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LIEN Price   

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Lien Token  


LIEN Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$74.5 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #LIEN today is $0.16 USD.

The lowest LIEN price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.162, and the exact current price of one LIEN crypto coin is $0.16185.

The all-time high LIEN coin price was $929.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of LIEN with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Lien Token crypto currency is #LIEN.

Lien Token is 4.5 years old.


The current market capitalization for Lien Token is $74,482.

Lien Token is ranked #987 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is weak during the past 24 hours for #LIEN.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Lien Token is $743.


The circulating supply of LIEN is 460,189 coins, which is 46% of the maximum coin supply.

Note the unusually low supply of Lien Token coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


LIEN is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 1 other blockchain.

See list of the LIEN Blockchain contracts with 2 different blockchains.


LIEN is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #LIEN trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #LIEN purchase.



Lien Version 2 Overview

We are excited to announce the launch of Lien Version 2. In the previous article, we talked about the release of the Lien Option Pool available on Lien V2. Today, we will discuss how you can actually get to use the feature following the launch of this new protocol. It has been a long road until we reached this point — since last September , we have changed some features that were difficult to implement given the overall architecture of Lien V1, and made improvements on liquidity management which we determined were necessary after several months of managing liquidity on the platform. As a result of having spent enough time implementing those changes, we have been able to develop a much better platform that incorporates and leverages those updates. There have been crucial important developments that occurred until the launch of Lien V2. We have developed a range of products including LBT Lite, Lien Put Option, and Lien Exotic Option, among others — all of them were created so that the Lien protocol could reemerge much stronger in the market. In fact, you will find various know-how and expertise we have learned and acquired up to this point fully incorporated in Lien V2. We have conducted deep research on what crypto users want and some of the best practices as they relate to the creation of option contracts, all of which are reflected in this new protocol. In addition, the environment surrounding the ecosystem has ...

How Lien Will Evolve With V2

Lien Protocol will be releasing the Lien Option Pool on 19th of April. Since the incident in September 2020, the ability to provide liquidity to the protocol was closed off to general users until we were certain that the issues had been addressed. During that time, the Lien team was the sole provider of liquidity to the platform. With the release of the Lien Option Pool, anyone will be able to provide liquidity. Users can start providing liquidity from UTC 12am on April 19th, and the trading will be available from UTC 4pm on April 23rd. European type option market will be fully launched. Leading up to September 2020, our aim was to create a truly decentralized stablecoin and derivatives market by splitting ETH into two derivatives; LBT (Liquid Bond Token) and SBT (Solid Bond Token). Both LBT and SBT are call options on ETH but with different characteristics. Users could choose to take a leveraged long position on ETH with LBT or convert SBT, which is a deep in the money call option, into iDOL (stablecoin). A stablecoin backed by options was an innovative idea with significant potential, given the important benefits that were attainable such as high collateral efficiency. What became apparent once the protocol was launched was that prioritizing the issuance of stablecoins had the effect of distorting the market in unintended ways. With this in mind, our first priority was to create sufficient liquidity in the decentralized opt...

Comparing the different DeFi option protocols

There are many options protocols in the DeFi space now. As DeFi traders, it is important to understand the differences so that you can use the right option protocol for your needs. Below is a table comparing the major option protocols. All of them are different in terms of expiration types, settlement, underlying assets, collateral requirements, fungibility, etc. We will dive into what these terms mean and how it might affect your option trading strategy. — American v European Option - For options there are 2 ways to exercise an option. An American type option allows users to exercise the option before the expiration date. An European type option only allows you to exercise the option at the expiration date. The valuation for the option should not change much because if there is a liquid market for an American option, no one will exercise before the expiration date because of the time value. If you are using an option protocol with American type options, you need to be careful since you have to exercise the option before the exercise date, otherwise there is a risk that the option expires worthless. Lien option type is European. If the option is in the money at expiry, the option is cash settled and users need to claim the payoff if the option is in the money. — The underlying assets of options - The more variety there is of the underlying assets of the options, the better it is for traders because they have ...

LIEN Buyback Program &Change Distribution Change

LIEN Buyback Program & Change in Token Distribution - Lien Token Buyback Announcement Lien Protocol will be buying back Lien Tokens using fees that the Devs have received from the Lien Protocol through its token holdings. There will also be an adjustment to the overall token distribution. — The Size of the LIEN Buyback - Lien Protocol has received 155.755 ETH (currently $260,000) as fees since its inception which has been distributed to LIEN holders. The Devs currently own close to 50% of the existing LIEN tokens, resulting in 77.8775 ETH being paid out to the Devs. After considering multiple factors including, but not limited to, growth of the DeFi space, positioning of Lien within that environment, expansion of DeFi into different blockchain protocols beyond Ethereum, we have decided to buyback and burn 77.8775 ETH ($130,000USD) worth of LIEN. The buyback will occur from time to time, depending on the fees received, market environment, among other things. — Why Buyback and burn - Lien Protocol currently distributes ETH collected as fees directly to LIEN token holders every 28 days. It costs 200,000 Gas (Currently $70) for users to claim these distributions, which corners out users that only hold a few LIEN. When we first developed this function, the gas fees were much lower and was feasible under the circumstances at that time. To adapt to the current environment which has changed significantly since p...

Lien Farming Program on PancakeSwap Now Live

tl;dr: Liquidity Provider Incentive Program on PancakeSwap (the #1 Automated Market Maker on Binance Smart Chain) has started, Provide liquidity for the LIEN/BNB pair and earn CAKE, Stake CAKE tokens in Syrup Pool to earn LIEN, LIEN tokens on Ethereum (ERC20) can be exchanged with bLIEN (BEP20), and vice-versa, using xDai Bridge, As part of our continuing effort to make the Lien option platform available to a wider crypto user base, we recently released Lien protocol on the Binance Smart Chain giving Binanceans the ability to purchase Call Options and Butterfly Options on their favorite token, BNB! LIEN tokens (BEP-20) are also now available and operable on the Binance Smart Chain. Coinciding with the above, we will be kicking off a Farming Program and a Syrup Pool Program on PancakeSwap, the largest Automated Market Maker (AMM) on Binance Smart Chain! — Details of the Farming Program - Earn CAKE by providing liquidity to the LIEN/BNB pair on PancakeSwap. CAKE can then be staked to the Syrup Pool to earn LIEN. — What is the Syrup Pool? - By staking CAKE for a duration of 60 days, earn LIEN as a reward. A total of 6,000 LIEN will be distributed proportionally to the staked amount as rewards to those who staked CAKE on Syrup Pool. Total Tokens: 6,000 LIEN Distribution duration: 60 days Start block: 6011150 (March 26th 3PM SGT) Finish block: 7739150 (May 25th 3PM SGT) Token rewards per block: 0.003472...

Lien Integrates Chainlink on BSC Mainnet to Support Advanced Options Contracts for BNB

Lien is expanding its integration with industry-leading decentralized oracle network Chainlink. The expansion involves Lien now leveraging a Chainlink BNB/USD Price Feed directly on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) mainnet to support our crypto-native option protocol. This Chainlink-powered decentralized price oracle provides Lien with highly accurate, reliable, and secure price data used to facilitate options trades, calculate volatility, and price contracts upon maturity, starting with call and put options on BNB and exotic products such as the butterfly option. This announcement comes as part of our ongoing use of Chainlink Price Feeds, which support our ETH options market, currently running on the Ethereum blockchain. By continuing to rely on Chainlink oracles, we ensure our options platform has on-chain price data that is robust and precise. Most notably, Chainlink price data has strong volume-adjusted market coverage across all trading platforms, removing risks around exchange downtime and data manipulation attacks (i.e., flash loans). We were thrilled to see Chainlink integrate natively on BSC. By doing so, we were able to quickly launch support for our new BNB options markets, as well as leverage BSC’s scalable, low-cost infrastructure to get more frequent price updates at a fraction of the cost. This comes in addition to Chainlink’s recent OCR upgrade, which substantially reduced oracle aggregation cost but nearly 9...

New and Improved Volatility Oracle Deployed

tl:dr; The audit over the new Volatility Oracle was successfully completed and the contract has been deployed to mainnet. The new Volatility Oracle is already being used to facilitate trading of options on the Lien platform. This is an extremely important component and a major leap in improving option pricing on decentralized protocols. The audit report can be reviewed here. — What is the Volatility Oracle and how was it improved - The original Volatility Oracle calculated volatility based on the latest 24 data points from the Chainlink price feed. Technically, implied volatility is calculated based on option prices in the market and not from historical prices of the underlying. Unfortunately, there are no Oracles, or similar services that can reliably provide such implied volatility data. Therefore, as a temporary measure, we are using historical volatility based on the Chainlink Price Oracle data when pricing options on Lien. The Chainlink Price Oracle generates a new data point when the price of underlying assets(e.g. ETH, BNB) moves approximately 0.5% or more, or at least 1 hour. When the market is volatile, historical volatility is calculated based on the 24 data points during the period when the price is moving the most. This is primarily the reason why we were witnessing multiple volatility spikes exceeding 300% on the platform. On the other hand, when volatility subsides and the market stabilizes, users woul...

Lien’s integration on Binance Smart Chain

Lien will be creating a Crypto-Naitive Option Protocol using Binance Smart Chain. Lien will launch “Lien on BSC”, an Option Protocol on Binance Smart Chain. — About Lien on BSC - Lien on BSC brings the Crypto-Naitive Option Protocol battle tested on Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain. The full functionality of Lien Protocol on Ethereum will be rolled out on Binance Smart Chain, starting with Call and Put Options on BNB and Exotic Options such as the Butterfly Option. — Why BSC - Our goal from day one has been to create a truly decentralized stablecoin and option protocol that is unstoppable and censorship resistant. As a first step in achieving that goal, we launched the Lien protocol on Ethereum and introduced the iDOL stablecoin as well as various ETH options. We are currently working on a solution using zk-Rollup which will allow scaling of Lien while still maintaining Ethereum level security. (Lien on zk-Rollup Whitepaper coming soon!) These technological developments fundamentally progresses the Lien project forward towards the ultimate goal. At the same time, we are always looking for ways to increase the user base of crypto-native options, specifically, DeFi option users. This importance of increasing awareness of options is apparent when looking back at the history of derivatives in legacy finance. When derivatives were first introduced in finance, they were cutting edge financial instruments. Som...

Lien on zkRollup: Prototype is Now Live on Zinc Testnet!

Lien will be releasing an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) Prototype on the Zinc testnet. Zinc is one version of zkRollup Using this L2 Prototype, users will be able to slice (tranche) ETH into LBT and SBT at the maturity and strike price of their choice as well as send, receive, buy, trade and settle LBT/SBT. For those of you that want to test it out, we will be releasing a “How To” manual soon. In the upcoming months, we will be working to bring the full Lien product offering to Ethereum Layer2. This means blazing fast transaction speeds and near zero transaction costs. Our near term goal is to be the first option creation and trading platform using zkRollup. The source code and readme can be confirmed here: — Why L2 Scaling is Important - Scalability is important when trading not just options but any financial instrument. Lien is dependent on market forces acting efficiently for the protocol to function as intended and reach optimal performance. For these forces to play out, the operational layer needs to be able to handle high volume at high speeds. In the current DeFi environment where transactions are happening on layer 1, economically rational actions may be hindered due to factors such as spikes in the Gas price. If DeFi is going to become the global financial infrastructure that we imagine it to be, we have come to a stage where all DeFi projects need to seriously consider how to scale their product o...

Introducing Exotic options — Butterfly and covered call option

Introducing Exotic Options — Butterfly and Covered Call Option - Go to App: Some of you may recall us teasing the possibility of slicing and dicing LBT (Leveraged Bond Token) into smaller pieces in our previous blog post. Now we are ready to deliver. Today we are introducing options that are exotic, hence the name, Exotic Options. Our current product, LBT Lite — Call, is created as an at-the-money call option by carving the relevant portion out from the original LBT (Leveraged Bond Token). With Exotic Options, we’ve made it possible to create interesting options from what remains after carving LBT Lite — Call out of LBT. The Exotic Options smart contracts and the updated Generalized & Decentralized OTC smart contracts have been audited by Certik (full audit report). — Butterfly Spread 🦋 - How to make money with the Butterfly Option: If you think that the market will be stable, buy the Butterfly Option A P&L of a Butterfly Option looks something like this. Payout is the highest when the price of the underlying equals the strike price of the option at expiry. Payout decreases as the price of the underlying moves further away from the strike price. When the price of the underlying reaches n, the payout becomes zero.The B2 portion in the above illustration represents the Butterfly position. — Volatility Long Strategy (Straddle) - How to make money with the Vol...

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