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ETHO Price   

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ETHO Price:
All Time High:
Market Cap:
$492.4 K

Circulating Supply:
Total Supply:
Max Supply:


The price of #ETHO today is $0.00854 USD.

The lowest ETHO price for this period was $0, the highest was $0.00854, and the current live price for one ETHO coin is $0.00854282.

The all-time high ETHO coin price was $0.28.

Use our custom price calculator to see the hypothetical price of ETHO with market cap of ETH or other crypto coins.


The code for Ether-1 crypto currency is #ETHO.

Ether-1 is 6.7 years old.


The current market capitalization for Ether-1 is $492,407.

Ether-1 is ranked #907 out of all coins, by market cap (and other factors).


There is a weak volume of trading today on #ETHO.

Today's 24-hour trading volume across all exchanges for Ether-1 is $159.


The circulating supply of ETHO is 57,639,978 coins, which is 100% of the total coin supply.


ETHO is available on several crypto currency exchanges.

View #ETHO trading pairs and crypto exchanges that currently support #ETHO purchase.



Introducing the Dynamic Multisig Bridge: A Game Changer in Blockchain Security

Security has always been at the forefront of our minds when it comes to the Etho Protocol. Learning from past experiences, we understand the importance of addressing the vulnerabilities that exist within blockchain bridges. In an ever-evolving digital landscape, we are proud to unveil our latest innovation: the Dynamic Multisig Bridge. This groundbreaking solution not only mitigates risks associated with single points of failure but also exemplifies the true potential of decentralized technology. — The Traditional Bridge: A Risky Affair - Before we dive into the details of our innovative multisig bridge, let’s examine the traditional bridge’s inner workings. In a conventional bridge, a single contract owner is responsible for burning and creating funds on both sides of the bridge. For instance, when moving from ERC20 to ETHO, funds are burned on the ERC-20 side and released from the ETHO account to the user transferring the funds. Conversely, when depositing funds into the bridge, ERC20 wETHO tokens are created and provided to the user. This process, however, exposes a glaring vulnerability: the owner of the burn and creation contracts is a single point of failure, a risk inherent in every bridge. — Enter the Dynamic Multisig Bridge: A Revolution in Security - Our ingenious development team, spearheaded by Dox, has devised a groundbreaking solution to this problem, the Dynamic Multisig Bridge. Instead of re...

The outlook for the Etho Protocol storage solution

After spending the last 6 months in the design department, the Etho Protocol storage product is getting ready for primetime. A complete redesign of storage contracts, significant upgrades to IPFS, top-notch encryption will make the platform called Etho Protocol IPFS Cloud (EPIC) a serious candidate for enterprise and consumer use cases. — Store and forget - A lot of data is actually bound to be stored for a certain amount of time. If you think about tax information, company results, custom declarations, exam copies, and insurance contracts, all of this data has one thing in common: they need to be stored for compliance reasons for a certain amount of time. EPIC is just made for this. You can store data on EPIC and it is managed by the blockchain. Delete data after 8 years, prolong data for additional 4 years, and transfer data to someone else: all these are prime virtues of the blockchain and an independent custodian for compliance data. All data can be encrypted using the private key of the blockchain wallet owner. To have encryption or not is natively supported by our SDK. In order to manage data programmatically, The team behind Etho Protocol provides an SDK to automate data handling, so that others can develop solutions on it. — Share and forget - Let us take another example: You can use EPIC as your private cloud. With encryption, files can be stored readable only by you. OR why not share a file for a wee...

Alpha Wallet: A mobile wallet for Etho Protocol for iOS and Android

Developing our own mobile wallet takes time and diverts resources from our mission to build a decentralised internet. So when you can not do it yourself, get friends from the internet: welcome alpha wallet — an Ethereum-based wallet for both iOS and Android, open-sourced and on GitHub. — Onboarding ETHO - Let us take the iOS version as an example. We head to the Apple app store and search for the Alpha Wallet. They have a fairly new compiled version available with the latest updates. — Step 1: Adding the ETHO network - Let us start rolling and fire up the freshly download Alpha Wallet. First we are asked to either import an existing wallet or to start a new wallet. WE go for the latter one. Then we can select the networks of our liking. Unfortunately ETHO is not yet as popular as the big cryptos, but the time will come… In the example, we go with Ethereum only.Left: Alpha wallet after opening, Right: Selection of networks You can add more networks anytime. Now we add ETHO. In order to do so you need to go to “Settings” in the lower right corner of the screen. This opens the Settings Menu and we head for “Select active network”Left: ETH has been added , next we go via Settings to Select Active Networks This brings us to a screen where we could again the main networks but on the top right side of the screen we can see a + sign to add custom RPC Networks. As browsing currently is not working ...

Pine is fine too to build the decentralised internet

Ok, we got bitten. We had to try to run an ETHO Protocol node on a Pine64 and no surprise it works. The Pine 64 is a bit more difficult to set up, but it is also much cheaper than the Raspberry Pi. First, you need to flash an image to get Debian/ubuntu up and running. We have been using the Jammy release from here: The direct download can be done from here and then flashed with for instance Etcher, a popular SD card flashing tool. As for the Raspberry Pi there are some HW constraints: So what is needed? A Pine64 with SD card, An internet connection, Some ETHO to stake, Etho Protocol offers different node instances which have different requirements on the HW: A gateway node requires at least a Rock 64 with 4GB of memory, with a 128GB SD card, and requires 30k ETHO for staking, A master node requires at least a Rock 64 / Pine A64 with 2GB of memory with a 64GB SD card, requires 15k ETHO for staking, A service node requires at least a Rock64 / Pine A64 with 1GB of memory with a 32GB SD card, requires 5k ETHO for staking, gives a good overview So let us get started. — Pine 64 surrection - We power on the device by connecting it to a power supply, keyboard, HDMI monitor and ethernet. When Pine boots it typically takes time as the flash storage gets resized. But you can follow the progress on the connected screen. When this process is finalized you need to log in via a keyboard and specify...

Building the decentralized internet Pi by Pi

Running the IPFS cloud from Etho Protocol is fun and economic In order to build a censorship-free, distributed and decentralised internet you do not need a lot. In fact: a raspberry Pi is a great building block to start tapping your toes into an IPFS cloud using ETHO Protocol, a great crypto project. What do you gain? Fun, the knowledge to contribute to something big and You earn ETHO providing an IPFS node. So what is needed? A Raspberry Pi with SD card, An internet connection, Some ETHO to stake, Etho Protocol offers different node instances which have different requirements on the HW: A gateway node requires at least a Raspberry Pi 3B with 1GB of memory, with a 128GB SD card, requires 30k ETHO for staking, A master node requires at least a Raspberry Pi 4 with 2GB of memory with a 64GB SD card, requires 15k ETHO for staking, A service node requires at least a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB of memory with a 32GB SD card, requires 5k ETHO for staking, So let us get started. — The Raspberry PI - Depending on the node you want to build, get yourself a 256GB SD card and install a standard PI OS as per the following link.We choose the LITE version of the Raspberry Pi OS, which can be found under Raspberry Pi OS (other)We use the 64bit version of the Lite OS Then there we will also edit the configuration options by clicking on that button.Creating a hostname and adding the ether1node user with a secure password. Now w...

How to mint an NFT on Etho Protocol and store it on its distributed IPFS

Etho Protocol has now EVM compatible NFT support EthoProtocol is an Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) capable blockchain providing IPFS. It just has been upgraded to the latest functionality via a hard fork. This is an important step forward as it provides solidity compatibility and at the same time solves the problem of permanence, copyright and proof.Proof of originality When an NFT is created and linked to a digital file that lives on some other system, how the data is linked is very important. There are a few reasons why traditional HTTP links aren’t a great fit. Why? An HTTP link is pointing to some content that can be changed at any time. In the case of IPFS, the CID or IPFS hash is pointing to the content. Adding data to IPFS generates a content identifier (CID) that’s directly derived from the data itself. Because a CID can only ever refer to one piece of content, we know that nobody can replace or alter the content without breaking the link. So as long as the hash is available in the IPFS network, the content is there and the hash can be resolved. Also when creating a CID, that process is logged on the blockchain. If You are the rightful owner of the digital property, you can prove that you are the owner Moreover You can prove when it has been submitted in time. If another NFT with the same CID comes up later, it must be created later and therefore it is a copy.IPFS on Etho protocol Etho Protocol provides not onl...

Meet the team behind ETHO Protocol, again

ETHO Protocol has had its fair share of drama over the last 6 months, so a good time to open a new chapter.Drama Working on a blockchain project is an interesting experience. Most people have been in projects before, which didn’t work out, where developers left or teams just broke apart. Nevertheless, most people try it again, the space is just too interesting. It is a wild time and you are in the midst of it: maybe this resembles the wild west and the feeling people have had at that time. I wrote an article a year ago talking about this great project I bumped into: Ether-1 on the transition to Etho Protocol. A founder, some devs, business developers. It seemed to be a great team. Being burned in another project I was hoping for a change. This time I would work in a team and achieve something bigger. Most teams are spread over the world and work remotely. Maybe this is one reason why it is much more difficult to read people. Well, it was after a while it turned out that the team was not fully functional. One part didn’t talk to the other part, didn’t have meetings and it turned out that the founder sometimes just goes dark. As a new entrance into the team, you try to help out, and for a while, it seemed all good until from almost nowhere: the big bang. A question arose on accountability and the founder just exploded. Moreover, he turned dark and then sadly rogue. What happened then is a fight between the founder to ki...

Deploying Blockscout Explorer for Etho Protocol

Updated 9th March 2022 I am writing this article as deploying blockscout turned out to be more complicated than I thought for our ETHO protocol project I am engaged in. ETHO protocol is an EVM blockchain with IPFS capability. Blockscout is a robust explorer for EVM chains and it has been working for a lot of chains.It works — does it? Deploying blockscout in docker seems to be fairly easy. Spinning up a VPS with 6 cores, 200GB SSD and 8Gbps was thought to be good enough. However, after a while all 6 cores would run at 100% load and some strange processes seems to hog the CPUs.The top processes from htop show /tmp/kevtmpfsi and some other scripts to occupy the VPS Some research showed fast what is ongoing, the VPS gets highjacked by a Kinsing cryptocurrency miner. There are some good reads here showing how this is happening. Docker has some implications on security, which we need to take into account to have a safe deployment:Docker should be run as a non root userDocker needs to be locked down not to mess with the UFW firewall, as it turned out that docker exposed the Postgres port externally and allowed then the miner to exploit the security weaknessWhat needs to be done to make it work Here is a tutorial where we start from a clean VPS with Ubuntu 20. First, we start by creating a new user and provide sudo rights to that useradduser fdm usermod -aG sudo fdm As we are on it we also enable the ufw firewall. We u...

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