| Freeway Token 
| #FWT
FWT Price: | $0.0000516 | | Volume: | $16.7 K | All Time High: | $0.025 | | Market Cap: | $515.8 K |
Circulating Supply: | 10,000,000,000 |
| Exchanges: | 1+
| Total Supply: | 10,000,000,000 |
| Markets: | 1+
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 4
The last known price of #FWT is $0.0000516 USD.
Please note that the price of #FWT was last updated over 50 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #FWT statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest FWT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.0000516, and the exact last price of FWT was $0.00005158.
The all-time high FWT coin price was $0.025.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of FWT with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Freeway Token crypto currency is #FWT.
Freeway Token is 4.1 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Freeway Token is $515,776.
Freeway Token is ranking downwards to #3840 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a modest volume of trading today on #FWT.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Freeway Token is $16,653. |
The circulating supply of FWT is 10,000,000,000 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply. |
FWT has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 4 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #FWT trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #FWT purchase. |
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #FWT, and you can view them on our FWT disambiguation page. |
 Latest updates to the Freeway platform Dear Freeway community, As per the announcement in our recent community update, we have made a number of changes to the Freeway platform to accelerate the journey to resuming Supercharger buy-backs. Full details of each change are outlined below: — Supercharger Rewards Rates:. — As of 30 March 2023 (tomorrow), the new Supercharger Annual Rewards rates will be as follows: For sUSD, sGBP, sEURO, sCAD, sAUD, sGOLD: Maximum Annual Rewards: 21.5%, Standard Rewards: 10.5%, FWT Boost: 5%, Notice Period Boost: 1.25% (3 days), 2.5% (7 days), 3.75% (15 days), 5% (30 days), Activity Score Boost: 1%, For sBTC, sETH, sADA, sDOT, sBNB: Maximum Annual Rewards: 15%, Standard Rewards: 7%, FWT Boost: 3%, Notice Period Boost: 1% (3 days), 2% (7 days), 3% (15 days), 4% (30 days), Activity Score Boost: 1%, We have already updated the Freeway platform to reflect these new rates going live tomorrow. To maintain your FWT Boost, you will still need to hold 5% of the value of your total Supercharger simulation balance in Freeway Token (FWT), as per the platform FWT minimum value of 0.006c per token. — FWT Staking:. — As of 29 March 2023 (today), Freeway Token Staking Rewards can only be earned in Fiat-denominated Supercharger simulations only. These include: USD Supercharger, GBP Supercharger, EUR Supercharger, CAD Supercharger, AUD Supercharger, We have automatically updated all users who were previously ear... 
|  An important update for Freeway users On the 30th of January this year, we released two community updates: one from Freeway, the other from Freeway co-CEO Graham Doggart. The Freeway update explained why Freeway has paused Supercharger simulation buybacks. The update from Graham explained the progress we had made already in bringing Freeway back to a position whereby we intend to resume Supercharger buybacks — including the addition of a $70m credit line to trade with at the brokerage. This update will explain the additional progress we have made since then and, having listened to our community, includes a commitment to regular monthly updates from here onwards. Supercharger Simulation Rewards Rates Set To Reduce To help accelerate the journey to resuming full Supercharger simulation buybacks, we are reducing the reward rates offered on fiat & crypto denominated Superchargers. New Supercharger simulation reward rates will be as follows: Maximum Fiat-denominated Supercharger reward rate: 21.5% Maximum Crypto-denominated Supercharger reward rate: 15% The reduction in reward rates will go into effect on or around 30th March 2023. To maintain the maximum reward rate of 21.5%, users will still need to hold 5% of the value of their Supercharger simulation balances in Freeway Token (FWT) as per the platform FWT minimum value of 0.06c per token. Freeway Token Staking Rewards Earned As Fiat-Denominated Supercharger Simulations Only As with the decision to ... 
|  A bright future for Freeway and our community Dear Freeway community, For those of you who know Freeway well, it will probably come as no surprise to you that the team has not been sitting still since the events on the 13th October 2022 which we updated you about earlier today. We have worked quickly to reduce our overheads and to put a plan to resume Supercharger simulation buy-backs in place. The good news is that since the 13th, the algorithms have performed as they should. Freeway continues to have its remaining capital at work, circa $36.8 million at the time, and the balance has grown by more than 50% in the previous two months without increasing risk (recouping 16% of the loss already) already to $55.1 million. The more than $18 million in trading performance, alongside a number of our users coming onboard to license the trading algorithms directly, has allowed us to negotiate a new tradeable credit line of $70 million that has been deployed as of last week — money that we can use to power the algorithms. We’re wary of forecasts at this point, but if this performance were to continue (and as we know, the market doesn’t always go exactly as expected), then we could be in a position to resume Supercharger buy-backs, as well as having launched key new products, in as little as 9–12 months’ time — a considerable improvement from the previous worst case expected timeline in mid-October of 2–2.5 years. This means we are currently on track to resu... 
|  An important update for Freeway users Freeway has one aim in mind — to create a fairer financial ecosystem for everyone. Big financial institutions, middlemen, and professional traders alike make large profits in ways that aren’t as accessible to outsiders. Freeway wants to change that, and is designed so that, as the ecosystem grows, all users can benefit from its products and services. To date, Freeway’s corporate growth engine has been fueled by sophisticated FX trading algorithms with many sub-algorithms. The algorithms trade high volumes on foreign exchange markets, making thousands of trades per day that are designed to compound small and frequent profits relative to the balance of the trading account. Incrementally, the performance of the algorithms is impressive and, in 2021, the algorithms returned 112.8% over the whole year when trading Freeway’s corporate funds — as confirmed by ACA Global, a leading governance, risk and compliance firm. The profitability of the algorithms is extraordinary, but performance at this level does not come without risk. Until the pause in Supercharger simulation buy-backs in October last year, Freeway had grown rapidly, driven by an expanding and diverse community of people who saw the potential offered by the Freeway mission and the Supercharger simulations. Users enjoyed the rewards through their participation on the platform. We chose to operate a simulation-based platform because it allowed us to establ... 
|  Important update for Freeway users As all of you will be aware, there has been unprecedented volatility in Foreign Exchange and Cryptocurrency markets in recent times. Freeway has therefore decided to diversify its asset base to manage exposure to future market fluctuations and volatility ensuring the long term sustainability and profitability of the Freeway Ecosystem. This will allow Freeway to maintain the highest level of Supercharger simulation rewards. While this process is ongoing, Freeway will be allocating capital to its underlying portfolio and this means for a temporary time we will not be buying Supercharger simulations until our new strategies are implemented. We will notify you when we are ready to recommence partial Supercharger simulation purchases (buy-backs) and then again as we can recommence full Supercharger simulation purchases as well as on platform Freeway Token (FWT) Deposits and Buys. While we complete this process we cannot comment further beyond this statement. We look forward to updating you further soon. The Freeway Team Important update for Freeway users was originally published in Freeway on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
|  Episode 47: Freeway Expert Insights Welcome to Expert Insights, a weekly analysis of all the major market moves, news and opportunities that will shape the week ahead. This newsletter and the statements contained herein are the mere opinions of industry professionals, to which other equally qualified industry professionals may disagree and should not be relied upon as financial advice and do not necessarily represent the views of Freeway. You should always do your own research and seek independent expert financial advice. Dear #FreewayFam, Bear squeeze, bear rally… Can the market bear it anymore? The war in Ukraine seems to be reaching a stalemate, inflation keeps soaring, and a global recession is still looming in the background. These are difficult times. In order to understand them better, read these experts’ views and insights for this week. — Agent Alpha - — General ‘risk on’: A bear squeeze only or something more profound? If it is only a squeeze, how far can it go? How should one position to max it out?. — There is a general risk asset price squeeze dynamic from now on. And the questions obviously vexing the industry are how far can it go? At what stage — should it continue — will it become something more than just a bear squeeze? At what level is this completely debunked and the near-term upside we’ve seen over the last few days is merely a blip in a structural bear market? And what is the general positioning se... 
|  Episode 46: Freeway Expert Insights Welcome to Expert Insights, a weekly analysis of all the major market moves, news and opportunities that will shape the week ahead. This newsletter and the statements contained herein are the mere opinions of industry professionals, to which other equally qualified industry professionals may disagree and should not be relied upon as financial advice and do not necessarily represent the views of Freeway. You should always do your own research and seek independent expert financial advice. Dear #FreewayFam, A market of extremes, of chaos. Who can predict the near future? Will Europe survive the long winter? Will the central banks manage to stop inflation and the devaluation of national currencies? Read these experts’ views and insights for this week. — Agent Alpha - — It is chaos out there but, believe it or not, chaos is really what BULLS want and NEED to see.. — This is now a market of extremes — it is a global market of total chaos that the FEDERAL RESERVE started and it will soon FINISH. A simple point — the wheels of the Global financial model are falling off everywhere = structurally speaking, investors (in my view) need to think about what model comes next, because it is NOT the classic model pre-GFC (Great Financial Crisis) of that I am absolutely convinced. I want to start off today with some examples of chaos — because, of course, at this stage there are so many. Let’s talk ab... 
|  Episode 45: Freeway Expert Insights Welcome to Expert Insights, a weekly analysis of all the major market moves, news and opportunities that will shape the week ahead. This newsletter and the statements contained herein are the mere opinions of industry professionals, to which other equally qualified industry professionals may disagree and should not be relied upon as financial advice and do not necessarily represent the views of Freeway. You should always do your own research and seek independent expert financial advice. Dear #FreewayFam, Are the Central Banks stopping rate hikes? Have they worked to stop inflation? As winter approaches, all of these questions loom more clearly in the air. Will the bull, finally, show its horns? Read these experts’ views and insights for this week. — Agent Alpha - — The summer risk rally was a false dawn. Why this one most likely isn’t:. — I wrote on Friday last week that I thought the markets were either bottoming or hammering in a bottom through the month of October. Events since that last post have increased my confidence on this call markedly. Before I get to what events and why, a quick recap on the technical picture because this will become very relevant as you read on. For regular Alpha readers, you will recall that I have often highlighted a longer-term and very powerful head & shoulders pattern in play on the global proxy index: the S&P. The head being the level reached at the beginnin... 
|  Episode 44: Freeway Expert Insights Welcome to Expert Insights, a weekly analysis of all the major market moves, news and opportunities that will shape the week ahead. This newsletter and the statements contained herein are the mere opinions of industry professionals, to which other equally qualified industry professionals may disagree and should not be relied upon as financial advice and do not necessarily represent the views of Freeway. You should always do your own research and seek independent expert financial advice. Dear #FreewayFam, The world, both politically and economically, is becoming more complex, connected, and harder to predict. Will international currencies keep plummeting? Will the crypto market ever recover? Read these experts’ views and insights for this week. — Agent Alpha - — Breakages coming thick and fast — will they stop before total calamity ensues?. — What to say right now? There is so much going on right now that today I am going to try and break it down into ‘blocks’ for ease, so bear with me! Let’s start with the politics because I think FED Chair Powell’s proverbial head is going to be on the block, come Q1 ’23. Is a new U.S. Treasury Sec. coming? Axios reports that post the U.S. midterms, current U.S. Treasury Sec. Yellen is going to be replaced; which begs this rather obvious question as scapegoats are going to be called for: HOW LONG WILL FED Chair Powell last? Post these November midterms... 
|  Episode 43: Freeway Expert Insights Welcome to Expert Insights, a weekly analysis of all the major market moves, news and opportunities that will shape the week ahead. This newsletter and the statements contained herein are the mere opinions of industry professionals, to which other equally qualified industry professionals may disagree and should not be relied upon as financial advice and do not necessarily represent the views of Freeway. You should always do your own research and seek independent expert financial advice. Dear #FreewayFam, All eyes are on the FOMC Meeting. How will it affect markets? Will they be bearish or bullish, at least in the short term? Will the world suffer due to the lack of liquidity in USD? Read these experts’ views and insights for this week. — Agent Alpha - — The USD liquidity crisis and the Plaza Accord. — — Plaza Accord Mark 2 as USD liquidity crisis risk builds. — For regular Alpha readers, big inflection points mentioned in the past have now been rendered obsolete. I refer to the 10-year U.S. nominal yield which broke the > 3.5% handle this week and therefore negates the longer-term head & shoulders pattern, I refer to the S&P global proxy index that ‘technically speaking’ has closed below its support of 3870 (despite valiant attempts on Friday and Monday not to), and I refer to the DXY ($ index) that does trade higher now — just — to its YTD and multi-year high of ... 