| Moola Market 
| #MOO
MOO Price: | $0.00480 | | Volume: | $87 | All Time High: | $2.31 | | Market Cap: | $354.4 K |
Circulating Supply: | 73,766,231 |
| Exchanges: | 2
| Total Supply: | 100,000,000 |
| Markets: | 3
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 3
The last known price of #MOO is $0.00480 USD.
Please note that the price of #MOO was last updated over 250 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #MOO statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest MOO price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00480, and the exact last price of MOO was $0.00480426.
The all-time high MOO coin price was $2.31.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of MOO with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Moola Market crypto currency is #MOO.
Moola Market is 2.7 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Moola Market is $354,391.
Moola Market is ranked #1017, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a very weak volume of trading today on #MOO.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Moola Market is $87.00. |
The circulating supply of MOO is 73,766,231 coins, which is 74% of the total coin supply. |
MOO has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #MOO, and you can view them on our MOO disambiguation page. |
 Moola Market Proposal 10; Unpausing Moola Market protocol is currently in a paused state for all actions including deposit, withdraw, borrow, repay, and transfer of mTokens. A history of events from the attack can be found here. Below is a summary of the current state of the protocol. Based on lots of hours of work and feedback from community members, we are proposing these next steps as a pathway to safely unpause, restore trust, and do right by Moola users. The protocol has uncollateralized debt in the amount of: The Moola 6-of-10 multisig address holds tokens returned by the attacker. The attacker did not return 700,000 CELO. We propose to use the returned tokens to repay uncollateralized debt: The Moola treasury address holds the following tokens. We propose to use mCELO, mcUSD, and mcEUR tokens to repay uncollateralized debt: The attack addresses (here, here, here) hold mTokens. We propose to reclaim these tokens and use them to repay uncollateralized debt: Between blocks 15688259 and 15689155 (attack start block through pause block), a number of addresses withdrew MOO-mCELO from the Ubeswap liquidity pool, contributing more than 672,496 in uncollateralized CELO debt. We propose to swap MOO for mCELO with these addresses returning them to their pre-attack state and use the mCELO to repay uncollateralized debt: Between blocks 15688259 and 15689155 (attack start block through pause block), a number of addresses swapped out of MOO, which contributed more tha... 
|  Introducing Moola Market DAO Moola Market is pleased to announce the launch of the Moola Market DAO. Next week, on Thursday September 22nd, we anticipate taking another step towards decentralizing control of Moola Market by transferring governance ownership from the current 6-of-10 multisig to MOO owners. Once complete, Moola Market governance will use three distinct components; the MOO token, governance module, and timelock. These contracts allow market participants to propose, vote, and implement changes. Proposals can modify system parameters, support new markets, or add entirely new functionality. The governance process typically starts with a forum post documenting the proposed change and reasoning for the change. Market participants can review and provide feedback on forum posts. We anticipate utilizing Commonwealth to manage forum posts, discussions, and as an access point for voting, although MOO owners can delegate and vote using a variety of tools. MOO token owners can delegate their voting rights to themselves, or an address of their choice. Addresses delegated with at least one million (1,000,000) MOO can create governance proposals. When a governance proposal is created, it enters a two (2) day review period, after which voting weights are recorded and voting begins. Voting lasts for seven (7) days; if a majority, and at least four million (4,000,000) votes are cast for the proposal, then it is queued in the timelock, and can be implemented... 
|  2022 Roadmap The purpose of this post is to provide insight into Moola’s 2022 anticipated areas of focus. DeFi moves quickly, finding product market fit often requires iteration and serendipity, and the only constant is change. We set intentions for directional outcomes because if we don’t know where we are going, then any road will get us there. The areas of focus that we have set intentions for 2022 are; increasing protocol revenue, increasing resiliency, increasing MOO utility, and community building. Moola’s protocol revenue is paid by borrowers at the expense of depositors. The specific amount of revenue collected is a governable parameter for each money market called the ‘Revenue Factor’. Currently, the revenue factor for all Moola markets is set to 10%, meaning that 10% of the interest paid by borrowers is sent to the Moola community treasury with the remaining 90% paid to depositors. There are several ways to increase protocol revenue; increasing the revenue factor, increasing demand for borrowing, and/or launching new markets. We do not currently have plans to increase the revenue factor on existing markets because we believe that Moola should remain minimally extractive. To increase demand for borrowing, we are building features that we anticipate will make borrowing easier by reducing liquidation risk and increasing the use cases for borrowing. To make borrowing easier, we are building tools for taking leveraged long... 
|  Moola Market and Celo Launch $1m #DeFi4ThePeople Save & Earn Moola Market, the leading borrowing and lending platform on Celo, with support from the Celo Foundation, are distributing $1,000,000 worth of CELO to savers over the next twelve weeks of #DeFi4ThePeople. Eligible savers include wallet addresses that actively own Moola v2 mTokens (i.e. mcUSD/mcEUR/mCELO), wallet addresses that actively deposit mTokens into a liquidity pool, and wallet addresses that actively stake mToken liquidity pool tokens.50% of the weekly CELO distribution to active mcUSD savers40% of the weekly CELO distribution to active mcEUR savers10% of the weekly CELO distribution to active mCELO savers Eligible wallets can claim CELO at app.moola.market by connecting their wallet and clicking ‘Claim CELO’. The first distribution is anticipated to be made by Thursday Nov 25th. CELO is anticipated to be distributed proportional to average savings balances during the snapshotted period of time. The first period of time snapshotted is from the launch of Moola v2 through Nov. 16th (Blocks 8955468–9900000). Each subsequent snapshot is anticipated to capture average balances for the previous 7 day period. For example: This change also means that the majority of the triple rewards currently incentivizing staked ULP mcUSD-mcEUR tokens and staked ULP mCELO-MOO tokens, will run out on Thursday Nov. 25th. Ubeswap has been contributing 1,658 CELO/week from their DeFi4ThePeople allocation to staked ULP-mcUSD-mcEUR tok... 
|  Moola Migration from v1 to v2 On Thursday Oct. 21st, Moola will initiate a mainnet migration from version 1 contracts to version 2 contracts. What does this mean? The current version of Moola is a lightly modified fork of the open source Aave v1 codebase. This migration will upgrade Moola to the open source Aave v2 codebase. We are grateful to the Aave community for their work. What is going to change from Moola v1 to v2? New addresses for mcUSD, mcEUR, and mCELO. This means that there will also be new liquidity pool addresses for incentivized pairs on Ubeswap. Ubeswap liquidity providers will need to remove their liquidity before migrating (more details on this below). No more loan origination fees. Instead, the Moola community treasury will collect 10% of the interest that is paid by borrowers. Active depositors will collect 90% of the interest paid by borrowers. The percentage amount and the destination addresses are governable parameters that can be adjusted. For example, if the community wanted to redirect some of the amount collected to ImpactMarket DAO, then this could be easily implemented. Debt tokens will now show up in your wallet address when you borrow from Moola. Credit delegation will enable active depositors to delegate their borrowing capacity to another wallet address. We anticipate releasing access to this feature at app.moola.market in the coming weeks. Moola CLI users are able to start using credit delegation today. Interest ra... 
|  Moola Launches ‘DeFi for the People’ With Triple Rewards Earlier this week, a consortium of leading decentralized finance protocols and projects announced DeFi for the People, a mission aligned consortium with a common goal of bringing DeFi to the 6 billion smartphone users around the world. Founding partners Moola Market and Ubeswap today are kicking off a three-month, triple-rewards incentive of CELO, UBE, and MOO for the mcUSD-mcEUR and mCELO-MOO liquidity pools.*Pool rewards are a governable parameter that can be adjusted via governance. The mcUSD-mcEUR stablecoin pool has maintained a variable rate APY above 100%, even before the addition of CELO incentives.As of 9/1/2021 To participate in the incentive, users must provide liquidity to a pool and stake their Ubeswap Liquidity Provider (ULP) tokens at the farming tab in the ‘Triple Pool’. About mcUSD, mcEUR, mCELO, and MOO: mcUSD is an interest bearing version of Celo Dollar (cUSD) that has been deposited into Moola. cUSD is a stablecoin that tracks the value of the U.S. Dollar. mcEUR is an interest bearing version of Celo Euro (cEUR) that has been deposited into Moola. cEUR is a stablecoin that tracks the value of the Euro. mCELO is an interest bearing version of the Celo native asset (CELO) that has been deposited into Moola. CELO is the native asset of the Celo protocol, used in validating, governance, and the Celo Reserve. MOO is the native asset of the Moola protocol. It is anticipated that governance rights over... 
|  Introducing MOO, the Moola Market Governance Token MOO. Moola’s mission is to democratize access to credit and yield. A properly incentivized governance system is required to achieve our mission. MOO is a cERC20 token minted on the Celo blockchain, whose purpose is to coordinate governance decision making and incentivize behavior that benefits the Moola ecosystem.MOO yield farming is intended to begin on Thursday July 22, 2021 at app.ubeswap.org/farmMOO token address is 0x17700282592D6917F6A73D0bF8AcCf4D578c131eEarly supporters of Moola, Ubeswap, and Valora are expected to be able to claim free MOO tokens at app.moola.marketMOO owners are expected to ultimately control Moola’s community treasury and make protocol governance decisions including; which assets to add, loan-to-value ratios, liquidation thresholds, and fee amounts. Token Distribution Moola intends on following a path of progressive decentralization. We believe that distributing MOO to active participants of the Celo ecosystem and then transferring control of the Moola protocol to MOO owners are the next steps in that process. Moola intends to give away MOO tokens to the early users of the following Celo ecosystem projects:Ubeswap exchangeValora walletMoola Market Starting on Thursday July 22, 2021, we anticipate that MOO will also be able to be acquired by providing liquidity to incentivized Ubeswap pools. The initial liquidity mining allocation will be 100,000 MOO tokens per week. Quantities, pool allocatio... 
|  The All New Moola.Market Today we are thrilled to take the next step in democratizing access to credit and yield by releasing a brand new, mobile-first, experience for Moola markets at app.moola.market. Since we first launched Moola in public Beta in February, we have been collecting feedback and designing a new version of Moola that is optimized for mobile devices. The new app is an easy-to-use access point into Moola markets for anyone who just wants to earn compound interest, while also offering more advanced analytics to help borrowers make borrowing decisions and track debt positions. So what’s new? Net Balance: As soon as you connect your wallet, you’ll see your ‘Net Balance’ which equals the total amount you’ve deposited, minus any debt, and denominated in either USD or EUR. You can toggle between showing your Net Balance in USD or EUR by navigating to the settings menu. Net Balance only includes assets deposited into Moola, and does not include any additional value that you may have in your wallet address. Next to ‘Net Balance’ you’ll find a question mark that when tapped, triggers a popup explainer. You’ll find many more of these question marks and popup explainers throughout the app. Market Tab: The Market Tab on the home screen shows you information that is global to all of Moola market. Here you will find high level information for each Moola market such as APY, total deposited, and total borrowed. More detailed infor... 
|  Moola Raises $1.4m Seed Round Moola, a mobile money market protocol democratizing access to yield on the Celo network, is thrilled to announce we have raised a $1.4m seed funding round. Notable backers include; Polychain Capital, Flori Ventures, Davoa Capital, as well as angel investors. Built on the Celo network, Moola markets are easily accessible to users via their mobile phone browser. Moola’s mission is to contribute to the conditions of prosperity for everyone by providing open access to yield for savers and credit for borrowers. Starting with today’s public beta launch, Moola will be providing yield to owners of Celo’s stablecoin, cUSD and its native asset, CELO. To start generating yield, download the Valora payments app and head over to app.moola.market.“We are excited to be seeing the emergence of a new decentralized financial ecosystem being built on top of Celo’s infrastructure. We feel the mobile-first focus of Celo’s technology stack, and of Moola’s DeFi money markets on top of it will expand access to DeFi products to previously untapped markets where the primary digital access point is mobile phones. We believe the future of crypto is in easily accessible, user-friendly, mobile-compatible platforms and are thrilled to see these teams pushing the design envelope forward in these areas.” Olaf Carson-Wee — Polychain Capital Benefits to Moola’s mobile money market protocol include: For Savers: With as little as 0.01 cUS... 
|  Make it Mobile Hackathon Moola, the money market protocol that is democratizing access to yield and credit, is looking forward to the Make it Mobile hackathon on March 5th. This hackathon is a great opportunity for builders to express their creativity and show the world how Celo enables new solutions to hard problems. Moola decided to build on Celo because we saw an opportunity to reach billions of new users through their mobile phones. We saw that the Celo network can handle that many new users, today. And most importantly, we saw a community of purpose driven entrepreneurs building tools to achieve conditions of prosperity for everyone. As a composable financial primitive, Moola enables entrepreneurs to build all sorts of interesting applications on top of our protocol. A few ideas that we think would be cool hackathon projects include:Redirecting the stream of interest earned on deposits to a charity platform such as impactMarketsNo-loss lottery similar to PoolTogetherOr similarly a saving circle application where one depositor from the circle earns all the interest from the group’s deposits, per period of time.Migrating an interest rate protocol like Swivel from EthereumSetting up a yield farming play such as a mcUSD/mCELO Ubeswap poolPublishing an open source liquidation bot Moola is hiring full stack engineers and smart contract engineers. Please get in touch if interested at info at moola dot market.