| OIN Finance 
| #OIN
OIN Price: | $0.00747 | | Volume: | $4.5 K | All Time High: | $1.35 | | Market Cap: | $656.6 K |
Circulating Supply: | 87,928,393 |
| Exchanges: | 2+
| Total Supply: | 100,000,000 |
| Markets: | 2+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 7
The last known price of #OIN is $0.00747 USD.
Please note that the price of #OIN was last updated over 50 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #OIN statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest OIN price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00747, and the exact last price of OIN was $0.00746739.
The all-time high OIN coin price was $1.35.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of OIN with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for OIN Finance crypto currency is #OIN.
OIN Finance is 4.3 years old. |
The current market capitalization for OIN Finance is $656,595.
OIN Finance is ranking downwards to #4793 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is small today for #OIN.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for OIN Finance is $4,457. |
The circulating supply of OIN is 87,928,393 coins, which is 88% of the total coin supply. |
 OINDAO Status Update — Shutdown on February 3rd, 2023 OINDAO Status Update — Shutdown on February 3rd, 2023 - Dear community members, It is with a heavy heart and great sorrow that we announce the winding down of the OINDAO. Despite our continuous efforts, we haven’t been able to solve the core issues regarding our stablecoin liquidity, which led to limited usability of the protocol. Having reached this point, we believe the responsible and ethical thing to do is to sunset the project and give a formal closure to the community. The core OINDAO team will be disbanded. As a result, the server to the OINDAO’s frontend will be shut down on UTC 9am Friday 3rd February 2023, and all technical support regarding the protocol and the bridge will be terminated thereafter. Finally, we’d like to thank all our community members, partners, and our investors for the support in the past few years. Best regards, The OINDAO Te
|  OINDAO Buyback & Burn — Revised Schedule OINDAO Buyback & Burn — Revised Schedule The OINDAO has a new Buyback & Burn schedule to better fit the usage patterns of the current community. Along with a more efficient schedule, we’re looking at bringing the most value when possible, as well as transparency. The B&B program has been a good driver of discussion, and an even better way of the OINDAO to further incentivize our users to partake in the platform and grow the community. Due to the lower usage during these turbulent market times however, the fees generated on the OINDAO isn’t as high as the previous season, leading to a less meaningful B&B after transaction fees, bridging, swaps, and everything else is complete. We have decided to accommodate such a turbulent market with a more flexible B&B program that will bring a more meaningful impact to our users and community in general. Buyback & Burn Schedule — Revamped The following changes have been made to our B&B program:If the accrued fees exceed $10,000, the B&B will happen monthly at the beginning of the calendar monthIf the fees are less than $10,000, the B&B will be skipped for that month, and be left to accrue for the next month’s B&B timing. If the next month’s fees collected + the deferred fees from this month exceeds $10,000, the B&B will happen at the regularly scheduled time This is also one of the efforts of OIN Finance to redistribute the... 
|  OIN Finance Ambassador Program [NEAR & Aurora Communities] Come join us in spreading the great yield-farming potential of OIN Finance! OIN Finance is growing out its list of features and listed collateral types to give users the best opportunities in leveraged yield farming with great capital efficiencies. Our accepted tokens now include yield-bearing assets, and we now connect into the farms of partnered DEXs. We are calling upon some great community members, both from within OIN, Aurora, and NEAR communities to help spread the word on how users can utilize the OINDAO to extract the most value from their current crypto holdings.Who you are:Knowledgeable about crypto and DeFiFamiliar with OINDAO’s product featuresHighly active and vocal in the NEAR and Aurora communitiesOpen-minded, and willing to connect with others to spread the love!What you’ll do:Extend the reach of OIN Finance through communities (speak to people you know, communities you’re part of, or just shout from the rooftops) about just what the OINDAO can do for usersEducate those unfamiliar on the usage of the OINDAO — how to collateralize, how to AstroFarm (your collateral is sent to a farm on a DEX while you mint, can also automatically leverage)Highlight the most prominent current usage of the OINDAO (yield farming strategies), and their current yields to those seeking for new and more capital efficient strategiesCollect feedback from those you’ve spoken toUltimately lead people to use the OINDA... 
|  OINDAO Product Update: AstroFarming — Farm USDC-USDT TLP from Trisolaris While You Leverage! OINDAO Product Update: AstroFarming — Farm USDC-USDT TLP from Trisolaris While You Leverage! We are excited to introduce another game-changing product feature of the OINDAO V3 — AstroFarming! AstroFarming allows users to farm and maximize their yields WHILE leveraging and minting stablecoins! The OINDAO’s developments this past year have largely been in effort to drive capital efficiencies for our users and tailor-make a platform that best suits their needs. This has led us to trying to optimize for yield-farming, which has by and large been the biggest building pillar for DeFi. Inspired by Abracadabra’s Degenbox Strategies, OINDAO will now be able to accept LP tokens as collateral to mint stablecoins WHILE farming, starting with the aUSDO! The exciting new feature is planned to go live this Wednesday 27th April. The first asset we will include into OINDAO’s AstroFarm will be the USDC-USDT TLP token from Trisolaris to mint aUSDO — our stablecoin on Aurora! AstroFarming will allow users to stake and auto-compound in farms, all while collateralized to mint stablecoins!AstroFarming 101The collaterals enabled with this feature will deposit your collateral onto the corresponding farms (in this case the USDC-USDT TLP token to farm TRI)!Your rewards will also be automatically compounded (currently 8% APR) and converted to more USDC-USDT TLP tokens; you don’t have to claim TRI rewards and redo the process ... 
|  Jumbo DEX to Launch nUSDO-USDT Farm! The long wait is over! We are excited to announce that we’ve got a new pair on Jumbo DEX that’s ready to go with incredible yield farming benefits and rewards! We announced our partnership with Jumbo DEX just over a month ago, and now Jumbo DEX will be listing nUSDO-USDT pairs offering the best yields in just a single click! OverviewnUSDO-USDT farm will be listed on Jumbo DEXwNEAR + JUMBO rewards up for grabsFarm will go live Monday, April 25thA quick reminder that the nUSDO will list on Jumbo’s stableswap when it launches! Jumbo DEX Farm Details nUSDO<>USDT Start: April 25th (Monday) End: August 25th (Monday) Rewards: 120 wNEAR/month + 700 JUMBO/month Remember, the best place to get nUSDO is through the OINDAO V3! Note: Please make sure to keep your C-ratio on check! The addition of this new pair is the next step in the evolution of leveraged yield farming opportunities and massive rewards for NEAR holders. We want to reward our users for sticking with us throughout this journey by providing immediate use cases for nUSDO. This is also another step towards the development of DeFi infrastructure and closing the gap with other blockchains for a more robust and secure ecosystem. Keep an eye out on our social media channels for the latest updates and be the first to reap the benefits of farmed pools! To know more about the the latest happenings on Jumbo DEX, feel free to visit their Medium: https://medium.com... 
|  OINDAO Token Emission Strategy Update We are pleased to announce that our OINDAO system has made some significant updates to our token emission policies in order to provide a healthier tokenomic environment for our users. With our growing list of accepted collateral as well as integrations into other platforms, such as farms and yield aggregators, time has come for us to pull back on our emissions to ensure we don’t go overboard. The OINDAO platform will continue to add the best yield farming strategies for our users, and through this change we will ensure the longevity of our user’s leveraged plays and the health of the OINDAO ecosystem.OINDAO’s New Emission Strategy — OINDAO going forward:. — New collateral listings will have a 1-month period of 10,000 OIN rewards for its vaults to encourage users to familiarize themselves with the Stability PoolAny extensions thereof will be communicated along with ites reasoningThe focus of future emissions will be on increasing the depth of the OIN stablecoin’s liquidity pools and strengthening their pegs This has the following effects for the current listings:aUSDO token emission has been discontinued as it’s been 1-month since its launchEmissions for VIPERDAIUSDC and wONE vaults will be discontinued on April 26th (Tuesday)stNEAR incentives will be maintained for the time being to support its upcoming developments (e.g. Jumbo Exchange, DeBio & Octopus Network, etc.) These changes are to take e... 
|  OIN x Killswitch Finance — First Official Yield Aggregator for aUSDO! OIN x Killswitch Finance — First Official Yield Aggregator for aUSDO! We’re excited to announce that we’re taking another step in the world of yield farmers, listing the aUSDO-USDT Trisolaris Farm on Killswitch Finance with auto-compounding!OverviewTrisolaris aUSDO-USDT farm will list on Killswitch FinanceYields will be auto-compounding (TRI + wNEAR rewards will automatically be added to your farm)Launch: Early April As the OINDAO lists more and more collateral and stablecoins, we’re seeing greater usage of its leveraged yield farming opportunities. Our partnerships with a DEX each time we list a new stablecoin is to facilitate these strategies, adding farms wherever we go. Now, with the addition of Killswitch Finance, we are expanding on the usability of the OINDAO to provide the easiest paths for our users to make the most of their assets!Killswitch Finance As a multi-chain yield aggregator, Killswitch offers many of the popular degen networks (BSC, Aurora, Polygon, KuCoin) and many lucrative farms for users to partake in, all through one simple user interface. with other convenience providing features like the auto-compound and the TP/SL. Quickly expanding the available farms, they currently host an innumerable amount of farms, airdrops, and more. With a few simple clicks and a link to MetaMask, users gain access to some of the most popular exchanges, farms, and yields.OIN on Killswitch The aUSDO-USDT TLP... 
|  First OINDAO V3 Buyback & Burn Complete! The first Buyback & Burn (B&B) has been completed, rounding off the OINDAO into its start as a full package of value creation, delivery, and recapture. The B&B will now commence on a monthly basis to bring our users some of the value that was collected through the OINDAO.Quick Facts Total Stability Fee + Borrowing Fee collected from OINDAO V3::2,428.55 aUSDO11,792.74 ONEUSD4,797.37 nUSDO TOTAL BUYBACK & BURN: 112,560.9844307 OIN TXID: 0x2c29392d818ed9e5505864c0e0e52895e0cc7e85d662c124c806581566872e6f The buybacks are executed on Uniswap after the fees are collected and bridged.Buyback & Burn Overview As a core function of, and as one of the primary mechanisms to keeping the peg of our stablecoins, Stability Fees are collected on the OINDAO. Currently sitting at a standard 2%/yr, the Stability Fees will soon be controlled by community governance in a mechanism that will help control the circulating supply of the stablecoins, and thus help keep its peg to the currencies in question. The Buyback & Burn (B&B) program is built surrounding the Stability Fees, and the Borrowing Fee, which is a one-time charge upon minting the stablecoins. These are collected in whole, and used to buyback the OIN token on the market. This is in an effort to redistribute the value captured by the fees on the OINDAO to the users who helped create that value through governance votes, staking, and more. This is just one o... 
|  Jumbo DEX x OIN Finance — nUSDO Stablepair, Farms, and More! Jumbo DEX x OIN Finance — nUSDO Stablepair, Farms, and More! We’re excited to announce our partnership with Jumbo, a brand-new DEX on NEAR Protocol! With the nUSDO gaining a stablepair plus an incoming farm, our NEAR users gain further leveraged yield-farming opportunities.Quick FactsnUSDO stablepair listing on Jumbo’s stableswapDual-token farmJumbo will launch farms early April, with stableswap going live mid-AprilJumbo DEX, and the Incoming Stableswap With the recent volatility seen in the markets, users are now looking more and more favorably on stable assets. The Jumbo DEX, which have been making waves within the NEAR community, will be launching a stableswap mid-April to facilitate such trades, and to serve as a crucial backbone within the NEAR ecosystem. Stablepairs are often overlooked as the more boring type of trading pairs, but often become a critical part of the trading infrastructure within an ecosystem. The nUSDO, our stNEAR collateralized stablecoin on the OINDAO, will be listed along-side others such as the USDT and USDC. In these turbulent markets, users can rest assured that they are leveraging and farming assets that are relatively stable (stablepairs), through trusted, vetted platforms with some of the easiest use experience in the market. We’ll have more news regarding the farms, listing dates, and more! Keep up to date with all our developments through our social media channels!ABOUT OIN FI... 
|  DeFine 1-Year Anniversary Giveaway! DeFine, a leader in NFTs on the Polygon blockchain, is celebrating their 1-year anniversary! To commemorate this occasion, we’re taking part in their NFT giveaway to reward our community, and commemorate their achievements.Giveaway SummaryEvent period: 10:00 AM UTC March 23rd — 02:59 PM UTC March 30th, 2022Entry: Complete simple tasks per partner on DeFine to claim badgesRewards: Claim your badges for your exclusive NFTs!Link: https://app.define.one/events/one-year-anniversary For our community, you can simply join by providing liquidity to our Trisolaris aUSDO-USDT pool, which coincidentally has a great farm in progress!RulesEach partner task corresponds with 1 Partner BadgeWhen the user collects at least 3 partner badges, the user will receive an airdrop of DeFine Anniversary Badge through the polygon networkAll badges are NFTs on Polygon!Link: https://app.define.one/events/one-year-anniversaryBadge Claims: https://app.define.one/badge/one-year-anniversaryBadge Claim Period: 10:00 AM April 1st, 2022–02:59 PM April 8 th, 2022 (UTC)DeFine’s 1-Year Journey DeFine has had a wonderful year in the NFT space, and has grown to become a key player in the Polygon ecosystem. Giving users a place to openly trade their NFTs, they’ve achieved quite a few milestones in just one short year:Launch of the first Asia-focused decentralized NFT marketplaceIntegrated Ethereum, BSC, Tron, and PolygonRaised over $5 M, led by ... 