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KUMA Price   

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Kuma Inu  


KUMA Price:
$12.9 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$1.5 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #KUMA is $0.00000000372 USD.

Please note that the price of #KUMA was last updated over 50 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #KUMA statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest KUMA price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00000000372, and the exact last price of KUMA was $0.00000000372356.

The all-time high KUMA coin price was $0.000000603.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of KUMA with market cap of BTC and how the supply of KUMA affects the price at different market capitalizations.


The code for Kuma Inu crypto currency is #KUMA.

Kuma Inu is 3.6 years old.


The current market capitalization for Kuma Inu is $1,515,786.

Kuma Inu is ranking downwards to #4016 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is modest today for #KUMA.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Kuma Inu is $12,885.


The circulating supply of KUMA is 407,080,061,445,994 coins, which is 83% of the total coin supply.

Relatively, Kuma Inu has a large supply of coins, 18,503,639 times larger than Bitcoin's supply, for example.


KUMA is a token on the Manta Pacific blockchain.


KUMA has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.

View #KUMA trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #KUMA purchase.



Kuma Inu — Road to Kuma DEX

Kuma Inu — Road to Kuma DEX - Described as the primary utility of the Kuma Inu decentralized ecosystem, Kuma DEX is closer to being realized than ever before. A decentralized exchange featuring 25x long/short leverage trading, infinite on-chain liquidity, $USDC staking, and decentralized governance, Kuma DEX will also serve as the “dog park” for all bona fide meme coins to reside harmoniously. Once realized, it is inevitable that a revolutionary product such as this will find itself cemented as a central component to the world of DeFi as we know it. After much anticipation, we are pleased to share the strategic development plans and costs to build Kuma DEX in all its glory. Kuma Inu is teaming up once more with RocknBlock for assistance with the development. RocknBlock previously assisted with developing our staking platform, dKuma Breeder. Together we have composed a blueprint that allows us to deliver Kuma DEX in as few as four months with sufficient funding. Below are documents outlining the development plans and a cost overview: Kuma DEX Development Outline: Brief summary of Development Outline: Timeline: The timeline to get Kuma DEX finished is 15 weeks., Features: It will be a complete DEX as it will have both futures and spot trading., There will be a $USDC pool used to back the leverage from the futures trades. Trades will be sold/bought in Uniswap, but the assets received when opening a ...

Thank You, Kuma Inu Community

Following our latest DAO proposal results, the community voted 100% in favor of the current Kuma Inu Team continuing to lead the project. The overwhelming support for our team and what we have accomplished in just seven months has surpassed anything we could have imagined. It is our duty as members of the Kuma Inu Team to uphold the project’s decentralized values in every action we take. By allowing the community to choose its project officials, we have demonstrated that decentralization will always be the driving force behind Kuma Inu. We would also like to take this opportunity to recognize and thank our moderators D-Day Boom and VunderKindas, designer Bagas, ambassador Richard Seagraves, developer Aptum, and all of the incredible community members that have helped Kuma Inu along the way. We will continue to lead the project the right way by prioritizing our community and ecosystem above all else, with a shared goal of bringing Kuma Inu atop the decentralized crypto sphere. Thank You, Kuma Inu Community. - K, KS, Meezy, CloudGirl and Kempino

Kuma Inu — A Look Ahead [2023 UPDATE]

Kuma Inu — A Look Ahead [2023 UPDATE] - 2022 was quite an eventful year for Kuma Inu. We successfully brought the project to its rightful place in the community’s hands, built a new website, re-designed Kuma Breeder, launched two significant products (Kuma SwapX and dKuma Breeder), as well as established our community DAO (Kuma DAO). Recently, we updated Kuma SwapX with a “personalized token URL” feature and completed a DAO vote to determine the OneChain swap fees. - The “personalized token URL” feature allows projects and their members to easily share links with desired blockchains and tokens already selected in Kuma SwapX. (Enter your preferred selections and copy the URL to create a “personalized token URL”) - Kuma Inu Community voted to establish 0.9% OneChain swap fees (same as CrossChain) on Kuma SwapX via DAO proposal: Now looking ahead to what we have planned for 2023: Kuma DEX. Kuma DEX, the primary utility, and benefit of the Kuma Inu ecosystem, has been a top priority since the project’s inception. We have put together what we believe is the best development plan that will feasibly allow us to deliver Kuma DEX in 2023. Of course, this will only be possible through the combined efforts of the community. We are planning to share the development plans with the community very soon. Beyond Kuma DEX, we also plan to launch our NFT marketplace and first NFT collection in 2023. H...

Kuma Inu — dKuma Breeder has Launched!

Kuma Inu — dKuma Breeder has Launched! - Today marks a huge day for our Kuma Inu decentralized family. We are proud to launch our second community-developed product, dKuma Breeder. We teamed up with renowned development company to create a revolutionary product for the Kuma Inu ecosystem. dKuma Breeder makes the perfect compliment to Kuma Breeder, our longstanding staking platform that creates $dKUMA passive rewards. Together they create the infinite loop of decentralized passive income. By staking your preferred meme tokens on Kuma Breeder, you earn $dKUMA as a passive reward. Now with dKuma Breeder you can stake your $dKUMA profits to create a second source of passive income in the form of $USDC stable coins. The idea to stake a meme token and earn stable coins was indeed a revolutionary idea, one that has not yet been seen. This concept was always a part of the Kuma Inu vision although it was originally written in the whitepaper to be an additional feature of Kuma DEX. After gathering feedback from around the space, we concluded that this unique concept could already be brought to the community. This way everyone can have a feel for how the Kuma Inu ecosystem will operate once the DEX is launched. Thus, the community chose to create dKuma Breeder. Initially, dKuma Breeder’s $USDC rewards will be supplied by the staking fees as well as trading fees earned from our first communi...

Kuma Inu Community — DAO Proposal Guidelines

Kuma Inu Community — DAO Proposal Guidelines - As a decentralization pioneer, suffrage was mandatory for Kuma Inu. After the community takeover Kuma DAO was a necessary step. The Kuma DAO is indeed a great tool, but with it comes a great responsibility. Products are not made overnight and in many cases they are expensive. Also, saying yes to a product means potentially postponing another one. Community members must be aware of these facts so they can bring proposals and cast their votes accordingly. In order to have a successful proposal on Kuma DAO there are multiple factors to take into consideration before submitting. Here are some guidelines to help you and the Kuma Inu project make the most out of your proposal. When presenting a marketing/development proposal include the following: 1. Name 2. Telegram username / Telegram profile link 3. Description of your idea. 4. Explain how it will help the project. 5. Timelines (How long you expect it to take and when you expect it to be delivered) 6. Costs 7. How will it be funded (Kuma Inu Marketing/Dev wallet or some other source) 8. (Optional) Any additional info you think will benefit your proposal. When presenting a partnership proposal include the following: 1. Name 2. Telegram username / Telegram profile link 3. Description of your partnership. 4. Explain how it will help the project. 5. Timelines (How long you expect it to take and when you expect it to be delivered) 6...

Kuma Inu— Built for a Decentralized, Today.

“Kuma Inu’s goal is to be the first 100% fully decentralized community-driven project in space. To achieve it, we are going to offer DAO to the community, thus the community can control and drive the project.” - Original Whitepaper May, 2021 The need for decentralization has never been known on a broader scale than it is now. With all of the recent news surrounding the corruption of centralized cryptocurrencies, it is a good time to turn the spotlight on the honest and hardworking communities in DeFi. Not the ones who merely claim “decentralized” but the ones that truly are. Kuma Inu has always maintained the vision of being truly decentralized. However before this vision could be realized Kuma Inu had to overcome its own form of centralized corruption. There was a time when a project official lied under false pretenses and pulled the strings of the project for their own selfish gain. The community had no control and waited for progress but progress never came. Then there was a change. In true decentralized fashion, the Kuma Inu community took back what is rightfully theirs. By joining forces and removing the corrupted official they gained something that is irreplaceable, self-empowerment. Community members answered the call to start anew and began building back up the decentralized vision together. The way it was always intended. Since then the community has brought many incredible new aspects to the project. An...

We Have Lift Off. The First Community Product, Kuma SwapX is Live!

Kuma SwapX is an advanced cross-chain swap built by the community, for the community. September 24, 2022 — Kuma SwapX is launched and available to the public. → Kuma SwapX is a decentralized DeFi trading application that allows users to trade/swap any cryptocurrency asset within 10 different blockchain networks (Ethereum, Binance, Polygon, Solana, Fantom, Harmony, Aurora, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Moonriver). Kuma SwapX will launch with full trading capabilities on 6 of these blockchain networks (Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Fantom, Arbitrum) and the remaining 4 will be added. Kuma SwapX is pre-loaded with many popular and commonly traded tokens, but users will be able to import virtually any coin or asset if it is on one of the blockchain networks included. For trades within the same blockchain network (Ex: Swap Ethereum asset for another Ethereum asset) trading fees will be 0.3% (Same as Uniswap’s trading fees). For trades between different blockchain networks (Ex: Swap Ethereum asset for a Binance Smart Chain asset) trading fees will be 0.9%. The fees collected from Kuma SwapX will contribute to the $USDC rewards for $dKUMA farming/staking on dKuma Breeder, and future marketing/development of the Kuma Inu ecosystem. How to trade on Kuma SwapX:First connect your wallet by selecting “connect wallet” at the top right.Next select which blockchain networks you will trade be...

Kuma Inu Community — Let’s Remember Who’s THE Top Dog.

Kuma Inu Community — Let’s Remember Who’s THE Top Dog. Fellow $KUMA and $dKUMA astronauts, put on your space helmets! It’s been just over 2 months since our first community-driven medium article. Here’s what True Decentralization has been able to accomplish in such a time: dKuma Breeder/$USDC Staking Rewards July 15 — Kuma Inu Team announces partnership with well trusted and renowned blockchain development company to assist with product development. Including dKuma Breeder, a revolutionary staking dApp for users to stake their $dKUMA and passively earn $USDC. $USDC rewards will come from $dKUMA staking fees as well as Kuma Swap X trading fees. Upon completion of the 25x leverage trading Kuma Dex, 50% of its fees collected will also be re-distributed back into dKuma Breeder’s $USDC rewards. Development for dKuma Breeder is already under way and can be expected sometime in Q4 of this year, after Kuma Swap X. Kuma Swap X June 13 — Community voted 85% majority in favor of adding a new product to the Kuma Inu ecosystem: Kuma Swap X, an advanced cross-chain dApp. The name “Kuma Swap X” was also selected by community vote. Kuma Swap X will allow users to trade(swap) any coin/token over the following 10 blockchain networks: Ethereum Binance Polygon Solana Fantom Harmony Aurora Avalanche Arbitrum Moonriver 100% of Kuma Swap X fees will be re-distributed into $USDC rewards for dKuma...

Lo and behold, a newly re-designed Kuma Inu ( $KUMA / $dKUMA ) website is here, 2nd community…

Lo and behold, a newly re-designed Kuma Inu ( $KUMA / $dKUMA ) website is here, 2nd community announcement, 1st June 2022. Getting stronger by the hour. It has been an eventful and highly productive week and then some. We had a few listings. Our new Twitter ( ) has almost 300 followers as well as 600 on Telegram ( ). And as we promised only a few days back here is our newly re-designed website ( ) with a touch of original Kuma Inu flavour. Kuma is here to stay. Powered by the community. Technical announcement will follow in due course.

Kuma Inu ( $KUMA / $dKUMA ), a Defi ecosystem created by a $SHIB/$LEASH developer, 1st community…

Kuma Inu ( $KUMA / $dKUMA ), a Defi ecosystem created by a $SHIB/$LEASH developer, 1st community announcement, 21st May 2022. The abandoned bear… is no more. After a year of uncertainty, lack of updates and misinformation what is now a community of over 25,000 kumanians decided to take back control into own hands and formed a small but passionate team of developers in order to continue supporting $KUMA / $dKUMA and deliver some new exciting products. We believe in true decentralization akin Ryoshi vision, as well as full transparency, openness to new ideas and of course criticism where need be. So right off the bat we need to make a few announcements: 1. our OG website can’t be accessed anymore so we created our new community website Please allow a few days in order to get the website updated with the latest information. 2. We don’t have access to the contract keys which makes Kuma Inu project absolutely rug-proof, but we can still build so many products around this. Bear with us whilst we re-evaluate our OG roadmap. 3. We had to change our media channels as well: Twitter: Telegram: As you may be aware recently Kuma Inu got hijacked by anonymous individual ( s ) following months of radio silence and lack of any progress and tried to sell his new token ( so called “V3”, but in essence a brand new token due t...

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