| Nsure Network 
NSURE Price: | $0.00244 | | Volume: | $1.5 K | All Time High: | $2.03 | | Market Cap: | $127.7 K |
Circulating Supply: | 52,320,964 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 62,621,837 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 12
The last known price of #NSURE is $0.00244 USD.
Please note that the price of #NSURE was last updated over 60 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #NSURE statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest NSURE price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00244, and the exact last price of NSURE was $0.00244148.
The all-time high NSURE coin price was $2.03.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of NSURE with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Nsure Network crypto currency is #NSURE.
Nsure Network is 4.2 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Nsure Network is $127,740.
Nsure Network is ranking downwards to #5630 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a small daily trading volume on #NSURE.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Nsure Network is $1,453. |
The circulating supply of NSURE is 52,320,964 coins, which is 84% of the total coin supply. |
 N-SCOSS rating update — Full of changes and opportunities for underwriters! N-SCOSS rating update — Full of changes and opportunities for underwriters! At the beginning of Q4 2021, the team wanted to update the N-SCOSS rating for the protocols listed on Nsure’s decentralized app. Since the last evaluation, conducted in March 2021, these protocols have experienced changes on TVL, Smart Contracts versions, and even some attacks that result in a substantial impact on the protocol’s security. The assessment is now completed. Updated N-SCOSS and security level for each protocol will be in effect from 2021 January 10th 9:00AM UTC. Results Overview Three protocols (Uniswap, Dodo, Yearn Finance) got their version updates; thus, the N-SCOSS was assessed on their latest smart contracts. The evaluation concluded an overall improvement on the security level. Since the last update, 7 protocols were upgraded, just 1 protocol was downgraded, and the other 14 protocols remained at their security level. Details are shown in the chart below: Principal factors that affect the rating There are primarily 3 main factors that contribute to the change of the protocols’ N-SCOSS rating. 1. Exploits occurred in the past 12 months. Compound v2, Maker, Curve and Badger DAO experienced attacks out of smart contract vulnerabilities that fall under our policy coverage, therefore their score of Pillar One got deducted. Especially for Compound v2, the 2 hacks are the critical factor that led to its downgrade from leve... 
|  Polygon Mainnet Launch: Stage 3, Purchasing Policies going live! NSURE NETWORK will conclude its successful migration to Polygon Mainnet, launching the 3rd and last stage. Users will now able to purchase policies for the available products on the Nsure Marketplace. Dear Nsureans, it’s been a long journey since we first launched Mainnet on Ethereum, and today one of the most awaited milestones in development is becoming a reality: From tomorrow, November 24th 12:00 AM UTC onwards, users can officially purchase insurance coverage for dedicated Polygon protocols in the Nsure Marketplace! To purchase insurance, you can access the marketplace via https://polygon.nsure.network/#/cover/myOverview Policies can be purchased in the marketplace with $MATIC, by requesting a quote for the desired product. Enter the amount to be covered and the desired time period for the coverage, and a quote will be issued according to current pricing in the marketplace. In the event of an exploit, policyholders have the right to submit a claim that will trigger a claim resolution process managed by assessors in order to trigger a payout. Below is a detailed dive-in on all you need to know in regards to purchasing a policy, including a full manual on how to navigate through the app. Here’s the anticipated list of the first batch of Polygon-based Protocols that are being offered coverage by the Nsure Marketplace, according to previous Governance consensus:Policy Structure: All policies sold in the marketplace are ... 
|  Nsure Network Gradual Launch on Polygon: Underwriter Module Release NSURE NETWORK will launch Staking functions as an Underwriter on Polygon, expected to go live as of November 20th 12:00PM UTC.. — Dear Nsureans, we’re thrilled this time, to bring you our latest development update: Underwriting on Polygon Mainnet is going live! You will now be able to underwriter all batch 1 products added into the Nsure Marketplace, and commence underwriting with your Nsure tokens, and get ready for the grand slam release of Stage Three, where Purchasing policies will go live in the coming days. Access to Underwriting on APP hereUnderwriting Module: Analog to Ethereum Mainnet, and as you may have already read on our white paper or different media outreaches, underwriting insurance plays a central role in our platform. Traditional insurance models, as well as our own approach would not be able to function sustainably without Underwriters, risk-taking parties that provide capacity by influencing the supply-side of insurance products. Our approach for Main-net launch bases it’s functionality on incentivising Underwriters with part of the premiums paid from policy buyers associated to the products one has decided to obtain exposure to; in other words staking NSURE tokens in exchange for a share of future earnings sourced from premiums, paid in MATIC or stable coins.Lets dive into the mechanics of the Module:Batch 1 of supported Products10 Insurance Products listed, to choose from (Pools)Rewards fo... 
|  Nsure Network Gradual Launch on Polygon: Capital Mining launch! NSURE NETWORK gradual launch on Polygon coming up, commencing on November 3rd 12:00PM UTC as the first open Beta on Polygon Main Network. Here’s all you should know about the Gradual Release: NSURE NETWORK’s Polygon App can be accessed via following link: https://polygon.nsure.network/#/start_mining/stake_to_mine/start Batch 1 product candidates, and other details that have been set by the community can be found directly under the Polygon-deonominated threads on the NSURE Forum!Gradual Release The much awaited release will take place in 3 main events, distinguished by the main product segments within the Nsure PlatformCapital Mining Launch - Commencing November 3rd 12:00PM UTCUnderwriter Module Release - Commencing after 14 days of Capital Mining releasePurchase Policy & Claim Process - Released shortly after Underwriter liquidity is matured - Including a 1st Batch Product release in collaboration with third party protocols and potential subvention program by Nsure Foundation Similar to the launch of Nsure’s prior launch on Ethereum Maninnet you may have already witnessed, there’s a specific reasoning for why we have decided to aim for a gradual launch: Given the sophistication of the model on which the Nsure Marketplace is built on, certain criteria need to be met at different stages in order to safely move ahead with a seamless launch. Step one: Enough Liquidity to be bootstrapped within the dependant pools... 
|  Nsure Network Completes W3F Grant Milestone 1 Nsure Network Completes W3F Grant Milestone 1 Today we are thrilled to announce that Nsure has completed Milestone 1 of its Web3 Foundation grant, moving us closer to our goal to build a cross-blockchain open insurance marketplace for open finance. Thanks to all committee members for their continuous support and guidance. Nsure is an open insurance platform for open finance. The project borrows the idea of Lloyd’s London, a marketplace to trade insurance risks, where premiums are determined by a Dynamic Pricing Model. Capital mining will be implemented to secure capital required to back the risks at any point of time. A 2-phase crowd voting mechanism is used to ensure every claim is handled professionally. As we all know in our daily life, insurance is a crucial part of the financial world, where the Web3 space is also becoming increasingly important. To connect the two, we created Nsure. The main components of Nsure’s “Web3 insurance” are 1) capital pool and surplus pool — based on Capital Model; 2) purchase insurance and underwriting — based on Dynamic Pricing Model. Cross-chain compatibility unleashed the possibility of taking in more kinds of Web3-based assets as collateral against risks. The multi-chain environment also increases the variety of assets available to purchase. The implemented Minimum Viable Product Core contracts:Support capital mining and underwrite deposits/withdrawals.capital_converter... 
|  Nsure Innovation Zone Launched Since the launch of Nsure Network on mainnet, we’ve received a bunch of requests from Nsureans and other Ethereum users for their demand of insurance coverage on some new and innovative projects which are not listed on the existing Nsure marketplace. These projects have a couple of common characteristics that: 1) users are active; 2) the projects have been deployed for not a long time (usually less than 6 months) 3) smart contracts not been audited, or they are but users still have concern on the security of the contract so that they yearn for insurance to protect their assets of investment. To cater for such needs, we are going to launch a novel marketplace, Innovation Zone. Compared to the existing one, this new marketplace is different in the below perspectives, through the design of which we aim to achieve a balance between responding swiftly to the market demand and ensuring security of Nsure capital pool and being responsible for all Nsureans.Proposal of listing is accepted from anyone, as long as it passes the community vote. Unlike the main marketplace where listed projects are first evaluated by the team whether qualified for listing (by conducting N-SCOSS analysis), Innovation Zone allow anyone to propose on Nsure forum about projects in his/her favor. This proposal will proceed to a snapshot vote for the community to approve or reject.With the flexibility in listing, Innovation Zone projects will not be rated, an... 
|  Nsure Foundation Subsidy Program for 1st Batch Products Nsure Foundation is granting selected Protocols out of the first Batch of listed products in the recently launched risk marketplace. Up to 1M Nsure tokens allocated to subsidise underwriting.. — We’re pleased to release the Batch 1 Subsidy Program, a subvention given to selected Protocols, aiming to boost capacity, pricing and stability of these products within the market place.Subsidy Structure A total of 1m Nsure tokens have been allocated by the Nsure Foundation into the Underwriting contract, and will be gradually deployed upon need, based on policy demand for each product. Main criteria for the Subsidy is to increase Underwriting capital on the nominated products, to assure optimum liquidity levels are reached, for policy buyers to have increased capacity to purchase insurance from, as well as providing optimised pricing for policies. Given the recent launch of the marketplace, this grants nominees an edge over their listed insurance products. As liquidity increases within the platform, and underwriting capacities provided by users mature, the subsidised capital will be adjusted and reduced accordingly. Any premiums in ETH collected by these underwritings will be relocated into the surplus pool to nurture the platform. Allocation Thresholds for the Subsidy are set as follows:4/5 Star Rating: Up to 300k $Nsure allocated2/3 Star Rating: Up to 200k $Nsure allocated1/2 Star Rating: Up to 100k $Nsure allocatedGrantee... 
|  Mainnet Launch: Stage 3, Purchasing Policies now live! NSURE NETWORK concludes its successful migration to Mainnet, launching the 3rd and last stage. Users are now able to purchase policies for the available products on the Marketplace, while enjoying added incentives via policy-mining. Dear Nsureans, it’s been a long journey since we first launched our Alpha on Kovan, and today one of the most awaited milestones in development is becoming a reality: From now, April 12th 9:00 AM UTC onwards, users can officially purchase insurance coverage in the Nsure Marketplace! To purchase insurance, you can access the marketplace via https://app.nsure.network/#/cover/myExample: Compound Insurance product including Capacity, Cost estimation & risk rating, linked with access to obtain quote for purchase.Overview Policies can be purchased in the marketplace with $ETH, by requesting a quote for the desired product. Enter the amount to be covered and the desired time period for the coverage, and a quote will be issued according to current pricing in the marketplace. Users that purchase polices are eligible for sharing additional rewards issued in $NSURE, at a rate of 0.2NSURE/Block. In the event of an exploit, policyholders have the right to submit a claim that will trigger a claim resolution process managed by assessors in order to trigger a payout. Below is a detailed dive-in on all you need to know in regards to purchasing a policy, including a full manual on how to navigate through the... 
|  Mainnet Launch: Stage Two, Underwriter Module release NSURE NETWORK will launch Staking functions as an Underwriter, expected to go live as of April 7th 9:00AM UTC.. — Dear Nsureans, we’re thrilled this time, to bring you our latest development update: Underwriting on Mainnet is now live! You can now underwriter all batch 1 products added into the Nsure Marketplace, and commence underwriting with your Nsure tokens, and get ready for the grand slam release of Stage Three, where Purchasing policies will go live in the coming days. Access to Underwriting on APP hereUnderwriting Module: As you may have already read on our white paper or different media outreaches, underwriting insurance plays a central role in our platform. Traditional insurance models, as well as our own approach would not be able to function sustainably without Underwriters, risk-taking parties that provide capacity by influencing the supply-side of insurance products. Our approach for Main-net launch bases it’s functionality on incentivising Underwriters with part of the premiums paid from policy buyers associated to the products one has decided to obtain exposure to; in other words staking NSURE tokens in exchange for a share of future earnings sourced from premiums, paid in ETH or stable coins.Batch 1 of supported ProductsLets dive into the mechanics of the Module:20 Insurance Products listed, to choose from (Pools)Rewards for underwriters paid in $ETH sourced from premiumsBoosting rewards to in... 
|  Nsure Network Mainnet Migration: Incoming on March 31th NSURE NETWORK Mainnet Release coming up, commencing on March 31st 8:00AM UTC as the first open Beta on Ethereum Main Network. Here’s all you should know about the Gradual Release: Dear Nsureans, it’s been a great journey so far, one we couldn’t have achieved without you as early community supporters. From the early Underwriter Program serving as simulation for users to grasp the first concepts around being the risk-taking counter-party, incentivised with real APR based returns in NSURE tokens; to the comprehensive developments and improvements englobed within the Alpha release on Kovan network from earlier this year. Now it’s time for the awaited first Mainnet release of the platform and marketplace, to be first deployed as open Beta on the Ethereum Mainnet. This article will guide you through all details you need to know in regards to when, how and why it will occur:Gradual Release The much awaited release will take place in 3 main events, distinguished by the main product segments within the Nsure PlatformCapital Mining Launch - Commencing March 31st 8:00AM UTCUnderwriter Module Release - Commencing Rebalancing Period on April 7th 8:00AM UTC - Incentive rewards starting April 10th 8:00AM UTCPurchase Policy & Claim Process - Released shortly after Underwriter liquidity is matured - Including a 1st Batch Product release in collaboration with third party protocols and subvention program by Nsure Foundation Simi... 