| KogeCoin 
KOGECOIN Price: | $0.000485 | | Volume: | $20 | All Time High: | $1.52 | | Market Cap: | $24.2 K |
Circulating Supply: | 49,885,595 |
| Exchanges: | 2
| Total Supply: | 49,885,595 |
| Markets: | 3
| Max Supply: | 50,000,000 |
| Pairs: | 3
The price of #KOGECOIN today is $0.000485 USD.
The lowest KOGECOIN price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000485, and the current live price for one KOGECOIN coin is $0.00048503.
The all-time high KOGECOIN coin price was $1.52.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of KOGECOIN with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for KogeCoin crypto currency is also #KOGECOIN.
KogeCoin is 3.5 years old. |
The current market capitalization for KogeCoin is $24,196.
KogeCoin is ranking downwards to #1011, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a very weak daily trading volume on #KOGECOIN.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for KogeCoin is $20.00. |
The circulating supply of KOGECOIN is 49,885,595 coins, which is 100% of the maximum coin supply. |
KOGECOIN has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 2 crypto exchanges.
 New Maintainer for KogeFarm! This is a bittersweet moment for us original maintainers of KogeFarm. Fourteen months ago, KogeFarm was founded on a mission of bringing ultra low cost and non-custodial yield optimization services to the masses:Low cost, because we were disgusted by the fact that our competitors had service fees that simply didn’t make sense. Deposit/withdrawal fees were rampant, and performance fees were incredibly disproportionate to gas costs. We had a vision of enabling ultra low cost yield farming for the masses.Non-custodial, because we strongly believed in the crypto ideals of trustlessness and decentralization. Our contracts were designed to be immutable and non-upgradeable, so users didn’t have to trust anyone nor any multi-sig/timelock for the security of their funds. This proved to be incredibly useful. Over time, many of our competitors with more centralized designs got hacked, but KogeFarm has never had a single incident. However, it became clear that more resources were needed for Koge to reach its full potential. KogeFarm has a great mission and a great community, but the original development team simply could not commit as much time to it as it deserves, and so we were the weakest link in the enterprise. Getting a more professional team to maintain KogeFarm would be a win for all. That’s why we are excited to announce that Saffron.Finance has agreed to take over as the new KogeFarm maintainers. We have agreed to serve... 
|  CypherD Wallet x KogeFarm Partnership (Airdrop Available!) CypherD is a non-custodial crypto wallet provider backed by the prestigious Y Combinator. They also offer a crypto debit card. As a non-custodial yield aggregator, KogeFarm and CypherD are natural partners in terms of building the future of decentralized finance. To increase the adoption of their wallet, the CypherD team is giving a free airdrop to KogeFarm users! They’re giving our users 1000 KogeCoins (~$22 value) just for downloading and trying out their wallet. They’re a public, well backed team, so we encourage Koge users to check them out! Here are the details: 1000 $KOGECOIN AirDrop (first 500 users) Criteria: A Wallet that deposited in one of the Polygon Network KOGE Vaults at least once on or before April 20 2022. 200 $KOGECOIN AirDrop (first 1000 users) Criteria: A Wallet that has at least 5 transactions on Polygon Network on or before April 20 2022. Steps to redeem the AirDrop All steps have to be completed before April 26 2022 11:59 PM PSTDownload CypherD Mobile Crypto Wallet on iOS/Android https://cypherd.io/Import the same wallet you used to interact with one of the KOGE vaultsNavigate to https://kogefarm.io/vaults on CypherD Mobile WalletConnect your WalletDeposit/Withdraw with one of the KOGE Vaults from CypherD Wallet and take a screenshot that shows both the transaction hash and the wallet address as shown in the example below. 6. Email support@cypherd.io with the screenshot and the actual wal... 
|  Introducing KogeX: a Bonded Liquidity Swap and Bridge Update: KogeX has been postponed due to market conditions surrounding Olympus DAO forks. Bonding (3,3) as introduced by Olympus DAO is now all the rage. Many think that this will be the new way through which protocols attract and manage treasury assets. In the sense that yield farming, which KogeFarm excelled in facilitating, can be characterized as Defi 1.0, bonding has often been called Defi 2.0.OlympusDAO treasury assets over time While Olympus and its forks were excellent at attracting treasury assets, as shown in the above graph, they have the problem that the liquidity bonded to it serves no purpose other than as a price floor for their token. This is where KogeX comes in: we will build the first DEX and bridge with the treasury assets, so that the protocol will earn sustainable income from trading and bridge fees, which will lead to higher APYs and a price floor that keeps on rising. The trading and bridge fee income will help provide sustainable APYs. For example, OlympusDAO currently has a APY of 7,266%. If, in addition, KogeX can generate a 100% return from trading and bridge fees, we’d boost that APY to 14,532%. If we can generate a 50% return, we’d boost that APY to 10,899%. To the extent that generating high, sustainable, APYs is attractive to investors, KogeX will become one of the most attractive bonded liquidity protocols. Our innovation is to use bonding as a way to attract liquidity for our DEX and br... 
|  KogeFarm has partnered with ImmuneFi to further protect user funds! KogeFarm’ contracts have been used in production since May 2021 and have been audited twice, so we generally consider them as being pretty secure. When it comes to security, though, we want to take every measure available to us and not cut any corners. And that’s why the KogeFarm team has partnered with ImmuneFi by offering a $25k bounty for white hat hackers who can find security vulnerabilities. The bounty has been funded by the team’s personal savings. Details of the bounty can be found here: https://www.immunefi.com/bounty/kogefarm.Security is KogeFarm’s top priority This partnership will provide an additional layer of protection for our users as white hat hackers will have a means of getting compensation from the team for detecting vulnerabilities, rather than running into the legal risk involved with taking user funds. It will also make KogeFarm more appealing to mainstream users for whom security is of the utmost importance. KogeFarm has partnered with ImmuneFi to further protect user funds! was originally published in KogeCoin on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  Love turtles? Cross-chain partnership with TurtleTanks NFT project on Ethereum announced! Picture of a Turtle Tank To bring more utility to KogeCoin holders, we are excited to announce a cross-chain partnership between us and the TurtleTanks NFT project on Ethereum. Turtle Tanks is a new NFT project minting on Ethereum this Friday, 9/24! They feature full-bodied, uniquely crafted turtles that you can load into a “turtle arcade” and win ETH by playing nostalgic games like Artillery. They actually had Dez Bryant tweet about them: https://twitter.com/DezBryant/status/1439407771460407296. If you stake more than 500 KogeCoins in the Koge single vault by Thursday, 9/23 11pm ET, you will gain access to their presale, typically reserved for early supporters or followers in their community. Access to the presale allows you to mint NFTs ~2 hours before everyone else for .05 ETH, so no gas wars! We recommend having at least .07 ETH in your Ethereum wallet, though, to cover gas fees. Also, if their project is a success, TurtleTanks will be giving KogeFarm a portion of all fees collected which we will later determine what to do with a DAO vote. This way, the partnership benefits both communities. If you haven’t yet gotten into NFTs, this is an excellent opportunity to get your feet wet with a fun project and great artwork. Hop in their Discord, and let them know you come from Koge! We are excited to see your turtles! Website: https://www.turtletanks.net/ Discord: https://discord.gg/Df428BbdpS Twitter announcement: h... 
|  KogeCoin Whitelisted on QuickSwap! Effective 07/28/21, KogeCoin is now whitelisted on QuickSwap! This act of trust from QuickSwap is a welcome recognition of our hard work in building a lowest fee (by far) yield optimizer on Polygon over at KogeFarm.io. It also gives KogeCoin hodlers more rewards in the QuickSwap KOGE-MATIC liquidity pool!What does this mean for our hodlers? QuickSwap’s whitelisting of KogeCoin brings our hodlers a few key benefits.QuickSwap’s stamp of approval — You now have a little more peace of mind investing with KogeCoin. This act of trust by QuickSwap only solidifies our commitment to providing a first-class token to the crypto community.QUICK rewards for LP providers — On top of the typical trading fees, all LP providers in the QuickSwap KOGE-MATIC LP will receive a percentage of two QUICK tokens per day! Disclaimer: Currently, to receive your share of the QUICK rewards, you must stake your LP tokens directly on QuickSwap. You should compare APRs between the Koge-Matic farm at kogefarm.io/farms and the one offered by QuickSwap to decide where to stake.No more searching for the KogeCoin contract address — To purchase KogeCoin, you no longer have to go searching for our contract address and wonder if you’re purchasing the right coin. You can simply search for KogeCoin on QuickSwap, and know you’re buying the official KogeCoin token.No need to input the contract address to buy KogeCoinsNo more unnecessary trust... 
|  KogeCoin Logo Contest Background: The KogeCoin community held a logo contest between May 31-June 7. The prize pot of 15,000 KogeCoins (10k for winner, 5k for runner up) rose significantly in value since then, from ~$150 to ~$1200, so we decided to wait until we finish our DAO to vote. Our DAO is now ready for use! Here is the shortlist for voting at vote.kogecoin.io: bishop23:, — @bishop2315 2. Noel: — @Noel38951119 3. Dachom #SPN: — @SayaX122 4. Bansi lal ketki: — @BansiKetki 5. Dspot Developer: — @Dspot_Developer 6. cLEarnProject: — @cLEarnProject 7. Hecta: — @Hector15403335 8. Jose Andres: — @JosAndr64198590 9. Rajkumar Chakraborty: — @raj150194 10. Cryptobarraco: — @cryptobarraco 11. Jacob Abraham: — @Jacob_8286 12. Rival Kent: — @KentRival 13. elit.eth — @ElitUmbr
|  The KogeCoin genesis airdrop has now finished! 🎉🎉The KogeCoin genesis airdrop has now finished!🎉🎉 KogeCoin was launched via airdrop to the community we serve, the Polygon/Matic Network users, back when only QuickSwap was available. By doing so, we were able to build up an early group of proven HODLers who has not sold their bags despite large price fluctuations in the 4 week airdrop period. We believe that this is a much more solid foundation to build upon than the traditional launch which might be sniped by bots/whales. Now, our airdrop phase has ended. 45.1 million KogeCoins have been withdrawn from the Airdrop contract and into a dedicated wallet, where it will then be distributed to holders via KogeCoin and KogeCoin LP staking after June 10: https://explorer-mainnet.maticvigil.com/tx/0xa1650c2ee3956304a459ce6c161bc86d06f16ff9bc754679533dc49ae15ce8a1/token-transfers. We are excited to exit our genesis stage and enter the next phase of becoming a useful store of value for the Polygon community! I believe we have one of the most dedicated bases upon which to build. Our token website has also been updated to reflect the end of our airdrop: https://kogecoin.io/. Find out more about our token there!
|  KogeCoin Logo Contest Background: KogeCoin is a community token on Polygon that launched by airdropping 96% of our supply to all early QuickSwap users. This means no whales/bots were buying at launch. HODLers of KogeCoin and KogeCoin LP tokens will be able to stake them at https://kogefarm.io, an auto-compounding defi service developed for the benefit of KogeCoin holders, for rewards after June 10. We need a logo. Instead of paying a fancy designer, we’ve decided that it is best to source it from our own community. The community has voted to allocate 15,000 KogeCoins for logo contest rewards (currently around ~$150 value). This is significant but still on the low end for a logo design. The rewards are high because we want high quality submissions! 🐥KOGECOIN Logo Contest — 15,000 KOGECOIN (~$150) Rewards🐣 ▶️ The logo may be related to our mascot, the KogeCoin Koala. Feel free to incorporate elements of our project (e.g. Polygon, Community, KogeFarm). Bonus points for submissions with two color variations that each work with a light/dark background. 🏆💪 Submissions will be shortlisted by the team then voted on by the community. Top submission will receive 10,000 KogeCoins, runner-up will receive 5,000. Here are the rules: 1. All logos must be original! Don’t steal any part of it from proprietary sources or we’ll all run into trouble with intellectual property. 2. Submit your logo (or pair of logos, for those that separat... 
|  A plan for KogeCoin’s unclaimed tokens We need to make an important decision for KogeCoin. First, some background. We envisioned KogeCoin to be a community token on Polygon, and launched by airdropping 96% of its supply to all users who’ve used QuickSwap before May 3. That airdrop will end around June 3, with any unclaimed tokens planned to be given to HODLers in a second airdrop. Now, we have run into a conundrum. While our prices have risen significantly since launch and we have developed a novel auto-compounding defi utility on Polygon over at KogeFarm, over 90% of the tokens we allocated for the airdrop are still unclaimed. If we were to conduct the second airdrop as originally planned, it would lead to a sudden 10x inflation in circulating supply which will be devastating for the KogeCoin price and our current LP providers, who are not earning any rewards right now and are only doing it out of kindness to our community. We have discussed this extensively in our Telegram chat, and have come up with two proposed solutions. They mostly involve distributing the remaining tokens over time through staking at KogeFarm rather than a sudden airdrop. Staking has increased in popularity significantly on Polygon, and doing it this way with a high APR may attract new investors and increase the price, thus benefiting HODLERs. We are putting it up to a vote! Here are your three options. Option 1: 2x HODLERs in a second airdrop, then contribute the remaining 20% to KogeCo... 