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KP3R Price   

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KP3R Price:
$526.6 K
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$9.9 M

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #KP3R today is $19.11 USD.

The lowest KP3R price for this period was $0, the highest was $19.11, and the current live price for one KP3R coin is $19.11028.

The all-time high KP3R coin price was $2,031.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of KP3R with market cap of SOL or other crypto coins.


The code for Keep3rV1 crypto currency is #KP3R.

Keep3rV1 is 4.3 years old.


The current market capitalization for Keep3rV1 is $9,881,259.

Keep3rV1 is ranking downwards to #568 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is medium during the past 24 hours for #KP3R.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Keep3rV1 is $526,602.


The circulating supply of KP3R is 517,065 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.

A highlight of Keep3rV1 is it's unusually low supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market.


KP3R is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 2 other blockchains.

See list of the KP3R Blockchain contracts with 3 different blockchains.


KP3R is integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 11 crypto exchanges.

View #KP3R trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #KP3R purchase.



yPRISMA Roadmap

With Prisma protocol fee distribution going live this week, now is a good time to highlight the current and future plans for yPRISMA. This update aims to bring yPRISMA users up to speed with how fee distribution will work and outline some ideas for improving the future yPRISMA staking experience. An initial smart contract architecture, on both Prisma and Yearn sides, will be enabled by the end of this week to permissionlessly stream bribe and fee revenue to yPRISMA stakers. Over time, we will move from this basic setup to a more innovative and permanent one, which includes a final staking contract (awaiting audit). We anticipate the audit and launch process to complete in approximately 2 months. To help set expectations, we’ve broken things down into 3 phases… — Phase 1: Yield Distribution - Enable distribution of Prisma protocol fees and incentive voting bribes to yPRISMA stakers this week beginning on Friday, December 22 at 00:00 UTC., A new simple staking contract has been deployed for users to deposit yPRISMA into to earn their share of fees., Fees will be distributed as an auto-compounding version of Prisma’s mkUSD stablecoin: yvmkUSD. This utilizes Yearn’s v3 vault technology and will support passive yield accrual, allowing each user’s positions to grow even if they wait to claim., Yield is deposited weekly and streamed proportionally to active stakers over a 1 week time period., This farm can be...

Yearn Finance yNewsletter #69

Welcome to the 69th edition of the Yearn Newsletter. Our aim with this newsletter is to keep the Yearn and the wider crypto community informed of the latest news, including product launches, governance changes, and ecosystem updates. If you’re interested in learning more about Yearn, follow our official Twitter and Medium accounts. — Summary. — yETH is Live, Yearn v3 is now (kinda) live (on Polygon). And so are the v3 Docs!, factory vaults are now available on Base!, ‘Drop the nance.’ is now, Yearn Remembers. Do you?, Yip-74 & YIP-75 Recaps, Yearn doesn’t use upgradable Proxies, yAcademy Highlights, Hack the Vault: GG, Content Feat. Yearn Contributors, #JustCornThings, Yearn subsidizes bounties on Vyperlang alongside Curve & Lido, Community and Ecosystem News, — yETH is Live. — yETH IS LIVE! May the memes be many, and the yETH yield be yolked. “But what if I don’t have yETH to stake to st-yETH?” Well, if you don’t have sfrxETH, or swETH, or wstETH, or ETHx, or cbETH to Deposit and acquire yETH on the site… …yETH is now available via @CowSwap ! Take your yETH to, go to Stake/Unstake, and stake your yETH to acquire st-yETH. Remember, yETH does not earn liquid staking yield — only st-yETH does. The APR isn’t Despicable — it’s the yield from last week. You ca...

Yearn Finance yNewsletter #68

Welcome to the 68th edition of the Yearn Newsletter. Our aim with this newsletter is to keep the Yearn and the wider crypto community informed of the latest news, including product launches, governance changes, and ecosystem updates. If you’re interested in learning more about Yearn, follow our official Twitter and Medium accounts. — Summary. — yETH Bootstrapping Heats Up as 8 LSTs Battle for 5 Spots, We Challenge You to Hack Yearn’s V3 Vault…for $20,000.00, Updates on Velodrome’s Boosted OP Vaults (inc. Wido Zap Support), New lp-yCRV Pool, and New Vaults ft. yLQTY, Sonne, & MAI, Yearn Highlights from ETHCC Paris, yAuditDAO yAudits V3 Vaults, engn33r’s insight at BlockSplit 2023, and yAcademy pointers, The OATH Foundation discusses empowering DeFi with Yearn, Yearn Stats, courtesy of Yearn’s Budget Request GitHub, Community and Ecosystem News Feat. Scraping Bits Podcast & Jackson, StaFi, Messari, Synthetix, and Inverse Finance, — yETH Bootstrapping Heats Up as 8 LSTs Battle for 5 Spots. — — yearn on Twitter: "yETH holders, voting is now live 🗳️Vote for the LSTs that you want to see included in yETH at launch.Remember, you'll receive incentives from the winning protocols whether you voted for them or not 🪙💰So vote with your heart anon... or / Twitter" - yETH holders, voting is now live 🗳️Vote for the LS...

Yearn Finance yNewsletter #67

Welcome to the 67th edition of the Yearn Newsletter. Our aim with this newsletter is to keep the Yearn and the wider crypto community informed of the latest news, including product launches, governance changes, and ecosystem updates. If you’re interested in learning more about Yearn, follow our official Twitter and Medium accounts. — Summary. — yETH: Bootstrapping — Whitelisting Now!, Yearn’s V3 & Uniswap’s V4: Parallels amongst (R)evolutionary Protocols, Yearn Gov [Proposal] Activate veYFI rewards with oYFI Gauges, New Velodrome OP Vaults, War Room Games with yAuditDAO and yAcademy at EthCC 2023, Yearn and other guest protocols discuss LSDs, hosted by RedStone, Community and Ecosystem News Feat. Ramses Exchange, Perpetual Protocol, Reserve Protocol, and AI, — yETH: Bootstrapping — Whitelisting Now!. — — yearn on Twitter: "yETH? Bootstrapping? Incentives?Let's learn about yETH bootstrapping and how protocols & depositors can play the incentive game to front run better rewards with less centralization in for the bootstrapping thread. / Twitter" - yETH? Bootstrapping? Incentives?Let's learn about yETH bootstrapping and how protocols & depositors can play the incentive game to front run better rewards with less centralization in for the bootstrapping thread. Whitelisting fo...

yETH: LSD Lobbying season is now open

yETH gives users a way to hold a basket of various Ethereum Liquid Staking Tokens (LSDs) in a single token. Giving them access to the best yields while spreading their risk across multiple LSDs. We are now opening the bootstrapping phase to launch yETH! — Bootstrapping: Whitelist, Incentives, and Votes - The bootstrapping consists of 3 phases: Whitelisting for LSD protocols, Deposit and Incentives, Voting, — Whitelisting Period for LSD Protocols - During the 3-week whitelisting period, LSD protocols interested in being included in yETH must pay a 1 ETH non-refundable fee, which turns into yield for st-yETH users. After paying the fee, protocols fill out a form with basic screening questions. Yearn reviews responses, but does not evaluate any merit of the LSD protocol beyond just looking for malicious submissions. Join the Whitelist, — Deposit and Incentives - The 2-week deposit phase starts concurrently with the final week of the whitelisting period. During this time, aspiring yETH users can deposit their ETH into the Bootstrapper contract, receiving 1:1 st-yETH tokens in return. The bootstraped st-yETH tokens are locked for 16 weeks. The 2-week incentive phase starts concurrently with the final week of the whitelisting period. st-yETH token holders can now create incentives for other st-yETH holders to vote for or against specific assets to be included in the yETH pool in the next phase. Deposit ETH, ...

Yearn Finance yNewsletter #66

Welcome to the 66th edition of the Yearn Finance Newsletter. Our aim with this newsletter is to keep the Yearn and the wider crypto community informed of the latest news, including product launches, governance changes, and ecosystem updates. If you’re interested in learning more about Yearn Finance, follow our official Twitter and Medium accounts. — Summary. — Then you Yearn, Shields Up, Yearn’s 4,980% TVL increase on Optimism, yAcademyDAO feat. Guest Speaker, Ali Atiia!, yAuditDAO wants you to read their Audit Reports, Yearn meets with Popcorn DAO, Pendle & unshETH, and Premia Finance, Community and Ecosystem News, — Then you Yearn. — — yearn on Twitter: "First they ignore you.Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you.Then... / Twitter" - First they ignore you.Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you.Then... Remember your unrelenting zeal and the loneliness that came with it because it motivated us to seek out others and build an international community. Remember the nay-sayers, the oppressors, and the critics, because, against all odds, our communities’ collaboration has yielded unquestionable vindication. Remember the battles fought and what we fight for because we have leveraged that adversity to make us stronger, smarter, and better at everything we do. Remember that you are not alone, Anon, for we all Yea...

Yearn Finance yNewsletter #65

Welcome to the 65th edition of the Yearn Finance Newsletter. Our aim with this newsletter is to keep the Yearn and the wider crypto community informed of the latest news, including product launches, governance changes, and ecosystem updates. If you’re interested in learning more about Yearn Finance, follow our official Twitter and Medium accounts. — Summary. — Optimism yVaults boosted yields are live!, Dump.Services, ApeWorX Ltd Debut: Chaosnet, yAcademy, yAuditDao, Community and Ecosystem News, — Optimism yVaults boosted yields are live!. — — yearn on Twitter: "Time to fire up the printer... / Twitter" - Time to fire up the printer... 25,000 $OP rewards per week, for 40 weeks! This boosted strategy is putting 1,000,000 $OP back into depositors’ wallets! Enjoy boosted yields and lower gas transaction fees on Optimism’s L2 Network. Depositing is easy, but just in case you’re new to the space, check out these step-by-step instructions: ELI5: How to ape into the boosted yVaults: Step1: Visit Yearn.Finance/vaults., Step 2: Switch your network to Optimism. Depending on your wallet provider, you may be able to use the network selection feature in the top right of Yearn’s Vaults page:, Step 3: Select one of the yVaults reflecting “REWARD”:, Step 4: You will see a banner confirming that the Vault is receiving an Optimis...

Yearn Finance yNewsletter #64

yNewsletter #64 May 16, 2023 Welcome to the 64th edition of the Yearn Finance Newsletter. Our aim with this newsletter is to keep the Yearn and the wider crypto community informed of the latest news, including product launches, governance changes, and ecosystem updates. If you’re interested in learning more about Yearn Finance, follow our official Twitter and Medium accounts. — Summary - yAuditDao: 1337 Codebase Auditors Enhancing Protocol Scalability via Comprehensive Security Reports, complete with risk-mitigating strategies and solutions. yAudit is Yearn’s auditing wing that shares 10% of revenue generated with Yearn. Already rapidly scaling, EOY Yearn revenue target for 2023 is $80k!, ApeWorX Ltd: “Futureproofing Web3” via Ape Templates and plugin structures to “make whatever you want in Web3”. Devs at Yearn discuss how they utilize Ape’s helpful tools in various ways., 4626 Alliance: A group of leading protocols and applications unified in building with the ERC-4626 tokenized vault standard. ERC-4626 will be used by Yearn’s v3 vaults for easier vault integrations, plugin utility, and far-reaching “composability across the entire ecosystem.”, Dump.Services: We highly encourage you watch the Launch Video. Developed by Yearn & Cowswap, you can now “dump multiple tokens in a single tx.” Spend Less to Dump En Masse., Euler Hack Funds Recovered: Yearnfi, alongside idlefinance and AngieProt...

Yearn Finance Newsletter #63

yNewsletter #63 - Welcome to the 63rd edition of the Yearn Finance Newsletter. Our aim with this newsletter is to keep the Yearn and the wider crypto community informed of the latest news, including product launches, governance changes, and ecosystem updates. If you’re interested in learning more about Yearn Finance, follow our official Twitter and Medium accounts. — Summary. — yETH! YIP-72 Passes!, Yearn Finance Alpha: Budget Requests & V3, Exploit on iEarn, Yearn’s Graphic Novel!, Community and Ecosystem News, — yETH! YIP-72 Passes! - veYFI voters have overwhelmingly voted ‘For’ the launch of yETH on the recent snapshot: YIP-72: Launch yETH! Going forward, holders of st-yETH will decide yETH’s future: “yETH is designed to be governed by its token holders who decide on assets to onboard and configure the protocol.” Attention fellow LSD Protocols: The yETH Proposal section, ‘yETH in a nutshell’ has a few points worth noting: yETH’s voting mechanisms encourage inclusivity of additional LSD’s for the yETH’s index, and is poised for the adoption of up to 5 LSDs upon launch (see section 5.4). If you’re a protocol that wants to take this trip with Yearn, all Protocols will have a chance at whitelist per Section 5 (and Section 3.2)., How does yETH benefit st-yETH holders? Consider the bribe system for weighting. st-yETH holders get 90% of yield from eth staking, plus swap fees,...

Permissionless Yearn Vaults

wavey0x.eth on Twitter: "Yearn vaults have always been permissionless to create. With this change, ANYONE can now do the following in a single click:- deploy vault- deploy strategy- register both into Yearns prod registry- auto-populate vault on website... no dev required / Twitter" - Yearn vaults have always been permissionless to create. With this change, ANYONE can now do the following in a single click:- deploy vault- deploy strategy- register both into Yearns prod registry- auto-populate vault on website... no dev required Yearn’s Vault Factory is a new way for anyone to create and register yield-generating yVaults through one simple interface quickly. It automates the deployment processes, making it easier for users to access ready-made yield strategies that can be applied to specific DeFi protocols. The factory allows users to deploy Yearn Vaults rapidly and set up risk-adjusted yield strategies with just a few clicks, plus the deployment process does not require any human involvement! We also refer to these vaults as “permissionless” or “automated” vaults. User Interface:, Ethereum Contract: 0x21b1FC8A52f179757bf555346130bF27c0C2A17A, Documentation:, — How Does the Vault Factory Work? - — Adam Cochran (adamscochran.eth) on Twitter: "43/268Yearn also has started to create automated factories that allow any project to deploy autom...

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