| Harvest Finance
FARM Price: | $42.11 | | Volume: | $1.9 M | All Time High: | $4,938 | | Market Cap: | $28.3 M |
Circulating Supply: | 672,184 |
| Exchanges: | 14
| Total Supply: | 705,290 |
| Markets: | 17
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 25
The price of #FARM today is $42.11 USD.
The lowest FARM price for this period was $0, the highest was $42.11, and the current live price for one FARM coin is $42.11097.
The all-time high FARM coin price was $4,938.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of FARM with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Harvest Finance crypto currency is #FARM.
Harvest Finance is 4.4 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Harvest Finance is $28,306,317.
Harvest Finance is ranking upwards to #488 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a big daily trading volume on #FARM.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Harvest Finance is $1,903,901. |
The circulating supply of FARM is 672,184 coins, which is 95% of the total coin supply.
A highlight of Harvest Finance is it's unusually low supply of coins, as this tends to support higher prices due to supply and demand in the market. |
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #FARM, and you can view them on our FARM disambiguation page. |
FARM Emissions — Week 162 FARM Emissions — Week 162 - Breakdown & details of FARM Emissions for the week 162 $FARM emission in week 162 is further reduced by 4.44% from last week’s emission of 19.550 — Breakdown - 13.0760 $FARM (69.65%) will be distributed to capital and liquidity providers as follows(excluding emissions toward GRAIN): 🤑 0.05886 $FARM (0.32%) to “ETH” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.0588 $FARM for WETH, 0.0000 $FARM for crvSTETH, 🎉 0.7649 $FARM (4.10%) to “Stablecoins” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.5884 $FARM for USDC, 0.1177 $FARM for USDT, 0.0588 $FARM for DAI, 🚀 0.1308 $FARM (0.7%) to “CRV LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for convex_CVX_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for curve_3CRV, 0.0654 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDC, 0.0654 $FARM for curve_OETH, 0.0000 $FARM for convex_cvxCRV, 🔵 0.0000 $FARM (0%) to “Verse” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.0000 $FARM for verse_VERSE_ETH, ⚖️ 0.1308 $FARM (0.70%) to liquidity providers in [Polygon] “Balancer” yield farming: 0.1308 $FARM for balancer_2EUR_PAR_v2, 🚀 0.0785 $FARM (0.42%) to liquidity providers in [Polygon] “Curve” yield farming: 0.0000 $FARM for curve_3Crypto_polygon, 0.0392 $FARM for curve_CRV_3Crypto_polygon, 0.0392 $FARM for curve_MATIC_3Crypto_polygon, 🌑 0.0588 $FARM (0.32%) to liquidity providers in [Polygon] “quickGamma” yield farming: 0.0196 $FARM for quickGamma_...
| FARM Emissions — Week 163 FARM Emissions — Week 163 - Breakdown & details of FARM Emissions for the week 163 $FARM emission in week 163 is further reduced by 4.44% from last week’s emission of 18.680 — Breakdown - 12.4950 $FARM (69.65%) will be distributed to capital and liquidity providers as follows(excluding emissions toward GRAIN): 🤑 0.0562 $FARM (0.32%) to “ETH” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.0562 $FARM for WETH, 0.0000 $FARM for crvSTETH, 🎉 0.7310 $FARM (4.10%) to “Stablecoins” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.5623 $FARM for USDC, 0.1125 $FARM for USDT, 0.0562 $FARM for DAI, 🚀 0.1250 $FARM (0.7%) to “CRV LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.0000 $FARM for convex_CVX_ETH, 0.0000 $FARM for curve_3CRV, 0.0625 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDC, 0.0625 $FARM for curve_OETH, 0.0000 $FARM for convex_cvxCRV, 🔵 0.0000 $FARM (0%) to “Verse” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.0000 $FARM for verse_VERSE_ETH, ⚖️ 0.1250 $FARM (0.70%) to liquidity providers in [Polygon] “Balancer” yield farming: 0.1250 $FARM for balancer_2EUR_PAR_v2, 🚀 0.0750 $FARM (0.42%) to liquidity providers in [Polygon] “Curve” yield farming: 0.0000 $FARM for curve_3Crypto_polygon, 0.0375 $FARM for curve_CRV_3Crypto_polygon, 0.0375 $FARM for curve_MATIC_3Crypto_polygon, 🌑 0.1812 $FARM (1.02%) to liquidity providers in [Polygon] “quickGamma” yield farming: 0.0187 $FARM for quickGamma...
| FARM Emissions — Week 164 FARM Emissions — Week 164 - Breakdown & details of FARM Emissions for the week 164 $FARM emission in week 164 is further reduced by 4.44% from last week’s emission of 17.850 — Breakdown - 11.9420 $FARM (69.65%) will be distributed to capital and liquidity providers as follows(excluding emissions toward GRAIN): 🤑 0.0537 $FARM (0.32%) to “ETH” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.0537 $FARM for WETH, 0.0000 $FARM for crvSTETH, 🎉 0.6986 $FARM (4.10%) to “Stablecoins” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.5374 $FARM for USDC, 0.1075 $FARM for USDT, 0.0537 $FARM for DAI, 🚀 0.1194 $FARM (0.7%) to “CRV LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.0000 $FARM for convex_CVX_ETH, 0.0000 $FARM for curve_3CRV, 0.0597 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDC, 0.0597 $FARM for curve_OETH, 0.0000 $FARM for convex_cvxCRV, 🔵 0.0000 $FARM (0%) to “Verse” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.0000 $FARM for verse_VERSE_ETH, ⚖️ 0.1194 $FARM (0.70%) to liquidity providers in [Polygon] “Balancer” yield farming: 0.1194 $FARM for balancer_2EUR_PAR_v2, 🚀 0.0717 $FARM (0.42%) to liquidity providers in [Polygon] “Curve” yield farming: 0.0000 $FARM for curve_3Crypto_polygon, 0.0358 $FARM for curve_CRV_3Crypto_polygon, 0.0358 $FARM for curve_MATIC_3Crypto_polygon, 🌑 0.1732 $FARM (1.02%) to liquidity providers in [Polygon] “quickGamma” yield farming: 0.0179 $FARM for quickGamma...
| FARM Emissions — Week 152 FARM Emissions — Week 152 - Breakdown & details of FARM Emissions for the week 152 $FARM emission in week 152 is further reduced by 4.44% from last week’s emission of 30.810 — Breakdown - 20.608 $FARM (69.65%) will be distributed to capital and liquidity providers as follows(excluding emissions toward GRAIN): 🤑 0.185 $FARM (0.63%) to “ETH” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.185 $FARM for WETH, 0.000 $FARM for crvSTETH, 🎉 1.205 $FARM (4.10%) to “Stablecoins” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.927 $FARM for USDC, 0.185 $FARM for USDT, 0.092 $FARM for DAI, 🚀 0.412 $FARM (1.40%) to “CRV LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for convex_pETH, 0.000 $FARM for convex_CVX_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for crvCRVETH, 0.000 $FARM for curve_3CRV, 0.206 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDC, 0.103 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDT, 0.103 $FARM for curve_OETH, 0.000 $FARM for convex_cvxCRV, 🦄 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “Uniswap V3” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_WBTC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ETH_sETH2, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_CNG_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ORC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_ETH_1400_2400, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_DAI_ETH_1400_2402, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDT_ETH_1400_2403, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_BUSD_USDC, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_USDT, ⚖️ 0.206 $FARM (0.70%) to “Balancer LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.103 $FARM for balanc...
| FARM Emissions — Week 154 FARM Emissions — Week 154 - Breakdown & details of FARM Emissions for the week 154 $FARM emission in week 154 is further reduced by 4.44% from last week’s emission of 28.130 — Breakdown - 18.816 $FARM (69.65%) will be distributed to capital and liquidity providers as follows(excluding emissions toward GRAIN): 🤑 0.169 $FARM (0.63%) to “ETH” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.169 $FARM for WETH, 0.000 $FARM for crvSTETH, 🎉 1.100 $FARM (4.10%) to “Stablecoins” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.846 $FARM for USDC, 0.169 $FARM for USDT, 0.084 $FARM for DAI, 🚀 0.376 $FARM (1.40%) to “CRV LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for convex_pETH, 0.000 $FARM for convex_CVX_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for crvCRVETH, 0.000 $FARM for curve_3CRV, 0.188 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDC, 0.094 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDT, 0.094 $FARM for curve_OETH, 0.000 $FARM for convex_cvxCRV, 🦄 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “Uniswap V3” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_WBTC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ETH_sETH2, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_CNG_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ORC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_ETH_1400_2400, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_DAI_ETH_1400_2402, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDT_ETH_1400_2403, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_BUSD_USDC, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_USDT, ⚖️ 0.564 $FARM (2.10%) to “Balancer LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.094 $FARM for balanc...
| FARM Emissions — Week 155 FARM Emissions — Week 155 - Breakdown & details of FARM Emissions for the week 155 $FARM emission in week 155 is further reduced by 4.44% from last week’s emission of 26.880 — Breakdown - 17.976 $FARM (69.65%) will be distributed to capital and liquidity providers as follows(excluding emissions toward GRAIN): 🤑 0.161 $FARM (0.63%) to “ETH” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.161 $FARM for WETH, 0.000 $FARM for crvSTETH, 🎉 1.051 $FARM (4.10%) to “Stablecoins” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.808 $FARM for USDC, 0.161 $FARM for USDT, 0.080 $FARM for DAI, 🚀 0.359 $FARM (1.40%) to “CRV LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for convex_pETH, 0.000 $FARM for convex_CVX_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for crvCRVETH, 0.000 $FARM for curve_3CRV, 0.179 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDC, 0.089 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDT, 0.089 $FARM for curve_OETH, 0.000 $FARM for convex_cvxCRV, 🦄 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “Uniswap V3” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_WBTC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ETH_sETH2, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_CNG_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ORC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_ETH_1400_2400, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_DAI_ETH_1400_2402, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDT_ETH_1400_2403, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_BUSD_USDC, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_USDT, ⚖️ 0.539 $FARM (2.10%) to “Balancer LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.089 $FARM for balanc...
| FARM Emissions — Week 156 FARM Emissions — Week 156 - Breakdown & details of FARM Emissions for the week 156 $FARM emission in week 156 is further reduced by 4.44% from last week’s emission of 25.680 — Breakdown - 17.173 $FARM (69.65%) will be distributed to capital and liquidity providers as follows(excluding emissions toward GRAIN): 🤑 0.154 $FARM (0.63%) to “ETH” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.154 $FARM for WETH, 0.000 $FARM for crvSTETH, 🎉 1.004 $FARM (4.10%) to “Stablecoins” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.772 $FARM for USDC, 0.154 $FARM for USDT, 0.077 $FARM for DAI, 🚀 0.343 $FARM (1.40%) to “CRV LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for convex_pETH, 0.000 $FARM for convex_CVX_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for crvCRVETH, 0.000 $FARM for curve_3CRV, 0.171 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDC, 0.085 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDT, 0.085 $FARM for curve_OETH, 0.000 $FARM for convex_cvxCRV, 🦄 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “Uniswap V3” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_WBTC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ETH_sETH2, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_CNG_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ORC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_ETH_1400_2400, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_DAI_ETH_1400_2402, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDT_ETH_1400_2403, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_BUSD_USDC, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_USDT, ⚖️ 0.515 $FARM (2.10%) to “Balancer LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.085 $FARM for balanc...
| FARM Emissions — Week 157 FARM Emissions — Week 157 - Breakdown & details of FARM Emissions for the week 157 $FARM emission in week 157 is further reduced by 4.44% from last week’s emission of 24.534 — Breakdown - 17.173 $FARM (69.65%) will be distributed to capital and liquidity providers as follows(excluding emissions toward GRAIN): 🤑 0.147 $FARM (0.63%) to “ETH” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.147 $FARM for WETH, 0.000 $FARM for crvSTETH, 🎉 0.960 $FARM (4.10%) to “Stablecoins” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.738 $FARM for USDC, 0.147 $FARM for USDT, 0.073 $FARM for DAI, 🚀 0.213 $FARM (0.91%) to “CRV LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for convex_CVX_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for curve_3CRV, 0.082 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDC, 0.049 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDT, 0.082 $FARM for curve_OETH, 0.000 $FARM for convex_cvxCRV, 🦄 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “Uniswap V3” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_WBTC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ETH_sETH2, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_CNG_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ORC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_ETH_1400_2400, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_DAI_ETH_1400_2402, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDT_ETH_1400_2403, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_USDT, 👀 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “Looks” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for looks_LOOKS, 🧿 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “YEL” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM fo...
| FARM Emissions — Week 158 FARM Emissions — Week 158 - Breakdown & details of FARM Emissions for the week 158 $FARM emission in week 158 is further reduced by 4.44% from last week’s emission of 23.450 — Breakdown - 15.687 $FARM (69.65%) will be distributed to capital and liquidity providers as follows(excluding emissions toward GRAIN): 🤑 0.141 $FARM (0.63%) to “ETH” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.141 $FARM for WETH, 0.000 $FARM for crvSTETH, 🎉 0.917 $FARM (4.10%) to “Stablecoins” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.705 $FARM for USDC, 0.141 $FARM for USDT, 0.070 $FARM for DAI, 🚀 0.203 $FARM (0.91%) to “CRV LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for convex_CVX_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for curve_3CRV, 0.078 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDC, 0.047 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDT, 0.078 $FARM for curve_OETH, 0.000 $FARM for convex_cvxCRV, 🦄 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “Uniswap V3” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_WBTC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ETH_sETH2, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_CNG_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ORC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_ETH_1400_2400, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_DAI_ETH_1400_2402, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDT_ETH_1400_2403, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_USDT, 👀 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “Looks” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for looks_LOOKS, 🧿 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “YEL” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM fo...
| FARM Emissions — Week 159 FARM Emissions — Week 159 - Breakdown & details of FARM Emissions for the week 159 $FARM emission in week 159 is further reduced by 4.44% from last week’s emission of 22.410 — Breakdown - 14.987 $FARM (69.65%) will be distributed to capital and liquidity providers as follows(excluding emissions toward GRAIN): 🤑 0.067 $FARM (0.32%) to “ETH” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.067 $FARM for WETH, 0.000 $FARM for crvSTETH, 🎉 0.876 $FARM (4.10%) to “Stablecoins” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.674 $FARM for USDC, 0.134 $FARM for USDT, 0.067 $FARM for DAI, 🚀 0.194 $FARM (0.91%) to “CRV LPs” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for convex_CVX_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for curve_3CRV, 0.074 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDC, 0.045 $FARM for curve_crvUSD_USDT, 0.074 $FARM for curve_OETH, 0.000 $FARM for convex_cvxCRV, 🦄 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “Uniswap V3” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_WBTC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ETH_sETH2, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_CNG_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_ORC_ETH, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_ETH_1400_2400, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_DAI_ETH_1400_2402, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDT_ETH_1400_2403, 0.000 $FARM for UniV3_USDC_USDT, 👀 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “Looks” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM for looks_LOOKS, 🧿 0.000 $FARM (0.00%) to “YEL” deposits into Harvest yield farming: 0.000 $FARM fo...