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KRT Price   

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KRT Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:

Circulating Supply:
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The last known price of #KRT is $0.0000526 USD.

Please note that the price of #KRT was last updated over 460 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #KRT statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest KRT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.0000526, and the exact last price of KRT was $0.00005260.

The all-time high KRT coin price was $0.00134.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of KRT with market cap of ETH and how the supply affects the price of KRT at different market capitalizations.


The code for TerraClassicKRW crypto currency is #KRT.

TerraClassicKRW is 2.7 years old.


The current market capitalization for TerraClassicKRW is not available at this time.

TerraClassicKRW is ranking downwards to #5966 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is unknown today for #KRT.


The circulating supply of KRT is 38,538,299,853 coins.

TerraClassicKRW has a relatively large supply of coins, 317 times larger than Ethereum's supply, as an example.


KRT is a token on the Terra blockchain.


KRT exchange data is not currently available.



Community Update — June 2023

Community Update — June 2023 - Terra’s resurgence continued in June with the official release of Warp Protocol and its $LUNA buyback and burn fee mechanism, Cavern’s deployment of auto-compounded LP collateral types, TFM’s launch of its aggregated limit order book, and much more! Let’s dive into everything that happened within the Terra ecosystem in June 👇 — 🌎 Ecosystem Updates - ​​Following insightful community feedback, testing, and iteration, Warp Protocol had its official release, announcing plans to go interchain and leverage its fee mechanism to buy back and burn $LUNA., Astroport launched Warp-powered limit orders with future plans to integrate across each of its deployments on Injective, Neutron, and Sei., Astroport deployed Passive Concentrated Liquidity pools on testnet and announced plans to deploy on mainnet soon, setting the stage to increase liquidity efficiency across LPs on Terra., Cavern, a money market built on Terra, launched two new collateral types: auto-compounded LUNA-axlUSDC LP positions on both Eris and Spectrum. They also announced that they wouldn’t be taking 100% of the rewards from these LP positions, allowing borrowers to earn yield while borrowing., Cavern integrated Kado, enabling users to onboard into the TeFi ecosystem using fiat currencies like USD, EUR, and others., TFM unveiled its Aggregated Limit Order Book (ALOB): a novel Web3 product aggregating l...

Community Update — May 2023

Community Update — May 2023 - The month of May furnished the Terra community with several positive new developments. From Prism announcing its plan to establish an Alliance with LUNA upon chain debut to Carbon whitelisting ampLUNA and stLUNA as Alliance assets, there’s plenty to cover in this month’s update. Let’s dive into everything that happened!👇 — 🌎 Ecosystem Updates - Station launched Alliance staking, allowing users to seamlessly stake their Alliance assets across Alliance chains. Check out this walkthrough video from Jared to see how it works., TFM introduced a Cosmos-first with NFT limit orders., Back Bone Labs announced that its NFT marketplace, Necropolis, added support for new NFT collections and would only charge trading fees starting July 1st, 2023., TFM unveiled its new NFT aggregator, allowing users to research and buy NFTs across various marketplaces all in one interface., Orne released its Monthly Update for April., announced that they’d be bringing native USDC to Station., Smart Stake launched Liquid Staking Token (LST) rich lists, allowing users to track the largest holders on Terra., Lion DAO started using @warp_protocol jobs to distribute ROAR staking rewards to community members automatically., Station welcomed the new Blossom and Moon themes, which users can toggle to in settings., TFL announced the Alliance Dashboard Bounty Program, offering up $1,000 worth ...

Community Update — April 2023

Community Update — April 2023 - It’s not easy to ship cool shit when the entire world tries to FUD you to death, but that’s precisely what the Terra community did in April. From the unveiling of Terra’s cutting-edge new Alliance module to the introduction of Enterprise’s user-friendly, no-code DAO management platform, there’s a lot to unpack in this month’s update. Let’s get into it! 👇 — 🌎 Ecosystem Updates - Quick note: I also rolled a few March updates in here, as I didn’t get the chance to publish a March Community Update. TFL released Alliance, a powerful open-source economic tool enabling Cosmos blockchains to trade yield. By allowing multiple tokens to be staked on a single chain, earning native staking rewards, Alliance opens up a range of use cases that strengthen decentralized economies, including attracting users, liquidity, and developers, deepening liquidity for essential token pairs, incentivizing native application development, and diversifying or augmenting staking yield, Using Terra’s Alliance module, Migaloo enabled an industry first when @0xFab1e staked bLUNA on Migaloo, earning native WHALE staking rewards in exchange for augmenting native WHALE staking yield via the bLUNA Take Rate, Following the passing of prop 4717, I published a Medium article outlining what Alliance is, how it works, why chains like Migaloo and Kujira have decided to integrate it, and why it’s ...

Alliance: Harnessing the Power of Incentive Alignment

Following an overwhelming vote of approval on proposal 4717, the LUNAtic community has successfully integrated the Alliance module into Terra mainnet, opening up a range of possibilities for growth and cross-chain collaboration. Alliance represents a paradigm shift in scaling decentralized economies. Let’s dive into how it works, why chains like Migaloo and Kujira have decided to integrate it, and what makes it the ideal tool for Terra. — How Alliance Works - An exciting feature that’s emerged from the Internet’s transition from Web2 to Web3 is the ability to enable large-scale coordination among disparate participants by utilizing economic incentives. As an open-source Cosmos SDK module, Alliance builds on this concept, empowering blockchains to align incentives with adjacent chains, developers, and users to strengthen and expand their ecosystem. At its core, Alliance aims to serve as an economic instrument that steers a decentralized economy’s monetary policy (i.e., staking rewards) toward achieving desired objectives. Functionally, this is accomplished by allowing users to stake multiple tokens on a single chain to earn a portion of native staking rewards — a feature never before possible in Web3. The module was designed with flexibility in mind, accommodating staking for any token, including IBC assets, stablecoins, LP tokens, and liquid staking derivatives (LSDs). Alliance was also carefully crafted...

Project Spotlight — Eumlet

Project Spotlight — Eumlet - In this edition of Terra’s Project Spotlight, we are eager to present Eumlet — a revolutionary Next-Gen Payments Platform. 🤫 Pssst.. the app is live now at Eumlet is a business payments operating system designed for Web3. The platform offers businesses a range of tools to digitise payment processing, manage their accounts, and obtain valuable insights from their data efficiently and securely. Eumlet is committed to creating opportunities for businesses to benefit from the switch to Web3. The user-centric platform is feature-rich and designed to meet users where they are in their adoption journey. With the Fiat to Web3 Bridge, businesses can easily and securely convert traditional currencies to cryptocurrencies natively with no intermediaries — a first in architecture to directly connect traditional banking systems to Web3. — How it All Began - Eumlet began its journey in 2021 with the goal of empowering underserved SMEs to build a more sustainable and resilient future. Ultimately, Eumlet strives to accelerate Web3 adoption and win the fourth industrial revolution of digital cash through stablecoins. The Eumlet team has a combined 75+ years of experience in the technology and finance industries, building and scaling some of the largest systems for major financial institutions and hailing from tech-pedigree companies such as Microsoft, Google, and AWS. E...

Community Update — February 2023

Community Update — February 2023 - Amidst ongoing challenges, the Terra community continued to prove its mettle in February, shipping products, launching new features, creating educational content, and actively engaging in governance discussions. Let’s dive into everything that happened this last month! — 🌎 Ecosystem Updates - The three-week Game of Alliance competition began, allowing users and validators to complete various missions and bounties for their chance to earn points and prizes, The Alliance Docs got an upgrade, adding a revamped overview page with use cases, an improved layout, infographics, and a detailed “How it Works” section, Warp Protocol launched on Terra’s Phoenix-1 mainnet, bringing unparalleled, decentralized automation capabilities to the TeFi ecosystem, TFL released ​the macOS beta version of Terrarium, a complete local Terra blockchain for developing and testing smart contracts, Genie launched its public beta, allowing protocols to create Web3 growth campaigns, CMDX and CMST were added to Station, Dexter Money released details on its tokenomics, Redacted Money added support for axlUSDC and axlUSDT, White Whale’s token, WHALE, started trading on Terra, White Whale announced that it would be integrating Eris Protocol’s liquid staking solution on its new chain, Migaloo, Astroport integrated limit order functionality, allowing Terra users to buy and sell Terra assets a...

Community Update — January 2023

Community Update — January 2023 - The Terra ecosystem kicked off 2023 with a bang, announcing Station — an interchain wallet designed for simplicity and usability — several new products and features, three Alliance module integrations, and much more. Let’s get into it! — 🌎 Ecosystem Updates - TFL launched Station, a new interchain wallet incorporating chains like Mars, Osmosis, Axelar, and others, Enterprise Protocol released a deep dive into its roadmap and upcoming features, Sayve Protocol announced their IPC on Valkyrie Protocol, Apello launched their new Apello Sales Tracker Discord bot, allowing users to track NFT sales, Nauticus launched their V1 on Terra mainnet, TFL provided context on an issue with Jimmy Le not returning community funds to the Terra Community Pool, Illiquid Labs released their new NFT Multi-Sender and Airdropper tool, The community hosted a community AMA to discuss Enterprise Protocol and its roadmap, Nepture Finance provided a community update covering their money market, beta testing, risk frameworks, and integration docs, announced it would officially close down marketplace services on Feb. 15th, 2023, Dexter, a new AMM building on Terra, announced its presence and focus on building toward the Alliance LSD wars, Arbie launched a browser extension allowing users to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities on Terra, as well as monitor token pric...

Community Update — December 2022

Community Update — December 2022 - 2022 was a turbulent year for almost everyone within the crypto community. Still, as many take time off and wait patiently for the bear market to come to a close, LUNAtics remain focused on building the next generation of Web3 products and services. Let’s dive into the protocol launches, ecosystem developments, governance activity, and media features the Terra community saw in December! 👇 — 🌎 Ecosystem Updates - TFM became the first protocol to integrate DEX aggregation + NFT aggregation services on Terra, with additional features in its V2, Warp Protocol released its roadmap and discussed it on its community AMA, Warp Protocol published a Medium article outlining the protocol’s key functionalities and how they can be used to power the next generation of decentralized applications, Enterprise Protocol published a Medium article breaking down how its DAO management solution enables decentralized communities to organize and manage their DAOs, improving their flexibility, governance, and transparency, Warp and Enterprise released links to their community Discord and Telegram channels, Prism announced Prism V2, a yield-optimized L1 utilizing a hub and spoke model, Hermes Protocol made it possible to explore the blockchain without leaving Discord and introduced a new notifications API, Astroport delayed its $ASTRO unlocks by six months, Genie by Coinhall released a sign...

Introducing Station

Terra’s first step towards building the interface to Web3 is complete. We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Station 🛰 — an interchain wallet that simplifies the often complex, cumbersome process of interacting with multiple blockchain networks. With Station, users can easily stake, vote, send and receive tokens, and interact with their favorite dApps across all supported chains. Download Station on Mac, Download Station on Mac — M1 Chip, Download Station on Windows, Download Station on Linux (.rpm), Download Station on Linux (.deb), Download the Station Chrome extension, Download the Station Firefox add-on, Visit the Station web app, Note: If you already have Terra Station downloaded on your desktop, Chrome, or Firefox, reopen the app or refresh the extension, and you will be updated to interchain Station. — Defining the Future of the Interchain - At Terra, we envision a multi-chain future — one in which decentralized blockchain economies can align incentives with one another by creating bilateral, mutually beneficial economic agreements, and creating a new chain takes mere minutes. Station paves the foundation for this vision, providing those that automate chain genesis via Feather with immediate interchain wallet functionality, and supplying those chains that form economic alliances with others via Alliance with an easy-to-use, easy-to-integrate wallet to execute cross-chain transac...

Community Update — November 2022

Community Update — November 2022 - November was a banner month for Terra and the LUNAtic community. Aside from exciting new launches, updates, and governance activity, the future of Terra began to take shape. It’s becoming clear: Terra is soon to position itself as the interface to Web3. When every win matters, we’d be remiss not to call them all out. Onwards with your November community update! — 🌎 Ecosystem Updates - Harbor Protocol announces details around their airdrop, Stader Labs drops a new UI upgrade that enhances their staking experience on Terra, Do Kwon presents a proposal to position Terra at the center of the interchain, unveiling ideas for Feather, Alliance, and cross-chain Station/Finder, Alliance, a Cosmos SDK module that leverages interchain staking to form economic alliances among blockchains, introduces itself to the world, Coinhall’s Seer launches real-time data indexing infrastructure for the Cosmos ecosystem, Enterprise Protocol, a no-code solution to DAO management, launches in beta, Warp Protocol goes live on Terra’s testnet, bringing limitless on-chain automation to the Terra ecosystem, PRISM announces the launch of the prism validator and $PRISM airdrop, Based on the Genesis $LUNA airdrop schedules, vesting $LUNA begins to vest, Soil Protocol releases a video tutorial on how to launch an NFT project on Terra, TERRAN.ONE releases CWSimulate, an online playground and vi...

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