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GRT Price   

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The Graph  


GRT Price:
$61.7 M
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$1.2 B

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #GRT today is $0.14 USD.

The lowest GRT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.141, and the current live price for one GRT coin is $0.14097.

The all-time high GRT coin price was $2.89.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of GRT with market cap of SOL or other crypto coins.


The code for The Graph is #GRT.

The Graph is 4.2 years old.


The current market capitalization for The Graph is $1,245,894,008.

The Graph is ranked #64 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a large volume of trading today on #GRT.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for The Graph is $61,744,278.


The circulating supply of GRT is 8,838,119,984 coins, which is 88% of the maximum coin supply.


GRT is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 7 other blockchains.

See list of the GRT Blockchain contracts with 8 different blockchains.


GRT is well integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 84 crypto exchanges.

View #GRT trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #GRT purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #GRT, and you can view them on our GRT disambiguation page.



The Graph Foundation awards $48 million grant to The Guild to join The Graph as a Core Developer

The Graph Foundation is excited to announce that The Guild has been awarded a $48 million grant to contribute to subgraph and protocol R&D. The Guild was previously a Wave 1 Grantee building subgraph tooling, and is now committing to The Graph long-term to develop core subgraph features and bringing GraphQL to the masses in web3. The Guild is one of the top open-source developer groups in the GraphQL ecosystem and builds and maintains some of the most widely-used GraphQL tooling in the world. The Guild will work with The Graph ecosystem over four years to develop new subgraph features such as subgraph composition, analytics, and mutations, as well as improve the GraphQL API and the subgraph developer environment. The Guild will also focus on improving Graph Node’s querying capabilities, enabling developers to more efficiently build feature-rich applications. The Guild will also collaborate with other core developers and The Graph Foundation to facilitate greater education and onboarding of web2 developers onto The Graph, by integrating these features into popular web2-focused GraphQL tools, as well as creating tailored educational videos. — Introducing The Guild - The Guild is a renowned group with experience building GraphQL tooling for top Fortune 500 companies and the open-source community. A well-respected team with deep roots in open-source development, The Guild team contributed to the GraphQL community and...

The Graph Awards $60M Grant to Semiotic AI to Join The Graph as a Core Developer

What if there was a way to use artificial intelligence to streamline and upgrade web3 decentralized infrastructure? The Graph Foundation’s new grant to AI and cryptography software startup Semiotic AI could help make this possible. The Semiotic team is joining The Graph as a core developer and being awarded a $60 million grant over 8 years to support protocol R&D. This grant reflects a deepening relationship between The Graph ecosystem and Semiotic AI, a startup that builds secure, autonomous agents for decentralized markets. While Semiotic has been a Graph Grantee and working closely with the Edge & Node team since March, the project will now also collaborate with other core dev teams and the rest of the community to build The Graph. Semiotic AI, which was founded in 2020 by professionals with experience in AI and cryptography, has been contributing to The Graph core research including automation of query negotiations through reinforcement learning (RL), AI-based determination of query costs, and query latency prediction. The team also open sourced an Indexer Stress Test tool over the summer, and has built an AI-powered query generator that’s currently being heavily used and tested by other core devs! The 8-year grant by The Graph Foundation enables the Semiotic team to expand their capacity to work on new focus areas such as verifiable queries with optimized zk-SNARKs libraries and decentralizing query cost pre...

The Graph is offering a record $2.5M bug bounty program in partnership with Immunefi

The Graph Foundation is offering a record $2.5 million bug bounty to incentivize developers and ethical hackers to recognize vulnerabilities and shortcomings in the protocol. At present, this is the biggest active bug bounty program in the world. For this monumental endeavor, The Graph collaborates with Immunefi, which has an extensive knowledge pool in testing and securing Web3 protocols. In this article, we provide the bounty details, highlighting the varieties of risks and vulnerabilities that the program is trying to address. Besides elaborating the program’s modalities, we discuss its rewards and overall scope. But before getting into all that, let’s introduce The Graph and Immunefi briefly, especially for the uninitiated. — What is Immunefi? - Immunefi is one of the most popular bug bounty platforms in Web3, where white hat hackers and security analysts review and rectify a project’s vulnerabilities. In doing so, these ethical hackers get handsomely rewarded for detecting threats and helping secure the participating projects. Immunefi is a pioneer in innovative blockchain-related bug bounties and has an enviable team of security experts. Over the years, Immunefi has saved over $1 billion of users’ funds from being stolen or misused. In the process, ethical hackers have earned over $3 million in bounties. At present, the platform has bug bounties worth $26,251,214 locked in various projects. As a platform, ...

Historical Ethereum Data Access After EIP-4444

After years of R&D, Ethereum 2.0 is just around the corner. One of the EIPs being considered for inclusion in Eth 2.0 is EIP-4444 — Bound Historical Data in Execution Clients. EIP-4444 is a hot topic in the Ethereum community as it would add history pruning to Ethereum clients. Requiring nodes to store less history would benefit validators by making it easier to sync and verify chain state — unlocking higher gas limits without sacrificing security. Higher gas limits add capacity for rollups, increasing Ethereum’s throughput and reducing transaction costs. It would also support greater decentralization as it would make sure that even as Ethereum state grows, people can continue to validate the chain on consumer grade hardware. This proposal would however remove some functionality for Ethereum clients. Nodes would no longer be able to serve requests for historical data once pruned. Yet, many dapps require access to historical data from Ethereum to show past user behavior like user account balances, transactions, votes and similar from the distant past. This post will show how The Graph fills the gap left by EIP-4444 for dapps by indexing historical data from genesis and serving queries for that data. We will highlight The Graph’s approach to verifiability of data and the roadmap for removing trust throughout the protocol, drawing parallels between the trust models of Ethereum and The Graph. The roadmap is a ...

Figment Joins The Graph in One of the Largest Mergers into a Decentralized Protocol; 80M GRT Core…

Figment Joins The Graph in One of the Largest Mergers into a Decentralized Protocol; 80M GRT Core Dev Grant Awarded - The Graph gains a new core developer Figment, with technical expertise across 35+ proof-of-stake networks including Solana, Polygon, Polkadot, NEAR, Celo, and more. The Graph is already one of the most utilized protocols In Web3. Figment — one of the largest staking and node infrastructure providers — will join The Graph ecosystem and fuel the growth of public goods in the Web3 economy. Today we are excited to announce that The Graph Foundation and The Graph Council have provided the blockchain development team at Figment — one of the world’s largest blockchain infrastructure and services providers serving customers worldwide — a core development grant of 80M GRT to be distributed over 5 years. Figment is joining The Graph ecosystem as a core protocol developer to grow the decentralized indexing layer for Web3. This news is a major milestone in the shift to Web3 and decentralization. It marks one of the largest mergers of a centralized company into a decentralized protocol, as part of a larger mission to make open data a public good. This news follows many other initiatives pointing to the expansion of critical infrastructure for Web3 in the past few weeks alone, including StreamingFast joining The Graph ecosystem and the announcement of over $2.8M of GRT awarded in grants from The...

The Graph Foundation allocates over $2.8 Million to Grants & Ecosystem Support in Wave 2

The Graph Foundation to provide over $2.8M in funding to grants and ecosystem support in Wave 2, in addition to $60M Core Dev Grant to StreamingFast. The remarkable Graph community has shown nothing but dedication and grit since mainnet launch in December. Working for a protocol means we’re all in this together.The community has been contributing from all angles; whether you’re an Indexer, Delegator, Curator, subgraph developer, or community builder, all roles have proven to be crucial in the decentralized web. Earlier this year, The Graph Foundation allocated over $5M to Wave 1 grantees and ecosystem contributors. In Wave 2 we’re excited to be distributing over $2.8M to grantees focusing on protocol R&D, tooling building subgraphs and dapps, community building and security audits. On top of the successful Wave 2 grants program, the Foundation awarded a $60M Core Dev Grant to StreamingFast to work on Graph Protocol development. We heard feedback from the community for tooling recommendations, useful dapps and gaps in subgraphs across the decentralized web. We have since launched The Graph RFPs, a place where anyone can participate and receive a grant for work that’s been requested. We need your help building subgraphs, indexer tooling and educational materials! The Graph Foundation is here to support your building needs, developing new critical infrastructure and letting your creativity blossom in Web3! To check ou...

Subgraph Developers Earn GRT Migration Rewards for Building Open Source APIs

Subgraph developers that built subgraphs and claimed their POAP NFTs were rewarded with GRT for their contributions to open source software. The Graph would not be where it is today without its subgraph developers — over 20,000 developers that deployed more than 18,000 subgraphs in the hosted service’s lifetime. This is why The Graph Foundation is excited to reward each subgraph developer with 685 GRT to support their migration from the hosted service to the decentralized network. Subgraph contributors who redeemed their Subgraph Developer POAP NFT before July 6th have received the GRT to their Ethereum addresses. Earned GRT can now be used to pay for query fees for subgraph usage in the Subgraph Studio or curate on a subgraph in the Graph Explorer! If you haven’t claimed your Subgraph Developer POAP NFT, there’s still time! — Claim your NFT to Receive the GRT Reward! - Subgraph developers who contributed to subgraphs on The Graph’s hosted service between Jan 21, 2019 until May 26, 2021 are eligible for a Subgraph Developer POAP NFTand should’ve received an email to claim the NFT via POAP. (Double check your spam!) If you did not claim your NFT before July 8th you have a final chance to receive your GRT reward! Claim your Subgraph Developer NFT before July 15, 2021 at 12pm PDT to receive the GRT reward. All final rewards will be distributed by July 22, 2021, no further rewards will be distributed. If y...

The Graph Launches the Decentralized Data Economy with Curation, Graph Explorer & Subgraph Studio

Now anyone can organize and curate data via subgraphs on the Graph Explorer and Subgraph Studio. The Internet will never be the same. Curation is an essential component of the data economy. Data is the world’s most valuable asset — but only if it is useful, accurate, and reliable. Centralized intermediaries that control the process of collecting and organizing the world’s data have grown immensely over the past decade, all at the expense of their users who supply that data in the first place. Today, The Graph transforms data curation on the web. With the launch of curation, Graph Explorer and Subgraph Studio, data curation is now an open, competitive market. After years of hard work putting each piece of this infrastructure in place, we’re thrilled to announce this enormous milestone for Web3 and the Internet as a whole. We believe that permissionless, open curation beats extractive algorithms and centralized decision making every time. We think that existing data intermediaries, who maintain full control over how information is served to their users — no matter how poorly they perform their centralized role — have run their course. Join us in this massive next step for the decentralized data economy. — Open, uncensored data powered by Curation, Graph Explorer and Subgraph Studio - Curation is live on the decentralized network with the launch of the Graph Explorer dappand Subgraph Studio. Now...

The Graph To Support Optimistic Ethereum at Mainnet Launch To Help Scale Ethereum

Developers building dapps on Optimistic Ethereum will soon be able to create subgraphs to easily access indexed blockchain data via The Graph. Optimism and The Graph have partnered. The Graph will be providing indexing and querying services to developers building on the Optimistic Ethereum L2 to help Ethereum scale. The Graph will go live on the hosted service once Optimism launches publicly, and is excited to provide support to developers in the Optimism community. Developers building on Optimistic Ethereum are also now eligible for grants through The Graph Foundation, such as building dapps with Optimism and The Graph, developing subgraph tooling, or educational materials! This marks another important integration for The Graph as the community continues to add new chains to the hosted service. Over the past few months, support for more than 19 EVM-based solutions has been added; including the Polygon integration completed in February, followed by Arbitrum in June, and soon Optimism. Chain by chain these integrations are adding the critical infrastructure necessary for Web3 to scale. — Subgraphs on Optimistic Ethereum - Optimistic Ethereum is an Ethereum L2 scaling solution that uses optimistic rollups to achieve lower fees, latency, and greater throughput while providing a world-class developer and user experience. Integration with The Graph on Optimistic Ethereum means developers building on Optimism will have great...

The Graph Foundation Awards $60 Million Grant to StreamingFast to Join The Graph as a Core…

The Graph Foundation Awards $60 Million Grant to StreamingFast to Join The Graph as a Core Developer Team - StreamingFast is joining The Graph ecosystem to support protocol R&D, improve indexing performance, and accelerate Web3 adoption. The Graph Foundation is thrilled to announce that StreamingFast joins The Graph as a core protocol developer. StreamingFast is a protocol infrastructure company that excels at building highly scalable, cross-chain architecture for streaming blockchain data. The $60M Core Dev Grant is the first of its kind, pioneering a new frontier of collaborative innovation where communities and companies are aligned to build a radically more open Internet. Now united and aligned within The Graph’s decentralized ecosystem, the development teams are more powerful than any single corporate team, as they bring together a critical mass of new developers on a mission to democratize Web3 data access at scale and drive user adoption. The StreamingFast team has proven themselves as experts in building critical infrastructure and providing API services. StreamingFast will contribute its technology, developer talent, and resources to advance The Graph as a protocol and ecosystem. Relevant IP and products will be open-sourced under The Graph Protocol Github repo and API products will migrate to The Graph Network for backend indexing and querying support. As a team dedicated to core protocol development, Streaming...

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