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ONT Price   

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ONT Price:
$10.8 M
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$0.2 B

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #ONT today is $0.20 USD.

The lowest ONT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.195, and the current live price for one ONT coin is $0.19528.

The all-time high ONT coin price was $11.59.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of ONT with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Ontology is #ONT.

Ontology is 7 years old.


The current market capitalization for Ontology is $178,233,721.

Ontology is ranked #196 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a large volume of trading today on #ONT.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Ontology is $10,802,211.


The circulating supply of ONT is 912,697,857 coins, which is 91% of the maximum coin supply.


ONT is the native coin for the Ontology blockchain.

View the full list of Ontology blockchain tokens.


ONT is well integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 40 crypto exchanges.

View #ONT trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #ONT purchase.



An Analysis of Ontology Smart Contract Security and Loopholes — Part 1

An Analysis of Ontology Smart Contract Security and Loopholes — Part 1 → Read part 2 Foreword: The security of smart contracts is one of the hottest topics in blockchain technology. All the existing smart contract systems have shown some types of loopholes, whether they are backed by the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) or the EOS WASM Virtual Machine. These loopholes have caused huge losses for projects and users, and have called into question the security of blockchain technology.Chapter 1: Introduction The security loopholes of smart contracts are not caused by blockchain virtual machines — most of them are coding issues caused by smart contract developers. For example, some Ethereum smart contract developers are not well-versed in Solidity, which increases the risks of loopholes. Of course, some security loopholes are caused by certain features of the smart contract platforms themselves. Moreover, since data on blockchains is inherently tamper-resistant, these loopholes cannot be closed by upgrades or data rollbacks. Therefore, it became all the more important for smart contract developers to have a full understanding of existing smart contract systems on blockchain platforms. Ontology currently uses NeoVM to run its smart contracts. Developers can use the languages they are good at, for example, C# and Python, to write smart contracts, without the need to learn a new language, which makes developing smart co...

dApp Incentives: Earn a share of $20,000 in ONG each week with your dApp!

The dApp incentive models are now live! Please visit this page for full details of each of the incentive schemes and how to apply. A couple of things to pay extra attention to:The top 5 dApps in activity and daily transaction volume are sharing a prize pool of 20,000 USD in ONG each week. HyperDragons Go! was the sole winner for the first week of April, taking away the complete pool of 20,000 USD in ONG. If the number of qualified dApps in the ranking is between 20 and 50, the top 10 will then share a prize pool of 50,000 USD in ONG.From April 1st to June 30th we are giving a 60% dApp transaction fee rebate to developers (and 50% thereinafter). A summary of the incentive schemes is below: — Early Bird Scheme. — 50% dApp transaction fee rebate (60% for the first three months) — Worker Ant Scheme. — Rewards for the most active dApps (a share of a 20,000 USD prize pool) — Angel Investment Scheme. — Loans for dApps — Developer Support Scheme. — Technical and marketing support for dApps Happy dApp developing! The Ontology Team Are you a developer? Make sure you have joined our tech community on Discord. Also, take a look at the Developer Center on our website, there you can find developer tools, documentation, and more. — Find Ontology elsewhere. — Ontology website / Ontology GitHub / ONTO website / OWallet (GitHub) Telegram (English) / Discord Twitter / Redd...

The First Open Letter to the Ontology Technology Community

Ontology will open source the first batch of projects this month, and with this the technical community will begin. Here the Ontology team has prepared the first open letter to the technical community, which describes the project structure for the first stage of Ontology, as well as the Ontology team’s outlook on public chain design and future strategic direction. At the same time, this letter also invites the technical community to together invest in the development of blockchain. — Ontology. — The Ontology blockchain framework includes a complete distributed ledger system, a P2P network protocol, a modular consensus protocol set, a modular smart contract mechanism, and more. — Ontology DID (Distributed Identity Framework). — ONT ID is a decentralized identity protocol based on W3C DID specification. The agreement supports collaborative services such as distributed and multi-factor confirmation, identification, and certification for people, organizations, objects, and content. ONT ID establishes a cryptography-based digital identity for each entity, allowing data authorization and authority autonomy. It makes identity and data assets that users can truly control. — ONTO. — ONTO is an Ontology-based integrated client product, blockchain search engine, and blockchain system entry. ONTO will help users realize comprehensive functions including digital identity management, digital asset man...

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