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EXP Price   

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EXP Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$55.8 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The last known price of #EXP is $0.00105 USD.

Please note that the price of #EXP was last updated over 290 days ago. This can occur when coins have sporadic price reporting, no listings on exchanges or the project has been abandonded. All #EXP statistics should be considered as 'last known value'.

The lowest EXP price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00105, and the exact last price of EXP was $0.00105092.

The all-time high EXP coin price was $9.72.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of EXP with market cap of BTC or other crypto coins.


The code for Expanse crypto currency is #EXP.

Expanse is 8.6 years old.


The current market capitalization for Expanse is $55,832.

Expanse is ranking downwards to #1983 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a very weak daily trading volume on #EXP.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Expanse is $7.00.


The circulating supply of EXP is 53,127,457 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.


EXP is available on at least one crypto currency exchange.

View #EXP trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #EXP purchase.


Note that there are multiple coins that share the code #EXP, and you can view them on our EXP disambiguation page.



Expanse and Cambronline the bridge to sustainable development

KundaliniCoin DeFi Token from EXPANSE TECH chain - Meet A Defi more than Environmental token, KUNDALINICOIN is a cryptocurrency of global impact by merging the two bases of the economy of the future, the digital economy and the circular economy, therefore, it changes the perception of money as an end in itself; perceiving itself separate from our environmental responsibility. Now wealth thanks to KUNDALINICOIN is a means to contribute to the environment. — What does KUNDALINICOIN propose? - The first thing we must indicate is that all KUNDALINICOIN projects aim to collaborate with the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the UN in 2015, when the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development was approved, an opportunity for countries and their societies to embark on a new path with which to improve the lives of all, leaving no one behind. The Agenda has 17 Sustainable Development Goals, ranging from the elimination of poverty to combating climate change, education, women’s equality, environmental protection and the design of our cities. There is much talk of Digital Transformation (DT) in Enterprise Capital Management, and the idea is sometimes associated with including “devices”, “technifying companies” or “robotizing” them. However, what it aims to do is to improve strategic thinking by understanding how technology transforms employees, customers and consumers, generating new opportunities and bu...

Our vision of adoption in Latam

More than 3 years ago and with the arrival of Omar Alvarez to the ranks of Expanse, we began to grow in the Spanish-speaking market, we began to communicate in Spanish and hold meetings to introduce Expanse and its virtues in a market that we knew would be of great growth. Why did we think it would be big? Well, Latin America has been characterized by taking more mature adoption policies and learning from the mistakes of early adopters, this has allowed them to grow slowly, due to the economic level, but stable and permanent. After the announcement and approval of BTC as the official local currency in El Salvador, Expanse was already positioned within the region.“We have been accompanying the formation of Decentralamerica, the Central American blockchain association made up of 4 countries and now Nicaragua has joined to complete the region, our vision is to provide accessible tools and in their language to enthusiasts of creating blockchain solutions.”Explained Omar Alvarez Director of Expansion for Latin America Expanse supports these partnerships in order to be the solution to implement and provide the necessary documentation to new projects. “We are doing weekly lives in 3 countries to support the dissemination of Expanse in the region, we are already organized to provide support in Spanish and we currently have projects in commerce, environment, education and others” the adoption is slow but we are advancing in ...

The story of how Expanse got to Honduras — ExpanseTech

The story of how Expanse got to Honduras — ExpanseTech - — By Leo Paguada Founder of Xatruch - XatruchCoin was born as an experimental project between the talks of a group of cryptocurrency enthusiasts one night in May 2019, but it was until August 2019 that the first smart contract was created as an ERC20 within the Ethereum blockchain, and this is how the first version of what would very soon be the first decentralized currency in Honduras, based on cryptography and cutting-edge technology, comes out. During the end of 2019 and until March 2020, the first tests as a payment method began in some businesses that began to support the project by accepting it as a payment method, but the transaction costs were too high at that time to continue giving it daily use, Therefore, the decision was made to stop the project and start looking for another lower-cost alternative for users. This is how the rest of 2020 was used to work on more developments that would be part of the ecosystem that was intended to be created from the beginning, such as its e-commerce, free education academy for the community, and alliances with other organizations. Among those alliances came the alliance with Blockchain Honduras; a community of entrepreneurs, academics, developers, and enthusiasts who promote actions to be pioneers in the use and adoption of Blockchain technology in Honduras, who upon learning about the XatruchCoin project decid...

3 new tokens on Expanse — ExpanseTech

3 new tokens on Expanse — ExpanseTech - — EXPANSE CASH (EXC) - Bringing you the future of Decentralized Finance, on the best platform in existence. Enter, Expanse cash. The one and only fixed return staking token on the Expanse Network. The new kid on the the block: Expanse Cash is the first full scale DeFi Platform ever to be created on the Expanse network. We strive to bring innovation to where anyone can access it. Expanse Cash is offering daily staking rates of 0.5% on EXC only staking, 0.7% on EXC-EXP pair, as well as 0.6% on any other pairs. Our decentralized application at is built to be used by anyone, even if they aren’t familiar with the DeFi Space. A huge repository of guides is in the works and is set to release in just a few days in order to help newcomers join the platform. For more information and the EXC Litepaper go to! Its growth has been impressive, now having a liquidity of $ 13,384.00 and a price of $ 0.45 with 84M tokens one of the projects to watch, the have their own farm on and a lot of pairs, amazing project. TOKEN CONTRACT: 0x71c6a1ae78259f9e74cd4faa3f96cfd06d9e1616 — XTC XATRUCHCOIN - XatruchCoin is the first decentralized currency in Honduras, it can be defined as a digital currency, as well as a payment system. Its greatest importance lies in being a store of value based on blockchain technology, an invulnerable and decentralized network that gu...

Blockchain Guatemala — ExpanseTech

Blockchain Guatemala — ExpanseTech - — A project created by Expanse 3 years ago - For 3 years we have been betting on the Spanish-speaking market and by including Omar Alvarez in the team, he has made this job much easier. Omar has been in charge of the presentations and dissemination of Expanse in the Spanish-speaking market, giving workshops, talks, conferences, and visiting companies. The Spanish-speaking market and mainly in South America is growing a lot and Expanse is present, the work of the team has brought very good things to Expanse we have managed to have a close relationship with Promineros, the largest mining community in Latin America, work with a club of tennis in Spain, launch several tokens of the Spanish-speaking community such as Candy ( Sugar ), Xatruchcoin (XTC), Promineros (PRO), Svit, etc. 3 years ago and as part of our community of ambassadors we launched Blockchain Guatemala, a closed group on Facebook that had gone unnoticed but today is gaining strength, thanks to the support of Expanse we have built a stronger community and a super important stone for the formation of DeCentralAmerica , DeCentralAmerica is the Central American Blockchain Federation made up of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and Costa Rica, this adds many more people to the community and soon we will have meetings with Panama and Belize to continue growing. All these countries and their respective communities have a...

What is going in El Salvador and how Expanse is all-in with it — ExpanseTech

What is going in El Salvador and how Expanse is all-in with it — ExpanseTech - In just 3 days the President approved the Bitcoin law in El Salvador, after presenting it to Congress, this law passed without further debate. Nayib Bukele, announced by surprise that he would propose to Congress to convert this cryptocurrency into legal tender in the country; and taking advantage of the majority of the ruling party in the Assembly, the Bitcoin Law was approved without further debate. Thus, the so-called “Thumbelina of Central America” ​​made history by becoming the first country in the world that will allow bitcoin to be used by its population in the same way as the US dollar, the other currency present in the nation. The speed of approval and the absence of prior public analysis have caused great uncertainty about what this will mean for Salvadorans and other countries, financial organizations and foreign investors that maintain relations with El Salvador. But that first step has already been taken and everything was inspired in a small fishing town on the coast of the country that has been considered for days something like the world epicenter of the use of bitcoin. El Zonte earned this title when President Nayib Bukele cited it as the inspiration for his “Bitcoin Law” by which this cryptocurrency will coexist with the dollar as legal tender throughout El Salvador as of September 7. “You showed that this is...

The new Mining Algo — ExpanseTech

The new Mining Algo — ExpanseTech - A bold new development aims to make Expanse stand out among the mining crowd. An exciting new development aims to send Expanse in a bold new direction. Over the weekend, your favorite developer, Christopher Franko, released what he called “the first of many” Expanse Improvement Proposal (XIP for short). XIP 5 as it’s officially known outlines an exciting new mining algorithm that promises to make Expanse stand out among the crowd by making it more accessible to a wider range of processors. XIP 5 achieves this goal by eliminating a costly mechanism known as the DAG. DAG stands for Directed Acyclic Graph, and in ethash (the predecessor to Expanse new Frankohash, it serves as a mechanism for increasing the amount of memory it takes to perform a hash. In theory, adding a DAG to the hashing algorithm would prevent the creation of a class of novel processors known as ASICS. ASICS or (application specific integrated circuit) was the big boogey man at the time of Ethereum and Expanse release. People feared ASICS in those days because they feared the long term consolidation of mining by a few bad actors. Though that could potentially be a negative side effect, we can’t ignore the positive effect of having an entire industry form around the security of a single network either. On top of that, ASICS offer increased security for less energy consumption. In an energy conscious world that...

How to add a token to Metamask?

The way to show your balance on every token is by adding them to your wallet, to do that you will have to: — Step 1. — Press on the Add token button at the bottom of the account — Step 2. — Press on Custom token and enter the information for the most important Expanse tokens or a token deployed by you. You will need the Token contract address and Metamask will add the Token Symbol and the Decimals precision. Once you enter the token contract address the Symbol and Decimals will be autofill. — Token contract Address. — Here is a list of the Expanse Tokens on Eggswap LoveToken — 0x9D2761A714b5b2EfA325a8a3eee21BE32AACeB4A, T64–0x72332c512bf2dA5A7Cd11752b380F7d8fcBba847, LAB — 0x3b4cfcc4532eec161860cb6544f49947544d940d, WEXP 0x331631B4bb93b9B8962faE15860BD538a389395A, PEX 0x4f5ec5a69dbe12c48ca1edc9c52b1e8896aed932, GXP — 0x29a828f7d34769ae5d788bbbe505fa5b2abadf06, Lab — 0xa887adb722cf15bc1efe3c6a5d879e0482e8d197,

How to get an Expanse’s Wallet Address

Many have asked for the best way to get a wallet address on Expanse, one of the most popular forms used to be Coinomi but since Coinomi stopped listing it there have been many questions. (By the way Coinomi started charging huge sums for being on their app, that’s not cool!). So we leave you here a guide on two platforms to obtain your Expanse Wallet Address. — 1- The official way — The Mist Wallet. — How to get your Expanse wallet address in 3 steps. — Step 1. — First, we must download the Wallet from the official Expanse site and select your operating system and version. Install it on your computer and wait for it to sync. This may take a while depending on your internet speed. — Step 2. — Press the Add an account button and enter a password that you can remember and confirm the password. Make sure you backup your key files AND password! You can find your keyfiles folder using the main menu -> Accounts -> Backup -> Accounts. Keep a copy of the “keystore” folder where you can’t lose it! — Step 3. — Click on the generated Wallet Address and you can change the name, copy the address and start using it. — 2. My Ether wallet. — How to get your Expanse wallet Address in a simple anonymous wallet Enter and click on Create new Wallet purple section, Accept the terms from MEW and be aware that you are responsible for your...

Why this is the right time to invest in Expanse

It is evident that the digital currency markets are going to strengthen in the future in the light of the growing volumes of digital currency transactions and holdings. 2gether, a major fintech company, noted a 22% rise in trading volumes in a week in March itself, which is when the global economic lockdown was only beginning. It was, however, marked by a dip in the prices of Bitcoin which was attributed to the panic sell-off of Bitcoin holdings. On the other hand, experts have pointed out that the reason for the dip can be more accurately attributed to the halving process which is repeated every four years. These halving processes can be predicted by experts along with their specific impact on the prices, proving the stability of these tokens compared to more speculative financial asset classes. In fact, in April 2020, the prices of Bitcoin, which was the most traded cryptocurrency, rose to 6, 314.79 US Dollars. And by 7 May 2020, the per-unit value of Bitcoin had risen to over 10000 US dollars. The volatility of the financial and currency markets have been exposed clearly. It is more so now given that the pandemic makes physical contact difficult. As a result, paper-based transactions need to be reduced and mobile tracking of transactions along with more anonymity and protection of data is crucial. It is no surprise then that people are falling for cryptocurrencies. In fact, even international organizations like UNICEF are...

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