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KAE Price   

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KAE Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #KAE is $0.93 USD.

Please note that the price of #KAE was last updated over 770 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #KAE statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest KAE price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.930, and the exact last price of KAE was $0.93018.

The all-time high KAE coin price was $65.85.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of KAE with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Kanpeki crypto currency is #KAE.

Kanpeki is 1.2 years old.


The current market capitalization for Kanpeki is not available at this time.

Kanpeki is ranking downwards to #12274 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is unknown today for #KAE.


The total supply of KAE is 447,078 coins.

Note the unusually low supply of Kanpeki coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


KAE is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 1 other blockchain.

See list of the KAE Blockchain contracts with 2 different blockchains.


KAE exchange data is not currently available.



Ossification: Part 3

The observation period has come to an end and Kanpeki is ready to be fully ossified. This represents the last and final act of “development” that will be carried out on the platform. That, naturally, has certain implications. — KAE - The KAE token will cease to be mint/burn-able (by non-contracts that haven’t been granted that ability). In other words, no person will be able to mint or burn KAE, and only contracts that have been designed to do so will henceforth have that ability. Now-excess tokens of ~167K KAE that were optimistically allocated towards development will be burned beforehand as there is no future development left to be done. — Platform - As stated in prior parts, the ossification of the platform means it will no longer updatable — its immutable. Nothing can be added or removed under any condition. There are what should be obvious coercion-resistance benefits to this but, like most things, also downsides. The most obvious one being risk — if, hypothetically, someone discovers some first/third-party bug, this cannot and will not be fixed. This is a risk that should be taken into consideration when using the platform. Just as with the benefits, you are liable for the risks by virtue of using the platform. — Interface - While there currently exists a “canonical” UI, this is unmaintained and will eventually expire. Regardless, the contracts remain open to access to anyone di...

Ossification: Oracle Update

As part of the preparation for the final part of the Ossification process, the KAE price oracle is being updated to tweak how an account that can update the price is determined. The update will be live within 36 hours. You don’t need to do anything. Note: a “recently active borrower”, as mentioned in the last update, is a user whose most recent debt is less than 2 weeks old i.e. a user that has borrowed within the last 14 days. — What’s Next? - That will be all for now.

Ossification: Staking Update

As part of the preparation for the final part of the Ossification process, the staking contract has been updated to introduce a relatively minor change in how a discounted account is determined. The current lack of activity allows this change to happen as it doesn’t disrupt anything. The implication of this change is that you’ll need to unstake from the old contract before using the app again if you want your stake to count. Nothing will happen to your tokens if, for whatever reason, you refuse to do so but understand your old “stake” will count for nothing. — Unstaking - go to the contract page, click “Connect to Web3” and connect the wallet you staked with, scroll down until you see “unstakeForDeposits” and/or “unstakeForDebts”, the labels mean what they say so click “Write” under either (or both) that match your case and confirm the transaction(s), After you do that, you can proceed to use the app as before. — What’s Next? - The preparation continues. That will be all for now.

Ossification: Part 2

Part 1 of the Ossification process is complete and borrowing is now unpaused (and for the last time, barring some unforeseen event). Aside from updating the collateralization of Eth to be in line with other non-stablecoins on the platform, there are other changes. — KAE Oracle - This is the contract that provides a time-weighted average price of the KAE token. Users of the platform are advised to update it as often as possible to ensure correctness. As stated in Part 1: it can only be updated by any recently active borrower with an active stake of at least 2x the minimum stake amount, it can only be updated once every 24 hours, Note that updates here change the reward due for repayment as well as the expected minimum stakes. — Buy-backs & Burning - The ability to buy-back and burn KAE using fees charged by the platform is now live. As a symbolic gesture, a small part of the fees was used to buy-back and burn some KAE. The remaining fees have been transferred over to burner contract and any future burn is entirely in the hands of users. As stated in Part 1: only those that are able to update the KAE oracle can call the burn function, the KAE oracle must have been updated within the last 24 hrs to be able to use this, to burn a token, the token balance of the burner contract must be greater than zero, only one token, for an amount of value not exceeding ~$1,000, can be burned at a time, should the abo...

Ossification: Part 1

From the start, the end goal with Kanpeki has always been to create something that requires no “specific group”, manual management. “ossification”, to put it simply. Creating contracts that, as per the docs, any individual can interact with has been achieved but ossification has so far remained in limbo. While it may have been tolerable in the past under more naïve (and euphoric assumptions), the liability of continuing with that status quo is increasingly — and arguably has always been — problematic. So why? — Oracles - Just about everyone involved with defi today has some familiarity with the concept of “oracles”. Unfortunately, despite endless examples of the very dire consequences of playing fast and loose with this critical component, many individuals — focused on their own short-term gains — continue to do so and/or put forward “helpful suggestions” promoting it as a valid option to devs. To reiterate a point that has been made several times before: Kanpeki is, and will remain, exclusively dependent on Chainlink as a price-feed oracle for anything that can be deposit/borrow-ed on the platform. Rehashing why is not the focus of this article (there exists a litany of googleable articles for those interested in adequately informing themselves). This fact may displease some people and that’s okay — they’re welcome to bear such risks in their own endeavors. Relying on ...

Restarting Borrowing, Configuration Update, and New Asset Support

The update to fix the issue with liquidations is complete and so, after exactly (coincidentally) a month, borrowing on Kanpeki is resuming.Configuration Update Given the fairly significant changes in the market since launch, the settings of a couple things in the app are proportionally increasing by 3x. Ideally, these changes would be automated but until a viable path towards that is clear, changes are manual. This change affects the rewards due for borrowing as well as the amount of KAE (and the minimum amount of KAE) needed for staking. This can mean if, thus far, you’ve only staked the barest minimum, your current stake will almost certainly be insufficient for discounts going forward. Go to the app to familiarize yourself with the new figures and your status.New Asset Support As an observational — for lack of a better term — experiment, support for the WBTC token is being added. This means you can deposit it, as well as use it as collateral. Follow the project on Telegram and Twitter to keep up with future updates.

Borrowing Contract Update

To enable an update to the full liquidation functionality of debts in Kanpeki, the ability to borrow is being paused temporarily. This pause will last no fewer than 10 days and will be removed after the update is live. This update does not affect and is unrelated to deposits, repayments, topping-up of collateral, or anything else that isn’t, specifically, borrowing or extending a debt. Those continue as normal.Why? During a full liquidation, a minor case of double-counting leads to more of the liquidated collateral being sent to the burner address than should be. In the short term, dealing with this involves sending the excess back to the relevant collateral vault.Why Pause? While the contracts of Kanpeki are, at this time swappable (rather than updatable), for security reasons and to ensure the “non-custodial” label does have weight, the system has been designed such that it is impossible to correctly change core contracts capable of transferring user-deposited assets. Simply, it is impossible to swap in the updated contract handling borrowing until every existing debt has been repaid (or liquidated as the case may be), hence ensuring the various collateral vaults are free of users’ assets.Wen Unpause? As indicated above, every current debt needs to be repaid for the update to happen. Every debt has a 9 day cooldown period and contract swaps have a 24 hr cooldown meaning the pause can be lifted no sooner than 10 da...

Kanpeki is Live

One year ago today, Yield, the mvp implementation of our fixed-rate, incentivized borrowing, and lending platform (a mouthful, we know) launched. And today, as Kanpeki, a new version is launching. Cutting right to the chase…What is Kanpeki? Kanpeki is a non-custodial, fixed-rate, incentivized borrowing, and lending platform. “ugh, yet another lending platform” might be the reaction. Understandable, virtually every lending platform in the last year or so has been the same thing with tweaks. However, Kanpeki isn’t yamm — yet another money market — but a new design built from the ground up with not just fixed rates but incentivized borrowing in mind. “that’s nice, what’s in it for me tho?”What’s in it for borrowers? Depending on how active you’ve been in the space, you’ve probably seen one or more projects introduce one or more “borrow incentives”, typically to boost their TVL for a bit. Kanpeki is different. Here, incentivization is core to the tokenomics and it never “runs out”. Every time a borrower repays a loan, they’re eligible to mint an amount of KAE tokens proportional to the interest they paid, and the duration of the loan. With this, Kanpeki practically covers the full spectrum of borrowing i.e.:borrowing where you pay a fee and interestborrowing where you pay no fee but only interestborrowing where you pay neither a fee nor interestborrowing where you, effectively, pa...

Kanpeki Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds to Help Secure Fixed-Rate Borrowing and Lending Services

With our recent rebrand from Yield to Kanpeki and transition from MVP, we’re excited to announce that Kanpeki — the fixed-rate, fixed-term, incentivized borrowing & lending platform — will integrate Chainlink Price Feeds as our exclusive oracle on Fantom and other blockchains. By integrating the industry-leading decentralized oracle network, we will gain access to the highest quality and most decentralized source of financial market data for an increasing number of crypto assets. Chainlink is will be used to accurately determine principal amounts, collateral ratios, and more, which help secure user positions on Kanpeki. Powered by provably robust infrastructure, built-in flash loan resistance, and extreme reliability during periods of high gas prices, Chainlink decentralized price oracles provide users with greater assurance that their positions consistently reflect current market conditions.What Is Kanpeki? Kanpeki is an incentivized, non-custodial, individualized, fixed-rate borrowing and lending platform. It is not a pooled money market. Instead, it is “individualized” in the sense that, unlike nearly every other DeFi lending platform, your choices remain unchanged regardless of what another party in the system chooses to do — depositing, withdrawing, or borrowing a million dollars worth of crypto. With our unique design, our MVP generated over $50K in interest on ~$1M worth of deposits in less...

We are now *ahem* Kanpeki

“no, we’re not the one from Mwali”, “it’s Yield, not ‘Yield App’”, “no, that one is VC’d” Depending on how long you’ve been following Yield, you’ve probably seen one or more variations of the above (and perhaps even thought so yourself). While the answer with regards to “rebranding” has always been that we’d rather not yield Yield, the benefits currently outweigh the downsides. And so, as we head into the launch of v2 of the platform, let’s introduce…Kanpeki Yes, Yield is rebranding to… Kanpeki. With the speculation of a rebrand in the last couple weeks, we’ve seen a bunch of suggestions, but most of them were a tad too on the nose with its “crypto/defi-ness”. Some musings and, in no small part, thanks to new pandemic-period interests, we arrived @ Kanpeki. What does it mean? Google Translate should offer a nice surprise. And the new logo (again)!But Yield (YLD)? You might’ve guessed already but the Yield (YLD) token is going to be swapped 1:1 to Kanpeki (KAE) tokens. KAE is, for all intents and purposes, practically identical to the current token save for the name and ticker. The swap will have a 45 DAY DEADLINE — November 10, 2021 (UTC), beyond which you cannot swap. After this period, several efforts will be considered and likely acted on to render the YLD tokens sufficiently useless. If you’re a liquidity provider in ANY of the YLD liquidity pools, either on Uniswap ...

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