| Liquity 
LQTY Price: | $0.96 | | Volume: | $18.7 M | All Time High: | $56.63 | | Market Cap: | $90.8 M |
Circulating Supply: | 94,516,626 |
| Exchanges: | 22
| Total Supply: | 100,000,000 |
| Markets: | 28
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 10
The price of #LQTY today is $0.96 USD.
The lowest LQTY price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.961, and the current live price for one LQTY coin is $0.96077.
The all-time high LQTY coin price was $56.63.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of LQTY with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Liquity is #LQTY.
Liquity is 3.8 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Liquity is $90,808,666.
Liquity is ranking upwards to #291 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a large volume of trading today on #LQTY.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Liquity is $18,703,139. |
The circulating supply of LQTY is 94,516,626 coins, which is 95% of the total coin supply. |
 Liquity is Live on Instadapp We’re pleased to announce that Liquity is now live on Instadapp. This integration brings new capabilities to Liquity and we can’t wait to see what the community will build. Soon after this blog post, I’ll be releasing a more detailed blog post covering how developers can take advantage of Instadapp’s SDK. — What is Instadapp? - Instadapp is a DeFi protocol that creates a smart contract (“DeFi Smart Account”) that can act on behalf of a user. This opens up novel ways for users to interact with various DeFi protocols. Interactions that might have taken five manual transactions across five different protocols, can instead be bundled up into one single transaction and executed from the user’s smart contract — greatly simplifying the process for the user and saving them a lot of gas and time. When you combine the DeFi Smart Account with Instadapp’s automation framework powered by Gelato, you enable powerful features. For example, you could delegate Trove management to bots and have them protect your Trove when the Ether price is falling. Instadapp is for both users and developers. Users can use their DeFi dashboard to easily manage and connect their DeFi positions while developers can use their frontend SDK to bring the Instadapp protocol into their own dapps. — Thinking of using Liquity? - If you’re an Instadapp user that’s considering using Liquity, you can now open a Trove and more throu... 
|  How to earn rewards using PowerPool’s Yearn Lazy Ape Index Guide for depositing ycrvLUSD to the YLA Index.. — In this post, I’ll be providing a step-by-step guide on how to use your yvCurve-LUSD in PowerPool’s Yearn Lazy Ape Index! 🐵 Before we get started: — What is yvCurve-LUSD?. — yvCurve-LUSD is the share token that users receive for depositing to Yearn Finance’s crvLUSD Vault, which deposits to the LUSD 3Pool and manages CRV rewards automatically. If you aren’t familiar with the crvLUSD Yearn Vault, you can find a detailed guide here. — What is PowerPool?. — PowerPool is a meta-governance protocol based on an ecosystem of smart indexes. It offers productive indexes to its users and provides a new level of decision-making for the DeFi ecosystem. — What is the Yearn Lazy Ape Index (YLA), how does it work, and what are the benefits?. — The Yearn Lazy Ape Index (YLA) is one of the most interesting indexes that PowerPool offers, and it allows for diversified exposure to four different Vaults in a single token: yvCurve-LUSD (😎), yvCurve-USDN, yvCurve-USDP, yvCurve-BUSD, Yearn Vault APYs constantly fluctuate, so this index periodically re-allocates the pooled funds and assigns new weights to maximize returns. This means Yearn Lazy Ape minters/holders can quite literally be “lazy”, save on gas costs, and rest assured knowing their position is being actively managed. For an in-depth explanation, view the diagram and linked ... 
|  How to earn Stability Pool rewards using B.Protocol V2 In this post, I’ll be providing a step-by-step guide covering how to earn Stability Pool rewards using B.Protocol. You can find the original announcement for this integration here. — What is B.Protocol?. — B.Protocol is a decentralized backstop-liquidity protocol that aims to make lending platforms (MakerDAO and Compound in V1) more capital efficient and stable by incentivizing simple users and professional traders to act as keepers (liquidators of under-collateralized loans). With the launch of V2, B.Protocol has shifted its model a bit and introduced the Backstop Automated Market Maker (B.AMM). The B.AMM is an automatic market maker optimized for lending platform liquidations. It’s a fully autonomous smart contract and can efficiently handle liquidations of big debt with smaller capital requirements. The first integration that the B.AMM will support is Liquity’s Stability Pool. In short, B.Protocol’s integration auto-compounds liquidation gains from the Stability Pool, saving users gas fees and allowing users to maintain their share in the Stability Pool while locking in profits from ETH liquidation gains 🧙 Let’s dive deeper into how it works and learn how to deposit LUSD. Quick Disclaimer: This tutorial is not a recommendation and interacting with DeFi protocols can be risky. B.Protocol V2 is a new product, please do your own research and use your best judgement. — How does it work and what ... 
|  How EIP-1559 changes the transaction fees of Ethereum Today, EIP-1559 is being rolled out as part of Ethereum’s latest hard fork in an attempt to make transaction fees more predictable. Up to now, transaction fees have shown large volatility (even higher than the Ether token itself) as they were solely based on bids of the transaction senders. Whenever Ethereum was under a high transaction load (like during recent NFT launches) or in heavy market crashes like on May 12, 2020, the fees would spike uncontrollably. With EIP-1559, Ethereum is moving from a purely bidding-based system to a hybrid approach where the network determines a base fee given the current network load while allowing users to pay a tip to the miners for faster transaction processing. While simple, at first sight, the new method has its intricacies that are worth exploring in more detail. In this post, I’ll try to shed some light on how users’ parameter choices impact the actual costs of the transaction and its chances of getting mined (quickly). — Transaction fees before EIP-1559 - Before EIP-1559 there was a single transaction fee received entirely by the miner who produced the block including the transaction. This fee was a product of the gas consumed by your transaction (an approximation of the computational effort required to execute the transaction) and the amount of ETH you were willing to pay for each unit of gas (“gas price”). — Transaction fees after EIP-1559 - EIP-1559 doesn... 
|  Comparison Series: Liquity Protocol and Reflexer Finance In the first installment of the Comparison Series, we discussed the key differences between Liquity Protocol and MakerDAO — breaking down governance, peg maintenance, collateral types, and more. I’d recommend reading it before diving into this post because in many ways Reflexer is a governance-minimized version of MakerDAO. — What is Liquity?. — Liquity is a decentralized borrowing protocol that allows you to draw interest-free loans against Ether used as collateral. Loans are paid out in LUSD (a USD pegged stablecoin) and need to maintain a minimum collateral ratio of 110%. — What is Reflexer?. — Reflexer is a decentralized borrowing protocol that allows you to draw loans with variable interest rates against Ether. Loans are paid out in RAI, a non-pegged stable asset (interesting right?), and need to maintain a minimum collateral ratio of 145%. Liquity set out to create a more efficient borrowing protocol with a heavy focus on decentralization and capital efficiency. Reflexer shares the same values, but takes a different approach, focusing more on their stable asset than on borrowing as a use case. Before we get started, I would like to remind everyone that the purpose of this comparison series isn’t to pit communities against each other or say one protocol is “better” than the other. Instead, its goal is to simply compare and contrast key differences between similar protocols. DeFi c... 
|  How to use Liquity on DeFi Saver In this post, I’ll provide a step-by-step guide covering how to use Liquity on DeFi Saver — which provides powerful tools for interacting with Liquity and other borrowing protocols in the DeFi ecosystem. Quick Disclaimer: This tutorial is not a recommendation and interacting with DeFi protocols can be risky. Please do your own research and use your best judgement. — What is DeFi Saver? - DeFi Saver is an advanced management dashboard that integrates various DeFi protocols and provides unique tools for users. At the time of writing, Liquity is supported by DeFi Saver’s Boost and Repay options and the Recipe Creator, while Trove-Automation and one-transaction leveraged Troves are still in the pipeline. The Boost and Repay options are quite simple, but useful for borrowers that actively manage their Trove. We’ll discuss why later in this tutorial. What really makes DeFi Saver unique is its Recipe Creator. Users can combine almost any multi-step process into one transaction according to their needs — potentially saving users hundreds or thousands in gas fees. Additionally, you can migrate existing MakerDAO, Aave, Compound, and Reflexer ETH-stablecoin positions to a Liquity Trove. I’ll explain how in the last section 😉 — DSProxy / Smart Wallet Explained - When you open a position with any protocol on DeFi Saver, you’re creating it on a “Smart Wallet”. In short, a Smart Wallet is a DSProxy... 
|  How to earn rewards with the Saddle D4 Pool In this post, I’ll be providing a step-by-step guide on how to provide liquidity and earn rewards using Saddle Finance’s D4 Pool. You can find the original announcement for the pool here. Quick Disclaimer: This tutorial is not a recommendation and interacting with DeFi protocols can be risky. The D4 Pool is experimental, please do your own research and use your best judgement. — What is Saddle Finance and the D4 Pool? - Saddle is a decentralized exchange designed to enable efficient trading between same-peg crypto assets. Akin to Curve and Uniswap, there are liquidity pools (e.g. the D4Pool) where users can provide liquidity and earn trading fees and rewards. I would recommend reading their docs if needed before continuing. Usually, I’d start with an intro for Liquity, but there’s more to it this time. Saddle’s D4 Pool consists of arguably four of the brightest up and coming decentralized stablecoins: LUSD (Liquity Protocol), alUSD (Alchemix), FEI (Fei Protocol), and FRAX (Frax Finance)! We’ll save the descriptions of each project for another time to keep it short. Not only is the D4 Pool an interesting experiment, all four protocols are incentivizing the D4 pool with rewards (LQTY, ALCX, TRIBE, FXS) for up to one-year. This has to be a record 🧙🏽 — Navigating through Saddle’s Homepage - In order to participate, you’ll have to find your way to the Saddle homepage, then click on Saddle App ... 
|  How to use your crvLUSD on Element Finance In this post, I’ll be providing a step-by-step guide on how to “save” and “earn” on crvLUSD using the recently launched Element Finance. — What is Element Finance?. — Element is a decentralized protocol that allows users to obtain fixed-rate and variable-rate yield in the DeFi market, as well as trade between the two with high capital efficiency. Element Finance recently launched on Ethereum (June 30th, 2021) with initial support for crvLUSD, the LP token for Curve’s LUSD+3Pool — they’ve since added Curve’s Tricrypto pool as well. Quick Disclaimer: This tutorial is not a recommendation and interacting with new protocols can be risky. Element is experimental, please do your own research and use your best judgement. — Obtain crvLUSD - Before you can interact with Element, you’ll first need to obtain crvLUSD. This is done by providing liquidity to Curve’s LUSD+3Pool. If you need guidance, here’s my previous tutorial on how to deposit to the pool. Otherwise, you can jump right in. — Navigating Element’s UI - Now that you’ve obtained some crvLUSD, you’ll want to access Element’s homepage: Feel free to browse around, but at first glance, you’ll notice two options: Start Saving and Start Earning. I’ll go into more detail on how each option works in their dedicated sections, but for now, this is what you need to know: Saving: For casual and risk-averse users seeking... 
|  Addressing Concerns about Liquity Since Liquity’s launch a few months ago and the emergence of the Maker to Liquity migration bridge on DeFi Saver, the Liquity Protocol has faced some criticism from the Maker community and others that I believe is worth discussing. We appreciate the feedback and would like to take the occasion to add more color and help users decide which protocol to use in which situation. The criticism mainly relates to the following areas that we’ll cover one by one in this post: Usage and use cases, Redemptions, LUSD peg, — Usage and use cases - We are convinced that Maker and Liquity both have their very own characteristics and particularly suitable use cases. For example, with its 0.5% minimum borrowing fee, Liquity is not designed to be competitive for very short term loans. If you intend to repay your debt within a few days or hours, there’s simply not enough time to amortize the upfront fee. On the other hand, Liquity may be much more attractive for longer term borrowers which would pay significant interest rates on Maker over time. Once a borrower has opted to use Liquity and paid the borrowing fee, there’s also little incentive to switch (back) to Maker. A valid question raised in the debate is what borrowers can actually do with the LUSD they borrow. Here we have to distinguish between external and internal use cases. An external use case involves some interaction with another application or protocol, like sellin... 
|  Liquity Sponsors #HackMoney2021 We’re excited to announce that we’re sponsoring ETHGlobal’s Hack Money 2021 event taking place June 18th—July 9th! The application deadline has been extended to June 17th, apply here. — Interest-free Borrowing - Liquity is a decentralized borrowing protocol that allows you to draw 0% interest loans against ETH used as collateral. Loans are paid out in LUSD — a USD pegged stablecoin, and need to maintain a minimum collateral ratio as low as 110%. In addition to the collateral, the loans are secured by a Stability Pool containing LUSD and by fellow borrowers collectively acting as guarantors of last resort. Learn more about these mechanisms here. Liquity as a protocol is non-custodial, immutable, and governance-free. Since our launch on April 5, 2021, Liquity has grown to become the 9th largest Ethereum-based DeFi protocol with over 5,000 members on Discord and a community of 20+ Frontend Operators contributing to the decentralization of the protocol. — Need Inspiration? - We hope to keep this hackathon as open-ended as possible, but definitely understand if you need help with ideas. Our community has shared a few areas of interest over the past few weeks including: Trove management tools (avoiding liquidations, redemptions, etc.), Migration tools (Maker to Liquity, Compound to Liquity, etc.), Auto-leveraging / deleveraging tools, One-click multi-tasking using DS Proxy (e.g. claim LQTY rewards + sta... 