| Ocean Protocol
OCEAN Price: | $0.55 | | Volume: | $664.2 K | All Time High: | $1.93 | | Market Cap: | $0.1 B |
Circulating Supply: | 213,317,796 |
| Exchanges: | 7
| Total Supply: | 956,775,585 |
| Markets: | 9
| Max Supply: | 1,410,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 58
The price of #OCEAN today is $0.55 USD.
The lowest OCEAN price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.546, and the current live price for one OCEAN coin is $0.54623.
The all-time high OCEAN coin price was $1.93.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of OCEAN with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Ocean Protocol is #OCEAN.
Ocean Protocol is 7.9 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Ocean Protocol is $116,520,512.
Ocean Protocol is ranking upwards to #287 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is medium during the past 24 hours for #OCEAN.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Ocean Protocol is $664,245. |
The circulating supply of OCEAN is 213,317,796 coins, which is 15% of the maximum coin supply. |
New Data Challenge: Analyzing Ocean Protocol Discord Community Dynamics Leveraging AI for Discord chat analysis to discern trends and sentiments significant to community alignment.. — — Overview - Participants use AI and machine learning to extract trends and sentiments from historical message archives of Ocean Protocol’s Discord conversations. The competition looks into real-time interactions, sharing patterns, and engagement dynamics within the community, aiming to enrich user experiences by tailoring the space to resonate with topics and vibes that genuinely matter to the community. — What’s New in 2024 - This year, we’re upping the ante with significant updates to our prize pool and scoring system, making the 2024 championship our most lucrative and competitive event yet. The total prize pool now stands at $10,000 per challenge, ensuring broader participation and more opportunities to win. The prizes will be distributed among the top 10 performers to recognize outstanding performance and encourage maximum participation. The prize structure has been designed to encourage excellence and motivate wider participation:bit.ly — How to Participate - Join Desights: Create a profile on Desights to join the competition. Timeline: February 22 through March 12, 2024. Questions & community data science discussions are encouraged and acknowledged in our discord #data-science-hub channel. For other details about our Data Challenge Program, please visit Desights and the Oc...
| DF77 Completes and DF78 Launches Stakers can claim DF77 rewards. DF78 runs Feb 22 — Feb 29, 2024. - — 1. Overview - Ocean Data Farming (DF) is Ocean’s incentives program. In DF, you can earn OCEAN rewards by locking OCEAN, curating data, and making predictions (in Predictoor). Here are DF docs. Data Farming Round 77 (DF77) has completed. 150K OCEAN + 20K ROSE was budgeted for rewards. Rewards counting started 12:01am Feb 15, 2024 and ended 12:01 am Feb 22. You can claim rewards at the DF dapp Claim Portal. DF78 is live today, Feb 22. It concludes on Feb 29. 150K OCEAN and 20K ROSE are budgeted in total for rewards. This post is organized as follows: Section 2: DF structure, Section 3: How to earn rewards, and claim them, Section 4: Specific parameters for DF78, — 2. DF structure - Passive DF. As a veOCEAN holder, you get passive rewards by default., Active DF has two substreams. – Volume DF. Actively curate data by allocating veOCEAN towards data assets with high Data Consume Volume (DCV), to earn more. – Predictoor DF. Actively predict crypto prices by submitting a price prediction and staking OCEAN to slash competitors and earn., — 3. How to Earn Rewards, and Claim Them - There are three ways to earn and claim rewards: passive DF (like before), Active DF : Volume DF (like before), and Predictoor DF (new). Passive DF. To earn: lock OCEAN for veOCEAN, via the DF webapp’s veOCEAN page. To claim: go to the DF Webap...
| Winners of the Ocean Protocol Holiday Build-A-Thon This hackathon-like competition started before the December holidays. It ran through mid-January, providing participants a one-month window to submit proposals for leveraging Ocean Protocol technology in business applications. Here are the top 3:. — — A Brief Synopsis - Using Ocean Protocol Technology, the Holiday Build-A-Thon offered a unique chance for data enthusiasts, developers, and imaginative scientists to collaborate and pioneer data economy-inspired products and services. — Results - In December, thirty-two teams registered, but only three emerged victorious. Each of these three teams demonstrated exemplary execution, as evaluated by our scoring committee. The primary goal was to explore the participants ability to think innovatively and apply creativity in devising fresh and engaging ideas for new projects using Ocean technology. — Top 3 - — 1st Place— Marco Rodrigues - Marco impressed the review committee with his innovative web application, Post3 Engine. Post3 is designed to extract and analyze data from Web3 media platforms. The Post3 platform addresses a recurring demand for searchability and data analysis in Web3 news, alerts, and digital media. Content that is easy to digest and understand, and offers insights to trends and business intelligence. This proposition underscores the potential of leveraging Web3 technologies to increase digital content ownership and permanency. Cong...
| DF76 Completes and DF77 Launches Stakers can claim DF76 rewards. DF77 runs Feb 15— Feb 22, 2024. Bug fix in reward calculation. — — 1. Overview - Ocean Data Farming (DF) is Ocean’s incentives program. In DF, you can earn OCEAN rewards by locking OCEAN, curating data, and making predictions (in Predictoor). Here are DF docs. Data Farming Round 76 (DF76) has completed. 150K OCEAN + 20K ROSE was budgeted for rewards. Rewards counting started 12:01am Feb 8, 2024 and ended 12:01 am Feb 15. You can claim rewards at the DF dapp Claim Portal. DF77 is live today, Feb 15. It concludes on Feb 22. 150K OCEAN and 20K ROSE are budgeted in total for rewards. This post is organized as follows: Section 2: DF structure, Section 3: How to earn rewards, and claim them, Section 4: Specific parameters for DF77, And, for this post we have a special section 5, about a bug fix in DF reward calculation. The summary is: some Data Farmers were underpaid in the last few rounds. We have fixed the issue. Data Farmers can claim their reimbursement in the usual way to claim, via the DF dapp. — 2. DF structure - Passive DF. As a veOCEAN holder, you get passive rewards by default., Active DF has two substreams. – Volume DF. Actively curate data by allocating veOCEAN towards data assets with high Data Consume Volume (DCV), to earn more. – Predictoor DF. Actively predict crypto prices by submitting a price prediction and staking OCEAN to slash competitors andÂ...
| DF75 Completes and DF76 Launches Stakers can claim DF75 rewards. DF76 runs Feb 8— Feb 15, 2024. — [Note: this article was meant to be published on Feb 8, 2024]. — 1. Overview - Ocean Data Farming (DF) is Ocean’s incentives program. In DF, you can earn OCEAN rewards by locking OCEAN, curating data, and making predictions (in Predictoor). Here are DF docs. Data Farming Round 75 (DF75) has completed. 150K OCEAN + 20K ROSE was budgeted for rewards. Rewards counting started 12:01am Feb 1, 2024 and ended 12:01 am Feb 8. You can claim rewards at the DF dapp Claim Portal. DF76 is live as of Feb 8, 2024. It concludes on Feb 15. 150K OCEAN and 20K ROSE are budgeted in total for rewards. This post is organized as follows: Section 2: DF structure, Section 3: How to earn rewards, and claim them, Section 4: Specific parameters for DF76, — 2. DF structure - Passive DF. As a veOCEAN holder, you get passive rewards by default., Active DF has two substreams. – Volume DF. Actively curate data by allocating veOCEAN towards data assets with high Data Consume Volume (DCV), to earn more. – Predictoor DF. Actively predict crypto prices by submitting a price prediction and staking OCEAN to slash competitors and earn., — 3. How to Earn Rewards, and Claim Them - There are three ways to earn and claim rewards: passive DF (like before), Active DF : Volume DF (like before), and Predictoor DF (new). Passive DF. To earn: lock OCEAN for veOCEAN...
| DF74 Completes and DF75 Launches Stakers can claim DF74 rewards. DF75 runs Feb 1 — Feb 8, 2024. — — 1. Overview - Ocean Data Farming (DF) is Ocean’s incentives program. In DF, you can earn OCEAN rewards by locking OCEAN, curating data, and making predictions (in Predictoor). Here are DF docs. Data Farming Round 74 (DF74) has completed. 150K OCEAN + 20K ROSE was budgeted for rewards. Rewards counting started 12:01am Jan 25, 2024 and ended 12:01 am Feb 1. You can claim rewards at the DF dapp Claim Portal. DF75 is live today, Feb 1. It concludes on Feb 8. 150K OCEAN and 20K ROSE are budgeted in total for rewards. This post is organized as follows: Section 2: DF structure, Section 3: How to earn rewards, and claim them, Section 4: Specific parameters for DF75, — 2. DF structure - Passive DF. As a veOCEAN holder, you get passive rewards by default., Active DF has two substreams. – Volume DF. Actively curate data by allocating veOCEAN towards data assets with high Data Consume Volume (DCV), to earn more. – Predictoor DF. Actively predict crypto prices by submitting a price prediction and staking OCEAN to slash competitors and earn., — 3. How to Earn Rewards, and Claim Them - There are three ways to earn and claim rewards: passive DF (like before), Active DF : Volume DF (like before), and Predictoor DF (new). Passive DF. To earn: lock OCEAN for veOCEAN, via the DF webapp’s veOCEAN page. To claim: go to the DF Weba...
| Data Challenge Start: Aviation Weather Forecasting Using METAR Data METAR scores are made in every airport, every hour of the day. Can you predict the next few hours with the highest accuracy? 2024 marks the 3rd year of the Ocean Protocol Data Challenge Program initiative. ‘Aviation Weather Forecasting Using METAR Data’ is the second data challenge in 2024, and the second opportunity to score points in the Championship Leaderboard for this season. The challenge launches today Feb 1, 2024, with a deadline to participate ending Feb 20, 2024, 23:59:59 UTC. Access to the challenge description and submission guidelines can be found on the Desights platform. The dataset used for the ‘Aviation Weather Forecasting Using METAR Data’ challenge holds METAR scores that update every hour of every day. at KPIM Miami International Airport. We will only use 1 airport for this data challenge, though METAR is a standard score updated at each airport. The data we use for this challenge is Miami's historical METAR logs from 2014–2023. Recognizing the symmetrical data structure of METAR as a metric, models developed in this challenge will be able to be run in real-time for 1–12hr ahead of present-time predictions for METAR score. This is a unique opportunity for data people to dive into real-world data and uncover insights that could shape the future of aviation safety, understanding, airline efficiency, and pilots driving planes. — Challenge Overview - Objective: Building upon the insights ...
| DF73 Completes and DF74 Launches Stakers can claim DF73 rewards. DF74 runs Jan 25 — Feb 1, 2024. — — 1. Overview - Ocean Data Farming (DF) is Ocean’s incentives program. In DF, you can earn OCEAN rewards by locking OCEAN, curating data, and making predictions (in Predictoor). Here are DF docs. Data Farming Round 73 (DF73) has completed. 150K OCEAN + 20K ROSE was budgeted for rewards. Rewards counting started 12:01am Jan 18, 2024 and ended 12:01am Jan 25. You can claim rewards at the DF dapp Claim Portal. DF74 is live today, Jan 25. It concludes on Feb 1. 150K OCEAN and 20k ROSE are budgeted in total for rewards. This post is organized as follows: Section 2: DF structure, Section 3: How to earn rewards, and claim them, Section 4: Specific parameters for DF74, — 2. DF structure - Passive DF. As a veOCEAN holder, you get passive rewards by default., Active DF has two substreams. – Volume DF. Actively curate data by allocating veOCEAN towards data assets with high Data Consume Volume (DCV), to earn more. – Predictoor DF. Actively predict crypto prices by submitting a price prediction and staking OCEAN to slash competitors and earn., — 3. How to Earn Rewards, and Claim Them - There are three ways to earn and claim rewards: passive DF (like before), Active DF : Volume DF (like before), and Predictoor DF (new). Passive DF. To earn: lock OCEAN for veOCEAN, via the DF webapp’s veOCEAN page. To claim: go to the DF We...
| Data Challenge Championship Start: 2024 Season is Live Are you the top Data Scientist in the land? Demonstrate your case for 1st place in this year’s data challenge championship season.. — — Introduction - This blog introduces the kickoff of the 2024 Ocean Protocol Data Challenge Championship. The first Data Challenge of the year is live on Desights now and ends on Tuesday, Jan 30, 2024. ’24 is the 3rd year of Ocean Protocol-sponsored data science competitions. This year welcomes season 2 of the championship and leaderboard points. Additional details about the 2023 Season can be found in this blog post. Some minor details have been added/subtracted to this year’s championship, which are presented below: — What’s New This Season? - 2023 welcomed over 200 unique data scientists competing in data challenges. To accommodate an increasing number of recurring participants, we have raised the prize pool for each data challenge from $5000 USD to $10,000 USD available every challenge. Due to this, the 200 OCEAN participation bonus for submitting reports & proposals has concluded. Starting with the current data challenge (Road to Safety: Traffic Accident Analysis) the $10,000 prize pool will be distributed to the top 10 scored submissions per data challenge. Additionally, leaderboard points for the championship season will be rewarded for every challenge, scaled to the top 10 on a given data challenge. All participants outside of the top 10 will not receive po...
| 2023 Data Challenge Championship Leaderboard & Awards Data Challenge Championship End: 2023 Leaderboard & Awards - Our team behind Ocean Data Challenges concentrates on Data Science and is 1 of 3 concentration verticals (teams) within the Ocean Protocol core team. We are responsible for the Data Challenge Program, all related processes tied to the program & adjacent initiatives. We are excited to announce the winners of our 2023 Data Challenge Championship and end-of-season rewards! After a year of hypothesis testing, research sprints and over 20 different data challenges, hackathons, and data science experimentation: the top 10 data challenge participants, ranked by leaderboard points have emerged victorious. — 2023 Season Highlights: - - 17 Unique data science competitions hosted on Web3 rails. - The top 10 participants were awarded $10 (USDC / OCEAN) per 1 point that compounded to secure their top 10 seats. - Each of the 17 challenges offered rewards between $4000-$6500, PLUS championship leaderboard points for each of the top submissions. -175 data scientists (& growing) competing for prizes and owning their IP in all submissions. - Unique solutions proposed by participants spread across predictive analytics, business applications, data engineering pipelines, quantitative and statistical modeling, and real-world impact pertinent to each subject cycle. 2023 was the second year of Ocean-sponsored Data Challenges and the first year of the leaderboard & ...