| Mithril
MITH Price: | $0.000178 | | Volume: | $443 | All Time High: | $1.57 | | Market Cap: | $150.9 K |
Circulating Supply: | 848,659,401 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 1,000,000,000 |
| Markets: | 2+
| Max Supply: | 1,000,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 21
The price of #MITH today is $0.000178 USD.
The lowest MITH price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000178, and the current live price for one MITH coin is $0.00017779.
The all-time high MITH coin price was $1.57.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of MITH with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Mithril crypto currency is #MITH.
Mithril is 6.5 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Mithril is $150,881.
Mithril is ranking downwards to #5750 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
The trading volume is weak during the past 24 hours for #MITH.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Mithril is $443. |
The circulating supply of MITH is 848,659,401 coins, which is 85% of the maximum coin supply. |
Mithril v2: MITdao Mithril v1 started as a “decentralized social media platform” in 2017, and is now pivoting fully into the Creator Economy and NFTs with the launch of MITdao. The first order of business for MITdao is to complete the migration of Mithril from MITH (ERC20/BEP2) to MIT (BEP20) on Binance Smart Chain.Mithril’s Evolution Since Mithril’s launch in 2018, Mithril has built and experimented with various products and tokenomics within the entertainment and media industries. Mithril has also pioneered the multichain move in 2019 with Binance Chain, being the first to migrate from Ethereum (ERC20) to Binance Chain (BEP2). Also in 2019 and 2020 Mithril-backed Machi X tokenized music copyrights as well as crypto art NFTs. In 2021, Mithril will fully migrate from Ethereum and Binance Chain to Binance Smart Chain and become MITdao. Mithril’s initial application launched with Lit and subsequently Yeemos, rewarding creators for both professional and amateur content. The biggest lesson learned was that incentivized, uncurated, permissionless content acquisition resulted in subpar content. Vault was an early wallet application, enabling crypto holders to store, spend, send, and receive crypto via both managed and decentralized methods. It was clear that crypto users in 2019 mainly used crypto for speculative investments and not to store, spend, send, and receive crypto. With the 2019 launch of Machi X, a platform for tokenizing and ...
| MITH is listed on ACE|秘銀 X ACE|미스릴, ACE 거래소에 상장합니다 We are thrilled to announce that you can now exchange MITH on ACE Exchange!ACE Exchange, fiat-crypto exchange provides transactions between cryptocurrency and NTD. It is the only exchange in Taiwan that has dual guarantees of “NTD” and “Cryptocurrency”, including entrusting KGI Bank as a “NTD fund custodian bank” and to assist in construction of a “digital identity verification” mechanism. Therefore, users’ assets can be protected by the bank’s trust account, realizing the dual protection of “trust custody” and “cash flow verification”! ACE Exchange official website: https://ace.io MITH is dedicated to keep building up the MITH Ecosystem for users to use MITH. More partnerships and listings will be coming up in the future. Do not hesitate to email us (contact@mith.io) for business inquiries. 秘銀很榮幸地宣布我們上架了ACE Exchange! 今天開始,大家可以在ACE Exchange上交易囉!ACE 法幣-數位貨幣交易所(ACE Exchange)提供新台幣與虛擬貨幣交易,為全台唯一擁有「新台幣」及「虛擬貨幣」雙重保障的交易所,包含委託凱基銀行擔任「新台幣資金信託保管銀行」並協助建構「數位身分驗證」機制,讓用戶的資產能受到銀行信託保管的制度,實現「信託保管、金流驗證」雙重保障! ACE Exchange 官方網站: https://ace.io 秘銀致力於提供用戶更便利及多元化的秘銀生態系...
| MITH is listed on Swapzone|秘銀 X Swapzone|미스릴, 스왑존에 상장합니다 We are thrilled to announce that you can now exchange MITH on Swapzone !Swapzone is a cryptocurrency exchange aggregator. Browse through services, compare exchange rates and swap cryptocurrency in just one interface. The crypto space is striving for transparency and usability, Swapzone is here to take the leap! Swapzone official website: https://swapzone.io/ MITH is dedicated to keep building up the MITH Ecosystem for users to Earn and Spend MITH. More partnerships and listings will be coming up in the future. Do not hesitate to email us (contact@mith.io) for business inquiries. 秘銀很榮幸地宣布我們上架了Swapzone! 今天開始,大家可以在Swapzone上交易囉!Swapzone讓所有用戶只要透過一個介面就能夠比較匯率、輕鬆兌幣,提供給大家最透明化及實用的平台! Swapzone官方網站: https://swapzone.io 秘銀致力於提供用戶更便利及多元化的秘銀生態系,未來也將持續努力,請大家拭目以待! 歡迎有興趣加入秘銀生態系的夥伴們與我們(contact@mith.io)聯繫。 미스릴은 스왑존(Swapzone)에 상장하였습니다. 오늘부터 스왑존에서 미스릴 토큰의 거래가 가능합니다!Swapzone는 유저에게 한 개의 인터페이스로 환율비교 및 환전 서비스를 쉽게 이용할 수 있는 투명하고 실용적인 플랫폼을 제공합니다. 스왑존 공식사이트: https://swapzone.io 미스릴 생태...
| The OG, Exclusive Social Dating App Partner in MITH Ecosystem!| The OG, Exclusive Social Dating App Partner in MITH Ecosystem!| 歡慶The OG正式加入秘銀生態系!| 미스릴의 새로운 데이팅 어플 파트너 The OG! MITH is excited to announce a new partnership with the exclusive social dating app The OG. Starting today, The OG will accept MITH as a form of payment for membership and unlocking features on the online dating platform.The OG is a private, membership-based social network for artists & friends, where members can connect for networking and meet new friends. The MITH team is dedicated to developing a payment network for users to spend MITH. Currently, there are more than 90 million users in the MITH ecosystem, including Paktor, M17 Entertainment, SWAG.live, Machi X, Goodnight, Burton, and more. Please email us at contact@mith.io if you are interested in joining our journey! 秘銀榮幸宣布,即日起秘銀正式攜手The OG合作秘銀消費,秘銀用戶可於The OG上使用秘銀幣購買付費會員、解鎖高端功能及享有獨家尊榮的配對服務。The OG 是一個高端私密會員制的社交軟體。專為明星藝人及其朋友們所設計,需透過 OG 會員的邀請碼來加速審核成為會員! 秘銀致力於開發秘銀生態系以提供更多樣化的秘銀消費服務,今年起秘銀致力於開發Dating(交友)策略聯盟。暨Paktor、17直播、SWAG.live、Machi X、Goodnight、Burton等合作夥伴之後,迄今已...
| New Dating App Partner Coming to MITH |全新秘銀交友產業合作夥伴|미스릴 소설데이팅 파트너십 예고 New Dating App Partner Coming! The MITH team has been hard at work in developing partners within the Dating space. Fortunately, we are very close to announcing a partnership with a new dating app, and we’re ready to bring you some new experiences in the MITH ecosystem! Stay tuned!秘銀即將迎來新的交友App合作夥伴! 秘銀秉持著我們對於社交及娛樂產業的熱情,持續拓展與社交『Dating(交友)』項目的合作。很幸運地,我們即將為秘銀生態系的用戶們帶來新一波的社交應用場景!近日內我們將宣布正式服務,敬請大家拭目以待!새로운 소식입니다! 미스릴은 새로운 소셜데이팅 어플과의 파트너십을 전개하고 있습니다! 미스릴은 엔터테이먼트 산업에 대한 열정으로 소셜 데이팅업체와의 파트너십을 지속적으로 만들어 가고 있습니다. 곧 서비스 런칭공지를 할 예정이니 많은 기대 부탁드립니다! 감사합니다! New Dating App Partner Coming to MITH |全新秘銀交友產業合作夥伴|미스릴 소설데이팅 파트너십 예고 was originally published in MithrilOfficial on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
| MITH is listed on NiceHash|秘銀正式上幣NiceHash MITH is listed on NiceHash|秘銀正式上幣NiceHash|미스릴, NiceHash에 상장 — We are glad to announce that MITH is listed on NiceHash Exchange. Trading has started!. — NiceHash was founded in 2014 and is now the world’s leading cryptocurrency platform for mining and trading. NiceHash is the largest hash-power broker marketplace that connects sellers or miners of hash power with buyers of hash power. NiceHash Official Website: https://www.nicehash.com/exchange We have prepared a list of exchanges for your convenience here.👇 (200728 Updated) — MITH Exchange List|秘銀交易所一覽表|미스릴 거래소 리스트 MITH is dedicated to keep building up the MITH Ecosystem for users to Earn and Spend MITH. More partnerships and listings will be coming up in the future. Do not hesitate to email us (contact@mith.io) for business inquiries. — 秘銀很高興宣布我們上架了 NiceHash 交易所,現在已開放交易!. — NiceHash成立於2014年,現已成為世界上最大的加密貨幣算力平臺。NiceHash認為共享經濟及去中心化是未來趨勢,因此,我們為加密貨幣礦工及交易者打造了新一代的工具及平臺,隨著一輪又一輪的開發周期的完成,我們始終致力於為全球客戶帶來最好的用戶體驗及安全性保護。 NiceHash 官方網站: https://www.nicehash.com/exchange 我們為大家準備了秘銀目前已上幣...
| MITH is now available on Lumi Wallet|秘銀上幣Lumi 電子錢包|미스릴 x 루미월렛(Lumi Wallet) MITH is now available on Lumi Wallet|秘銀上幣Lumi 電子錢包|미스릴은 루미월렛(Lumi Wallet)에 상장하였습니다.We are thrilled to announce that you can now exchange and get MITH with zero fees on Lumi Wallet! https://medium.com/media/3d95540fdd444e00a76806921563210a/hrefLumi Wallet is a secure way to buy, store, and manage all your crypto in one place. You can buy Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash or Ethereum via bank card, withdraw Bitcoin to VISA cards (in the Euro area), and crypto to crypto exchange (1200 coins and tokens). Lumi wallet is total anonymity — no registration, no data harvesting with high-level security and is open source and free software. We have also prepared a list of wallets for your convenience here. (200518 Updated) — MITH Wallet List|秘銀電子錢包一覽表 MITH is dedicated to keep building up the MITH Ecosystem for users to Earn and Spend MITH. More partnerships and listings will be coming up in the future. Do not hesitate to email us (contact@mith.io) for business inquiries.秘銀很榮幸地宣布我們上幣了Lumi Wallet,即日起大家可以在 Lumi Wallet上交易 MITH且享有免手續費的優惠! https://medium.com/media/3d95540fdd444e00a76806921563210a/hrefLumi Wallet是一個專注於提供用戶的安全、舒適性和隱私性的加密貨幣錢包,是交易、存放和管理你所有虛擬資產的最佳選擇。目前已支援1,200種數位貨幣,...
| (200518 Updated) — MITH Wallet List|秘銀電子錢包一覽表 (200518 Updated) — MITH Wallet List|秘銀電子錢包一覽表 In addition to exchange platforms, MITH also anticipates greatly towards the application of wallets. We are currently partnering up with wallets actively to provide MITH holders with a more convenient approach as well as exchange method! Below are a list of wallets that currently supports MITH — where you can become a MITH holder securely and conveniently! Trust Wallet|https://trustwallet.com/ JAXX|https://jaxx.io/ ImToken|https://token.im/ Ethos|https://www.ethos.io/ Atomic Wallet|https://atomicwallet.io/ EXODUS|https://www.exodus.io/assets/ Coinhako|https://www.coinhako.com/ Dether |https://dether.io/ Dove Wallet |https://dovewallet.com DAPP POCKET |https://www.dapppocket.io Huobi Wallet |https://www.huobiwallet.com Lumi Wallet|https://lumiwallet.com/ ======================================= 除了交易所外,秘銀也積極與電子錢包合作,為持幣者提供更加方便的使用管道與兌幣方式! 以下為大家統整目前支援秘銀的電子錢包,提供更多安全、方便持有秘銀幣的新選擇! Trust Wallet|https://trustwallet.com/ JAXX|https://jaxx.io/ ImToken|https://token.im/ Ethos|https://www.ethos.io/ Atomic Wallet|https://atomicwallet.io/ EXODUS|https://www.exodus.io/assets/ Coinhako|https://www.coinhako.com/ Dether |https://dether.io/ Dove Wallet |https://dovewallet.co...
| MITH 2020 Q1 Recap|秘銀2020 Q1回顧|미스릴 2020년 1분기 성과보고 Since the beginning of 2020, the MITH team focused on developing partners within the dating and gaming space. By March, MITH launched 3 partnerships, completed token burn twice, held an AMA with Binance, and got listed on one exchange. Currently, there are more than 90 million users in the MITH ecosystem, including Paktor, M17 Entertainment, SWAG.live, Machi X, , Goodnight, Burton, and more. Let’s take a look at our recap:MITH Ecosystem Token Burn As we are building the ecosystem, MITH has burned 1,717,171 MITH on February 6th, 2020 and 2,121,217 MITH on March 19th, 2020.MITH Ecosystem Token Burn — Valentine’s Day Edition|甜秘驚喜 秘銀生態 燒幣完成|미스릴 생태계 토큰 소각 완료The MITH Ecosystem Token Burn Completed|秘銀生態 燒幣完成|미스릴 생태계 토큰 소각 완료MITH x Lottery2win Beta MITH keeps focusing on the social dating and gaming industries in 2020. After a series of development and testing, we are excited to announce our partnership with Lottery2win!Lottery2win is a blockchain gaming platform where users can easily play a lottery game using MITH. MITH x Lottery2win BetaMITH x Paktor MITH is excited to announce our first online dating partnership with the leading online dating app Paktor! Now you can use MITH as a form of payment for membership and unlocking features on Paktor.Paktor was founded in July 2013 with the mission of connecting people in Asia ...
| Exchange MITH on SwapSpace|秘銀 X SwapSpace Exchange MITH on SwapSpace|秘銀 X SwapSpace|미스릴은 SwapSpace에 상장합니다 We are thrilled to announce that you can now exchange MITH on SwapSpace !SwapSpace is an instant aggregator of cryptocurrency exchanges. Our number one priority is to save your time — the most precious thing we have. SwapSpace does all the work for you. No need to waste time searching for and comparing the rates, fees and privacy features anymore. Just choose the most suitable swap option from the list of supported coins.300+ cryptocurrencies and tokens, real time rates, credible partners, user-friendly interface, nolimits on the amount to be exchanged, no registration. SwapSpace official website: https://swapspace.co/ MITH is dedicated to keep building up the MITH Ecosystem for users to Earn and Spend MITH. More partnerships and listings will be coming up in the future. Do not hesitate to email us (contact@mith.io) for business inquiries. 秘銀很榮幸地宣布我們上架了SwapSpace! 今天開始,大家可以在SwapSpace上交易囉!SwapSpace的最主要任務就是節省所有用戶的時間。所有用戶不再需要自己比較匯率、手續費等瑣碎的事,只要在SwapSpace上選擇所提供超過300幣種最適合的交易選項即可! SwapSpace提供最即時的匯率、可信任的合作夥伴、最容易上手的操作畫面,且用戶不需要註冊即可進行無限制的交易! SwapSpace官方網站: h...