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NABOX Price   

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NABOX Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$448.1 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #NABOX today is $0.00000354 USD.

The lowest NABOX price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00000354, and the current live price for one NABOX coin is $0.00000353697.

The all-time high NABOX coin price was $0.000385.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of NABOX with market cap of BTC and how the supply of NABOX affects the price at different market capitalizations.


The code for Nabox crypto currency is also #NABOX.

Nabox is 3.4 years old.


The current market capitalization for Nabox is $448,086.

Nabox is ranked #889 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is weak today for #NABOX.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Nabox is $459.


The circulating supply of NABOX is 126,686,768,797 coins, which is 13% of the maximum coin supply.

Relatively, Nabox has a large supply of coins, 5,758 times larger than Bitcoin's supply, for example.


NABOX is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 1 other blockchain.

See list of the NABOX Blockchain contracts with 2 different blockchains.


NABOX is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #NABOX trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #NABOX purchase.



Nabox Weekly Issue 121

Nabox App - Fixed some bugs and optimized operations. iOS version 3.0.7 and Android version 3.0.6 have been released., Initiated development for supporting NRC 1155 Token functionality., Initiated development for supporting isolated witness functionality., — Nabox ID - The Nabox ID task module iteration version has been completed with fixes and optimizations, and it has entered the testing phase., PayBox has completed the first round of internal testing., — Community operation - Nabox & ChainLabs joint announced Weekly Crypto Funding Summary (Oct 16th — Oct 20th, 2023)., Nabox & SecondLive Metahunted Adventure: Seek the Spooky Treats., Nabox Voice “The Significance of Bitcoin ETF to the Industry” with Bitroo、Blablablock、BitMake、Noahswap、HabitTrade., SwapBox is integrated with FaTPay on-ramp solution., Nabox joined Dmail Subscription Hub., SwapBox L2 farm ETC-NVT LP to earn $ETC is live., Nabox supports assets and DApps management from Scroll., — Nabox Liquidity Pool Updates - PancakeSwap Pool $165.6K Uniswap Pool $58.7K NerveSwap Pool $112K — Nabox Community Updates - Twitter Followers: 220.5K, Telegram members: 50.0K, Discord members: 94.6K, — Join the Nabox Community - ▲ Website: ❒ Whitepaper: nabox.iolitepaper.pdf 📰 Telegram: 🐦 Twitter: 👾 Discord: ⬛️ Medium: — About U...

Nabox Weekly Issue 120

Nabox App - Optimized partial signature prompts, completed cache clearing, and other functionality development., Fixed some bugs and interface optimizations. The test version has been released and goes live this week., — Nabox ID - Continued to address and improve issues with the Nabox ID task module., PayBox development is completed and starts testing this week., — SwapBox - Integration of the FatPay fiat currency exchange feature is complete and going live., — Community operation - Nabox & ChainLabs joint announced Weekly Crypto Funding Summary (Oct 9th — Oct 13th, 2023)., Nabox has integrated with OKX DEX., Nabox Voice “The Values and Concerns of Web3 Quest Platform” with Wormhole3, Port3, and SoQuest., Nabox & Linea Name Service & Dust Swap & Orbiter Finance joint giveaway., — Nabox Liquidity Pool Updates - PancakeSwap Pool $161.0K Uniswap Pool $54.5K NerveSwap Pool $108.3K — Nabox Community Updates - Twitter Followers: 218.1K, Telegram members: 50.5K, Discord members: 92.5K, — Join the Nabox Community - ▲ Website: ❒ Whitepaper: nabox.iolitepaper.pdf 📰 Telegram: 🐦 Twitter: 👾 Discord: ⬛️ Medium: — About Us - Nabox is a cross-chain DID application built for Web3. With Nabox, you can manage assets across different blockchains whether for DeFi, GameFi, NFTs, an...

Nabox Weekly Issue 119

Nabox App - Optimized partial signature prompts, completed cache clearing, and other functionality development., Fixed some bugs and interface optimizations, testing to be conducted this week., — Nabox ID - Continued to address and improve issues with the Nabox ID task module., PayBox development completed and entered the first round of testing., — SwapBox - Integration of FatPay fiat currency exchange feature is complete, testing has been finished, and it will be launched online this week., — Community operation - Nabox & ChainLabs joint announced Weekly Crypto Funding Summary (Oct 2nd — Oct 6th, 2023)., Nabox App Update with new features., Nabox x Bitroo Joint Giveaway., $VNT cross-chain swap is live on SwapBox., Polyhedra x BurgerCities x CARV x Nabox x SecondLive Joint AMA for opBNB Potential Unleash Journey., — Nabox Liquidity Pool Updates - PancakeSwap Pool $156.1K Uniswap Pool $54.0K NerveSwap Pool $105.3K — Nabox Community Updates - Twitter Followers: 211.6K, Telegram members: 50.9K, Discord members: 82.3K, — Join the Nabox Community - ▲ Website: ❒ Whitepaper: nabox.iolitepaper.pdf 📰 Telegram: 🐦 Twitter: 👾 Discord: ⬛️ Medium: — About Us - Nabox is a cross-chain DID application built for Web3. With Nabox, you can manage assets across different blockchains whether for De...

Nabox Weekly Issue 118

Nabox App - iOS 3.0.6 and Android 3.0.4 have introduced new features such as account avatars and displaying price changes, which are now live., Fixed some bugs and started working on the next version’s feature iteration and optimization., — Nabox ID - Fixed and optimized issues reported in the Nabox ID task module., PayBox development is complete and will soon enter the testing phase., — SwapBox - Completed the development of fiat currency exchange functionality and entered the testing phase., — Community operation - Nabox & ChainLabs joint announced Weekly Crypto Funding Summary (Sep 25th — Sep 29th, 2023)., Nabox & SecondLive jointly organize Nabox VDance performance event., LuigiSwap now supports Nabox Extension., Nabox releases a tutorial: “How to Create Tasks on Nabox ID?”, $FROGGY is now live on SwapBox., — Nabox Liquidity Pool Updates - PancakeSwap Pool $157.7K Uniswap Pool $55.7K NerveSwap Pool $105.8K — Nabox Community Updates - Twitter Followers: 206.4K, Telegram members: 50.9K, Discord members: 74.9K, — Join the Nabox Community - ▲ Website: ❒ Whitepaper: nabox.iolitepaper.pdf 📰 Telegram: 🐦 Twitter: 👾 Discord: ⬛️ Medium: — About Us - Nabox is a cross-chain DID application built for Web3. With Nabox, you can manage assets across different blockchains whether...

How to create tasks on Nabox ID?

Visit, connect your wallet, sign in, and link your social media details under the “Identity” section., 2. Access the “Task” section and click on “Create” in the upper right corner. 3. Input every basic information required in the form. Specify the task name and description (We strongly recommend including comprehensive task details, reward amounts, the number of winners, etc.)., Upload a task banner (Dimensions: 1240px * 696px)., Set the start and end times., Choose the Task Type: Community Promotion / Technical Development., Select the Winner Selection Method: Auto-FCFS / Raffle., Enter the number of winners and define the reward amounts. (Please note: If you do not intend to distribute a specific token, please opt for the “White List” option)., 4. Set up Mandatory Regular Tasks. You now have the option to create tasks such as Twitter Retweets, Twitter Likes, Telegram Joining, Discord Joining, and Q&A. Please be aware: To configure a “Join Telegram” task, you must invite the Nabox ID Telegram bot to your Telegram community. For guidance, please refer to: 5. Set up Custom Tasks. You can also add custom tasks. Enter the task name and description. You can choose the Task Type: Task Link or Upload Files. Task Link is to require participants to visit required link and submit the answer. Upload Files is to require participants to upload proofs like screenshot. 6. C...

Nabox Weekly Issue 117

Nabox App - Completed the internal testing of adding account avatars and displaying price changes, and it will be launched soon., Conduct technical research on integrating Debink DeFi data., — Nabox ID - The Nabox ID task module beta version has been launched, and we are continuing to enhance the product experience., Development of PayBox is in progress., Scheduling the resolution of issues and feedback from the community., — SwapBox - The development of the fiat currency exchange functionality has begun., — Community operation - Nabox & ChainLabs joint announced Weekly Crypto Funding Summary (Sep 18th — Sep 22th, 2023)., $PYUSD is listed on SwapBox., Nabox ID task features is officially live., Nabox x SecondLive x Polyhedra Network x BurgerCities Joint opBNB — BNB Chain campaign Thrill 2., Nabox x SecondLive x Polyhedra Network x BurgerCities Joint opBNB — BNB Chain campaign Thrill 3., Nabox x Dmail x TaskOn Joint Giveaway., — Nabox Liquidity Pool Updates - PancakeSwap Pool $162.7K Uniswap Pool $58.6K NerveSwap Pool $109.6K — Nabox Community Updates - Twitter Followers: 200.2K, Telegram members: 50.5K, Discord members: 67.6K, — Join the Nabox Community - ▲ Website: ❒ Whitepaper: nabox.iolitepaper.pdf 📰 Telegram: 🐦 Twitter: 👾 Discord: ⬛️ Medium: — About Us - Nabox...

How to Join Tasks on Nabox ID?

Visit, connect your wallet, sign in, and link your social media details under the “Identity” section., 2. Participate in active tasks, complete and verify all the required tasks. Now we have NULS 6th Anniversary Giveaway Task, follow the steps and join the giveaway! If there are Q&A and custom components, you should submit your answer and wait for the creator to review it. The status will show as “Auditing” when you submit your answer. You can submit your answer again before the task expires if your answer get rejected. Please note: The White List rewards will be distributed by the creator., Non-White List (non-WL) rewards will be distributed after the task concludes. Please ensure you claim them within 30 days before they expire. You can add the token on the NerveNetwork to check after claiming., If the winner selection method is Raffle, rewards will be distributed randomly at the task’s conclusion., If the winner selection method is Auto-FCFS (First-Come-First-Served), winners will be automatically generated in the order they participated., What is Nabox ID? Nabox ID uses an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm as the basis of DID. Users use the same set of keys to manage assets and data on different blockchains. — Join the Nabox Community - ▲ Website: ❒ Whitepaper: nabox.iolitepaper.pdf 📰 Telegram: 🐦 Twitter: 👾 Discord: ⬛️ Medium: nabo...

Nabox Weekly Issue 116

Nabox App - Completed the internal testing of adding account avatars and displaying price changes, and it will be launched soon., Optimized some interfaces in the NFTs section and fixed some bugs., — Nabox ID - The Nabox ID task module has undergone optimization and modifications and has finished the third internal testing phase., Development of PayBox is in progress., — Community operation - Nabox & ChainLabs joint announced Weekly Crypto Funding Summary (Sep 11th — Sep 15th, 2023)., $tip is listed on SwapBox., Base is now live on SwapBox $ETH cross-chain swap., Nabox & Polyhedra Network strategic partnership., Nabox ID new features are coming soon., Nabox x SecondLive x Polyhedra Network x BurgerCities Joint opBNB — BNB Chain campaign., Nabox x Ancora Finance Joint Giveaway., zkBridge DApp is listed on Nabox., SwapBox supports NEST(ETH) - NEST(BSC) cross-chain swap., — Nabox Liquidity Pool Updates - PancakeSwap Pool $161.8K Uniswap Pool $53.5K NerveSwap Pool $105.3K — Nabox Community Updates - Twitter Followers: 181.6K, Telegram members: 46.8K, Discord members: 44.1K, — Join the Nabox Community - ▲ Website: ❒ Whitepaper: nabox.iolitepaper.pdf 📰 Telegram: 🐦 Twitter: 👾 Discord: ⬛️ Medium: — About Us - Nabox is a cross-chain DID application built for Web3. With Nabox, you c...

Nabox Weekly Issue 115

Nabox App - In the Nabox mobile App, features such as adding account avatars and displaying price changes have entered the testing phase., — Nabox ID - The Nabox ID task module has undergone optimization and modifications and has entered the second internal testing phase., Development of PayBox is in progress., — Community operation - Nabox & ChainLabs joint announced Weekly Crypto Funding Summary (Sep 4th — Sep 8st, 2023)., Nabox x CyberConnect Joint Campaign — CyberTrek., Nabox hosted Nabox Voice “Will ZetaChain Be the Next Blockchain Favorite?” with Ultiverse, EddyFinance,, Magic Square, and Nerve Network., Nabox x KyberSwap: $KNC is listed on SwapBox., Nabox x Injective: Tutorial about how to stake $INJ by Nabox Wallet., Nabox x Celo: $CELO cross-chain swap is now live on SwapBox., Nabox Chrome Extension is supported by OpenName., — Nabox Liquidity Pool Updates - PancakeSwap Pool $236.1K Uniswap Pool $55.1K NerveSwap Pool $106.6K — Nabox Community Updates - Twitter Followers: 171.6K, Telegram members: 46.9K, Discord members: 30.6K, — Join the Nabox Community - ▲ Website: ❒ Whitepaper: nabox.iolitepaper.pdf 📰 Telegram: 🐦 Twitter: 👾 Discord: ⬛️ Medium: — About Us - Nabox is a cross-chain DID application built for Web3. With Nabox, you can manage assets across...

How to Stake $INJ by Nabox Wallet?

Nabox wallet now supports the management and staking of Injective Network assets ($INJ). This tutorial aims to guide you how to stake $INJ by Nabox Wallet. Download Nabox Wallet: Step 1: Switch network to Injective. Step 2: Click “Browser” to enter DApp page. Step 3: Enter “Cosmos Stake” DApp to stake your $INJ. Step 4: Choose a node you prefer to stake. Step5: Input the amount of $INJ you want to stake, then click “Deposit”. For more information or assistance, please join our community or simply DM @naboxwallet on Telegram to help. Nabox Telegram Community: Nabox Discord Community: Nabox Labs, Sep 13th, 2023

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