| #OM
OM Price: | $7.45 | | Volume: | $0.2 B | All Time High: | $7.95 | | Market Cap: | $6.1 B |
Circulating Supply: | 820,651,233 |
| Exchanges: | 26
| Total Supply: | 833,706,052 |
| Markets: | 37
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 26
The price of #OM today is $7.45 USD.
The lowest OM price for this period was $0, the highest was $7.45, and the current live price for one OM coin is $7.45428.
The all-time high OM coin price was $7.95.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of OM with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for MANTRA is #OM.
MANTRA is 4.5 years old. |
The current market capitalization for MANTRA is $6,117,365,098.
MANTRA is ranked #23 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a very large volume of trading today on #OM.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for MANTRA is $184,798,019. |
The circulating supply of OM is 820,651,233 coins, which is 98% of the total coin supply. |
OM is integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 26 crypto exchanges.
View #OM trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #OM purchase. |
 MANTRA DAO Weekly Review #54 Executive Summary: The total number of OM holders, as well as the total number of OM stakers across all chains, continue to increase steadily (+31% and +151% respectively, since July 2021)., An additional 590K OM has been supplied nto ZENTEREST OM., This week’s highest APY comes from LP Staking OM/ETH on ETH (57.19%)., Furthermore, we continue to see a clear trend towards migration to our pools on BSC and Polygon., Overall, we have provided $612K USD and 86.58 ETH in MANTRA POOL rewards to our amazing community., OM holders on ETH, Polygon and BSC — Token holder stats - Staking No. of OM stakers 2,302 (ETH naked staking) ( — 2 / — 0.09%), 72 (ETH LP staking) ( — / — ), 713 (BSC naked staking) ( + 11 / + 1.57% ), 61 (BSC LP staking) ( — / — ), 334 (Polygon naked staking) ( + 2 / + 0.6% ), 29 (Polygon LP staking) ( — / — ), ETH — Naked Staking 73.27M OM ( + 0.19M / + 0.26% ) — USD $4.06M ( + 0.01M / + 0.25% ), ETH LP Staking 3.89M OM ( — / — ) — USD $0.22M ( — / — ), BSC Naked Staking 13.07M OM ( + 0.1M / + 0.77% ) — USD $0.72M ( — / — ), BSC LP Staking 2.24M OM ( — / — ) — USD $120K ( — / — ), Polygon Naked Staking 17.1M OM ( — 0.49 / — 2.79%) — USD $0.95M ( — 0.02M / — 2.06%), Polygon LP Staking 2.61M OM ( — / — ) —... 
|  MANTRA Governing Council Cycle 2 New Terms & Changes On August 18th, 2022, we celebrate the second birthday of $OM, and the first two-year term for the MANTRA Governing Council will come to an end. As we begin Cycle 2 of the MANTRA Governing Council, we are proposing the following to take effect immediately on August 18th, 2022 should the proposal pass. Appointment of MANTRA Governing Council for Cycle 2; and, Expansion of Maximum Council seats from five to nine., I. Appointment of MANTRA Governing Council for Cycle 2 First, three of the MANTRA Governing Council from Cycle 1 and those responsible for all the day-to-day strategy and operations for the project, John Patrick Mullin, Will Corkin and Rodrigo Quan Miranda, have agreed to serve a second term. Second, the current MANTRA Governing Council officially nominates Jayant Ramanand, Dustin McDaniel, Mark Cheng, and Alessio Quagliani to newly join the Governing Council for Cycle 2. These nominees are all exceptional individuals who have made substantial contributions to MANTRA over the last two years. We are fully confident that they are the best candidates to fulfill the roles and responsibilities within the MANTRA Governing Council and the further expansion of the ecosystem globally. MANTRA Governing Council Cycle 2 Seats: II. Expansion of Maximum Council Seats to 9 As MANTRA grows, expanding the maximum number of council seats to nine will allow for more voices and minds to improve MANTRA’s governance, grants and e... 
|  Expanding MANTRA DAO’s Governance & Upcoming Grants on Discord MANTRA DAO’s just launched Discord channel will provide Sherpas a new home to track all of the ecosystem developments while further growing their participation in governance.. — Hello Sherpas! As we get closer to MANTRA DAO’s second birthday on August 18th, we are giving a sneak peek of our plans for the next step in our evolution. While we gear up to begin sharing more information on what we have been working on, we wanted to invite all our Sherpas to join our official Discord channel to get ready to participate in our DAO and upcoming Grants ecosystem in more meaningful ways. For the first two years of MANTRA DAO’s journey, we took a cautious approach with what we called “soft governance” to prevent the risks that could come with decentralizing too rapidly. We believe much of MANTRA DAO’s rapid growth and success have been the products of clear, efficient, and effective leadership, as demonstrated by our results over these two years. We want to extend a warm invitation to Sherpas who are interested in continuing to shape the future development of our platform to join in and bring their voice to MANTRA DAO’s governance through the Discord channel. Our Next Steps Towards Decentralization As our community supported MANTRA DAO through the non-stop building of the first two years, we feel that MANTRA DAO’s upcoming two-year anniversary is an appropriate time to further decentralize and allow you to play a ... 
|  MANTRA DAO Weekly Review #53 Executive Summary: The total number of OM holders, as well as the total number of OM stakers across all chains, continue to increase steadily (+31% and +151% respectively, since July 2021)., An additional 600K OM has been staked into OM Naked Staking on BSC., This week’s highest APY comes from LP Staking OM/ETH on ETH (65.4%)., Furthermore, we continue to see a clear trend towards migration to our pools on BSC and Polygon., Overall, we have provided $606K USD and 86.58 ETH in MANTRA POOL rewards to our amazing community., Delegator Rewards Update Users who have delegated their $MATIC to our node this month (August 2022) will not be able to claim their $OM rewards next month (September 2022), t.me, OM holders on ETH, Polygon and BSC — Token holder stats - Staking No. of OM stakers 2,304 (ETH naked staking) ( — 6 / — 0.26%), 72 (ETH LP staking) ( — 1 / — 1.37%), 702 (BSC naked staking) ( + 6 / + 0.86% ), 61 (BSC LP staking) ( — / — ), 332 (Polygon naked staking) ( — 4 / — 1.19%), 29 (Polygon LP staking) ( — / — ), ETH — Naked Staking 73.08M OM ( — 0.29M / — 0.4%) — USD $4.05M ( + 0.35M / + 9.46% ), ETH LP Staking 3.89M OM ( — 0.11M / — 2.75%) — USD $0.22M ( + 0.02M / + 10% ), BSC Naked Staking 12.97M OM ( + 0.6M / + 4.85% ) — USD $0.72M ( + 0.1M / + 16.13% ), BSC LP Staking 2.24M OM ( — ... 
|  MANTRA DAO Weekly Review #52 Executive Summary: The total number of OM holders, as well as the total number of OM stakers across all chains, continue to increase steadily (+31% and +151% respectively, since July 2021)., This week’s highest APY comes from LP Staking OM/ETH on ETH (64.73%)., Furthermore, we continue to see a clear trend towards migration to our pools on BSC and Polygon., Overall, we have provided $600K USD and 86.58 ETH in MANTRA POOL rewards to our amazing community., OM holders on ETH, Polygon and BSC — Token holder stats - Staking No. of OM stakers 2,310 (ETH naked staking) ( — 11 / — 0.47%), 73 (ETH LP staking) ( + 1 / + 1.39% ), 696 (BSC naked staking) ( + 4 / + 0.58% ), 61 (BSC LP staking) ( — / — ), 336 (Polygon naked staking) ( + 4 / + 1.2% ), 29 (Polygon LP staking) ( + 1 / + 3.57% ), ETH — Naked Staking 73.37M OM ( — / — ) — USD $3.7M ( — / — ), ETH LP Staking 4M OM ( — / — ) — USD $0.2M ( — / — ), BSC Naked Staking 12.37M OM ( — / — ) — USD $0.62M ( — / — ), BSC LP Staking 2.34M OM ( — / — ) — USD $120K ( — / — ), Polygon Naked Staking 17.45M OM ( — / — ) — USD $0.88M ( — / — ), Polygon LP Staking 2.42M OM ( — / — ) — USD $120K ( — / — ), ZENTEREST The trend of moving supply from ZENTEREST to ... 
|  MANTRA DAO Weekly Review #51 Executive Summary The total number of OM holders, as well as the total number of OM stakers across all chains, continue to increase steadily (+31% and +151% respectively, since July 2021)., An additional 6.4M OM has been supplied into OM Naked Staking on Polygon., This week’s highest APY comes from LP Staking OM/ETH on ETH (64.95%)., Furthermore, we continue to see a clear trend towards migration to our pools on BSC and Polygon., Overall, we have provided $594K USD and 86.58 ETH in MANTRA POOL rewards to our OMazing community., ZENTEREST Update All markets on ZENTEREST have been paused. However, your OM can continue to be supplied and earn the respective distribution APR., Users with outstanding loans can still repay their debt to paused markets., t.me, OM holders on ETH, Polygon and BSC Token holder stats Staking No. of OM stakers 2,321 (ETH naked staking) ( — 4 / — 0.17%), 72 (ETH LP staking) ( — / — ), 692 (BSC naked staking) ( + 10 / + 1.47% ), 61 (BSC LP staking) ( — 1 / — 1.61%), 332 (Polygon naked staking) ( + 2 / + 0.61% ), 28 (Polygon LP staking) ( + 2 / + 7.69% ), ETH — Naked Staking 73.37M OM ( + 0.1M / + 0.14% ) — USD $3.7M ( + 0.66M / + 21.71% ), ETH LP Staking 4M OM ( — 0.05M / — 1.23% ) — USD $0.2M ( + 0.03M / + 17.65% ), BSC Naked Staking 12.37M OM ( + 0.91M / + 7.94% ) — USD $0.62M ( + 0.14M / + 29.17% ), BSC LP Sta... 
|  MANTRA DAO Weekly Review #50 Executive Summary: The total number of OM holders, as well as the total number of OM stakers across all chains, continue to increase steadily (+30% and +151% respectively, since July 2021)., An additional 810K OM have been supplied onto ZENTEREST OM., This week’s highest APY comes from staking OM/ETH on ETH (83.53%)., Furthermore, we continue to see a clear trend towards migration to our pools on BSC and Polygon., Overall, we have provided $588K USD and 86.58 ETH in MANTRA POOL rewards to our amazing community., Validator Update We have increased the emissions for Polygon Delegator Rewards to 600K OM for this month due to Polygon Validator Migration., t.me, OM holders on ETH, Polygon and BSC — Token holder stats - Staking No. of OM stakers 2,325 (ETH naked staking) ( — 7 / — 0.3%), 72 (ETH LP staking) ( — / — ), 682 (BSC naked staking) ( — 1 / — 0.15%), 62 (BSC LP staking) ( — / — ), 330 (Polygon naked staking) ( — 6 / — 1.79%), 26 (Polygon LP staking) ( — / — ), ETH — Naked Staking 73.27M OM ( + 0.16M / + 0.22% ) — USD $3.04M ( + 0.01M / + 0.33%), ETH LP Staking 4.05M OM ( — 0.11M / — 2.64%) — USD $0.17M ( — / — ), BSC Naked Staking 11.46M OM ( + 0.08M / + 0.7% ) — USD $0.48M ( + 0.01M / + 2.13% ), BSC LP Staking 2.55M OM ( + 0.21M / + 8.97% ) — USD $110K ( + 0.01M / + 10% ), ... 
|  MANTRA DAO Weekly Review #49 Executive Summary: The total number of OM holders, as well as the total number of OM stakers across all chains, continue to increase steadily (+30% and +152% respectively, since July 2021)., An additional 300K OM has been staked to OM/ETH on ETH, OM/BNB on BSC and OM/ETH on Polygon staking pools., This week’s highest APY comes from staking zenDAI on ETH (83.53%)., Furthermore, we continue to see a clear trend towards migration to our pools on BSC and Polygon., Overall, we have provided $582K USD and 86.58 ETH in MANTRA POOL rewards to our amazing community., OM holders on ETH, Polygon and BSC — Token holder stats - Staking No. of OM stakers 2,332 (ETH naked staking) ( — 8 / — 0.34%), 72 (ETH LP staking) ( — 1 / — 1.37%), 683 (BSC naked staking) ( — / — ), 62 (BSC LP staking) ( — / — ), 336 (Polygon naked staking) ( + 4 / + 1.2% ), 26 (Polygon LP staking) ( — 1 / — 3.7%), ETH — Naked Staking 73.11M OM ( — 0.32M / — 0.44%) — USD $3.03M ( + 0.21M / + 7.45% ), ETH LP Staking 4.16M OM ( + 0.35M / + 9.19% ) — USD $0.17M ( + 0.02M / + 13.33% ), BSC Naked Staking 11.38M OM ( — 0.05M / — 0.44%) — USD $0.47M ( + 0.03M / + 6.82% ), BSC LP Staking 2.34M OM ( + 0.31M / + 15.27% ) — USD $100K ( — / — ), Polygon Naked Staking 11.29M OM ( + 0.34M / + 3.11% ) — USD $0.47M ( + 0.05M / +... 
|  MANTRA DAO Weekly Review #48 Executive Summary: The total number of OM holders, as well as the total number of OM stakers across all chains, continue to increase steadily (+30% and +152% respectively, since July 2021)., An additional 170K OM has been supplied to OM ZENTEREST., This week’s highest APY comes from LP Staking OM/ETH on ETH (65.82%)., Furthermore, we continue to see a clear trend towards migration to our pools on BSC and Polygon., Overall, we have provided $576K USD and 86.58 ETH in MANTRA POOL rewards to our amazing community., OM holders on ETH, Polygon and BSC — Token holder stats - Staking No. of OM stakers 2,340 (ETH naked staking) ( — 3 / — 0.13%), 73 (ETH LP staking) ( — / — ), 683 (BSC naked staking) ( + 2 / + 0.29% ), 62 (BSC LP staking) ( — 1 / — 1.59%), 332 (Polygon naked staking) ( — 1 / — 0.3%), 27 (Polygon LP staking) ( — / — ), ETH — Naked Staking 73.43M OM ( — 0.71M / — 0.96%) — USD $2.82M ( — 0.03M / — 1.05%), ETH LP Staking 3.81M OM ( — 0.09M / — 2.31%) — USD $0.15M ( — / — ), BSC Naked Staking 11.43M OM ( + 0.05M / + 0.44% ) — USD $0.44M ( — / — ), BSC LP Staking 2.03M OM ( — 0.14M / — 6.45%) — USD $100K ( — / — ), Polygon Naked Staking 10.95M OM ( — 0.16M / — 1.44%) — USD $0.42M ( — 0.01M / — 2.33%)... 
|  MANTRA DAO Weekly Review #47 Executive Summary: The total number of OM holders, as well as the total number of OM stakers across all chains, continue to increase steadily (+30% and +152% respectively, since July 2021)., An additional 250K OM has been supplied to Polygon OM/ETH LP Staking., This week’s highest APY comes from LP Staking OM/ETH on ETH (65.65%)., Furthermore, we continue to see a clear trend towards migration to our pools on BSC and Polygon., Overall, we have provided $570K USD and 86.58 ETH in MANTRA POOL rewards to our amazing community., Validator Update Solana Validator Node was opened for public delegation, mantradao.medium.com OM holders on ETH, Polygon and BSC — Token holder stats - Staking No. of OM stakers 2,343 (ETH naked staking) ( — 4 / — 0.17%), 73 (ETH LP staking) ( — / — ), 681 (BSC naked staking) ( — / — ), 63 (BSC LP staking) ( — 1 / — 1.56%), 333 (Polygon naked staking) ( + 1 / + 0.3% ), 27 (Polygon LP staking) ( — / — ), ETH — Naked Staking 74.14M OM ( — 1.1M / — 1.46%) — USD $2.85M ( + 0.13M / + 4.78% ), ETH LP Staking 3.9M OM ( — 0.01M / — 0.26%) — USD $0.15M ( + 0.01M / + 7.14% ), BSC Naked Staking 11.38M OM ( — 0.34M / — 2.9%) — USD $0.44M ( + 0.02M / + 4.76% ), BSC LP Staking 2.17M OM ( — / — ) — USD $100K ( — / — ), Polygon Naked Staking 11.... 