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INFP Price   

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INFP Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$50.7 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #INFP is $0.000583 USD.

Please note that the price of #INFP was last updated over 710 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #INFP statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest INFP price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.000583, and the exact last price of INFP was $0.00058318.

The all-time high INFP coin price was $0.19.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of INFP with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for InfinityPad crypto currency is #INFP.

InfinityPad is 1.3 years old.


The current market capitalization for InfinityPad is $50,681.

InfinityPad is ranking upwards to #1725 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is unknown today for #INFP.


The circulating supply of INFP is 86,905,488 coins, which is 87% of the maximum coin supply.


INFP is a token on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain.


INFP has very limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 1 pairing and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.

View #INFP trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #INFP purchase.



InfinityNEXT Token Swap Ratio, Launch Timelines and Tiers Update

Dear InfinityNEXT community, we have been working behind the scenes to make sure that the product released is safe and secure for usage. Also, we discussed internally regarding tiers’ modification with the new token launch. Now, let’s understand the justification and motive behind the tier changes. InfinityNEXT token swap ratio After carefully analysing historical rebranding exercises by various projects, we decided to keep the token swap to 1:1 ration i.e., users can swap 1 $INFP for 1 $INXT at launch. InfinityNEXT tiers going forward Since we launched InfinityPad last October, things have changed dramatically. Almost every project has been hit hard in this bear market, especially launchpad tokens. The reason is obvious — less new projects thus less interest in buying and holding launchpad tokens. In Oct 2021, when we launched InfinityPad, we came up with below tiers based on then-market conditions and average investor investment appetite. Here is the link to the old tiers. Even if we change the tiers, please note that allocation calculations would remain the same as per the old article. As you can see, when we introduced tiers, our token was trading around $0.10 and that was the key driver behind designing the old tiers. Below is a snapshot of the old tiers: A couple of reason for new tiers: 1 — One of the main reasons is the significant token price drop due to overall market conditions. We have investo...

InfinityPad Introduces New IDO Process With the Goal To Protect INFP Community: Infinity Investor…

InfinityPad Introduces New IDO Process With the Goal To Protect INFP Community: Infinity Investor Protection — Effective from June 20, 2022, InfinityPad is introducing Infinity Investor Protection through its new IDO process for all upcoming IDO hosted on its platform.. — As you all know that market condition and market players have changed significantly during the last few months. InfinityPad being one of the most community-oriented launchpads, we have tried our best to find good projects and connect our community with them through IDOs. We scan a project through various lenses, such as regulatory, legal, financial, technology, and business acumen etc. Despite our exhaustive IDO selection process and hours, if not days, of hard work by INFP team, we as INFP community were hit by some projects that failed to deliver what they had promised. The reasons of this could range from delayed launch, ineffective marketing of product, to unethical token distribution, and unfavorable conditions beyond a project’s control. This resulted in negative sentiment towards our platform. While the sentiment is completely understandable, we also need to be cautious and find a balance between growth and performance. Everything evolves with time and we think it’s time for INFP to put checks and balances in place to ensure that we keep growing while our community’s investments are also protected from money-grab projects. The INFP t...

InfinityPad New Staking Pool

We are excited to announce that we’re launching InfinityPad’s new staking pool. This will be the ONLY pool to stake $INFP tokens to participate in IDOs as well as earn rewards. Please note that staking is mandatory in addition to the gleam forms from today onwards for all IDOs and for EVERYONE. This is to make sure that allocation is only given to the people who are actually willing to participate in IDOs and not every $INFP holders/ traders. Now, a few key points about the new staking pool. - The pool maturity is 30 days, i.e., rewards are distributed only at maturity but calculated daily based on number of tokens staked. The pool has pre-mature unstaking penalty as below:0–7 days, 25% penalty8–14 days, 12.5% penalty15–21 days, 6.5% penalty22–30 days, 3% penalty31 days and onwards, no penalty -Once you initialize unstaking, you won’t be able to stake tokens again until you claim. - All previous pools will be discontinued for new staking starting today and all tokens from the old pools will be airdropped to respective wallets after verification. Please follow below step-by-step guide to stake $INFP tokens to new pool.Go to and you’ll see below screen and you will get a metamask pop-up to connect your wallet. 2. Click on the pool and it will expand with below options: 3. Important — without entering any number or clicking on Max, CLICK ON APPROVE and confirm ...

InfinityPad Staking Guidelines and New Pool

Alright, $INFP community, let us breakdown the entire IDO whitelisting process once and final to improve our existing process. Current process: · People can stake or hold tokens to be eligible for IDOs · Top 3 tiers are guaranteed allocation and whitelisted by default · Top 3 tiers share 60% of the total allocation · Rest tiers share 30–40% of the total allocation depending on the project and allocation size · INFP tokens can be staked in one of the three pools we have as of today, 30/60/90 days. · Every pool has its own cooling off period and maturity time Issues with current approach: · Top 3 tiers are whitelisted by default but we don’t know if they’ll participate or not · Staking pools have issues such as people can’t stake more than once. That leads to unnecessary hassle to both INFP team and investors. Investors are forced to stake in three pools which is a headache for us when it comes to whitelisting. A lot of data compiling — which is not necessarily needed. This leads to delays and causes flood of questions in the community · Three pools too complex to manage and results in not-so-good user experience · Unstaking and cooling off period non-adjustable which leads to issues for migration to better contract Solutions to all of the above issues - Everyone who wants to participate in IDOs must stake INFP - INFP will deploy a single pool for staking INFP tokens to participate in IDOs as wel...

InfinityPad ($INFP) Staking Guide

5 million $INFP tokens to be rewarded to $INFP stakers! InfinityPad is super excited and pleased to announce $INFP staking for staking $INFP tokens to participate in IDOs hosted on InfinityPad’s platform as well as to earn juicy rewards in $INFP. Key points: Please read them carefullyThere will be a total of 5m $INFP tokens for rewards for the $INFP community in the first round of staking.The 5m reward is distributed in three staking pools with different APYs and different staking duration.Three pools are based on no of staking days: 30 days, 60 days and 90 days with 12%, 24%, and 36% APY respectively.You can stake ONLY once in a pool, so please make sure that you know the amount of $INFP you would like to stake in a pool. Of course, you can stake in multiple pools. If you want to stake more in a pool after your initial stake, then you must unstake previously staked tokens and then stake again. This is of course as per the cooling off period of the pool. For example, you staked 1000 $INFP tokens in the 30-day pool. If you want to stake more, let’s say 2000 more $INFP, then you must unstake the 1000 $INFP tokens, wait for the cooling off period, and then restake 3000 $INFP tokens in one transaction.In each pool, there is a cooling off period as per below:30-day pool: 7 days from the harvest transaction60-day pool: 14 days from the harvest transaction90-day pool: 21 days from the harvest transaction$INFP is different so ...

InfinityPad (INFP): NFT MAZE IDO Participants’ Guide

First of all, thank you everyone for your support. As promised, below is a step-by-step guide to participate in $MAZE pre-IDO. A couple of quick clarifications regarding the pool:Please note that the pool will be open to all whitelisted participants at Nov 18 16:00 UTC for 30 minutes. At 16:31 UTC, the pool will be open to the public with fcfs, if HC is not met.Guaranteed allocation tiers: Please note that it means that you’ve a reserved allocation and no lottery was required. In the pool, you MUST participate asap to avoid losing your allocation. Participation guide: 1. Go to 2. The moment, the IDO page is loaded, you would either see an alert on Metamask wallet Or see a Metamask popup asking you to connect or like in the below image: Alert on your metamask like below Or pop-up like below 3. If you don’t see the popup or alert, then please click on “Connect Your Wallet”. 4. On the pop-up, click on “Next” and then click on “Connect”. 5. Once you’re connected then you would see your wallet address in the header, your whitelist status and maximum allocation. 6. Once the timer is 0 i.e., at 16:00 UTC today, the “IDO Winners List” button will disappear and you’ll see token swap box: 7. Enter the BNB amount in the BNB area that you’d like to use to purchase $MAZE tokens. Please note that you can only buy upto your maximum allocation as mentioned below the swapbox. Please ...

InfinityPad (INFP): NFT MAZE ($MAZE) IDO Pre-IDO Winners

First of all, thank you everyone for the massive and overwhelming respond we got for our first pre-IDO. This goes to show how strong $INFP community is and that’s what we want to continue building. We selected NFT MAZE as our first project to host pre-IDO because we believe that $MAZE has the potential to build the next-level NFT marketplace. At InfinityPad, we have been bullish on NFT since start and we believe NFT and metaverse are going to be massive wealth creators in future. Once again, we are humbled by the outpour of interest and support for our first pre-IDO. We had over 4700 unique and valid whitelist applications. We took a bit longer than expected to crunch all numbers and filter out any bot entries. From the valid entries, we have whitelisted only 1000 addresses which were selected through guaranteed allocation (top 50 holder, infinity and galaxy) and randomly from our lottery (solar, moon, earth and community) for the sale pool! The winner will now get exclusive access to InfinityPad’s $MAZE pre-IDO pool taking place on on 18th Nov 16:00 UTC. We are excited to announce the whitelist winners for InfinityPad’s first pre-IDO NFT MAZE. Please note that the winners have a. maximum allocation but that doesn’t mean that everyone who is whitelisted will participate in IDO and buy for the maximum allowed allocation. That’s the basis of whitelisting over-quota to ensure that people who took e...

Summary of AMA with NFT Maze ($MAZE)

Opening by Andrea : Could you please introduce yourself to our Community? Answer : Hi Myslef Christopher Anderson, you can call me Kit. I am the project lead of NFT Maze along with Davide Ndungu. We have a team of other 3 supporting for development and marketing along with 3 community moderators looking after telegram chat support 24x7. We are expanding our team so anyone interested feel free to reach out to us. Q1. What is NFT MAZE? and how does it work? NFT Maze is a decentralized NFT Marketplace for Creating and Selling NFTs on the Binance Smart Chain.You can Create, Discover, Trade and collect your NFTs here. its an NFT marketplace designed to deliver an ultimate NFT journey experience to all NFT lovers! NFT MAZE came out when we observed market inefficiencies. For example, many users are hesitant from experimentation and exploration of NFTs because of very high network fees and even today there is nil to very limited support for commercial and licensed content by any NFT platform. Our goal is to create the most User-Friendly & Interoperable NFT platform which rewards its holder and is cost-efficient. So we will eventually integrate other networks like Solana (SOL) and Tezos (XTZ) which are doing great on NFT space and have low transaction fees along with BSC the King. Users will only pay 1% fee to use NFT MAZE platform irrespective of their activity type. Q2. What are the special features and advantages NFT MAZ...

InfinityPad: NFT MAZE IDO Participation Details!

InfinityPad is super excited and pleased to share details on IDO participation of InfinityPad’s first IDO — NFT MAZE. $INFP tiers calculations Please check this article to know $INFP token requirements for each tier. Regarding $INFP holding snapshot: As mentioned in the previous article, we are going to take random $INFP holders’ snapshot until 16th Nov 11:59 PM UTC. The First snapshot was taken today. Consequently, final holding will be the 7-day holding average. So, in case someone wants to move to higher tiers, s/he can purchase more tokens during the snapshot period. Regarding $INFP vested tokens from INFP sale rounds: Please note that all vested tokens from all sale rounds are counted towards $INFP tiers. Please check your daily holding status in this google sheet. It has both BSC snapshot and vested token holders’ addresses with balance. You may check your address there for your vested token balance as well. How to register for IDO participation? Anyone willing to apply for NFT MAZE IDO, please fill this form with required details. A couple of key points:$INFP holder with tokens holding above 50k will have pro-rated guaranteed allocation and are not required for any social task.The form itself takes about one minute. Please make sure that you’re entering correct details. Thank you and good luck to everyone! About InfinityPad InfinityPad is world’s first deflationary launchpad that is Chain-agnos...

NFT MAZE Launching IDO on InfinityPad!

InfinityPad is super excited and pleased to announce our first IDO — NFT MAZE. NFT MAZE ($MAZE) will conduct its pre-IDO round on InfinityPad and public sale on PinkSale platform. NFT MAZE is a decentralized NFT Marketplace for Creating, Discovering, Trading and Leveraging NFTs on the Binance Smart Chain; their goal is to create the most User-Friendly & Interoperable NFT platform which rewards its holders. Pre-IDO Details:Pre-IDO Whitelist Start Date: Nov 10, 00:00 UTCPre-IDO Whitelist End Date: Nov 16, 11:59 PM UTC$INFP Infinity and Galaxy tiers: Guaranteed allocation, social activities support optional but preferred. Daily random snapshot will be taken during whitelisting period and 7-day average holding will be used for allocation size$INFP Solar, Moon, and Earth tiers: Whitelisting required.$INFP Small Holders (less than 10k tokens): Whitelisting required, 1k $INFP for one lottery ticket.$MAZE Winners Announcement: Nov 17, 2021 18:00 UTC$MAZE Pre-IDO Date: Nov 18, 16:00 UTC$MAZE Pre-IDO price: 250,000 $MAZE Per BNBCurrency: BNBHardcap: 1,000 BNBSoftcap: 600 BNBVesting: 33% on TGE, 66.66% linear distribution over 3 months Allocation Pool Size by TiersIDO Tier Please note that since there is overlapping of Special tier and Infinity tier so, only for this IDO, we’re shifting 5% from that pool to the Earth pool. This is only valid for $MAZE IDO. Please note that as per InfinityPad’s requirement, $MAZ...

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