| OKB 
| #OKB
OKB Price: | $51.02 | | Volume: | $3.3 M | All Time High: | $73.91 | | Market Cap: | $8.2 B |
Circulating Supply: | 159,853,208 |
| Exchanges: | 18
| Total Supply: | 159,853,208 |
| Markets: | 23
| Max Supply: | 300,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 31
The price of #OKB today is $51.02 USD.
The lowest OKB price for this period was $0, the highest was $51.02, and the current live price for one OKB coin is $51.01878.
The all-time high OKB coin price was $73.91.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of OKB with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for OKB is also #OKB.
OKB is 5.8 years old. |
The current market capitalization for OKB is $8,155,516,419.
OKB is ranked #19, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is big today for #OKB.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for OKB is $3,298,568. |
The circulating supply of OKB is 159,853,208 coins, which is 53% of the maximum coin supply. |
OKB is the native coin for the Okex Chain blockchain.
View the full list of Okex Chain blockchain tokens, and has digital contracts with 2 other blockchains.
See list of the OKB Blockchain contracts with 3 different blockchains. |
 Why DeFi Ever since late 2019 and early 2020 DeFi has been the hot “buzz word” for cryptocurrency. What makes DeFi special? And why was it invented in the first place? — Bitcoin the first decentralized internet money. — Bitcoin is the first decentralized cryptocurrency and allows users to send value to each other in a peer to peer system. For peer to peer payment Bitcoin worked quite well but it has a limited smart contract system that can’t take care of loans, exchanging tokens, and other important services. To make up for Bitcoin’s limitations centralized services were put in place. Some have served their customers quite well (like OKEx) while others like Mount Gox caused customers to lose a lot of Bitcoin. — Ethereum and smart contracts. — In 2013 Vitalik Buterin launched the Ethereum white paper and two years later launched the network. Ethereum is made for flexibility and running the sorts of smart contracts that Bitcoin can’t do. Over the course of several years Ethereum developed its code and eco system and gradually what we call DeFi emerged. — DeFi products and services. — Once complicated smart contracts could be ran on blockchains it opened up a wide world of possibilities. This includes: Decentralized exchanges that allow you trading of tokens without centralized services like Uniswap., Lending services like Compound., Stablecoins like Maker DAO, Wrapped coins that don’... 
|  Cryptocurrency: a Non-correlated Asset Newcomers to cryptocurrency often wonder what the financial advantages are to owning cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Many people get carried away with the gains that they see in the current bull market and fail to see one of it’s biggest advantages; a hedge against government currency failure. Venezuela Venezuela used to be one of the most financially prosperous countries in South America… until the government hyperinflated their currency to pay for debts and entitlement programs. Not only did the currency become worthless but it also ruined the Venezuelan stock market and bonds market. Hyperinflation does not just kill currency. It kills everything that a currency depends on; including most businesses. The Problem of Hyperinflation There have only been a handful of assets in Venezuela that maintain any semblance of value; gold and cryptocurrency. Everything else has been destroyed by the Venezuelan government. Why do assets like gold and Bitcoin survive when everything else dies? Stocks and bonds can’t survive hyperinflation. The businesses tied to the stocks need a stable and useful currency to function correctly. This means the business must: A: Adopt a currency that is NOT the local currency. This may be against the country’s laws, be expensive to implement or just not practical. B: Go out of business. C: Do illegal activity to survive. D: A little bit of everything. Government bonds and corporate bonds also bec... 
|  Ten Crypto Myths There is a lot of false information and fuzzy thinking in the crypto world… especially for newcomers. Here are ten crypto myths (in no particular order) that need to be slain by Hercules. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. Ponzi would take people’s money, promise to invest it, and then give them their return on investment. In reality, he would get money from a new investor to pay the old ones off. Eventually he ran out of money and got in trouble. With Bitcoin there is no Ponzi and there is no “investment scheme”. When you buy one Bitcoin you have bought one Bitcoin. Whether it goes up or down in value is for the free market to decide., Bitcoin will die any day now. According to mainstream news Bitcoin died in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Yet, it continuously goes up in value and now has institutional investors like MicroStrategy and Tesla., Bitcoin is the only legitimate cryptocurrency. There are several high quality cryptocurrencies on the market. Ethereum for instance, has ran strong from 2015 and hosts a wide variety of DApps like the Brave Browser and Uniswap., Only cryptos that have a high price are worth buying. What matters is growth. If Bitcoin goes up 10,000 Dollars that is a nice gain. But if Dogecoin goes up 10 cents the investment just doubled. Always take growth over a big number., Cryptos have no real value. The value of everything is determined by the laws of supply and dem... 
|  The Importance of Decentralization
|  The Power of Network Effect Everyone is stronger together What makes Bitcoin so powerful? Why do crypto enthusiasts dream about mass adoption of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum? Why does the price of Bitcoin seem to rise when more people buy it? And why does Bitcoin remain the number one crypto when it longer has the best technology? These are all common questions asked by those who are new to the strange world of cryptocurrency. The answer to these questions can be summarized in one phrase: network effect. — What is Network Effect? - Those of you familiar with computer science already know the power of network effect. It’s why we still use old internet protocols like TCP/IP even though computer scientists can build something better. For the rest of us it’s easier to explain “network effect” with popular social media sites like Facebook. Why is Facebook a multi billion dollar company? It’s not because their technology is hard to replicate. You could hire a handful of undergrads from a Computer Science school and they could make something similar to Facebook., It’s not because their technology is the best in the world. There are other social media sites that have better technology and no one thinks of Facebook as “cutting edge”., It’s not because they offer the best social media platform. Many people prefer Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and a variety of other social media platforms., What makes Facebook so powerful... 
|  Improving OKEx’s token listing process OKEx is currently in the middle of our first ever community token vote (which will end on June 10th, 2018), and we’re excited to see how it will be received by our community. As we await the results, I want to highlight and explain our thinking behind our new listing process, as well as invite feedback as we continue to refine our approach. — @OKEx_ Selecting which tokens to list is a complicated process While we want to support token teams with high promise and demand, we are also wary of all the risks out there. From regulatory and legal risks, to cases of incompetence and outright fraud, we have a duty to our community to do our best in minimizing their exposure to “bad” tokens. At the same time, we try to select and list tokens that our users would like to purchase and utilize. This process of due diligence and selection, coupled with a guess as to how a token will be received by the community, is more art than science. And ultimately had left our community, token backers, and token project teams feeling disconnected. We want to change that. What makes OKEx’s listing process different One key way we differentiate ourselves is by not taking a listing fee. We believe in aligning with token teams over the longer term. So, we look for ways to mutually align. We encourage our listed tokens to brainstorm ways to bridge our mutual communities. For some token teams, we’ve done joint marketing and e... 