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GLMR Price   

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GLMR Price:
$6.5 M
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$0.2 B

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #GLMR today is $0.18 USD.

The lowest GLMR price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.183, and the exact current price of one GLMR crypto coin is $0.18264.

The all-time high GLMR coin price was $15.06.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of GLMR with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Moonbeam is #GLMR.

Moonbeam is 3 years old.


The current market capitalization for Moonbeam is $172,229,234.

Moonbeam is ranking upwards to #231 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


The trading volume is big today for #GLMR.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Moonbeam is $6,470,864.


The circulating supply of GLMR is 943,007,343 coins, which is 82% of the total coin supply.


GLMR is the native coin for the Moonbeam blockchain.

View the full list of Moonbeam blockchain tokens.


GLMR is integrated with many pairings with other cryptocurrencies and is listed on at least 29 crypto exchanges.

View #GLMR trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #GLMR purchase.



Moonriver Rise Pizza Party

The Moonriver Rise campaign brought the Moonriver and Moonbeam communities together to participate in governance discussions and earn badges in the Moonbeam Community Forum. The top badge earners were rewarded with $ to order some pizza to enjoy during the Moonriver Rise Pizza Party with guest Qoda Finance! On Thursday, April 6th at 6:00 pm UTC join @ThinkWildCrypto and guests for a live Crowdcast event! Attend the live session for fun and a chance to win prizes. Moonriver Rise will celebrate the Moonriver community and serve as the official kick-off of the Moonbeam Crew3 — a platform where anyone can participate in challenges and earn XP! During the Crowdcast, special Moonriver Rise Quests will be available on Crew3. A special leaderboard (called a sprint) will run to help us choose who gets prizes! ✋ How to Participate? Log in, register and set a reminder on Crowdcast for the party, Get connected on Moonbeam Crew3, Join us for the live event on April 6th, During the event, complete Crew3 quests to earn your stop at the top of the leaderboard to earn prizes, 🏅 Prizes: Moonbeam will be giving out prizes for participation to a number of community members. Qoda will also be hosting giveaways (details on their Twitter) Ways to win: Compete in the Crew3 sprint and get on the leaderboard, Follow instructions at the event for more chances to win., *** Community Members who earned a Trust Level 1 “Basic” b...

Let’s Moonbeam & Chill at ETHDenver ‘23

Buckle up! ✈️️ The team is on its way to ETHDenver ’23 in Colorado! If you’re in the area, make sure to stop by the Infrastructure Villa and meet the team at the booth! But that’s not all, there are other ways to connect with the team, such as workshops, talks, and even a night of snacks and beer. In this blog post, we’ll tell you more about Moonbeam’s participation in the exciting world of ETHDenver, the longest-running Ethereum festival. — 🦄 Join the Web3 Party at ETHDenver ‘23 - Step into the world of Web3 innovation at ETHDenver ‘23, the ultimate blockchain festival that brings together the world’s top blockchain experts, passionate community members, and cutting-edge innovations in the blockchain space. From hands-on workshops and inspiring keynotes to networking events and interactive games, there’s something for everyone at the event. Go to the ETHDenver website to learn more and join the Web3 party! — 🌝 Moonbeam: Welcome to the Future of Cross-Chain Applications - Moonbeam is excited to be back as a Meta sponsor for ETHDenver ’23, with a packed week of events that’ll showcase not only the Moonbeam platform but also innovative live projects that are building multi-chain applications in the ecosystem. Moonbeam is on a mission to create a destination platform for cross-chain developers who want to build rock-solid, interoperable dApps that provide the best possible user exper...

Moonriver Rise

Badge Challenge in the Moonbeam Community Forum. — OpenGov is now live on Moonriver via runtime 2100, which just passed community governance. Part of the updated democracy process involves using the Moonbeam Community Forum to present ideas, start discussions, and receive feedback. As you know, community decision-making is a key part of Web3. OpenGov is a great new tool to further empower voices in the community to improve the Moonriver (and, if approved by the community, Moonbeam) network. You probably also know that using new tech can have a learning curve, so let’s have some fun while we upgrade our communication and increase token-holder engagement. — The Challenge: - The goal of this challenge is to help the community understand some of the many opportunities they have to participate in the governance process by using the Moonbeam Community Forum. Information about how and why to participate is being shared on Twitter. Join @ThinkWildCrypto in exploring the Forum to unlock its features, learn about recent and ongoing proposals, vote, and have some fun! — Details: - This challenge is open to everyone who is a part of Moonriver and Moonbeam. Users are invited to register for the Moonbeam Community Forum and perform tasks to unlock features, and earn badges. Everyone who earns the “Basic” badge (Trust Level 1) is invited to a virtual pizza party! The top 10 badge earners will get their pizza for the...

Cross-Chain Connected Contracts with Hyperlane

Cross-chain communication lives at the heart of Moonbeam, which is why Hyperlane, another cross-chain protocol, has deployed on Moonbeam. Similar to previously introduced protocols Axelar and LayerZero, Hyperlane allows developers to write smart contracts that can communicate across blockchains, which lets developers build cross-chain connected applications on Moonbeam that can tap into functionality from Polkadot, Ethereum, Avalanche, and beyond. Multichain dApps are currently unified interfaces for protocols duplicated across multiple EVMs. Protocols will be able to connect their contracts cross-chain using Hyperlane’s general message passing to become multichain aware, allowing for advanced interoperability and functionality between what would otherwise be isolated ecosystems. To demonstrate the power of connected contracts, walk through this demo that sends and stores a string from one TestNet EVM to another. The demo requires a MetaMask account with the Moonbase Alpha network added, which can be accomplished by visiting the Moonbeam docs site. — Intro to Hyperlane Contracts - Hyperlane is a delegated proof of stake chain protocol that validates and secures cross-chain communication via configurable consensus methods. Every validator in Hyperlane’s network will validate for every chain that Hyperlane is connected to. Hyperlane’s protocol includes verifiable fraud proofs that can be calculated by its network o...

Cross-Chain Connected Contracts with LayerZero

Connected contracts allow smart contracts to communicate with each other across chains, opening the possibility for multichain-aware dApps. Moonbeam’s first integration for connected contracts was Axelar, and in this blog post you will be introduced to another popular cross-chain protocol. LayerZero is designed to be a lightweight interoperability protocol for cross-chain message passing. Benefits of LayerZero’s connected contract design include nonce-ordered messages and configurable trustlessness. Using LayerZero’s connected contracts solution, developers can build dApps that can tap into functionality from Polkadot, Ethereum, Avalanche, Swimmer, and beyond. Multichain dApps are currently unified interfaces for protocols duplicated across multiple EVMs. Protocols will be able to connect their contracts cross-chain using LayerZero’s message passing to become multichain-aware, allowing for advanced interoperability and functionality between what would otherwise be isolated ecosystems. To demonstrate the power of connected contracts, this demo will send and store a string from one TestNet EVM to another. The demo requires a MetaMask account with the Moonbase Alpha network added, which can be accomplished by visiting the Moonbeam docs site. — Intro to LayerZero - LayerZero is a trust-configurable protocol that provides secure cross-chain communication. Ultra-light nodes (ULN) in the form of smart contracts provid...

Spotlight: Cross Chain NFTs and 1:1 NFT Art on Moonbeam

The NFT scene on Moonbeam has grown with the development of new blockchain technology. New use cases that include the freedom for users to access their NFTs across blockchains and the concept of one-of-one NFTs are making waves in the space. Moonbeam is actively improving cross-chain access to NFTs with connected contracts, which opens new opportunities for the use of NFTs on any blockchain. The Moonbeam network is home to a diverse and active ecosystem that includes NFTs natively supported by the ERC-721 and ERC-1155 standards available for use in cross-chain connected smart contracts. This means Ethereum-compatible NFTs and other assets are visible and useable from one application without moving them across blockchains. This flexibility will impact NFT use in many aspects of gaming, metaverse, art collection, and more. Moonbeam is Ethereum compatible and supports ERC-721 NFT bridging with Ethereum, but this may no longer be necessary as the next generation of user-friendly applications solve the problem of fragmented cross-chain functionality and user experience. — NFTs on Moonbeam - A variety of top-tier multi-chain NFT marketplaces deployed on Moonbeam are already experimenting with the possibilities brought by recent innovations. Moonbeam’s marketplaces include Treasureland, NFTrade, Tofu NFT, Moonbeans, Mintverse, and Raresama. As a smart contract platform for building cross-chain connected applications that ca...

Using the Moonbeam Community Forum

The Interim Treasury Program is a 6-month program that establishes a separate community Treasury Council to manage Treasury funds, a budget for Treasury spending, and a required discussion time to gather community feedback on possible future Treasury proposals. When a community member has a new idea for a Treasury proposal, the first step they’ll need to take before submitting a formal on-chain proposal is to post their idea on the Moonbeam Community Forum. The proposer will collect feedback from community members and the Treasury Council for five days. After five days of community engagement, the proposal can be submitted formally on-chain along with a proposal bond. The proposal bond on Moonbeam and Moonriver is 5% of the amount requested by the proposer, with a minimum amount and no upper limit. The minimum is 100 GLMR on Moonbeam and 1 MOVR on Moonriver, although these amounts may change in the future. The proposal can then be converted to a Council motion or rejected by any member of the Treasury Council. If none of the Treasury Council members propose it as a motion, the bond stays locked and cannot be claimed back by the proposer. Assuming the proposal was converted to a Council motion, the motion will then be subject to an on-chain vote. A majority of 3/5th of the Treasury Council is required to pass the motion. On the other hand, the threshold for rejecting a proposal is at least 1/2 of the Treasury Council. If th...

Introducing the Moonbeam Community Forum

The Moonbeam community is welcome to participate in the Moonbeam Community Forum, a new community space dedicated to hosting Moonbeam and Moonriver-related discussions, including technology development, governance, and future ecosystem initiatives. The forum will also serve the updated Moonbeam Foundation Grants and Treasury Programs as the designated discussion forum for proposals before and during democracy. — About the Moonbeam Community Forum - The Moonbeam Community Forum was launched as a dedicated space for the community to refine and brainstorm concepts, share their feedback and participate in community discussions about governance, technology development, future ecosystem initiatives, and more. Users can access and view all live discussions by going to the Moonbeam Community Forum site. Users must log in using their Discord credentials to start participating and posting. Comments should be made in English and follow the Moonbeam Foundation Code of Conduct. In brief, conforming to the Moonbeam Foundation Code of Conduct means participating in a way that creates a welcoming environment and a harassment-free experience for all community members. Users should use inclusive language, be respectful of differing viewpoints, accept constructive feedback, and focus on what is best for the network, community, and ecosystem. Community moderators will support the forum by ensuring discussions follow the Moonbeam Code of C...

Moonriver Provides EVM Smart Contract Platform for Robonomics Applications with XCM Integration

Singapore — November 22, 2022 — Moonbeam, the top destination for multi-chain applications on Polkadot, has announced an XCM connection between Moonriver and Robonomics by opening an HRMP channel to bring the Robonomics native token, XRT, to Moonriver. The XRT token can now be used as xcXRT across the Moonriver ecosystem. Robonomics is an open-source platform for IoT applications. It supports Web3 technology that implements the exchange of information in atomic transactions between user applications, IoT services, and complex robotics. The Robonomics platform contains tools for developing IoT applications, both on the robotics and the user interface sides. The user and device communicate using IPFS, Ethereum, and Polkadot. With this integration, the Robonomics team can explore bringing smart contracts into their parachain on Kusama. Developers can build atop Moonriver’s fully Ethereum-compatible smart contract platform to explore the integration of composable smart contracts into the real-world applicability that IoT devices have been created to provide. Taking on-chain data and being able to translate that into real-world events will open up a new class of development and use cases that blockchains can power. In August, Moonbeam announced a live proof-of-concept of XCM-to-EVM functionality on Moonbase Alpha TestNet. This technology allows developers on remote chains to trigger function calls on the Moonriver/Mo...

Bifrost Polkadot Integrates with Moonbeam to Power GLMR Liquid Staking

Singapore — November 17, 2022 — Moonbeam, the top destination for multi-chain applications on Polkadot, has announced an XCM connection between Moonbeam and Bifrost by the opening of HRMP channels bringing the Bifrost native token, BNC, to Moonbeam. Bifrost’s token can now be used as xcBNC, an XC-20 representation of BNC, across the Moonbeam ecosystem, and the GLMR token is now available on Bifrost. Bifrost exists as a parachain on both Kusama and Polkadot as Bifrost Kusama and Bifrost Polkadot. Both parachains are DeFi protocols that provide staking derivatives and liquidity to bonding assets. Bifrost powers vTokens (Staking Derivatives Voucher Token), which allow users to exchange PoS tokens for vTokens and obtain liquidity and staking rewards through Bifrost protocol The underlying technology that enables the XC-20 standard, XCM (Cross-Consensus Messaging) is uniquely made possible by the Polkadot architecture. XCM is a language that enables asset transfers from Bifrost, and other parachains to Moonbeam represented as standard ERC-20s. This format provides flexible interoperability within the Polkadot ecosystem and beyond — a key building block of the cross-chain connected future. Moreover, XCM allows one parachain to perform remote calls on the other, a key element that will power the GLMR liquid staking solution that Bifrost provides through XCM. The recent activation of the XCM SDK makes it easier ...

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