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Hifi Finance  


MFT Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$2.2 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #MFT today is $0.00449 USD.

The lowest MFT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00449, and the current live price for one MFT coin is $0.00448674.

The all-time high MFT coin price was $0.037.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of MFT with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Hifi Finance crypto currency is #MFT.

Hifi Finance is 6.3 years old.


The current market capitalization for Hifi Finance is $2,183,029.

Hifi Finance is ranking downwards to #791 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is weak today for #MFT.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Hifi Finance is $904.


The circulating supply of MFT is 486,551,737 coins, which is 5% of the maximum coin supply.


MFT is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 1 other blockchain.

See list of the MFT Blockchain contracts with 2 different blockchains.


MFT is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #MFT trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #MFT purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #MFT, and you can view them on our MFT disambiguation page.



Outer Edge LA: The Experience

At the end of March, our team attended Outer Edge LA 2023 (NFT LA), a gathering of innovative minds, creative projects, and enthusiasts in the NFT and DeFi space. Our objective in going was to promote our recently launched Pooled NFT product and connect directly with NFT teams in attendance. This blog shares the experiences and takeaways from Outer Edge LA, highlighting the Hackathon, the conference, and the NFT community. — Hackathon. — We began our journey by sponsoring Outer Edge LA’s first Hackathon, a major competition where participants built projects and competed for prizes. Our sponsorship was a cash bounty that encouraged skilled teams to expand on Pooled NFTs’ smart contracts. Over ten teams dedicated their efforts to building upon our smart contracts and creating unique use cases.Outer Edge LA Hackathon — Liquid Pool & Pixel Port. — Two standout projects, Liquid Pool and Pixel Port, emerged as the winners of our bounty. Congrats to both teams! Liquid Pool aimed to simplify the process of automatically depositing half of a user’s collection-linked ERC-20 tokens into a Uniswap pool and selling the remaining half for immediate liquidity. They created a single-click process for users seeking to add liquidity to an NFT pool and then add to liquidity to a Uniswap Market. Pixel Port is a platform that streamlines the process of launching an NFT collection. Their code utilized Pooled NF...

Pooled NFT: New Features

Our team has been hard at work adding new features to Pooled NFT based on feedback from the community. We’ve added new NFT Swap and Uniswap pages, made backend improvements for greater frontend responsiveness, and begun to introduce new elements of the Pooled NFT branding. Remember, Pooled NFTs are a simple way to fractionalize NFTs and connect collections to DeFi. Depositing an NFT into the pool gives the user a simple ERC-20 token that they can take and use across the Ethereum ecosystem. And allows collectors to gain partial or fractional exposure to the floor of collections by purchasing pool tokens on marketplaces like Uniswap. — Exchange NFTs with the NFT Swap Page. — For users just wanting to swap their NFT for one they see in the pool, we’ve made it easy to do in a single transaction! Previously this required several transactions, and now it can be done quickly and efficiently.Seamlessly Swap NFTs — Swap Tokens with the Uniswap Page. — Our Uniswap Page allows users to swap tokens directly on our platform, eliminating the need to visit Uniswap’s website. The add-on automatically detects pooled tokens and enables users to effortlessly exchange tokens like $ETH to $BOTSp or $DINOp to $KATSp — all within our website! — Beginnings of a Brand. — While the UI still prioritizes functionality over form, we’ve begun introducing new brand elements as we flush out the Pooled N...

Earning from DEXs with Liquidity Tokens and NFTs

Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) have a powerful value-add — the promise of truly open finance without a middleman. Simply existing as a platform, however, does not ensure success. In order for your buy or sell order to be fulfilled, there must be a counterparty. Being able to easily and quickly convert between tokens is key to the success of decentralized exchanges. Without high liquidity, orders can take a long time to fill, have high slippage, or even not fill at all. That’s why DEXs reward users for adding liquidity to their pools. By contributing to the liquidity pool, users can passively earn income from Uniswap trading fees. Adding liquidity to DEXs is one of the easiest ways to buy low and sell high, without having to actively trade. — How liquidity provider (LP) rewards work - Providing liquidity to a DEX is a win-win-win situation. The liquidity provider earns on fees from trades, the DEX improves the trading experience, and the trader gets a better price for their trade. By adding liquidity to a DEX, users receive LP tokens that are associated with the platform. These LP tokens are typically ERC-20 tokens that are composable across the broader ecosystem. The most popular DEXs include Uniswap, SushiSwap, Kyber Network, and Curve. Each of these DEXs have their own LP tokens that can be used to unlock new layers of access and yield farming opportunities. The value of an LP token is directly proportional ...

NFT Real World Assets — Past, Present, and Future

NFT Real World Assets — Past, Present, and Future - On January 24th, 2018, Ethereum launched its first non-fungible token (NFT) standard, ERC-721. This new standard revolutionized the way digital assets were bought and sold, enabling users to own and transfer digital assets in a secure manner. This early NFT standard provided a solid foundation for the tokenization of real-world assets, such as real estate, luxury goods, and collectibles on the Ethereum blockchain. While ERC-721 brought NFTs to the mainstream in 2018, the concept of NFTs predates Ethereum by several years. Colored coins, a technology that enables the tokenization of real-world assets on the Bitcoin blockchain, first appeared in 2013. In 2014, the Counterparty protocol enabled the issuance of digital assets on Bitcoin. These early NFTs were primitive compared to those of today, but they laid the foundation for the NFT revolution. Since the release of ERC-721 in 2018, the NFT space has seen tremendous growth. June 2018 saw the release of ERC-1155, a new NFT standard for the issuance and transfer of multiple tokens at once. This new standard enabled developers to create more complex NFTs and consequently expand the use cases for tokenized assets. — The emergence of real-world asset NFTs - The first NFTs were mere digital collectibles, such as Cryptopunks, but they eventually evolved into real-world assets. LCX, the Liechtenstein Cryptoassets Exchang...

풀링된 Nft: 모든 Nft에 대한 자동적 소득

모든 NFT 컬렉션을 자동적 소득(passive income)으로 전환하는 방법 중 하나는 NFT 풀링이라고 할 수 있습니다. 개념은 간단한데요. 사용자가 NFT를 풀에 예치하면 각 NFT에 대해 일반적 ERC-20 토큰을 받습니다. ERC-20이 이더리움과 탈중앙 금융(DeFi) 전반에서 가장 많이 사용되는 토큰 표준이기 때문에, 사용자는 ERC-20 토큰을 지원하는 많은 애플리케이션에 이러한 풀 토큰을 가져올 수 있습니다! DeFi에서의 새로운 영역에 접근하면, 콜렉터들에게 NFT를 사용하여 수익을 얻을 수 있는 많은 새로운 방법들이 있을 것입니다. 콜렉터들이 어떠한 컬렉션으로도 효과가 있는 자동적 소득을 취할 수 있는 가장 강력한 방법들 중 하나에 대해 알아보도록 하겠습니다. — 모든 NFT로의 자동적 소득. — 유니스왑에 유동성을 추가하는 것은 자동적으로 낮은 가격을 구매하고 높은 가격으로 판매하는 가장 쉬운 방법 중 하나입니다. 유동성 공급업체는 자동으로 유니스왑 거래 수수료로 수익을 얻습니다. 유니스왑에서 풀 토큰을 ETH 또는 USDC와 페어링하는 것은 모든 NFT 컬렉션에서 자동적 소득을 얻을 수 있는 쉽고 강력한 방법입니다. 만약 여러분이 방법을 잘 모르시겠다면, 걱정하지 마세요. 여러분이 구글 ...

Pooled NFTs: Passive Income For Any NFT

Pooling NFTs is a way to turn any NFT collection into passive income. The concept is simple, users deposit NFTs into Pools and receive a normal ERC-20 token for each NFT they deposit. Since ERC-20 is the token standard most used across Ethereum and decentralized finance, users can then take these Pool Tokens into the many applications that support ERC-20 tokens! With access to new frontiers in DeFi, there will be many new ways for collectors to earn using their NFTs. Let’s highlight one of the most powerful ways collectors can earn passive income that works for any collection. — Passive Income For Any NFT. — Adding liquidity to Uniswap is one of the easiest ways to passively buy low and sell high. Liquidity providers automatically earn income from Uniswap trading fees. Pairing Pool Tokens with ETH or USDC in Uniswap is an easy and powerful way to earn passive income for any NFT Collection. If you’re not sure how to do this, don’t worry, there are plenty of tutorials you can google and we will cover it in detail for you, in a future blog post! Pooling NFTs is a simple concept with many powerful implications. Pooled NFTs not only bridge any NFT collections into decentralized finance (DeFi), but they also unlock fractional ownership for any NFT Collection. This is huge because it enables a much larger audience to gain exposure to collections that otherwise are priced out of the market. That’s a big win for ...

An Intro to NFT Loans

— what are they and how they will shape the future of finances. — When you or I go to buy a home or take out a car loan, we often have to put up collateral — something of tangible value that can be repossessed in the event of a default on the loan. But in the decentralized finance space, assets are not tied to our real-world identity, and so lenders need to find another way to ensure that their loans are repaid. Borrowers can simply lock up their cryptocurrency as collateral, but there is another way to collateralize a loan — with non-fungible tokens (NFTs). NFTs can be digital tokens that represent real-world objects, such as art, collectibles, and even stocks. They are unique, indivisible, and have the potential to expand financing opportunities to those who may not have access to traditional methods. — The Value of NFT Loans - We all witnessed the meteoric rise of NFTs like CryptoPunks, NBA Top Shot, and Gods Unchained in recent years. But NFTs have far more potential than just linking to JPGs, GIFs, and digital collectibles. NFTs, like all other crypto assets, are smart contracts, and their unique identifiers can be programmed to represent real-world assets. Real estate was one of the first and most obvious use cases for asset-backed NFTs. A real estate NFT can represent a deed, title, or ownership rights to a property. Further, illiquid and unique tangible assets like luxury cars, art, or race...

Pawn Bots Phase VI

As Phase V of Pawn Bots comes to an end, the Hifi Ecosystem has been progressing on all fronts. The Hifi Lending Protocol was audited and deployed to the Ethereum Mainnet. Crown Ribbon is on the brink of submitting its offering circular to the SEC for qualification. The HIFI Token Swap has been supported by all major platforms including Binance, Coin Market Cap, UPbit, and CoinGecko. Pawn Bots exists to be our safe testing ground for upcoming innovations we’re creating at Hifi. This collection will be first through the door when we launch our Pooled NFT product that aims to bring liquidity and fractionalization to NFT collections. We also hope to enable borrowing against Pawn Bots as collateral on Hifi’s lending protocol. Our Pooled NFT prototype is almost ready to go live! We’ll have an official AMA once it’s released, so stay tuned! — 🔥 Phase V Recap - Phase V introduced the final Flawless enablers of the collection, which gave holders on the quest of Forging a Flawless the components required to create all types of Flawless Pawn Bots. During this phase, 14 new bots were forged and upgraded to Flawless status. We also launched the Santa Moon backgrounds on a 48-hour Christmas special, and over 100 Pawn Bots have been burned bringing our total number of burned bots to 1,634! This is an astounding number considering there are 1,980 Pawn Bots sitting in the liquidity reserve pools as well. — 🗓️ Ph...

What Is DeFi?

Exploring DeFi Protocols, Crypto Lending, and More. — Fourteen years ago, the world was introduced to Bitcoin with the creation of its first block. This occasion was celebrated with the message:The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of the second bailout for banks. Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous inventor of Bitcoin, envisioned a decentralized financial system that would be free from centralized control, from taxpayer-funded bailouts to censorship. Bitcoin, however, does not have a Turing-complete language, making it difficult to implement a full range of financial products. Six years after Bitcoin’s creation, the emergence of Ethereum and its Solidity language enabled developers to deploy code on the blockchain, enabling a range of decentralized financial products, now known as DeFi. DeFi products include loans, savings, investments, insurance, and a whole host of other financial products. Instead of relying on a third party to validate (or invalidate) the transactions, DeFi protocols rely on smart contracts, or code on the blockchain, to regulate interactions between participants. — Overview of DeFi Protocols - Many components make up the traditional financial ecosystem, from infrastructure like exchanges and custodians to gears like loans and derivatives, to lubricants like liquidity and insurance. DeFi protocols have emerged to emulate these components without the need for a centralized third party. F...

New Hifi Market on Ethereum Mainnet

Today, we are thrilled to announce that the Hifi Lending Protocol is now live on the Ethereum Mainnet. This marks a significant milestone for our team, and we are excited to bring this platform to the world. — Supported Collateral. — The Hifi Lending Protocol maintains the same Lend, Borrow, and Pool options as previous iterations, now on the Ethereum blockchain. Our first supported collateral on the platform is ETH and we have plans to bring other types of collateral to the platform in the future. — Market Details. — With the launch of the lending protocol on Ethereum Mainnet, we have also launched a new market that will be live for the next 9 months, expiring on September 29th, 2023. Our team has worked hard to bring this platform to the world, and we are thrilled to see it finally come to fruition. Join us and experience the benefits of the Hifi Lending Protocol. Join the conversation on Discord and Twitter to stay up to date on the latest and be part of our growing community. New Hifi Market on Ethereum Mainnet was originally published in Hifi Finance | Official blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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