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NEBL Price   

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NEBL Price:
$54.8 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #NEBL today is $0.00594 USD.

The lowest NEBL price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00594, and the exact current price of one NEBL crypto coin is $0.00594148.

The all-time high NEBL coin price was $60.92.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of NEBL with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Neblio crypto currency is #NEBL.

Neblio is 7.4 years old.


The current market capitalization for Neblio is not available at this time.

Neblio is ranking upwards to #2743, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is modest during the past 24 hours for #NEBL.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Neblio is $54,810.


The circulating supply of NEBL is 8 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.

Note the simply unparalleled tiny supply of Neblio coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


NEBL is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #NEBL trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #NEBL purchase.



Neblio Bi-Monthly Report: January-February 2023

Neblio Monthly Report (Jan 01st-Feb 28th, 2023)Neblio Monthly Report: January-February 2023 Dear members of the Neblio community, We want to express our sincere appreciation for your consistent support and commitment to our initiative. We can’t express our gratitude to you enough for your dedication, enthusiasm, and creative and relentless efforts that have been essential to our development and success. We wish you limitless opportunity and success in all of your activities as we start a new year. We are anxiously anticipating the wonderful things that we will do together as we look forward to continuing to collaborate and build our community. Once more, I want to express my gratitude for your contribution to our team. We really appreciate your dedication to our initiative and look forward to working with you again next year. We want to take a moment to thank you for your support and to express our appreciation for all that you do to contribute to the success of our project. Your passion, creativity, and dedication are what make this project thrive, and we are grateful to have you on board. We hope that this new year brings you many new opportunities and that you continue to be an integral part of our community. As of the writing of this report, the Neblio team is fully dedicated to the priority task of integrating with Ledger. As a result, other tasks originally scheduled in the initial roadmap have been rescheduled and...

Neblio Monthly Report: December 2022

Neblio Monthly Report (Dec 01st-31st, 2022)Neblio Monthly Report: December 2022 Dear members of the Neblio community, As we begin this new year, we want to take a moment to thank you for your support and to express our appreciation for all that you do to contribute to the success of our project. Your passion, creativity, and dedication are what make this project thrive, and we are grateful to have you on board. We hope that this new year brings you many new opportunities and that you continue to be an integral part of our community. We are looking forward to another year of growth and collaboration, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds. Once again, happy new year! We are so glad to have you with us. Sincerely, Neblio Team Let’s dive into the details: — New Listings - New listing on Tokocrypto: On December 2nd, Tokocrypto, a regulated and Binance-owned Indonesian exchange listed NEBL. Read all the details here — Tokocrypto on Twitter: "Hi Tokonauts!Dengan bangga mengumumkan akan hadirnya token baru Neblio di platform Tokocrypto pada jam 15.00 WIBDeposit $NEBL Token di akun sudah dapat dilakukan.👉 trading, #SalamToTheMoon / Twitter" - Hi Tokonauts!Dengan bangga mengumumkan akan hadirnya token baru Neblio di platform Tokocrypto pada jam 15.00 WIBDeposit $NEBL Token di akun sudah dapat dilakukan.👉 trading, #SalamToTheMoon

Neblio X Antimatter | Strategic Partnership

Today we are excited to announce a partnership between Antimatter and Neblio. Antimatter is a hub for decentralized on-chain financial products, such as DeFi derivatives and financial NFTs. Antimatter B2 is a low-gas BNB sidechain that facilitates Antimatter DApps. Being community-driven, innovative and simple forms the core of Antimatter. Neblio made a strategic investment in Antimatter and will support Antimatter with its services. The collaboration will help Neblio build DeFi ecosystems. Antimatter Labs has experience in creating products like DEX and on-chain structured products and derivatives. For example BULL&BEAR, a permissionless protocol to tokenize Perpetual Options or Antimatter Invest, a DApp built to offer its users various compact, easy-to-use and simple Structured Products in DeFi. With this partnership, Neblio and Antimatter Finance are combining forces to create the most innovative and secure blockchain solutions available. By leveraging the cutting-edge technology and expertise of both companies, the solutions they create will revolutionize the way businesses use blockchain technology. We believe that exchanging valuable knowledge about blockchain platforms can truly move both projects in the right direction. Accompany us on our journey, we keep building! — About Neblio - Neblio is a distributed, high performance blockchain platform built for Enterprise & Industry 4.0 applications and service...

Neblio Monthly Report: November 2022

Neblio Monthly Report (Nov 01st-30th, 2022)Neblio Monthly Report: November 2022 November was all about Brainstorming, Building, and Football. New listings, sponsors to one of the most extensive campaigns in the Crypto space, and new decisions that potentially open doors to more possibilities across multiple verticals. The marketing and BD team have been the most active, while the tech team is prepping the ground for the next steps. Let’s highlight the most remarkable events from November ‘22: — Collaborations and General News - Smart contract integration: On November 3rd, we announced our primary vision for 2023, which is Smart contract integration to the protocol. This integration technically opens doors to several use cases and more ground for the partner applications to leverage Neblio tech. — Neblio Team on Twitter: "📣 This is going to be big! Are you ready for #NEBL transformation?Neblio is getting ready for the Smart Contract integration to be launched in 2023: we are hiring more developers!Submit your application at now!#Neblio2.0 / Twitter" - 📣 This is going to be big! Are you ready for #NEBL transformation?Neblio is getting ready for the Smart Contract integration to be launched in 2023: we are hiring more developers!Submit your application at now!#Neblio2.0 Binance Football Fever 2022 Platinum Sponsors...

Neblio Monthly Report: October 2022

Neblio Monthly Report (Oct 01st-31st, 2022)Neblio Monthly Report: October 2022 October has been one of the most productive months for the team. All departments, from Tech & QA to Business & Marketing, have chipped into the project’s progress. We saw new Listings, AMAs with a few of the best communities, opening gates to regional communities, product fixes, and spreading wings to new verticals. Let’s highlight the most remarkable events from October ‘22: — Collaborations and General News - Neblio collaborated with Coin98: On October 30th, we announced a collaboration with Coin98, the #1 crypto super app, aiming to expand the Vietnamese market and promote the global adoption of blockchain technology. A Twitter thread published by Coin98 on the collaboration: — Coin98 Super App (Formerly Coin98 Wallet) on Twitter: "1/ Coin98 is thrilled to announce that we are collaborating with @NeblioTeam, a high-performance blockchain platform, to provide #Coin98 users with an innovative experience in addition to introducing them to this platform. Read more 👇 / Twitter" - 1/ Coin98 is thrilled to announce that we are collaborating with @NeblioTeam, a high-performance blockchain platform, to provide #Coin98 users with an innovative experience in addition to introducing them to this platform. Read more 👇 Staking Campaign with Coin98: On October 30t...

How To: Neblio Ethereum Bridge

Tutorial to swap NEBL from the Neblio blockchain to the Ethereum blockchain using the Neblio Ethereum bridge: bridge.nebl.ioFigure 1. The Wrapped NEBL ERC20 bridge has been released After the release of the BNB Chain bridge for $NEBL in September 2022, the Neblio bridge now supports Neblio↔ERC20 swap functionality. You can now wrap your $NEBL into ERC20 as $WNEBL. Please note that some exchanges such as Binance and Gate will refer to $WNEBL as $NEBL.Do NOT send bridged tokens to other blockchains or to exchanges not supporting Neblio on ERC20. This will result in a permanent loss of your tokens. The bridged NEBL (WNEBL) can only be used within the Ethereum blockchain. To move the Wrapped NEBL on ERC20 again to the native Neblio blockchain, please bridge them back following this guide. The Wrapped NEBL, $WNEBL, ERC20 Contract address is: 0x1be5cce8fac285d4911ca0b4f75f29dac5fee0dd You can also refer to the Etherscan link to track the contract address. — Swap $NEBL to $WNEBL on Ethereum - 1. Head over to 2. If it is the first time you are using the Neblio Ethereum bridge, Register wallet in the bridge under the Deposit To Ethereum Chain tab. To do so, use the default Ethereum mainnet option on Metamask, and approve the transaction on it, making sure you have some ETH to cover the gas fees.Figure 2. New to the Neblio Ethereum Bridge? Register and Confirm the Tx If you had already used the bridge befor...

The Neblio team is thrilled to announce that Dawnstar Capital has led a funding deal for Neblio…

Neblio & Dawnstar Capital — Investment - The Neblio team is thrilled to announce that Dawnstar Capital has led a funding deal for Neblio raising $15M in order to strengthen the development goals marked in our Roadmap for Q3 2022 — Q2 2023. This new capital injection is a first but key step that will allow Neblio to further boost growth and expand to new markets via ecosystem funds for a greater outreach and adoption through new marketing and potential regional communities as well as in anticipation to milestones, such as the smart contract development. Neblio shall pursuit further investments, social media events and progress via Neblio Improvement Proposals in addition to the recently released roadmap to prop up its development. Since its roots back in 2017, Neblio has over 220,000 wallets with multiple third-party dApps released. More about Dawnstar Capital Dawnstar Capital is a multidisciplinary investment fund with over $300M invested in multiple assets, the mission of which is to provide a full suite of funding, market making and marketing services, both to illiquid assets, such as start-ups and early-stage tokens during its inception and growth phase, and also to prominent liquid assets listed on the main exchanges. The Neblio team is thrilled to announce that Dawnstar Capital has led a funding deal for Neblio… was originally published in Neblio Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversat...

How To: Neblio BNB Chain Bridge

Tutorial for bridging BNB Chain (Binance Smart Chain) with Neblio using the Neblio BNB Chain bridge: bridge.nebl.ioFigure 1. The Wrapped NEBL bridge has been released We are delighted to announce that $NEBL can now be withdrawn to the BNB Chain (Binance Smart Chain) as Wrapped NEBL, $WNEBL, from the native Neblio blockchain by using our own bridge, thus accomplishing one of the milestones planned in our new Roadmap for Q3 2022 — Q2 2023. Likewise, $WNEBL can be swapped back to $NEBL by using this bridge.Do NOT send bridged tokens to other blockchains or to exchanges not supporting Neblio on the BNB Chain. This will result in a permanent loss of your tokens. The bridged NEBL (WNEBL) can only be used within the BNB Chain. To move the Wrapped NEBL on the BSC again to the native Neblio blockchain, please bridge them back following this guide. This bridge feature will enable future integration of Neblio within the BSC, BNB Chain, increasing the interoperability between both blockcains, as well as the deployment of $NEBL on BSC under the BEP20 standards. The Wrapped NEBL, $WNEBL, token Contract address on BSC is: 0x5ceae8dfad98327412c43d6bc767f20bf884d635 You can also refer to the BscScan link to track the contract address. — Swap $NEBL to $WNEBL on the BNB Chain - 1. Head over to 2. If it is the first time you are using the Neblio BNB Chain bridge, Register wallet in the bridge under the Deposit To B...

Neblio Roadmap 2022-q2 2023

We are excited to share the Neblio Roadmap for the Q3 2022 to Q2 2023 period! We are looking forward to 2023 being the strongest year so far for the growth of Neblio. We have some exciting developments, partnerships with top-tier projects and programs for our community in the pipeline, focusing upon making Neblio a more decentralised and powerful blockchain platform with greater resources as well as increasing the utility of Neblio and the NEBL token.The new Neblio Roadmap is here! We expect the releases and milestones to be released quarterly as scheduled next: — Q3 2022 - Upgrade of the Electrum servers Upgrade of the Electrum servers to the Protocol 1.5: this has added many benefits and increased scalability of the Electrum protocol, allowing, i.e., the pagination of addresses with large history and improved synchronisation. BNB Chain Bridge Launch A bridge of Neblio to the BNB Chain is in development and will be launched. IPFS Public Server Release of an IPFS Public Server for Developers. Improvement Proposals New proposals to the community will be submitted via DAO using the Neblio Improvement Proposals (NIPs), enhancing the use of the voting system. — Q4 2022 - Empowering Decentralisation With the introduction of an incentives scheme to increase the community adoption, we aim at making Neblio further decentralised by increasing the amount of nodes run by Neblio holders with a revamped reward system that...

2nd of August 2022 — Neblio is Fully Acquired!

2nd of August 2022 — Neblio is Fully Acquired! - We have amazing news to share! The Neblio Project has been fully acquired by a new team! Stay tuned for news and announcements from the new team in the coming days! 2nd of August 2022 — Neblio is Fully Acquired! was originally published in Neblio Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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