| Governance ZIL 
GZIL Price: | $3.19 | | Volume: | $62.3 K | All Time High: | $700 | | Market Cap: | $2.8 M |
Circulating Supply: | 559,969 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 559,969 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | 722,700 |
| Pairs: | 4
The last known price of #GZIL is $3.19 USD.
Please note that the price of #GZIL was last updated over 290 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #GZIL statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest GZIL price for this period was $0, the highest was $3.19, and the exact last price of GZIL was $3.18912.
The all-time high GZIL coin price was $700.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of GZIL with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Governance ZIL crypto currency is #GZIL.
Governance ZIL is 3.3 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Governance ZIL is $2,824,066.
Governance ZIL is ranking downwards to #2968, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a modest volume of trading today on #GZIL.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Governance ZIL is $62,259. |
The circulating supply of GZIL is 559,969 coins, which is 77% of the maximum coin supply.
A highlight of Governance ZIL is it's unusually low supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market. |
GZIL has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 4 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #GZIL trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #GZIL purchase. |
 With Zilliqa, do more with your GPUs, miners! Note: ➤ We’re on Slack and Telegram! Join our community, ask us questions, and get updated on the latest (and hopefully the greatest!). — It’s hard to turn anywhere and not find someone talking about the influence of blockchain technology and the various virtual currencies supported by it. Popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum rely on armies of miners to process and confirm the transactions that make up the blockchain platforms of each. While the payout for confirming blocks may be significant, the costs in terms of energy consumption are as well. One estimate provides data indicating that the Bitcoin blockchain currently incurs an energy toll fast approaching 28 TWh per year, while the Ethereum blockchain consumes around a third of that at close to 10 TWh per year. These numbers roughly correspond to the electricity consumption of medium-sized countries like Ireland, Bahrain or Georgia.Why Bitcoin/Ethereum mining is costly? The reason behind the high cost of mining has to do with the mechanism through which miners create blocks. The mechanism known as Proof of Work (PoW) pits processors against difficult math problems whereby proving the correctness of the solution and verifying it is very easy. However, deriving that specific solution is computationally intensive and hence energy consuming. In a PoW blockchain, every transaction is part of some block and the creation of each block requires huge co... 
|  Bounty program for 4 weeks, from 4 Nov 17 to 1 Dec 17 (TL;DR version) Refer to https://blog.zilliqa.com/zilliqa-bounty-program-68e6b7e8016f for a more complete version of the bounty programTL;DR There are 3 categories of bounty program:Community Creativity BountySocial Network BountyActive-Supporter Award 1. Community Creativity Bounty — (20k USD worth of ZILs allocated)Content creationReferral for content creationTranslation Interested please go to: https://bit.do/zilliqacommunitybounty. For further enquiries, please contact the admins on Telegram @zilliqachat. 2. Social Network Bounty — (20k USD worth of ZILs allocated) Points-based system; Bounty will be distributed based on points awarded; Every week, 5k USD worth will be distributed and then the points reset to zero MediumFollow us = 5 pointsRecommend 5 posts = 10 pointsRecommend 10 posts = 20 points Slack (invite.zilliqa.com or zilliqa.slack.com)Join = 10 points Telegram (t.me/zilliqachat)Join = 10 pointsInvite 5 = 10 pointsInvite 10 = 20 pointsInvite 15 = 30 points TwitterLike and retweet @zilliqa tweets5 tweets = 5 points10 tweets = 10 points Creative tweets with #ZILLIQA (2 tweets per day max)5 tweets = 10 points10 tweets = 20 points Suggested tweets:What you think are the coolest features of ZilliqaWhat use cases you would like to see Zilliqa being applied toNote: You must have at least 250 followers to be eligible. If you have >1000 followers, you will receive an additional 25% on the total number o... 
|  The Zilliqa Design Story Piece by Piece: Part 2 (Consensus Protocol) Note: ➤ We’re on Slack! Join our community, ask us questions, and get updated on the latest (and hopefully the greatest!). — With our previous article, we started a series to present Zilliqa’s design and protocol details. In the previous article, we discussed the idea of sharding — the core idea that makes Zilliqa scale, i.e., ensures that Zilliqa’s throughput increases (roughly) linearly with the increase in the network size. In this article, we present the second most crucial component of Zilliqa — its underlying consensus mechanism. Note that while reading the previous article first will certainly be useful, the current one does not require much background baggage either and should be an independent read. A quick recap of Part 1 on network sharding. In our previous article, we presented the idea of network sharding. Through network sharding, Zilliqa divides the mining network into smaller groups each referred to as a shard. Each shard is capable of processing transactions in parallel and hence yield high throughput. For security reasons, a shard must be sufficiently large, say with more than 600 nodes. Zilliqa performs network sharding using PoW.Importance of consensus protocol for high throughput Network sharding on its own cannot guarantee high transaction throughput. This is because the throughput is also determined by how fast each shard can agree on the next set of transactions and propose t... 
|  The Zilliqa Design Story Piece by Piece: Part 1 (Network Sharding) Note: ➤ We’re now on Slack! Join our community, ask us questions, and get updated on the latest (and hopefully the greatest!). — As introduced in our previous introductory article, Zilliqa is a new blockchain platform capable of processing thousands of transactions per second. Zilliqa hence has the potential to rival traditional payment methods (such as VISA and MasterCard). Even more importantly, Zilliqa’s transaction throughput increases (roughly) linearly with its network size. This article starts a series in which we break down Zilliqa’s design piece by piece. In this article, we present the core idea of sharding that makes Zilliqa scale. Sharding in Zilliqa takes many forms: network sharding, transaction sharding, and computational sharding. The most important being network sharding as the other sharding mechanisms are built atop the network sharding layer.So, what is network sharding anyway? Well, network sharding (which we will refer to in this article simply as sharding unless it is unclear from the context) is a mechanism that allows the Zilliqa network to be divided into smaller groups of nodes each referred to as a shard. Simply put, imagine a network of 1,000 nodes, then, one may divide the network into 10 shards each composed of 100 nodes. Network sharding is the secret sauce that makes Zilliqa truly scalable. Imagine our example network of 1,000 nodes. Zilliqa would automatically divide the netw... 
|  Zilliqa Keynote at SGInnovate Note: ➤ We’re now on Slack! Join our community, ask us questions, and get updated on the latest (and hopefully, greatest!). — A huge thank you to everyone who turned up at SGInnovate for our first public keynote, which was hosted by Ethereum Singapore. Our CEO, Xinshu, and Head of Marketing, Christel, were on hand to share an overview of Zilliqa’s conception, narrative, and technology features. You may re-watch the entire keynote here ⬇︎ https://medium.com/media/95dda6e5d63feb83016db00b2321d107/href Our presentation deck is now available for download on our Slack channel (#Announcements). Hop on over and speak to us today! Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing more posts about our technology, roadmap, and vision for the Zilliqa platform. Here’s how you can follow our progress — we would love to have you join our community of technology, financial services, and crypto enthusiasts! ➤ Follow us on Twitter, ➤ Subscribe to our Newsletter, ➤ Subscribe to our Blog, ➤ Ask us questions on Slack Zilliqa Keynote at SGInnovate was originally published in Zilliqa — Official Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  Zilliqa: Hello World! Introducing Zilliqa: A next generation, high-throughput blockchain platform The financial services industry has become a graveyard of Proof-of-Concepts (POC), with projects that never see the light of day. Amongst these POCs are cases where a blockchain need not be deployed, and there are others which have been hindered by existing blockchain protocols that do not scale. We decided to remove this hurdle by building a clean-slate protocol that could scale but without compromising resilience and security. Zilliqa is a new blockchain platform that is designed to scale in an open, permission-less distributed network securely.Scalability — The bottleneck for blockchains One of the most pressing problems facing blockchain platforms is their lack of scalability, i.e., the ability to handle a larger number of transactions per second as the network grows. It has been widely discussed that existing blockchains are not able to scale for the next generation of Internet-style applications. An often cited example is the 7–10 transactions/second (TX/s) available in Bitcoin and Ethereum today, and the demands of payment processing in centralised operators (e.g., VISA, MasterCard) for supporting thousands of TX/s.How does Zilliqa differ from existing protocols? Scalability. The core feature that makes Zilliqa scalable is sharding — dividing the network into several smaller component networks (called shards) capable of processi... 