| Behodler
| #EYE
EYE Price: | $0.06 | | Volume: | $319 | All Time High: | $2.59 | | Market Cap: | — |
Circulating Supply: | — |
| Exchanges: | 1
| Total Supply: | 9,736,626 |
| Markets: | 2
| Max Supply: | — |
| Pairs: | 2
The last known price of #EYE is $0.06 USD.
Please note that the price of #EYE was last updated over 80 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #EYE statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.
The lowest EYE price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.059, and the exact last price of EYE was $0.05878.
The all-time high EYE coin price was $2.59.
Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of EYE with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins. |
The code for Behodler crypto currency is #EYE.
Behodler is 3.9 years old. |
The current market capitalization for Behodler is not available at this time.
Behodler is ranking downwards to #5963 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors). |
There is a weak daily trading volume on #EYE.
Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Behodler is $319. |
The total supply of EYE is 9,736,626 coins.
Note the limited supply of Behodler coins which adds to rarity of this cryptocurrency and increases perceived market value. |
EYE has limited pairings with other cryptocurrencies, but has at least 2 pairings and is listed on at least 1 crypto exchange.
View #EYE trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #EYE purchase. |
Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #EYE, and you can view them on our EYE disambiguation page. |
State of Behodler Ecosystem Created using OpenAI’s DALLE2 — A time traveler’s guide to Behodler. — In recent times, the progress reporting of Behodler has been fragmented across many different platforms, according to their relevance to the update. Github is the best place to view the actual coding in progress but a great deal of informal discussion on Telegram and more formal debates in Discord have taken place. Occasionally articles are published but not always through Medium. The monetary policy paper was of a technical nature and so was distributed as a markdown document. Consequently to speak about what’s new in Behodler is a difficult topic. New from who’s perspective? Some in the community are completely up to date and need no refreshing while others feel as though the last thing to happen was the announcement of an audit with C4. So rather than outline what’s new since a nebulous sense of last time, we’ll give an overview of how things stand now and what more needs to be done by breaking the update into categories. — PyroTokens. — The current version of PyroTokens that is live on the Behodler site as of today does not interact well with the UniswapV2 Router. They also cannot be used with UniswapV3 because fee-on-transfer tokens are not supported. Since Limbo is going to make use of Uniswap pairs that often will include PyroTokens, it would be unfortunate if users were thwarted from minting such pairs through a...
| September 2022 Update Audit. — Behodler’s WatchPug audit was a success! This exercise reviewed the fixes for the C4 Limbo audit and audited PyroTokens v3 and PyroLoans. Fortunately, new findings surfaced through the audit, allowing for changes to ensure a robust and secure Limbo. In further good news, no significant architectural changes are needed. Still, some code reordering is required to improve gas optimisations, support various token types and, most importantly, protect Behodler from known attack vectors. Once the final audit report is published, the findings will be shared with the community. Limbo Monetary Policy Whilst this analysis tends to be technical, it offers detailed justifications for the community to use as guidelines once Limbo is on mainnet. github.com Having the smart contracts audited was beneficial to address potential exploits and bring along new concepts, enabling a more feature-rich Behodler ecosystem. CliffFace — protects Behodler from impermanent loss death spirals. The CliffFace contract can place a lower floor on the price. If the price drops below this level, any additional minting steeply raises the redemption rate. The end-user experience is that selling on Behodler results in very high slippage when the price falls below this floor. The sales ram up against the cliff face of slippage so that the AMM doesn’t lose TVL through an impermanent loss death spiral. Whether for fast rugpulls or slow decli...
| Limbo brings EYE to life lt;update: PR for feature mentioned in this article> If you’re not new to Behodler, you’ll know the economic value of Scarcity: in short it’s the liquidity token for the AMM with a supply that grows slower than liquidity. The more widespread its adoption, the more it burns like a star flaring into existence. And of course PyroTokens have an obvious appeal as the value accrual mechanism for trading fees on Behodler. When Flan’s price converges on Dai, PyroFlan will converge on becoming a thriftcoin, that is a stablecoin with yield. And the existence of Flan will signal an end to the typical chicken-and-egg liquidity problem facing all AMMs which means SCX will enter a new phase of growth. And with SCX growing in potency, Flan naturally becomes more liquid. But what about EYE? Why hold EYE? If Flan and SCX resemble binary neutron stars spinning ever faster around a common centre of gravity, through the mutually complementary effects of Limbo and Behodler, have we forgotten all about EYE? Has EYE been left out in the cold? Is there no point in holding EYE? Not exactly… This article finally reveals the cryptoeconomic firepower of EYE. The downside of reading this article is that if you’re an SCX maximalist, you may be left wondering whether you should start leaning more towards EYE. — At a glance: a birds EYE view. — EYE is the universal governance token for all the DAOs that will ever exist within ...
| Development Update — Team testing! — 6th April 2022 Development Update — Team testing! — 6th April 2022 - The team has been granted access to the Limbo micro-app testnet, sneak peek above! Simple and elegant Progress: Limbo micro-app has been deployed and configured with Ropsten, complete with UI! This was delivered to the team for the final round of testing before public details are announced. At this stage, the stand-alone UI covers the Limbo pool migrations and perpetual staking, as well as some of the flash governance features — however not the fully featured LimboDAO. Ropsten Limbo pool migrations do migrate and perform what is expected to a Ropsten deployed Behodler. This version of Beholder is currently only available for smart contract interaction. In due time, Beholder.io UI will support Ropsten so testing will be a more user-friendly experience. What to expect next, in no particular order: Integrate the limbo micro-app UI into the Beholder Apps container, Configure the current beholder UI to support Ropsten, LimboDAO UI development, Team to continue testing and provide feedback, Public access to testnet, Invites to public testnet for wider space, TheGraph: As per our last article, a migration is needed from old to new TheGraph services. Migration is underway and progressing well, no major event to report. Development Update — Team testing! — 6th April 2022 was originally published in Behodler Liquidity Engine on Medium, where peop...
| Behodler Development Update — 22nd March Behodler Development Update — 22nd March - C4 Audit: The code4rena audit contest is drawing to a close. Overall this was certainly a positive endeavor albeit the effort required internally was heavily underestimated. The preparation prior to the audit, in particular, formatting the smart contracts in NatSpec and the review process of submitted issues took priority during the month of February. In total 39 wardens contributed to the contest, which yielded 33 unique vulnerabilities, 31 gas optimisations, and 10 non-critical recommendations. Of these vulnerabilities, 7 received a risk rating in the category of HIGH severity, 14 received a risk rating in the category of MEDIUM severity, and 12 received a risk rating in the category of LOW severity. A detailed breakdown of each finding will be made available shortly. At the time of writing, the mentioned report is under review. Behodler has learned from the audit process with C4, and we’re confident that future audits will be a smoother journey. Ropsten Testnet: Deploying Behodler and Limbo to Ropsten Testnet has not been without its challenges. In a counter-intuitive way, one might see why “Test in Prod” is the go-to method — it is hard to replicate mainnet deployment, all the various protocols, and on-chain activity in a testnet. Regardless, the intent was clear, and a number of technical challenges needed to be addressed in order to proceed. Ropsten Node. V...
| Behodler is a DeFi 2.0 Powerhouse So, what is DeFi 2.0? Just another bit of terminology, marketing lingo to stand out and be on the cutting edge, for Behodler it is simply a way to define the next stage of DeFi that attempts to fix the existing weaknesses and leverage the strengths of the current ecosystem. Below we’ll outline the existing challenges faced in DeFi, and outline Behodler’s unique solutions as an answer. Scalability: Eth fees are too damn high! The fees involved with traditional L1 AMM swaps make a large portion of DeFi inaccessible to the average user. Our medium-term answer to this is our unique single-contract architecture. This allows Behodler to be extremely gas efficient, on average, gas costs on L1 swaps and general operations will be approximately half that of existing major DeFi protocols. Our longer-term answer to this is Layer 2 Behodler, which is an exciting prospect, not only for Behoblins but for DeFi as a whole. Liquidity: In DeFi, liquidity remains mercenary. Behodler is no exception to this, although with all things considered Behodler is in its infancy. Through the regular forced burning of our universal liquidity token, Scarcity, Behodler’s liquidity floor is constantly rising. Our inbuilt incentive mechanism ensures that as Behodler grows and grows, so too will the rate at which its liquidity floor rises. With time, we will have deeply liquid pools across all of our listed tokens, making trading on Behodler an extreme...
| Limbo Dev Update part 2 of 2: Pyrotokens “I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor.“— Gandalf, Lord of The Rings. — The cause for deflation. — The most difficult concept to grasp in economics is the seemingly simple process of monetary inflation. — Inflation doesn’t just undermine our savings; it warps our culture.. — There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose — John Maynard Keynes. — Inflation doesn’t just affect our policies; it dominates our politics.. — “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.” — Mayer Anselm Rothschild The reason Bitcoin exists and the reason EIP1559 burns a base fee is because there’s a widespread belief in the cryptocurrency community that inflation’s opposite — deflation — would undo and overturn the subtle evils of inflation, that all the hidden forces would be laid bare and that our cultural desire to save, to HODL, would bleed away inequality faster than class-warfare-promoting-early-morning-talking-heads can pontificate. This goes beyond the narrower cause of DeFi which is to decentralize and democratize the means of finance. A truly deflationary economy doesn’t...
| AMA with Justin Goro — 27/9/21 AMA with Justin Goro — 27/9/21 - The following is a transcript of an in-house AMA with Justin Goro held on the Behodler Discord on the 27th of September 2021. Happy reading! Sp000ny asks, “Moving forward, will there be a way to create and manage a liquidity pair on behodler itself or will we continue to use Uniswap for this?” Justin Goro: Thanks, JoshC for organizing this AMA at such short notice, and thank you to everyone who submitted! Your response was huge. It’s great to be on home turf again and I think it’s appropriate as we started this journey together with a discord AMA and now we’re about to fly into all that was promised. To quote a great Sith Lord, “The circle is complete”. Now onto the first question: This is the type of question that would be well supported by graphics but let me give it a verbal shot. Liquidity pairs are ubiquitous in Defi as most AMMs copy the Uniswap model. There are others such as balancer that allow groups of up to 8 tokens at a time or Curve which also allows a handful of like tokens. Let’s call the generalized notion of clustering token liquidity in one contract a group. So as examples, a uniswap group has 2 tokens and a balancer group is anywhere from 2 to 8. Because groups are logically isolated, they require routing techniques to allow traders to swap tokens from one group into another. On the other hand, isolated groups offer security advantages because if one ...
| Flan Genesis Update 1.5 of 2 TL;DR to bootstrap Limbo, Flan will need to target the DAI price instead of a synthetic LP; Flan liquidity will be seeded on more than one external AMM. The previous dev update was the first in a two part series on the upcoming economics of Limbo, starting with the Flan Genesis event. Since then, local simulations have yielded some interesting implications for the migration and pricing of Flan. Before getting to that, it’s worth highlighting the salient points for discussion from the previous update: Nominal price target of Flan: On each migration, Flan would be priced such that its price would be the same as the SCX price if SCX were priced like a traditional LP token. To calculate this number, take total value locked(or TVB in Behodler lingo since the tokens aren’t locked but merely bonded to a curve) and divide it by the SCX total supply. We take a few shortcuts as approximations: simply take the DAI reserve balance of Behodler and multiply it by the number of bonding curves to get the total dollar value of TVB. The deeper liquidity on Behodler gets, the more accurate this approximation will become., Flan liquidity seeding of external AMM: When Flan is first created, half of it’s initial supply seeds Behodler, generating SCX. Then approximately 25 SCX is paired with the remaining Flan and used to create a Uniswap LP pair., After much deliberation, both of these points need revising. This article explains what tho...
| How to enter Behodler’s weekly no-loss prize draws Pooltogether is a fantastic initiative for liquidity mining. For those out of the loop, we now award weekly no-loss prizes on two separate pools: EYE/SCX, and EYE/ETH. $1000 worth of EYE is awarded every single week to a lucky liquidity provider in each pool (totaling $2000 worth). Due to the relatively low amount of liquidity committed thus far, the Behodler x Pooltogether pools have one of the highest EVs (expected value) out there at the moment, and it should certainly be taken advantage of by the community. Providing liquidity and interacting with Metamask is something that some people can do in their sleep, for others unfamiliar with the process, it can be quite a daunting task. In this brief guide, we’ll make it easy for you by outlining the steps, and telling you exactly what you’ll need to get in on this lucrative liquidity mining operation. — What you will need:. — A wallet with access to the Ethereum blockchain, ETH in your wallet with enough gas for multiple transactions, Either EYE/SCX or EYE/ETH in your wallet with equal amounts in value, A can-do attitude and a burning desire to win EYE every week, — Step 1: Choosing a Pool!. — For EYE/SCX liquidity provision click here. For EYE/ETH liquidity provision click here. For EYE/SCX LP, you can skip right past the Uniswap step and save gas by getting it on Behodler.io directly. — Step 2: Follow the prompts.. — Firstly, c...