| Mango 
MNGO Price: | $0.019 | | Volume: | $1.1 K | All Time High: | $0.50 | | Market Cap: | $21.7 M |
Circulating Supply: | 1,117,467,702 |
| Exchanges: | 2+
| Total Supply: | 5,000,000,000 |
| Markets: | 4+
| Max Supply: | 5,000,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 7
The price of #MNGO today is $0.019 USD.
The lowest MNGO price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.019, and the exact current price of one MNGO crypto coin is $0.01945.
The all-time high MNGO coin price was $0.50.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of MNGO with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Mango crypto currency is #MNGO.
Mango is 3.5 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Mango is $21,735,115.
Mango is ranked #480 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is small today for #MNGO.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Mango is $1,072. |
The circulating supply of MNGO is 1,117,467,702 coins, which is 22% of the maximum coin supply. |
 Mango Monitor: August Issue Mango DAO closed out the summer with several major announcements, the conclusion of our trading competition and UI feature additions. Below we highlight key updates from the community. Announcement: Mango v4 The core developer team has been working stealthily on Mango’s new version all year (v3 is the current release). As the launch approaches, we announced expected new features. v4 will offer unlimited tokens versus the current 15-token cap. The upgrade will also enable flash loans so external trading via programs like Jupiter is possible within your Mango account. The alpha release should become available in October with additional access and features added throughout the fall. Read the full v4 feature preview here. Audit Completion We have published our audit from Neodyme, a leading Solana consultancy. The auditors made several recommendations and all have since been resolved. The report’s completion is later than we would have preferred but that is an unfortunate byproduct of high demand for Solana audits and the complexity of Mango’s program. We are glad to have a successful review and hope it instills additional confidence within our community. Another audit will be commissioned for v4 when appropriate. Review the full audit report here. — @mangomarkets Serum Trading Competition Our inaugural trading competition is ending in mid-September after 8 successful weeks. Each week participants we... 
|  Mango v4: Feature Preview Almost one year ago, Mango v3 introduced the first on-chain perpetual exchange to Solana. The program has successfully executed over $28bn in volume since that launch and remains the leading Solana DEX for spot and perp assets. Mango’s founding ethos was “long & short everything”. Many upgrades were implemented since v3’s launch but the design could not support Mango’s ultimate goal. The team has been working quietly for many, many months on our next iteration and Mango v4 is finally within reach. We are now ready to introduce our v4 product and below we highlight some of the expected feature upgrades. Note, it’s still under development and we have not reached the alpha release yet, which means everything said here is tentative and subject to change. — Unlimited Tokens - The most painful limitation in v3 was the restriction to 15 oracle slots, meaning at most 15 tokens (including spot and perps) could be available on Mango. This is solved: v4 supports an arbitrary number of each. Mango is a cross-margining system, so we cannot make adding tokens fully permissionless for safety reasons. To make adding tokens easier and faster in spite of that, v4 adds a new category of “untrusted” token that can be deposited, borrowed, traded, etc. — but do not count as collateral and are not covered by the insurance fund. With that, the risk of adding tokens is highly reduced. There will be a streamlined pr... 
|  Mango Monitor: July Update July included a major partnership announcement and the kickoff of our trading competition. Meanwhile, Mango’s dev team remains laser-focused with new features planned for imminent release. Catch up below on all the latest developments in the Mango community. “Mangolana” The DAO has entered into an expansive new partnership with the Solana Foundation. The joint venture is a recognition of Mango’s contribution to the Solana protocol and the symbiotic nature of ongoing collaboration. The structure will incentivize ongoing collaboration from Mango with funding provided by the Solana Foundation. Mango is seeding a sub-DAO focused on optimizing Solana to fulfill its founding ethos: NASDAQ on the blockchain. The Solana Foundation has authorized a 1mm SOL grant (yes, ~$40mm USD at current prices) to fund operations. This grant will be spread evenly over five years with specific performance and vesting requirements. Solana’s funding will enable Mango to grow the development team and dedicate resources to Solana’s DeFi utility. The initial focus is testing the current architecture’s limits, identifying specific bottlenecks and then resolving those constraints. Mangolana should become the leading DeFi research hub within the Solana ecosystem. Read more discussion around the proposal on our governance forum. Updates will be ongoing as Mangolana ramps up its contributions.Serum competition is live with 5 weeks remaining. Seru... 
|  Mango Monitor: June Edition Mango enjoyed a busy start to Solana summer with an unexpected whale sighting, publication of our inaugural financial report and several contentious governance decisions. Below is a quick recap of key happenings in the Mango-verse. Section I: Financial Report The DAO published our inaugural financial review after months of preparation behind the scenes. The report features a detailed breakdown of all revenue and expenses since the protocol’s inception. The project also includes a breakdown of the treasury value and illustrative projections. We prepared summary slides in addition to the full working model available for all to review (slides, forum discussion, spreadsheet details). This level of transparency is unprecedented within the Solana ecosystem. We understand the trust placed in Mango by all constituents whether traders, lenders or contributors. Open source financials enable better oversight of DAO spending and will help inform growth plans going forward. The robust USDC treasury should instill confidence for all community members that Mango will continue building regardless of market conditions and can be a trusted venue to deploy capital during these turbulent times. We encourage everyone to check out the materials. These financials will be updated monthly going forward to provide ongoing disclosure. Questions or comments can be directed towards the forum post. — @m_schneider Section II: Whale ... 
|  Mango Monitor: May Madness May was a turbulent month for markets as a macro downturn snowballed into collapse for the entire Luna ecosystem. However, Mango’s are a hardy fruit that thrive despite occasional hurricanes. The community remains focused on building the premier DeFi exchange regardless of some stormy days. Section I: Assessment of Performance during Volatility Given the recent challenges of many projects, below is a brief review of Mango’s performance during the Luna drawdown. The protocol saw elevated volume and its highest number of daily active users in months as traders rushed to manage their exposure. The exchange remained fully operational throughout the turbulence with active market makers and immediate liquidity. Mango processed over $22mm in liquidations during the first two weeks of May and only suffered a $162k withdrawal from the insurance fund. This performance during a period of substantial Solana congestion demonstrates the stability of the platform and depth of the liquidator ecosystem. For Luna assets specifically, UST was never accepted on Mango so the program had no exposure to de-peg risk. LUNA perp and spot tokens are now in reduce-only mode. All users were able to close their positions and withdraw profits. Mango has over $10mm in its insurance fund and a $70mm treasury in total. Users should feel confident in the project’s ability to weather any market environment. — @mangomarkets Section II... 
|  Mango Monitor: April Edition April was a nasty month for the market but Mango DAO was busy improving the product for bulls, bears and funding rate farmers. Below is a brief roundup of news from the community. — @jackshaftoes SECTION I: LIQUIDITY UPDATE Order book liquidity has reached all time highs following the implementation of a revised market maker incentive program. Mango typically has over $2mm of SOL-PERP orders on the books. Order slippage is comparable to centralized venues like FTX on many pairs and frequently better with the benefit from Mango’s lower fees.Order book liquidity has hit all time highs with over $2mm of SOL-PERP live orders typically. Traders can monitor real time liquidity comparisons across venues, slippage statistics and market maker performance on Mangolorians custom dashboards (here). SECTION II: GOVERNANCE NEWS Dashboard: The team has created a new dashboard to monitor MNGO token statistics. Highlights include 124mm MNGO locked. This represents over 10% of MNGO issued opting to lockup for enhanced governance powers. Individual wallets with amount and locked duration can be reviewed on the site along with details on liquidity mining emissions and contributor grants. Checkout the dashboard here.Summary stats from the new Mango governance dashboard. New Asset Listing: The community has been debating the best new asset to list. Mango’s v3 architecture only has capacity for one more oracle spot so this ... 
|  The Mango Monitor: Q1 Edition Housekeeping note: Mango is launching a newsletter to summarize relevant updates for community members. Primary topics are product updates, governance decisions and key performance metrics. This edition will cover all of Q1 and is rather lengthy but we’ll strive to keep things punchy in the future with a monthly schedule. A follow-up report focusing on product KPIs should be published next week. INDEX I — Product Updates II — Governance Changes III — Composability Corner IV — Content Roundup V — Dev Toolbox SECTION I: PRODUCT UPDATES Fee Reductions and Referrals Codes: The largest change this period is the introduction of fee discounts for MNGO holders and referrals. Previously, perp trades were charged fees of 5bps for takers (market-style orders) and rebates of 4bps for makers (limit-style orders). Users with at least 10k MNGO in their account are now only charged 4bps taker fees and receive 3bps maker rebates. For anyone without 10k MNGO, they should create an account using a referral link (here is one). They will then automatically receive a 0.2bps discount on taker orders (4.8bps vs. 5) and 0.8bps of fee revenue will flow to their referral source. Overall, this system lowers fees and promotes MNGO ownership. The referral system further encourages users to spread the word about Mango’s smooth trading experience since they can earn revenue from referring others. See here for full de... 
|  Marinade (MNDE) Investment Thesis: Part 1 Introduction: Marinade offers decentralized and non-custodial liquid staking on Solana via their mSOL token. MNDE is the project’s governance token. The first half of this article reviews the merits of mSOL liquid staking while the second half evaluates the investment prospects of the MNDE token. Part 2 will be published soon with more details on the valuation and tokenomics.mSOL Overview - Benefits of Liquid Staking (mSOL) vs. Direct Staking: Rehypothecation is the largest advantage. Investors can borrow or lend against their mSOL while still earning the staking yield. Holders can use this collateral value to support other trading strategies or lever up their staking yield in low risk ways(i). mSOL offers a liquidity advantage. The token can be sold or unstaked immediately while direct staking requires an unstaking period of 1–3 days before custody of one’s SOL is returned. Liquid staking provides tax benefits in many jurisdictions. The token is structured to increase in price relative to SOL as the staking value accrues (for example: 1.07 mSOL/SOL after 1 year, 1.145 mSOL/SOL after 2 years, etc.). Direct stakers are rewarded daily with new SOL tokens for their service. The distinction is mSOL staking yield can be considered capital gains (potentially long term) with taxes due only upon sale. Direct stakers owe taxes each time they receive their fractional rewards in new SOL. The direct SOL issuance is considered ordi... 
|  Solana Application Value Framework First night in Lisbon ahead of Breakpoint. The Solana ecosystem is one of most of exciting places in crypto right now. Their latest hackathon had 568 project submissions[i] and thousands of participants are expected in Lisbon this week for the first in-person conference. As someone spending the majority of my time researching Solana, it has become impossible to track much of the development activity and I am extremely bullish on the ecosystem as a whole. Traditional Protocol Valuation: I generally ascribe to Multicoin’s thesis on protocol value. I recommend anyone unfamiliar read their entire canon on valuation but the general framework is application value accrual requires a combination of (i) risk management, (ii) governance value and (iii) unforkable state.[ii] The ubiquity of order books on Solana presents an interesting twist to this model and should accelerate the commodification of less attractive applications but the current bull market is ignoring this eventuality. An objective assessment of value creation is important for investors and developers as we work to establish the Solana ecosystem. One Order Book to Rule them All: The clearest differentiation between EVM chains and Solana is its order-book implementation. This feature is what attracted SBF to Solana and makes many of the ETH-inspired protocols on SOL antiquated. I’m not going to rehash the merits of a central limit order book vs. AMMs as the issue is ... 
|  PysOptions: Protocol Opportunity and Challenges PsyOptions: Protocol Opportunity and Challenges - Product Introduction: PsyOptions is a decentralized options exchange built on Solana. The project won first place in the inaugural Solana x Serum hackathon in March 2021 and launched on mainnet in late August. The platform itself is relatively simple: a central limit order book for physically-settled options. PsyOptions currently offers puts and calls on BTC/ETH with various strikes through a straightforward UI.UI for Bitcoin option trading. The product will be familiar to anyone accustomed to trading options in TradFi but is unique in the DeFi space. DeFi has struggled with derivatives given the transaction cost and latency inherent in public blockchains. Options in particular face challenges around required user sophistication and on-chain margin capabilities. PsyOptions developed interesting solutions to these problems and could be a key piece of the Solana DeFi ecosystem. Before exploring its unique attributes, a brief review of the current options landscape. Market Opportunity: Options are a large and lucrative asset class in traditional finance. For context, during September 2021, U.S. equity-linked options volume was $250bn[i], crypto options volume was $28bn[ii] and crypto perpetual volume was over $1.5tln[iii]. Options are a natural fit for crypto given the high retail participation with speculative impulses and desire for yield. The market is stunted by the current ... 