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MARTK Price   

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MARTK Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$7.2 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #MARTK is $0.000460 USD.

Please note that the price of #MARTK was last updated over 290 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #MARTK statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest MARTK price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000460, and the exact last price of MARTK was $0.00045978.

The all-time high MARTK coin price was $0.043.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of MARTK with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Martkist crypto currency is #MARTK.

Martkist is 3.1 years old.


The current market capitalization for Martkist is $7,243.

Martkist is ranking upwards to #2189 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is weak during the past 24 hours for #MARTK.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Martkist is $206.


The circulating supply of MARTK is 15,754,312 coins, which is 43% of the total coin supply.

Note the limited supply of Martkist coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


MARTK is available on at least one crypto currency exchange.

View #MARTK trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #MARTK purchase.



Freech = Decentralized Freedom of Speech.

Martkist 1 year Anniversary announcement.

Martkist keeps you safe campaign

Martkist Faucet

How to mine Martkist

Basic step guide in how to rent and mine martkist with sha256 miners Using one of the most popular sites to rent a miner, miningrigrentals. Using this types of sites you can rent miners and pay with different coins not just btc. Take your time an read the main information about their services and fees.Is time to register just like any normal website platform for services. Registration is simple and easy make sure you create a pin# you will need it to make important changes to your accounts. Make sure you fund you account just like sending a bitcoin payment to any other bitcoin platform service. 3 confirmations for bitcoin funds to be available and then we could advance and rent a miner. Finding a miner, now by clicking on the word rigs type the algorithm sha256 Martkist is sha256 algorithm just like bitcoin and other major cryptos is the most commercial algorithm so renting a miner is really cheap. we all need to have a budget for daily mining, some people use 10usd some people use 100 usd on their daily mining rentals is more up to the vision the users has for the coin and its project. Once you click rent now is time to configure the miner for hours and pool settings. for this setup we are going to use the most active pool bsod they have great support and a easy to use interface on their website. visit our discord or for pool settings, this is sample of how the setup will look. Pool host:port bsod has differen...

Martkist proposal hub voting guide

Guide in how to register, add masternodes in order to vote for our budget proposals, follow the next steps: Visit our markisthub Using the register option fill out the registration form and login to the markist hub. Now to register your masternodes on the martkist hub use the following option from the menu on the left side Masternode settings will give you 2 options to register your masternodes, one is individually using you masternode information which is the following. Adding multiple masternodes is a much easier option due to the fact all you have to do is copy and paste your masternode.conf into the blank space as follow here. once you add your masternodes wait 10 minutes for them to fully register on the hub, now to participate on our voting proposal users most enable 2fa. Using the option account settings go down to google authenticator and enable 2fa with your google authentication app. now your fully able to participate on our community voting for budget proposal. go to the proposal dashboard and cast your vote and support our development funding, marketing and listing activities with in our community. Thanks for your support.Additional Martkist Masternode resources: Community: martkist forum: Masternode monitoring: Mastnernode hosting:

We are Martkist

“Decentralized Anarchy” Our decentralized marketplace brings you the FREEDOM in online marketplaces, a platform with a high level of community organization and intelligent allocation of resources.About Us Martkist brings you to the real world of decentralized anarchy. Characterized by efficient community organization via our masternode governance system, a long-term goal of using the sha256 proof of work mining algorithm. Our decentralized marketplace gives you access to a decentralized economy with an elaborate and transparent budget proposal voting system. All this is supported by the new Z-DAG protocol, which gives our network a high throughput (TPS) across all its services and products. Founded in 2020, Martkist believes in the true power of decentralization. Thus, the team is globally sourced and works remotely contributing to fundamental developments of this platform. We boast of access to a pool of global talent to build a diverse and unique decentralized marketplace enabling you to trade, transact fast, securely and with anyone across the globe. As a decentralized anarchy marketplace, we remove middlemen in our global trade, no government intervention; we build a voluntary to join the community to give you the FREEDOM and BE IN CHARGE of your e-commerce, assets and funds. FeaturesDigital Assets and Sales As a user, you will be able to sell digital assets on a decentralized marketplace where they feel a sense of ...

Martkist budget voting hub

Martkist development is on going now happy to release their live testing budget proposal and voting hub , is not a 100% complete but on live working parameters with the martkist test-net. The martkist hub is an fair simple graphical interface to the martkist decentralize governance system, allowing proposal creations, voting of the proposals for masternode owners, news and community discussion. the hub keeps track of all the proposal created on the QT wallet and is a more efficient window to how governance funding takes place our martkist as a community crypto currency. being a no premine no ico project the martkist hub give the freedom to all community members to create a proposal based on their proposal in how to help martkist growth as a community. owning a masternode in the martkist network is not just having 18,000 MARTK’S, is having the freedom to mine them be a part of the community, and living in a decentralize anarchy.Additional Martkist Masternode resources: Community: martkist forum: Masternode monitoring: Mastnernode hosting: For more information about martkist visit or our social media: Twitter: telegram:


Martkist decentralized anarchy Martkist was first announced on bitcoin-talk on Jan 20th of 2020 letting the crypto community know about the project and the opportunity for community focus users to join the marktist community, with no premine, no ico, and no presales, completely focus on a budget voting system to fund development and community purpose execution. communication was establish using twitter, discord, and bitcointalk has a means to keep everyone up to date with the Launched and specs such has algorithm, block times and distribution. COIN SPECS: Coin name: Martkist Algorithm: Sha 256 Ticker: MARTK Block time: 60 seconds Block size: 6mb Difficulty: adjusted every 3 blocks Supply distribution: 30 millon MARTK in 10 years Pow: longterm mining Masternode Rewards: REWARDS 10% SUPER BLOCKS 20% MASTERNODES 70% MINERS Masternode collateral: 18,000 MARTK. Our main net was launch on 2/29/2020, since then we have gather support from community members to join us in our mining distribution has a long term commitment, asics in some communities it seems to have a bad vide like a waste of energy and high power consummations but we want to focus on the good things an asic miner could bring and its community benefits, Low cost new and used miners either bought or rented on popular sites across the internet, sha256 is the cheapest algorithm to rent in most popular sites like nicehash or mining rig rentals, distribution is set to rewar...

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