| Geyser 
GYSR Price: | $0.035 | | Volume: | $770 | All Time High: | $1.76 | | Market Cap: | $344.4 K |
Circulating Supply: | 9,816,474 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 10,000,000 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 2
The last known price of #GYSR is $0.035 USD.
Please note that the price of #GYSR was last updated over 60 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #GYSR statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest GYSR price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.035, and the exact last price of GYSR was $0.03508.
The all-time high GYSR coin price was $1.76.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of GYSR with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Geyser crypto currency is #GYSR.
Geyser is 4.1 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Geyser is $344,391.
Geyser is ranking downwards to #6198 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a weak volume of trading today on #GYSR.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Geyser is $770. |
The circulating supply of GYSR is 9,816,474 coins, which is 98% of the total coin supply.
Note the limited supply of Geyser coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
GYSR has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #GYSR trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #GYSR purchase. |
 GYSR v3 is now live Introducing GYSR v3 GYSR has been live on mainnet for almost three years — the protocol has distributed over $26M in rewards to 6000 users across 500 pools and 3 chains. And we have learned a lot more about incentive tooling in the process. We spent the last year rethinking, redesigning, and building the next generation of this technology, dubbed internally as “GYSR v3”. In the leadup to launch, we have been releasing a series of articles highlighting the new capabilities coming with GYSR v3. This marquee post will serve as both an overview of the release and also an announcement… We are excited to share that GYSR v3 has officially launched on Ethereum, Polygon, and Optimism! Without getting too nostalgic, let’s do a quick review of how we got here. GYSR v1 focused on creating a developer tool that empowered people building on Ethereum with an audited, secure, and battle-tested platform for token distribution and yield farming. The main use case we saw across the first 91 Geysers that were deployed was incentivizing liquidity for token pairs on various automated market makers (AMMs) like Uniswap, SushiSwap, and Balancer. GYSR v2 introduced new modular architecture where the staking logic and reward logic are each contained within a swappable building block. This generalized our system by allowing users to select from a variety of staking and reward modules when creating a “Pool”, enabling new mechanisms su... 
|  GYSR v3: Tokenomics GYSR has been live on mainnet for over two years — the protocol has distributed over $26M in rewards to 6000 users across 500 pools and 3 chains. And we have learned a lot more about incentive tooling in the process. We spent the last year rethinking, redesigning, and building the next generation of this technology, dubbed internally as GYSR v3. GYSR v3 introduces key upgrades to the core incentives protocol, new powerful mechanisms (see Streams, Waterfalls), and a large expansion to the fee system. All considered, this means more flexibility, better interoperability, and improved tokenomics. — Current state - First, let’s recap the current state of tokenomics today: $GYSR is the ERC-20 utility token of the GYSR platform and ecosystem, Users can spend $GYSR to increase staking rewards from specific pools, Projects receive spent $GYSR as an ongoing source of funding, $GYSR holders can earn protocol fees by staking in the Holder pool, At the time of writing, 4.5M $GYSR tokens have been spent by users, which is over 50% of the entire circulating supply. This perpetual value flow system has performed incredibly well in the wild.Total $GYSR spent by users For more background on $GYSR, check out the docs and whitepapers. — V3 tokenomics rollout - Now… onto the new stuff. The overall v3 tokenomics upgrade includes a large set of changes to protocol fee system, governance process, and staking mechanics. T... 
|  GYSR v3: Waterfalls GYST NFT collection: Waterfall GYSR has been live on mainnet for almost two and a half years — the protocol has distributed over $26M in rewards to nearly 6000 users across 500 pools and 3 chains. And we have learned a lot about incentive tooling in the process. We spent the last year rethinking, redesigning, and building the next generation of this technology, dubbed “GYSR v3”. Now as we approach launch, we are going to be releasing a series of articles highlighting the new capabilities coming with GYSR v3. This is the second post to kick off that series — catch up on the first post about Streams here. Introducing the Waterfall — a configurable incentive tool for distributing multi-token rewards. A Waterfall offers projects a simple, powerful, and highly flexible reward mechanism to fit almost any incentives use case. Within our modular pool architecture, a Waterfall is the combination of an ERC20 or ERC721 staking module with an ERC20 multi rewards module. Here’s the TLDR on the Waterfall mechanism: Distribute multiple ERC20 tokens concurrently (as many as you want!), Use any ERC20 token as a reward (including elastic, interest bearing, and transfer fee tokens), Configure with ERC20 staking or ERC721 staking, Set a vesting schedule to incentivize longer term participation, Users can claim earned rewards at any time, Letting projects reward users with multiple assets opens up a variety of creat... 
|  GYSR v3: Streams GYSR NFT collection: Stream GYSR has been live on mainnet for almost two and a half years — the protocol has distributed over $26M in rewards to nearly 6000 users across 500 pools and 3 chains. And we have learned a lot about incentive tooling in the process. We spent the last year rethinking, redesigning, and building the next generation of this technology, dubbed GYSR v3. Now as we approach launch, we are going to be releasing a series of articles highlighting the new capabilities coming with GYSR v3. This is the first post to kick off that series. Introducing the Stream — a trustless tool for streaming crypto payments. A Stream can be used for project payroll, token vesting, rewards distribution, and more. It lets you easily manage your project budget, set individual rates per user, and autonomously handle ongoing payments. The Stream mechanism is made up of an Assignment staking module + an ERC20 linear reward module. Together this combination enables a project to: Use any ERC20 token as a reward (including elastic, interest bearing, and transfer fee tokens), Set individual earning rates for any address, Update and remove individuals as your project contributors change (but they’ll still be able to claim their earned rewards!), Continuously stream payments to users every second, Let users claim rewards whenever they want, Easily manage budget with a trustless commitment over a rolling time period and f... 
|  GYSR joins Passage Protocol GYSR, an open platform for on-chain incentives, is now a part of Passage Protocol, a system of technologies focused on web3 membership infrastructure. The move will expand the reach of both protocols and allow for more effective and concerted development efforts going forwards. The web3 space is still young, very complex, and rapidly evolving. There is a massive demand for modular and reusable building blocks that can help to accelerate development speed, increase interoperability, and improve safety. GYSR and Passage are already deeply aligned in the mission of providing robust, composable tooling for web3. The protocols bring a unique and highly complementary combination of incentive and membership capabilities spanning both DeFi and NFT use cases. Passage will integrate the GYSR protocol to enable loyalty rewards, community incentives, and other new membership capabilities. Now with an even more comprehensive suite of tools, Passage uniquely provides a seamless end-to-end tech stack and launchpad for web3-enabled projects, memberships, and communities. Further, the team behind GYSR is joining Passage. The two groups have worked together closely for over a year as technology partners and now formalize that relationship, combining decades of engineering and product expertise under Passage. The unified Passage team will carry on stewardship of the GYSR protocol, and has been building GYSR v3 — a highly anticipated upd... 
|  GYSR Spotlight #8: L2DAO GYSR Spotlight #8: Layer2DAO - Layer2DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization focused on driving adoption of the layer 2 Ethereum ecosystem. By advancing layer 2 technologies, it aims to accelerate the growth, scaling, and adoption of Ethereum as a whole. Layer2DAO provides incubator grants for ecosystem projects, develops rich partnership networks, and promotes community engagement. It is also an active governance participant, liquidity provider, and investor in L2 protocols. This spotlight is somewhat of a special edition, serving as a use case spotlight, but also a grant award announcement, and a partnership announcement. Layer2DAO has launched two new pools through GYSR on Optimism as part of their community incentive program. The first pool is a Fountain which uses the GYSR + Arrakis solution for Uniswap v3 liquidity mining; it automates position management and promotes trading liquidity for the OP/L2DAO pair, paying OP tokens as a reward. The other pool is an Aquarium which allows users to stake the L2StateOfMind NFT and earn L2DAO; this turns the NFT into a productive asset and facilitates token distribution to its holders. Both pools use a rolling reward schedule and are refilled weekly with their respective reward tokens. Layer2DAO also recently awarded GYSR a grant to support the development of new reward mechanisms that can address a wide variety of use cases. This grant was approved by the Layer2DAO communit... 
|  GYSR is now on Optimism! We are thrilled to share that GYSR is expanding its reach once again — the GYSR protocol is now live on Optimism! Optimism is a layer 2 optimistic rollup network designed for speed, low cost, and scale. It is also deeply aligned with Ethereum both in technology and in philosophy. We believe that Optimism will be a critical scaling solution for the Ethereum ecosystem and that it will help to enable new use cases, improve accessibility, and lower application costs. The Optimism network is growing fast — and builders need tools. This deployment brings GYSR’s robust suite of incentive tools to Optimism. Liquidity mining, NFT staking, governance rewards, token distribution, and many more solutions are now only a few clicks away for creators on Optimism. We are excited to support the rich community of buidlers on Optimism and can’t wait see the use cases you all come up with. — Getting started. — Optimistic builders, feel free to reach out! We want to help you save time, focus on your core tech, and avoid reinventing the wheel. You can also learn more in the GYSR docs. To get started, head over to the GYSR webapp, switch the network to “Optimism”, and jump right in! — Deployment details. — We have deployed the entire GYSR platform to Optimism. This includes the core incentives protocol, frontend webapp, subgraph data layer, and more. You can find more deployment details in the docs. T... 
|  GYSR Spotlight #7: Unibright Unibright is a team of blockchain technologists focused on delivering integrated business solutions. Just this month, they officially launched Baseledger Mainnet, a new public blockchain tailored for enterprise use cases and requirements. The Baseledger network is a public, council-governed, PoS blockchain that offers low fixed costs, high throughput, data privacy compliance, multi-chain coordination, and connection with off-chain systems such as SAP or Microsoft Dynamics. As a part of these capabilities, Baseledger has integrated the GYSR protocol to implement proxy staking mechanics on the network. This solution allows users to delegate their staked position to network validators and earn a portion of rewards, without needing to run a node themselves. Baseledger PoS consensus is non-inflationary, so these rewards are generated directly from network usage. So far, five pools have been launched by Unibright and other node operators, and a total of 13M UBT have been staked by users. Mainnet launching: Unibright donates 100,000 UBT to first Baseledger proxy staking pool We’re thrilled at the novel application of GYSR pools to proxy staking for PoS consensus and look forward to the growth and adoption of the Baseledger network. Further, we are excited to follow Unibright as they continue to build blockchain solutions for the enterprise world. For more information on Unibright, check out their website and follow them on Twitte... 
|  GYSR Spotlight #6: Solace Solace is a decentralized insurance protocol that offers users simple, effective, and transparent protection tools to navigate DeFi safely. Solace Wallet Cover intelligently pools the risk of a user’s DeFi positions to make coverage more capital efficient. By assessing the risks associated with each protocol, the value of the positions, and diversity of protocols in the wallet, the Solace Rating Engine assigns risk scores to each position and provides one single policy price for the entire wallet. The protocol payment mechanics are based around a native token, $SOLACE. medium.com As of March 7, 2022, Solace has launched a Uniswap v3 liquidity mining program on Polygon using the GYSR + Gelato joint solution. Users can supply liquidity to the SOLACE/FRAX pair through Gelato G-UNI, benefiting from automated position management, and earn $SOLACE rewards through the G-UNI -> SOLACE Fountain on GYSR, with extra incentives for long term commitment. The liquidity mining program will run for 3 months and distribute 6 million $SOLACE rewards. We’re excited to follow Solace as they continue to build over this year. Their upcoming product, Solace Native, will provide a solution to natively cover entire protocols. Insurance is still in its early stage, but it is necessary in order for DeFi to sustainably grow and attract new users to crypto. For more information about Solace check out their website and follow them on Twitter. “... 
|  GYSR + UMA: Streamed KPI Options We are excited to announce a partnership between UMA and GYSR to provide novel incentive mechanisms for the broader DeFi ecosystem. In this article, we describe a technology integration for distributing UMA KPI options using the GYSR pool system. — UMA KPI options - UMA KPI (key performance indicator) options are synthetic tokens that pay out rewards to holders based on a specified target metric and expiry date. This is intended to align individual token holder interests with the collective interests of the protocol. The KPI option is implemented using two other UMA technologies, the Long-Short Pair and the Optimistic Oracle. Importantly, these options are also represented as ERC-20 tokens. You can learn about UMA KPI options here: KPI Options Summary | UMA Docs — GYSR staking pools - GYSR staking pools are a contract between creators and users to incentivize and reward a particular tokenized behavior. It allows projects to promote meaningful participation in the protocol and also provides a fair and transparent token distribution system. GYSR contracts can be configured with any ERC-20 token, multiple distribution schedules, time-based incentives, different reward mechanics, and more. This means pools can address a wide variety of use cases and problems. You can learn more about GYSR here: GYSR — Integration - Bringing these two technologies together, we can deploy a new incentive mechanism that reward... 