| Investin 
| #IVN
IVN Price: | $0.34 | | Volume: | $10 | All Time High: | $2.48 | | Market Cap: | $1.1 M |
Circulating Supply: | 3,203,507 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 9,000,000 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 3
The last known price of #IVN is $0.34 USD.
Please note that the price of #IVN was last updated over 290 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #IVN statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest IVN price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.339, and the exact last price of IVN was $0.33922.
The all-time high IVN coin price was $2.48.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of IVN with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins. |
The code for Investin crypto currency is #IVN.
Investin is 2.6 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Investin is $1,086,689.
Investin is ranking downwards to #1513 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a very weak daily trading volume on #IVN.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Investin is $10.00. |
The circulating supply of IVN is 3,203,507 coins, which is 36% of the total coin supply.
Note the limited supply of Investin coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
IVN has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 3 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #IVN trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #IVN purchase. |
 Investin Update, Flash.Trade, and Airdrop! It has been some time since we have been able to provide an update on where our efforts lie. First, we will start off with a quick summary in what happened from our peak to where we are now. Then we will reveal our current approach and then things that we are keeping an eye on that might change that approach. Oh, and an Airdrop! — 1. What… Happened. - Leading up to October 2022, Investin was on a wonderful streak, with all-time high trading volumes and AUM on the protocol. These were funds ran primarily over Mango Markets and delivered returns to their investors. Behind the scenes, we were in talks with a number of protocols for further integration. During this time we also decided to open source the Mango based funds to further promote the growth and security of the Solana DeFi Ecosystem. And then, it all changed. Mango markets would be exploited on October 11, 2022 by a trader who is now under arrest. Thankfully, all investors would be made whole but it would shut down the most liquid perpetuals futures protocol on Solana for the foreseeable future. As the ecosystem recovered from that, in early November FTX and Alameda would be revealed to be fraudulent. This caused substantial turmoil as many protocols lost their treasuries and market makers lost significant funds. Unfortunately, to this day the Solana DeFi Ecosystem suffers from a significant lack of liquidity leaving us unable to safely deploy our investment poo... 
|  We are open sourcing. So far it is the norm to have a protocols code be closed source all over the solana ecosystem. There are notable giants on top of which most of Solana’s DeFi ecosystem runs on: Serum and Mango. Both of these protocols are open sourced and we are happy to say that we will be joining them. You can check out the github here: github.com But why? — Greater security and trust through openness. - Our developers are quite skilled and before any integration goes into production it is combed through for the security of all accounts. Every dollar that interacts with our contracts means everything to us. We are proud to say that there has never been a single dollar exploited from our contracts. However, all our code is new and been around for only 1 year. We are human after all and could have made a mistake. More eyes on the code means it’s more likely a mistake is caught before it causes material damage to our users.The largest DeFi exploits courtesy of rekt.news. That is a site we hope to never find Investin on. Open sourcing allows for anyone planning on committing funds to our contracts the ability to look over the code that will govern their clients’ money. It’s all out in the open and anyone can see that our platform has no way of appropriating your funds in a way you did not intend. This is needed in decentralized finance and especially an asset management platform. Billions of dollars has been lost to exploits and... 
|  Investin X Dialect Investin is always looking at the latest products within Solana and one that has caught our eye was Dialect. While at its core Investin is a financial protocol that enables a trustless relationship between Investor and Manager, anyone who has participated in that relationship knows how important it is to be able to get in contact with your Manager as an Investor or vice-versa. Previously, we put the onus on the Manager to create a discord or telegram and direct their Investors over there. However, now with Dialect the communication aspect of this relationship can be moved on-chain and contained within the Investin platform! This makes it more convenient for all parties involved and furthermore puts important communication on-chain. No retroactive editing, fully time stamped, and permanent.Simply click on the bell icon to get started! The first capabilities enabled with this new integration deals with pending deposits and withdrawals. Anytime a manager needs to attend to either of these actions they can receive a message to their wallet through Dialect and also choose to receive a message on Telegram. No more DMing or tagging on Discord for your Manager to process your deposit!Receive notifications related to your fund on Telegram! We will continue adding more capabilities for messaging within the Investin Platform between our users. As always, if you would like to see something integrated or improved feel free to reach out t... 
|  Mango Based Funds In the previous integration of Mango funds there were some limitations with a max of 3 perpetual futures positions and the only collateral available was USDC. These limitations are no longer! Now with the new Mango Based Funds on Investin a manager can do all things that a normal Mango account can do while also taking on investors. Furthermore, managers for Mango Based Funds can use the Mango interface they are surely familiar with. When creating a Mango based fund be sure to choose at the beginning. Quick Start Go to the “My Fund” tab on Investin and click “Start Fund.” Be sure to choose “Mango Market Maker” option., Click on the “Invest” button to add some beginning funds., Go to the subtab “Market Making” and click on “View on Mango.” From there you can trade as if it were a Mango account!, These funds are made for primarily for Market Makers on Mango as they needed all collateral options and access to all perpetual futures markets. However, you can use them to trade in anyway you’d like! Withdrawals Withdrawals work differently for these funds but still are noncustodial! Due to the complexity of the market making business there are now 2 types of withdrawals. First, a soft withdrawal which will send a notification to the Manager to free up the USDC needed to process your withdrawal. The Manager can settle this manually on their side. However, on Friday at 1:00 UTC there will always be hard ... 
|  Month in review: May Hello, Investin community, When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Hope everyone is doing well and stocked up to survive the bear market. Currently, we are focusing on our strengths i.e. to compose with the best protocols and work with market participants that require specialised vaults for Mango.markets and Orca. In short, the summary will be broken down into the following topics: Friktion integrated, Mango’s Market-making funds, Orca’s Whirlpool based funds, Stoploss/Take profit orders on Mango, — Friktion integrated ⚡️ - Friktion vaults on Investin For the first time, on-chain defi hedge funds can generate yields by depositing into specialized vaults that are built to take advantage of different market conditions and generate the best yield for the buck. We are proud to be the first to achieve this feat and have been spearheading the effort to compose the best DeFi protocols on Solana and be the one-stop shop for all things Trading/Investing. — Mango Market making funds 🥭 - Market making UI We are redesigning the Market making funds and working closely with a select group of traders to buidl the right product that market makers can use and access more capital in a non-custodial manner. These are the world’s first decentralized market making funds and last year we failed to get many traders onboard due to our lack of understanding of market-making and the product was too early for the... 
|  How Friktion’s Volt unlock Yields for Defi Hedge funds As we round up the final tests for the upcoming Friktion integration we wanted to give an overview of how defi option vaults generate returns and help fund managers to diversify their portfolios. Firstly, What are defi option vaults? Dubbed as DOVs are vaults in which investors/traders can simply stake their assets which deploy assets into options strategies. The strategies deployed provide the highest base yield in defi averaging 15–50% and the yields are auto compounded every epoch. The strategies used by these vaults are covered calls and cash-covered put strategies more coming soon. Let’s try to cover the basics of these strategies below: — What are covered calls?. — A covered call is a strategy which involves holding the underlying asset and writing a call option on the same underlying to collect a premium over the call without the strike being hit, by selling covered call options, the profit comes from an increase in the price of the underlying index above the exercise price, but they bear the risk of a decline in the index price or the call option expiring in the money. — What are cash-secured puts?. — Cash secured put is where you put up a quoted asset against an underlying asset. Selling a secured put is anticipating an asset’s market value will stage above a certain price and collecting premium from buyers. — Friktion Volts ⚡️ on Investin. — For the first time fund ... 
|  Announcing Investin’s $1.2M Funding Round Investin, Solana’s leading decentralized hedge fund management protocol, has raised $1.2 million in a strategic round led by GSR and 3KVC.The funding round also had participation from Big Brain Holdings, Norbert Bodziony (Synthetify) and Wojciech Cichocki (Invariant). Investin is a decentralised platform built on Solana that enables any trader to start their own DeFi hedge fund on-chain and access capital from investors in a trustless, non-custodial manner. Investors are able to access a wide range of assets across a number of products, including spot trading, perpetual futures, token lending and more. In the short period of four months since Investin launched on Solana mainnet, it has garnered more than 200 on-chain traders and +1000 investors leading to volumes of more than $22 million traded on the platform in a trustless manner. The protocol aims to bring all of the core trading and derivatives protocols under one offering through its flagship product DeFi hedge funds and allow traders to trade on spot, perpetual, options and non-crypto markets. This raise will accelerate the platform’s expansion plans, including support for new features like structured products, dated options and futures, AMM-pool liquidity provision, and broadening its user base beyond its crypto-native origins into the mass market. Investin is also planning to launch several new products, including a lending aggregator, automated market-making stra... 
|  Month in review: March Hello Investin community, We hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of Solana Summer as we chew glass to compose over all of Solana defi into Investin. We have set some high goals for this quarter i.e. to integrate new protocols into Investin every month and continue until Investin becomes the de facto protocol to trade or invest into defi. In short the summary will be broken down in following topics: Jupiter integrated, RPC improvements, Friktion integration, Removed minimum return %, Technical upgrades, Jupiter integrated🔗 After spending alot of sleepless nights figuring out the architecture we were able to pull off the integration successfully and the swaps have been working flawlessly, allowing fund managers to swap large amounts of tokens at best prices. We look forward on keeping this integration updated with new features from Jupiter. RPC improvements⚡️ We have improved the web3 logic to submit transactions on-chain and using high end rpc infra of our partner protocols i.e Mango and Jupiter to serve Investin users. And we recently added an feature to add custom rpc urls if the users wish to use Investin with their own high performance nodes. Friktion integration🔥 Solana’s leading DOV protocol friktion will be very soon integrated into Investin allowing fund mangers to access double digit passive gains. This integration allows Investin to offer active management over passive vaults and generate yields ir... 
|  Technical upgrades 0.1 Gm Investin community, hope everyone is doing fine coz the shipping velocity at Investin is reaching new heights everyday and to accommodate all the recent upgrades we pushed unto production we will be listing some of them in this article. Mango referral added to all the Investin mango accounts which gives everyone a 4% fee reduction, Now users can set custom RPC urls, Minimum return % has been removed which allows fund managers to collect performance fee effortlessly without going through the minimum return jargon., RPC performance has been upgraded by reducing number of on-chain calls further improving the load time and decreasing transaction drop rates., The mobile compatible designs are ready expect them to drop very soon, — 💬 Join Us! - Join discussion in our Discord at discord.gg, Don’t miss any update by following our twitter at twitter.com, Telegram group @ t.me, Technical upgrades 0.1 was originally published in Investin on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  Month in review: February Month in review: February 2022 - Hello Investin community, We hope that February has been a great month for you all though we had a possibility of an all out war we believe these are the times DeFi was built for, to sustain and establish itself as an alternate place for anyone to manage all their financial needs without trusting any government or authority. All in all the future for decentralized finance never looked so bright as current regimes fight for economic dominance. In short the summary will be broken down in following topics: Jupiter partnership and integration, Fund state expanded for future integrations, Snappy UI upgrades and overall improvements, Scoring mechanism, Wen trading competition?, Code open sourcing and audit, Jupiter partnership and integration 🔗 We are excited to partner with Jupiter and work with them to integrate Jupiter aggregator into Investin and use it as our main swap engine. This partnership allows Investin’s DeFi hedge funds offer best swap rates on all trades and provide best in class on-chain asset management Fund size increased We have migrated to bigger Fund accounts in order to allow for more future integrations. The account size was a huge limitation which made further integrations a bit tough, but migrating to newer and bigger accounts now give us more room for more composability. Snappy UI upgrades and overall improvements💡 We have overhauled Investin’s backend and reimag... 