignty are two core tenets of the Cosmos ecosystem, and Osmosis takes these two values and extends them into core characteristics of this AMM protocol. Rather than aim for a one-size-fits-all homogeneous approach for AMMs and its liquidity pools, Osmosis is designed such ...