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FONT Price   

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FONT Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$417.4 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #FONT is $0.21 USD.

Please note that the price of #FONT was last updated over 310 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #FONT statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest FONT price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.209, and the exact last price of FONT was $0.20871.

The all-time high FONT coin price was $38.47.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of FONT with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Font crypto currency is also #FONT.

Font is 3.1 years old.


The current market capitalization for Font is $417,413.

Font is ranking downwards to #1607 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a very weak volume of trading today on #FONT.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Font is $7.00.


The circulating supply of FONT is 2,000,000 coins, which is 100% of the maximum coin supply.

Note the limited supply of Font coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value.


FONT is a token on the Ethereum blockchain, and has digital contracts with 2 other blockchains.

See list of the FONT Blockchain contracts with 3 different blockchains.


FONT has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.

View #FONT trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #FONT purchase.



Opening the registration for Font creators

Today we are opening the registration for the font creators. For the last few months, we received 1000’s of requests from font creators for early access. Today you can register for access directly on our beta website.Step 1: Registration Go to URL: Provide us with the required details. Don’t forget to join our Telegram group: 2: Approval Our team will go through your request and give approval for your profile. We give priority based on the - Quality of the fonts created - Experience in the industry - Social influenceStep 3: Ready to Upload Once the team gives you the approval, you will receive the details in the email for password creation. Once you create the password. You are ready to log in here: Once you log in, Go to “Upload” menu to upload the fonts. Enter all relevant details and click submit. Note:Once you submit, the font files will be sent across to the team for the quality check.Once the quality check is done, the team will revert back to you with the NFT release date and plans for the promotions.The website is currently in beta — You might find a lot of UI/UX issues. We will be resolving those issues down the line.If you have any questions, join us in the exclusive telegram group for font creators:

Provide FONT/BNB liquidity and earn up to 72% APY

Hello $FONT community, We are happy to announce that $FONT is launched on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with PancakeSwap. Now, $FONT can be traded through PancakeSwap just as it currently is through Uniswap. Link : to earn 36% to 72% APY ? Link : Now, you can earn 36% to 72% APY by providing FONT/BNB pair liquidity and stake BSC Cake-LP Tokens. — Step 1 : Move $FONT to Binance Smart Chain. — Move $FONT to Binance Smart ChainUse Anyswap token bridge to move $FONT from Ethereum mainnet to BSC without gas. Minimum 6 $FONTs. Make sure your metamask connected to BSC mainnet. Click here to move your $FONT to BSC ( ) — Step 2: Provide Liquidity to $FONT/BNB Pair in PanCakeSwap. — Provide Liquidity to $FONT/BNB Pair in PanCakeSwap. Provide Liquidity to $FONT/BNB pair in Panecake swap to earn risk free rewards. Click here to Provide Liquidity in Pancake swap ( ) — Step 3: Stake your Cake-LP Tokens and earn 30+% APY. — Stake your LP tokens below and earn minimum of 30% APY and even 120% Visit the link : Plans We divided the farming plans into 3 levels — Plan A, B, C Details of the pla...

$FONT launching in BSC soon.

Hello $FONT community, We are happy to announce that $FONT will launch soon on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with PancakeSwap. As a result, $FONT can be traded through PancakeSwap just as it currently is through Uniswap. We believe this step will expand our community and also increase the number of $FONT holders. $FONT will be multichain via AnySwap Bridge. $FONT’s AnySwap Bridge capabilities are already live, allowing traders and hodlers to start moving $FONT between the ETH and BSC chains. Link: Note: It is free to move from ETH=>BSC via AnySwap Bridge, and it’s a gasless txn. To bootstrap PancakeSwap liquidity, we will be launching the Cake-LP Staking program. People who provide liquidity to FONT/BNB will earn 30% APY (60% of FONT supply to your LP) BSC $FONT Contract address: When is the launch? We are planning to launch before the 27th of August (Friday). Thank you! Join our Telegram group for the latest information on $FONT and Font.Community:

$FONT Marketplace App — Public Beta

$FONT Marketplace App — Public Beta Hello everyone! Today, we are launching the public testing version of our $FONT marketplace app. Since it is a beta version, we’d like the public to find any UI/UX bugs and performance issues so we can fix them before official launch.Known Issues : Registration and Signup: Even though we’ve completed the registration module , we haven’t included it in this testing version. We will open the registration for the creators, soon. Font category : Since this is a test version , we placed the fonts for the purposes of the demo. Some fonts are not properly categorized. Also, not all of the fonts are updated on the website. Payment ( Buying & Selling ): Even though we completed the onsite payment module, for now, we placed the external website payment for convenience. Others : In addition to the above, you might find some UI/UX and some performance issues, e.g. missing functionalities. We welcome you to share your feedback here at this link: App Testing URL: ( If you have any questions, concerns, or issues, feel free to reach us anytime at Thank you!

Font Marketplace Launch

Hello, community!!! Today, We have an exciting announcement. ⚡️ 🔥 💥 For the last couple of months — We have spent countless hours improving our application (In fact, we completely redesigned it). During this course of time, we received constant support from many industry leaders. Based on their suggestions, advice, and feedback, we have improved the application in many areas. We will be launching the app soon. For the launch, we’re inviting community members to test the platform before it goes public. You can request for the testing here ( )We will be providing access to eligible members within 24 hours. Here, users will have access to the platform for testing. We’re inviting the users to give us feedback, bug reports, UI/UX issues, etc. Our team will try the maximum possible to accommodate those changes before the launch.The reward for the testers: We will be providing $500 worth of FONT tokens for the 5 people (each $100).For creators: For the last couple of weeks, we received 100’s of emails from the creators requesting early access. We have already started processing your application. You’ll receive your early access shortly in the coming days. Also — We have an another exciting annoucement tomorrow!!! 😀⚡️ 🔥 💥 Join our telegram channel: Uniswap : Buy here

To Eric Hu — From Font.Community

To Eric Hu — From Font.Community Thanks to Eric Hu ( for the wonderful article. The questions raised in the article are very important and worth finding the solution. We recommend everyone to read out the article. Article Link: Twitter link : Here at Font.Community — This is how we are addressing the issues.How do we protect the integrity of the font industry from monopolizing forces? Or, can we ever protect it at all? Font.Community is a decentralized and community-driven marketplace where hundreds of font designers and foundries join together and sell their fonts in its platform without having to pay huge commissions to middlemen. Their Fonts are sold at best reasonable prices, which is a great driving force for the buyers to turn towards us for font downloads and licenses. Pool of shared ownership where 50% is owned by the users of the platform. Font Community platform, a great force in itself to avert monopolizing forces.Allow for more novel ways to share resources and profits between type designers, foundries, and users of typefaces that subvert the traditional designer/foundry split? By introducing a $FONT token, we are solving this exact issue. By rewarding the network participants with the token for their contribution, we bring more value to the whole industr...

$FONT Trello Board

Hello Everyone! We are bringing all the tasks to Trello to improve transparency. We believe it will be an effective way to track the current progress, priorities, upcoming tasks, and also the pending ones. Board is very straight-forward and easy to understand. However, we added one column called “Community Todo” — This is exclusively for a community to work on few tasks. We request you to follow the Trello board to track the progress. Note :Not all tasks are added to the board.We plan to keep it minimal. So only less information shared on the boardsWe started the board with the current and upcoming tasks as of 3rd May’21. So previously completed tasks will not be there on the Trello Board. Trello Board link : Thank you!

Bounty for $FONT Community Contribution

Hello Everyone!!! Based on the 7th April announcement. We are planning to start the bounty rewards for the community. In the coming days, we will give away approx total of 100 $FONT tokens per month for the community contribution. It will be rewarded and to the selected individuals based on their contribution. Even though the amount is not so big. We intend to give it away as a token of gratitude. We identified many members in the community who have been very passionate about the $FONT project. However, we couldn’t able to reward everyone this month. Kindly accept our sincere apologies. Your contribution will be rewarded in the coming days. Here are the few people we selected for the reward month March’21 ( Not in any particular order ) Community Management: @Gimmicks28 ( Telegram ID ) @XMY97 ( Telegram ID ) @ethpepe ( Telegram ID ) Spreading words: @skootyoo ( Telegram ID ) @nftgemz ( Telegram ID ) Contribution ( General ) @pvlvlvlvlvlv ( Telegram ID ) @DeMatt1 ( Telegram ID ) We will be sending $FONT tokens to these IDs. Thank you!

7th April Update — $FONT

7th April Update — $FONT Hello everyone! Today we are launching the app2.0 as planned. For the past 1 month, we focused to build the core part of the app with utmost care and testing. Even though the core part of the app is completed, you can find a lot of bugs in the front-end UI/UX part. In the coming days, we will work to resolve the existing bugs and will ship new features to the platform. We understand development is a continuous process.Our immediate priorities include:Resolving the UI / UX bugs and issuesEnabling the payment featuresImplementing the font previewSearch / Filter indexingFont foundries / creators onboarding : Currently, we are having over 120+ font creators which bring over 2500+ fonts. We will be uploading these fonts on a priority basis.Airdrop for the community: For the last 1 month, we found many people in the community helping us in multiple ways ( giving suggestions, answering questions, spreading the words about the platform ). We are planning to give an airdrop for the selected people as a token of gratitude.Exchange listing: We are in process of finalizing the deal with 2 exchanges. We will keep you guys posted in the coming days.Hiring / Recruiting : For the past 1 month, we also focused to hired many talents in multiple disciplines. We are all set to start the work in the coming days.Upcoming NFT Releases : The designer community is very excited about our project. We are schedu...

$FONT Private Sale Announcement

Hello, $FONT Community, We are updating this article & making few changes in the tokenonmics. Stay tuned for the annoucement. Join our telegram group : Thank you!

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