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NEXO Price   

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NEXO Price:
$4.2 M
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$0.8 B

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #NEXO today is $1.35 USD.

The lowest NEXO price for this period was $0, the highest was $1.35, and the current live price for one NEXO coin is $1.34869.

The all-time high NEXO coin price was $4.50.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of NEXO with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Nexo is also #NEXO.

Nexo is 6.8 years old.


The current market capitalization for Nexo is $755,266,139.

Nexo is ranked #89, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is big today for #NEXO.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Nexo is $4,210,903.


The circulating supply of NEXO is 560,000,009 coins, which is 56% of the maximum coin supply.


NEXO is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 4 other blockchains.

See list of the NEXO Blockchain contracts with 5 different blockchains.


NEXO is well integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 30 crypto exchanges.

View #NEXO trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #NEXO purchase.



Dispatch #27: Morgan Stanley Bets Wealthy Clients Want Bitcoin

We’ve retired our Medium blog. For the latest news, visit this patch of your weekly Dispatch: - Morgan Stanley becomes the first big bank to offer Bitcoin to wealthy clients, Meet the public software company with $50M of ETH on its books, 40% of Americans want to put some of their stimulus money into BTC and stocks, The Big IdeaMorgan Stanley Opens Access to Three Bitcoin Funds - Last week we shared our thesis that we were seeing the beginning of the “next institutional wave” coming to Bitcoin. Right on cue, this week we’ve learned that Morgan Stanley is poised to open up access to not just one but three institutional BTC funds for its wealth management clients. Now, access to these funds will be restricted. Individuals must hold $2М with the bank while investment firms must hold $5М. What’s more, Morgan Stanley is capping client Bitcoin investments at 2.5% of net worth. On the flipside, these funds offer real Bitcoin exposure — not just the sort of public market versions of crypto we’ve seen before. It’s clear then that Morgan Stanley is seeing enough demand from clients to put their $4T AUM reputation on the line. The funds are managed by Galaxy Digital, FS Investments, and NYDIG and will open next month after Morgan Stanley’s financial advisors get training on the new product. This section was supposed to end here but then, early on Friday, reports emerged that Morgan Stanley...

Nexo’s Custody and Insurance in Depth and at Length

We’ve retired our Medium blog. For the latest news, visit Тhe saying goes: Don’t keep all your eggs in one basket. That’s especially true for crypto. The endless “hot vs. cold storage, custodial vs. non-custodial wallets” dilemma is one we know all too well, which is why we’ve done something about it. The Nexo Wallet lets you manageall your assets from a single wallet without actually keeping them in one place, while also benefiting from top-tier insurance! So how does our wallet work, where are your assets, and where is our insurance coming from? Find out here.Custody - The Nexo Wallet is a custodial wallet, which means that a third party actually stores and secures your assets. We employ services from BitGo, Ledger Vault, and other well established partners to ensure top-tier storage for all assets placed under our care. We use multiple trusted custodians in order to diversify our comprehensive custodial infrastructure. Consequently, your digital assets are held in a mix of hot and cold storage by partners in various geographical locations, making it exceptionally difficult for unauthorized parties to gain access to them, but also lending you the needed flexibility to be efficient in the dynamic crypto market. Finally, the Nexo Wallet unifies all the information about your assets from our custodial partners and presents it in a comprehensive, simple, user-friendly UX so that you can instantly man...

Bitcoin’s Heart Is in the Right Place

We’ve retired our Medium blog. For the latest news, visit Our Co-founder and Managing Partner Antoni Trenchev joined CNBC anchors Hadley Gamble and Matthew Taylor to talk Bitcoin’s latest $61.8K all-time high, the subsequent dip, and a not-at-all-unlikely hike up to $100K by end of year. Antoni’s interview with CNBC comes hot on the heels of Hadley Gamble’s talk about “ bad-boyfriend Bitcoin “ with Canadian businessman and Shark Tank co-host Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, where he acknowledged that cryptocurrencies were here to stay after calling them “garbage” in 2019.The important thing is that Bitcoin’s heart is in the right place.* *Antoni in response to Hadley Gamble’s “bad boyfriend” comparison. The conversation between the two and Mr Wonderful went on off-screen on her Twitter account, so join in. Watch the full interview or read a brief summary below: Over time, BTC has outperformed any other asset and the current macroeconomic situation remains in Bitcoin’s favor, laying the ground for a continued upward trend., With Bitcoin recently reaching the $1 trillion market cap, the current BTC rally remains predominantly institutionally driven. This means Bitcoin could well reach $100K within the next 12 to 18 months., Using Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation is a growing trend as BTC challenges gold’s positio...

Dispatch #26: The Institutional Bitcoin Party Vol.2

We’ve retired our Medium blog. For the latest news, visit this patch of your weekly Dispatch: - Is a new wave of institutional Bitcoin starting?, Beeple’s NFT sale made him the third most expensive living artist, Our $150K donation to Brink to support Bitcoin development, The Big IdeaThe Next Wave Of Institutional Bitcoin - So you might be wondering why we’re not talking about Beeple’s massive $69M auction. It was, after all, not only the priciest NFT sale of all time, but the third biggest price tag for the work of a living artist ever. The reality is….we’ve covered NFTs a lot lately and wanted to also talk about other really important things happening in the market. If you really want to read more about digital artworks (and Tweets), just scroll down. Getting back to Bitcoin though, it was quietly another massive week in institutional Bitcoin. Here’s just a smattering of the events: NYDIG announced a $200M financing that included such small names as Morgan Stanley, Soros, and New York Life., Each of these companies is getting involved with Bitcoin on a level deeper than just investing, backing this up with the CEO of New York Life joining their board of directors., Historically crypto averse JP Morgan is launching a cryptocurrency exposure basket — a debt product composed of 11 public equities with exposure to crypto (see our Data Story for more)., As per a Reuters report, John Wal...

What If All Companies With BTC Allocations Started Putting a Portion of It Into Bitcoin Development?

We’ve retired our Medium blog. For the latest news, visit “The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime,” Satoshi Nakamoto famously wrote on back in 2010. To an extent, that the Bitcoin protocol is conservative and rarely changes is a blessing — the fewer the alterations, the lesser the risk of bugs or systemic failures. Yet Bitcoin is far from done. The central Bitcoin design may be relatively cemented, but like any software project, the protocol requires continued maintenance. Historically, many talented developers have contributed to the core software without financial compensation. As a company whose bread and butter is Bitcoin, we are undertaking the initiative to change that in order to maintain the continued operation of the network. To that end, we have contributed $150,000 to Brink — a non-profit organization focused on supporting open-source Bitcoin development — to help continually strengthen the Bitcoin protocol and foster the developer community. The funds will be allocated towards an independent Bitcoin developer through Brink’s grant program — a project that supports the work of established Bitcoin protocol engineers. “The $150,000 donation to Brink marks Nexo’s commitment to open-source funding and supporting Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency that spawned a tril...

Update! Free Withdrawals Are Back & Borrowing Minimums Are Just $50

We’ve retired our Medium blog. For the latest news, visit As you are aware, we recently limited free crypto withdrawals due to congestion of the Ethereum blockchain and skyrocketing gas fees and raised the minimum borrowing amount to a temporary $5000. Thanks to our team’s astute efforts, we were able to implement an efficient solution ahead of schedule and are thrilled to once again bring you prime withdrawal conditions in a sustainable manner. The details: We have raised the monthly free crypto withdrawal limits to 5 for the Platinum tier, 3 for the Gold tier, 2 for the Silver tier, and 1 for the Base tier., The minimum borrowing amount for our Instant Crypto Credit Lines™ is now just $50 when withdrawing in stablecoins., Credit withdrawn in stablecoins will be sent directly to your Nexo Wallet in a matter of seconds., If you use your credit line for leverage, you can easily and instantly tap into the Nexo Exchange., Should you wish to send funds from your Nexo Wallet to an external wallet or exchange, you can do so through the standard withdrawal feature., We will continue working on the resilience and sustainability of our operations in the weeks, months and years to come, and will keep you updated on our progress. Originally published at Do check out our earlier blog posts, share them with your friends and let them too be part of the Nexo success story! Question? Visit your Help Ce...

Dispatch #25: NFTs are getting SPICY

We’ve retired our Medium blog. For the latest news, visit this patch of your weekly Dispatch: - From Beeple to Grimes, NFTs are sizzling hot, Citi says your hard-HODLed BTC could be the preferred currency for trade, Crypto exchanges exceed $1T in trading volume for the first time, Fixed Terms are the latest addition to our Earn suite, The Big IdeaNFTs are heating up - Last week we mentioned Beeple’s record-setting $6.6M sale of “Crossroads” via Nifty Gateway, as well as his Christie’s Auction, where bidding is currently up to $3.5M. It’s not just Beeple, however. Over the weekend, EDM artist Justin Blau (aka 3LAU) auctioned a collection of 33 NFTs (partially coded by the artist himself) for $11,684,101 and rock band Kings of Leon is planning to launch the first NFT album. Grimes jumped on the train and made $5.8M, selling — a set of 10 items named after the Goddess of Neo-Genesis who “battles the destructive force of obsolete ideas.” The same battle we fight in the crypto space, essentially. :) Meanwhile, on Clubhouse, everyone from Diplo to Deadmau5 to Paris Hilton has been chattering about NFTs. The question of course is: is this a bubble? Yet another crypto speculative froth that is going to separate people from their money? Perhaps a better question is: what parts of it are a bubble, and what parts of it are real? Perhaps there is over-exuberance at something new leading to...

Earn on Crypto & Fiat Welcomes High-Yield Fixed Terms Option

We’ve retired our Medium blog. For the latest news, visit Bitcoin has evolved from being the pioneer of blockchain technology to an indisputable store of value. Storing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, however, is an investment choice in and of itself, with HODLing becoming more and more popular as a strategy in the crypto space. In order to provide an even more stable and sustainable source of passive income to our 1+ million clients, we are introducing Fixed Terms as an option to earn on your assets for a pre-selected term and enjoy our highest rates.What Are Fixed Terms? - The new Fixed Terms functionality allows you to earn our highest savings yields — 8% on crypto and 12% on fiat — if you choose to create a term on your cryptocurrencies and fiat for 1 and 3 months, respectively. The exact fixed-term yields you earn depend on whether you receive your interest in kind or in NEXO Tokens, as well as on your Loyalty tier. Fixed Terms are not yet available for stablecoins but we plan on making the addition in the near future as we continue to enhance our product line-up. Our former Earn offering across crypto, fiat, and stablecoins, which lets you withdraw funds at any time and brings you a unique daily payout, is now called FLEX Terms. Below are our updated Earn on Crypto & Fiat terms:How Do Fixed Terms Work? - When you choose to create a Fixed Term, your interest compounds daily, like ...

It’s All About Prioritizing Nexo’s Many Goals — February AMA with Antoni Trenchev

It’s All About Prioritizing Nexo’s Many Goals — February AMA with Antoni Trenchev - We’ve retired our Medium blog. For the latest news, visit Last week we hosted the first edition of our new series of monthly Ask-Antoni-Anythings with Nexo Co-founder and Managing Partner Antoni Trenchev. Thank you to those of you who got involved — we hope to have quenched your curiosity. On Friday, Antoni covered questions about the Nexo Card, the Kraken flash crash, gas fees, the congestion of the Ethereum network, our community’s newest #when — #whenNexopiggybank, and much more. To find out all our exciting Nexo news, watch the full AMA or read the summarized answers below.When will the Nexo Card be available? - The Nexo Card is a difficult product. We have already rolled out 1,000 cards to clients for testing and we are on the verge of a full release, which should happen in the next three months. Most of the delays with the Nexo Card have been on account of our partners, so to avoid similar оccurrences, we are diversifying our approach and are now working with multiple card providers.Recent transactions through Nexo were delayed or failed to show up. Is this problem resolved? - At Nexo, your crypto is your crypto and this will remain so until you decide to part with your assets. Unfortunately, Nexo does not have control over miners, nor can we do anything should the Bitcoin network slow down. Your...

Dispatch #24: FedWire Went Down. Bitcoin Just Kept Working.

We’ve retired our Medium blog. For the latest news, visit this patch of your weekly Dispatch: - The Fed’s settlement system goes offline, unlike Bitcoin, Are you selling your BTC to Microstrategy & Square?, Beeple artwork sells for $6.6M before first-ever Christie’s NFT auction, Antoni just moved up in Dispatch 😊, The Big IdeaAh, the Irony. - Bitcoin finally had a comedown after an absolute march straight up from $30,000 to nearly $60,000. Throughout the week, we saw a major sell-off, with prices getting all the way down below $45,000 on some exchanges. While most professionals attributed the particular violence of the move at least in part to over-leveraged traders, another popular narrative explanation was that the market was reacting to more negative comments from Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen who called Bitcoin “inefficient” in Monday remarks. How deliciously ironic then when on Wednesday the Fed’s real-time settlement system FedWire went offline for a number of hours. Many companies (including crypto exchanges) were stopped in their tracks as the system went down — an outage the likes of which Bitcoin hasn’t experienced in the last 2,907 days. Adding to the irony is the fact that the outage came just one day after Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell announced that 2021 was the year the Fed started focusing on a digital dollar with diligence. May want to hire a...

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